Tempt My Trouble (Knights of Mayhem Book 1)

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Tempt My Trouble (Knights of Mayhem Book 1) Page 22

by K. A. Ware

  “We didn’t see anything,” she said, taking my hand and pulling me past Harley and toward my room.

  Harley offered an appreciative smile and hurried down the hall, ducking into the bathroom next to Chain’s office.

  “What the hell is he thinking?” I asked aloud, closing my bedroom door behind us.

  Rabbit collapsed onto the bed and kicked off her shoes. “I don’t know, but you said yourself, they’ve got shit to work out. It’s probably best to let them figure it out on their own.”

  “She’s the President’s daughter, that’s so far past don’t-fucking-go-there territory. And Harley? She’s a fucking basket case. When this blows up in their faces the entire club is gonna feel that shit.” I paced in front of the bed, my head spinning. With everything else going on, what the fuck was Jester thinking adding to the chaos?

  There had been tension between Harley and Jester for as long as I could remember, and after Nate’s death, they’d barely talked to each other without it ending in either slammed doors or tears on Harley’s account. I should’ve known something was up with them. The clues were all there. I just hadn’t put them together.

  “Oh please, you don’t raise a biker princess and expect her to end up with an accountant. Is it really that shocking that she’d gravitate toward a brother?” Rabbit asked as she watched me continue to pace.

  “Aren’t you surprised at all? They were just at each other’s throats a couple hours ago.”

  Rabbit rolled her eyes. “We’ve done the same damn thing. It’s foreplay for them. I called that shit Friday night.”

  I stopped my pacing and studied her. “What happened Friday?”

  She grinned. “Harley showed up while you guys were in the chapel. She was pissed about Jester putting a breathalyzer in her car, he showed up, and they got into it. Ended with him throwing her over his shoulder and taking her back to his room for what I’m sure was some wild monkey sex.”

  “You didn’t think to mention it before?” I asked. Why would she keep something like that from me?

  She just shrugged. “Not my story to tell.”

  I huffed out a laugh. “You’re good at keeping secrets, aren’t you?” I mumbled, more pissed at the fact that it seemed like I was the last to know than I was at her.

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” she shot back, getting to her feet.

  I felt the frustration I’d been dealing with start to morph into something else. I was sick and tired of playing this back and forth game and now was as good a time as any to clear the fucking air. “Cut the shit, Rabbit. You know exactly what that means.”

  Her hands went automatically to her hips, and she glared up at me. “Don’t pick a fight with me just because you’re pissed about Jester and Harley. That’s pathetic.”

  “Pathetic? Who’s tryin’ to pick a fight now?” I tossed back.

  She reached for her shoes, shoving her feet back into them. “I’m not going to do this with you. I’m going home.”

  “Figures. Yeah, go ahead and run away, it’s what you do best.” I was letting the alcohol do the talking for me and instantly regretted my words.

  Rabbit’s eyes got tight, and she took a step closer to face off with me. “Why don’t you just say what you want to say instead of pussyfooting around it?”

  “Fine, you want the truth? If we’re gonna do this, you gotta give me more. I’ve been as honest as I can be with you, but you’ve given me nothing in return. I don’t even know where you grew up. What’s so bad that you can’t even tell me that?”

  “It’s not that simple,” she said, averting her eyes.

  “Isn’t it though?” I pressed, my voice growing louder. “I haven’t done a damn thing to make you think you can’t trust me yet here we are. I’ve been pretty clear about what I want, but you’re still keeping me at arm’s length. What do I have to do to make you see that I’m not gonna turn and run?”

  “I’m giving you everything I can!” she screamed.

  “Bullshit!” I shot back. “You haven’t batted an eye at any of the shit that comes along with club life. I’m not fucking stupid. I heard you talking to Stella last week. If you tell me what’s got you running scared, I can help you, protect you.”

  Her answering laugh was utterly devoid of humor. “Protect me? No one can fucking protect me.”

  Throwing my hands in the air, I let out a growl of frustration. “Jesus Finley, I’m not asking for blood, just the damn truth.”

