Reckless Love

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Reckless Love Page 1

by Kendall Ryan

  Copyright © 2015 Kendall Ryan

  Editing and Formatting by Pam Berehulke, Bulletproof Editing

  Cover Design by Helen Williams, All Booked Out

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes only.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  About the Book

  One reckless fighter.

  One night of passion she can't forget.

  The battle for sex and love is fierce and unrelenting.

  And love is about to knock him on his ass.

  Reckless Love can be read as a standalone novel, but is a follow up to the New York Times and USA Today bestseller Hard to Love.



  The worst part about training mode was the no-pussy rule.

  My intense training schedule, brutal workouts, and strict diet were nothing compared to the hell of not being able to satisfy my needy cock. I had a fight in less than a week, which meant I wasn’t going to see any action anytime soon, and the beautiful girl bouncing before me pushed every button I had. Pornographic thoughts ripped through my brain, making it difficult to concentrate on anything but the pulse throbbing in my erection.

  A one-way mirror in the office faced the gym’s solitary treadmill. I’d come in to grab a drink from the mini fridge and was in the office when MacKenzie arrived, so when she jumped on the treadmill for her morning run, I figured I might as well sit for a minute and take in the view. But it was such a fucking cocktease, I wanted to punch someone.

  Her body was a twelve out of ten. My dick was telling me to pull her hot ass off the treadmill, take her in the shower, spread her legs, and give her the best fuck she’d ever had.

  MacKenzie was a treat for all the senses. From the breathy gasps of exertion pushing past her parted lips, to the rhythmic way her tits bounced, and the delectable feminine scent of deodorant and sweat I could smell whenever I was stupid enough to wander near her.

  Though it wasn’t just about her fantastic tits and perfect ass. She had those in spades, but there was more to her. I could see it in her now. When most people went for a run, their faces relaxed and their eyes became unfocused as they zoned out. Their body might be running, but their mind was somewhere else as they bobbed along to their music.

  When Kenzie ran, it wasn’t just her body in motion. Behind her gentle expression was a sense of determination. Initially I thought she was running away from something, but there was no fear in her eyes, only clarity of purpose. No, she wasn’t running from anything, she was running toward something.

  Strength and determination in a woman were sexy as hell. I added those attributes to the list of things I liked about this girl, as if there weren’t enough already. I loved watching her push forward. Her confidence and her zing, combined with her…

  Well, combined with her amazing tits. Perky and palm-sized, they were perfect. I couldn’t stop watching them bounce as she ran, the same way they would bounce if she rode me. Who invented one-way mirrors? I could fucking kiss them.

  But I’d had my chance with her, and I screwed it up. Now she wouldn’t give me the time of day.

  So this was all I could do—sit and watch from afar. Or nearby, now that she worked at the gym I trained in every single day. I should have switched gyms when she started working here, but all my fights were set up through the owner, Chris. Besides, Chris had worked hard to get me where I was today. Leaving him now that I was finally on the verge of breaking through would be a dick move.

  So I was stuck. Who could dream up a more frustrating hell?


  My morning run was always better if I had a good view from the treadmill. The free weights were set up right next to my machine, and since I was at a mostly male gym that focused on mixed martial arts fighting, my odds for having a great run were excellent.

  Today, however, the view was rather dismal. There were only a few guys lifting weights, and they were featherweights. I hated to use the word scrawny with any of these guys, because they all had serious muscle, but compared to the other guys at the gym, they were a bit…smallish.

  Since there was nothing good to look at while I ran, I zoned out. I couldn’t help it. At only nine in the morning, a girl was allowed to mentally check out for a moment or two. So I was startled when Ian came out of the office just a few feet from me. Almost fell off the dang machine.

  The one-way mirror in the office looked right out onto the treadmill. How long had he been back there? Not that he would have seen anything he liked. The prick.

  Our eyes met for a second. His square jaw clenched and his cool blue gaze darted away from mine. He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. The small motion emphasized the bulging arm muscles that came out of his shirtsleeve. I swallowed and caught myself licking my lips. I hated that my body still wanted him, that I still wanted him.

  He paused for a moment next to the treadmill and chewed his lip as if he was considering saying hello.

  Keep walking, asshat.

  As if he’d heard my thoughts, he started moving again up to the front of the gym.

  Cade was here. I waved across the room to him. Every Saturday morning, Cade came to spar with Ian. It was cute how they worked at their little bromance, even though Cade and Alexa were practically married and spent all their time together.