  Her face fell. “You called me Finley.”

  “It’s your name, isn’t it?” I snapped, pissed that she was still missing the point.

  She took a step back, her arms coming up to hug herself. “You never call me that.”

  “What’s your point?”

  “I don’t like it,” she said softly, her entire demeanor changing.

  Tilting my head back, I stared at the ceiling, willing myself to calm the fuck down. Yelling and getting pissed wasn’t going to help my situation. Taking a deep breath, I took a step forward and pulled her into my arms.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered into her hair. I hoped like hell that I hadn’t fucked up everything we’d been working toward.

  To my surprise, she molded herself to me, wrapping her arms around my waist. “I get why you’re pissed. It’s just not something that’s easy for me to talk about. And I don’t want to make my problems your problems, that’s not fair.”

  Pulling away, I took her face between my hands and forced her to look up at me. “Babe, we’re already there. I’m all in. Have been for a while, just waitin’ on you to figure it out.”

  She stared up at me, eyes searching, for what I didn’t know. Tears pooled in her eyes, but she took a deep breath and swallowed them down. Taking my hand, she guided me to the bed. We just sat there for a few minutes, and I was just about to say something, anything to break the silence, when she started talking.

  “I was raised in a club.”

  I nodded but didn’t say anything. She was like a caged animal with the way she was fidgeting. I didn’t want to spook her.

  “I changed my name to Finley four years ago. My given name is Norah O’Brien. My father was Lucky O’Brien, President of the Satan’s Sinners MC and my mom was a club whore.”

  My eyes fell closed as the pieces started clicking together. Her blasé attitude about club life, how skittish she was about starting shit with me, the Sinner in the parking lot at Moonlight. Things were beginning to make sense finally.

  “Growing up, it was a lot like today, like a family. Stella and I would run around with the other kids, life was good, the club was solid, and my dad was the best. But shit started to change when I was a teenager. My dad was in and out of jail, and the club suffered for it. Suddenly, the club wasn’t as safe as it used to be,” she said, pulling her knees up to her chest.

  Whatever she was remembering, it wasn’t good. “What do you mean?”

  “I used to study at the clubhouse after school. Rowdy bikers were a better alternative than trying to cram for a test with my mom screaming at me about something or another. One day I headed to the club after school to study for a test in Bio, I’d just gotten my driver’s license, so any excuse to drive, you know? I got set up on the couch, and I was going through my flashcards when one of the brothers came over. I didn’t think anything of it. I’d grown up around most of these guys. They were family.”

  “But not this guy?” I asked, not liking where her story was going.

  Her eyes were clouded with memories as she continued. “No, he’d only been with the club for a couple of years. He started hitting on me, I tried to blow him off, but he wasn’t taking no for an answer. He got aggressive, pushed me down on the couch and tried to get into my pants. Thankfully, Bomber, my dad’s best friend, came in and pulled him off.”

  As difficult as it was, I willed myself to stay put. Rabbit was finally opening up. I couldn’t lose my shit and risk her shutting down again. “What happened after that?”

  “Bomber beat the shit out of him and sent me home. Told me not to come back until my dad was out of lockup.”

  “What did your dad do when he got out?” I asked, knowing how shit would play out if it were my club. That shit wouldn’t have happened in the Knight’s clubhouse, but if it did, the motherfucker would be a dead man walking.

  Her lips flattened into a line, and she blinked rapidly, trying to keep the tears that were threatening at bay. “He didn’t. He was killed inside two years later, a month before he was supposed to be released.”

  “I’m sorry that happened to you. Makes sense that you’d be leery of someone like me after that.”

  She scoffed, eyes on the ceiling as a few tears escaped, running down her cheek. “We haven’t even scratched the surface.”

  The pit of dread that had been growing in my stomach doubled in size as I waited for her to continue. I wasn’t naïve, I knew not all MCs were the same, bikers caught a bad rap for a reason.

  “Things went downhill from there. I was supposed to go off to college, and my dad was going to watch over Stella for me, that was the deal, but he was dead. I’d already cut ties from the club except for Bomber. He told me the hit came from inside, a coup to take over the club. Things were getting dangerous. The MC was going down a bad road, and I had to get out. Stella was fourteen, I left her there and came down here to go to PSU. I should’ve never done that.”

  “You can’t blame yourself for her decisions,” I said, trying and failing to comfort her. Stella was open about her past drug use and seemed to be doing well. Rabbit couldn’t take that on.

  “I can, and I do. I left her to fend for herself in a den of wolves. I was so wrapped up in what I was doing I didn’t even see the signs, I didn’t want to.” She struggled to get the words out before breaking into sobs. The gates had opened, and there was no closing them now. Rabbit leaned into my side, and I held her close while she cried.

  She pulled herself together, sitting up and wiping the tears from her eyes. She took my hand, squeezing it as she cleared her throat. “I finally pulled my head out of my ass and realized something was wrong, so I got in my car and drove up to Tacoma to find out what the fuck was going on. Found Stella passed out in a shithole, high as hell on heroin. Our mother pimped her out to the club for drugs, and she’d started using just to get through the fucking day. She was only seventeen, they’d been passing her around for two years, and I had no idea.”

  Rage tore through my veins, and I suddenly wanted to take every last one of those fuckers to ground personally.

  “No one helped her? Not even that guy Bomber?” I couldn’t imagine something like that happening to Risa.

  Rabbit sniffled and shook her head. “He went nomad after I left for college, most of the old guys that were loyal to my dad did. They had no idea how bad it had gotten. Lost touch with Bomber a year before I found her like that. He changed his number, and my letters started getting returned. Still, don’t know what happened to him.” She straightened, clearing her throat before she went on. “I packed up Stella’s shit and brought her home with me. I had to take a semester off to get her clean, but we figured it out.”

  Her story was heartbreaking, but there was one thing I still didn’t understand. “Why are you still scared?”

  “After I got Stella out of there, I called in an anonymous tip to the cops. Told them there were drugs and women being held against their will at the club. They must’ve had some kind of evidence on the MC already because I saw on the news that they’d raided the clubhouse. They didn’t find any girls, but they made seven arrests on drug charges.”

  She’d ratted them out. Rabbit was right to be scared, that was as good as a death sentence. Not that I blamed her after what they did to her sister, she was out of options. “You think they know it was you?”

  “I wasn’t sure until the night at Moonlight, but yeah, I think it’s safe to say I’m at the top of their list of suspects,” she said, finally meeting my eyes. “Now do you understand?”

  I nodded, taking a minute to choose my words carefully. “We’re going to handle the Sinners.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Club business, been brewin’ for a while. Can’t say much else, but you won’t have to worry about them anymore.”

  She blew out a breath, fresh tears trailing down her cheeks. “I hope you’re right.”

  I held her tight as she cried, offering words of comfort whenever I could, but words didn’t mean shit. Rabbit fell asleep in my arms, and I settled us both back onto the bed.

  Sleep didn’t find me for a long time as I thought about everything she’d told me. I had a new reason to want every last Sinner buried six feet under and she was curled up next to me. They’d hurt my woman, hurt her family. I wouldn’t rest until all of them burned in hell.

  Warm. So fucking warm and wet.

  Groaning, I peeled my eyes open, looking down to see red waves splayed over my thighs as Rabbit worked my cock with her mouth. My hands automatically sifted through her hair, pulling the curtain of auburn locks away from her face. I watched, captivated. She’d lost her clothes at some point while I slept, giving me a mouthwatering view of her heavy tits swaying with each upstroke.

  She had the most perfect tits I’d ever laid eyes on. Full and heavy, sloping upwards ever so slightly and perfect pink nipples, each adorned with a simple but hot as hell barbell. I’d fucked my share of bitches—thick, thin, big ass, flat ass, huge fake tits, and nothin’ but nipple. I’d tasted every flavor of the rainbow and none of them, not a single one, held a candle to the woman kneeling between my thighs.