  I saw Alexa every Thursday on our regular girls’ night, but that was often the only time I’d see her now that we no longer worked together at the hospital. I sometimes worried that all it would take was Cade popping the question for her to be pulled away from me altogether. I was used to saying good-bye to people, but Alexa had been around so long, she was like family. The only family I’d ever had, really. Growing up in foster homes, I’d never had anyone who was a forever person, but Alexa was close, the closest I’d come.

  Um, and not in that way, either. I was into guys. And speaking of guys, my view had just improved exponentially.

  Ian was in the practice cage with Cade, and they both had their shirts off. Mmm. Cade—Mr. Former Porn Star—had a nice chest. I could see why they paid him to take it all off, but he wasn’t really my type. He was such a nice guy. Who would have thought the adult-film star who could pull off a four-hour erection would be such a sweetie? Also, Alexa would kick my ass just for appreciating his nice pecs. Or she’d try, anyway.

  Ian, on the other hand, I could hardly put into words. He trained here at the gym six hours a day, six days a week, and had the body to prove it. His arms were rock hard, and his shoulder and back muscles were defined and firm. I wanted to trace my fingers along them and tickle his skin. And his abs—

  Oops. I almost fell off the treadmill trying to see his abs. Anyway, his abs were flipping solid. I didn’t know why they call them a six-pack since he clearly had eight well-defined muscles there, and I would love to run my tongue over each and every one of them.

  Don’t even get me started with his eyes. Cool blue, and always so serious and business-like, but deep. Sometimes I thought back to that night, the way he looked at me as if he was going to take care of me. As if he’d never let anyone hurt me.

  It was so easy to fall into his gaze that night and lose myself. It made me wish I could get wrapped up in him again.

  But I never would. Not after that night.



  I was having a hard time not killing Cade. It was easier blocking his hits than it was keeping him uninjured. “Take out your tampon and fight, you pussy,” I taunted.

  Now that he’d pretty much given up
fighting, I could wipe the floor with him blindfolded with both hands tied behind my back. But the guy was like a brother to me, so I took it easy on him. Or at least, I tried not to send him to the ER.

  Cade threw himself at me harder. “I have documented proof that I’m no pussy. I know you’ve seen my videos. It’s all there. All ten inches of lady-loving meat,” he spat, hitting back at me verbally.

  What a douche-rocket. He might be my best friend, but there was no way in hell I’d ever watch one of his old porn videos. I shuddered at the thought.

  He almost got a hit in. It was hard to pay attention when MacKenzie was running on that damn treadmill. It was impossible to look away when she ran in those tight, ass-hugging shorts and that tank top—the kind with a built-in bra that hardly supported her beautiful tits as she bounced along.

  I tugged at my own baggy shorts. Down, boy.

  I knew it would be stupid to hire MacKenzie on as the gym medic. She was a distraction. But when I’d heard she was laid off from the hospital, I couldn’t stand the idea of her being without a job, so I’d talked Chris into hiring her. Not that she knew anything about my involvement with her employment here. It was better that she not know.

  But I wasn’t the only one distracted by her. The minute she started, there was a spike in fight-related injuries. I didn’t know if her hot ass was distracting the guys, or if they’d deliberately ramped up their machismo to gain her attention—and got themselves hurt in the process. Hell, I wouldn’t have been surprised if the little shits were faking injury just to steal some one-on-one time with her.

  Cade socked me in the gut.

  “Oof.” I fought for breath and clutched my abdomen, which smarted like a bitch. And that was why you had to remain focused in the cage.

  I turned my attention back to Cade, who was dancing around like a little boy, damn proud of himself for that last hit. Good for him. “You hit like a five-year-old,” I told him, but he could tell I was still trying to catch my breath.

  Cade smirked at me. “Maybe if you stopped thinking about your dick and got into the fight, you wouldn’t be losing to a hobby fighter right now.”

  Oh, it’s on.

  I bounced around him as I got my breathing under control, then charged him, picked him up into a fireman’s hold, and took us both down to the mat. Still careful to not kill the poor guy. I easily pulled him into a hold and applied pressure.

  “Who’s a pussy?” I asked.

  He twisted around. “You are,” he grumbled with a smile.

  I applied more pressure. “Who’s a pussy?”

  His face turned red, but he held out a few more beats before he couldn’t stand it anymore. “I am,” he grunted through clenched teeth.

  “Good boy.”