  Rabbit’s tongue flicking and twirling around the head of my cock had me ready to bust my nut far too soon. I tamped back the urge. My hips jerked, and I used the leverage of my hands tangled in her hair to fuck myself up into her mouth, relishing in the way she gagged a little when I hit the back of her throat. The move must’ve worked for her too because she redoubled her efforts, taking as much of me as she could. The pressure as she took me into her throat was incredible. My balls tightened, and a ripple of electricity shot down my spine.

  I came on a groan of pleasure and satisfaction. Rabbit sucked me dry, licking up every last drop and flicking the sensitive head with her tongue.

  “You’re fuckin’ perfect. You know that?” I asked when I finally regained the ability to speak.

  She laughed, crawling up the bed to lay beside me. “I am pretty great, huh?”

  “The best,” I said, rolling on top of her.

  She smiled up at me, all evidence of the emotional rollercoaster from last night gone. “How will you ever show your gratitude?”

  I grinned down at her. “Got a few ideas,” I said, kissing a trail down her body.

  I loved the way her hips would rock in anticipation whenever my lips were on her skin. An involuntary reflex that drove me crazy, it was like she couldn’t get close enough and the feeling was mutual.

  She sucked in a breath, and her stomach dipped as my tongue ghosted along her bare skin. I rode high on the way she responded to my touch, the impatient little noises she made in the back of her throat.

  I lazily licked at her folds, my tongue flicking her clit at random intervals, causing her to squirm beneath me. Pinning her legs down with my forearms, I held her as still as I could while I continued to tease and torture her. By the time she started cursing my name, I was ready for round two.

  Climbing over her, I lifted her legs, hooking them around my back and entered her wet heat with a single thrust. Her breath caught, and she arched into me. Liking the way her eyes lit with fire when I teased her, I pulled almost all the way out of her, pausing long enough to earn a frustrated growl from my Rabbit.

  “Would you stop screwing around and fuck me?” she bit out, eyes burning with annoyance.

  “Like this?” I asked, pushing in just an inch and then retreating again.

  I repeated the process a few more times, watching her grow even more frustrated.
She dug her heels into my ass, trying to get me to move the way she wanted, but I was stronger than her, and easily resisted her attempts.

  Without warning and in an impressive show of strength, Rabbit hooked her left leg around my thigh and planted her right foot on the bed, using her hips and hands to push me to the side. In a split second, I was on my back with her on top, smiling down at me as she sank down, taking my cock to the root.

  It felt incredible, so much so I couldn’t even be pissed that I’d been bested. My hands glided up the smooth skin of her thighs to her trim waist as she found her rhythm. Tipping her head back, she rocked her hips, picking up the pace. Letting my hands roam, I watched as she used my body, lost in her own world as she took what she wanted. It was sexy as fuck.

  Rabbit leaned forward, bracing herself with a hand to the mattress on either side of my head. Her swaying tits in my face called to me. Reaching between us, I plucked at her nipples, lifting my head to take one of the barbells into my mouth. My hands slipped up her back to her shoulders, and I retook control, using my grip for leverage as I bucked up into her.

  “Fuck, oh fuck,” she gasped as I sucked hard on her tight peak.

  “Give it to me, all of it,” I growled, my teeth sinking into the flesh where her neck met her shoulder.

  She met me thrust for thrust, and soon I felt her walls tighten and pulse around my cock as she found her climax, a high pitched keening spilling from her lips. With her pussy like a vice around my dick, I exploded, filling her up with my release.

  I relaxed back into the mattress, taking Rabbit with me. Neither of us moved to separate our connection as we laid there catching our breath. The sweet scent of coconuts surrounded me as Rabbit fit her head just under my chin. My fingers absently drew circles on her back, and I was lost in thought when she broke the silence.

  “About last night…” she whispered, trailing off.

  I knew we’d have to have this conversation. I just wasn’t expecting it at that moment. “No need to explain. I get why you kept that shit bottled up tight. I’m just glad you decided to trust me.”


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