  I released him and helped him back up on his feet. As we resumed sparring, I happened to glance over to the treadmill again. The owner of the gym, Chris, had stopped to talk to MacKenzie. He put his hand on her shoulder and leaned in. My stomach clenched again, and this time it had nothing to do with the earlier hit.

  Cade took advantage of my newfound ADD and knocked me off my feet. Dragging in a deep gulp of air, I tried to fend off the sting of pain I knew was coming.


  “Shit,” I shouted as I jumped off the treadmill and ran to grab my medic bag from the office.

  Cade had hooked Ian in the jaw, sending him to the mat. I’d only been working at the gym for a month, but I’d never seen Ian fall before. I was so shocked, it took me a second to realize why I was rushing over to him. He was still on the mat when I got there, awake and wincing at the ceiling.

  “Ian,” I said, my voice unsteady. I put my hand on his chest, which rose and fell rapidly from his heavy breathing, then leaned over him. “Ian, are you okay?”

  His eyes were open but he turned away, glaring at the wall as if he was pissed at something. When he finally turned up to look at me, his anger faded.

  My breath caught. It was the first time I’d looked him in the eye since that night, and I couldn’t believe how intense it was. He seemed so serious, and yet so in need of my touch, that before I could restrain myself I put my hand on his cheek, brushing his skin lightly with my thumb. His jaw was rough with stubble and sweaty from fighting. Heat zinged up my arm as memories flooded my brain.

  “Are you hurt?” I asked, not sure why he hadn’t yet responded. Maybe there was something wrong. “Ian?” My voice shook again as I moved to check the rest of his body, but he put up his gloved hand and turned my face back to his, making me lose myself in his eyes once more.

  “I’m fine, Kenzie,” he said in a low, raspy voice that made my insides melt. He took my hand in his and squeezed it gently. His fingerless gloves allowed the tips of his calloused fingers to scrape gently against the palm of my hand.

  Then something changed in his eyes, and he pushed my hands away from him as he chuckled. “Don’t worry, hon. I was just trying to give Cade a confidence boost.”

  He laughed, dropped my hand, and sat up. Ignoring me, he rubbed his hand over his short golden-brown hair as he looked at the floor, then turned his back to me and stood up.

  What the…?

  Then I remembered why I was mad at Ian, why I’d been burning him with icy glares ever since that night. The night that I didn’t let myself think about.

  “You really do think you’re all that, don’t you?” I said. “You don’t need a nurse. Your injuries are all mental. I can’t help you, you need a shrink.” I got up and turned to walk away as I fought back tears.

  Damn, I was such a baby. Why couldn’t I just get over him? Why did I have to keep on getting pulled back in? Maybe I should have never taken this job. Of course, being near him was part of the draw, if I was being honest with myself.

  The gym owner, Chris, came over and put an arm around me. “You okay, MacKenzie?”

  I nodded and balled up my fists, digging my fingernails into my palms. It was a trick I’d learned to hold back the tears. I hated crying in front of people, showing them how weak I was. The pain of my nails biting into my skin pulled me out of the emotional drama and back to the real world.

  “Sorry. I know I shouldn’t bring my personal crap into work. It won’t happen again.” I moved to go, because I wanted to run to the bathroom and clean myself up, but Chris stopped me.

  “Don’t worry about it. You know you can talk to me right?” he asked.

  I looked up at him. Chris had hired me last month, shortly after I was laid off from the hospital. Cade hooked me up with the interview, even though I was pretty sure it pissed Ian off that I was here. Chris interviewed me and after hiring me, had oriented me to the gym, but I still hadn’t spent that much time with him.

  Chris was in his late twenties. Before he was injured, he fought as a heavyweight, which meant he was the size of a frigging fridge. He needed a cane to walk now, but that didn’t stop him from working out and keeping in shape. Whenever he had free time from his appointments, I’d find him working out. His shirt more than hinted at the firm muscles he maintained. His jawline was strong, and his head was shaved. I preferred my men with hair, but he wore it okay.

  He gave me a smile. “Why don’t we go out to lunch and you can tell me about it?”


  Cade’s punch had caught me by surprise, knocking me off-balance, and I couldn’t recover my footing so I went down. But apart from a sore jaw and bruised ego, I would live. That didn’t stop MacKenzie from rushing over to check on me.

  She leaned over me, resting gentle fingers on my bare chest. Her long honey-colored hair brushed against my skin, and just like that, I was hers. Totally dumbstruck and hers. I couldn’t even fucking talk.

  But when my dick jumped up just as she turned to look at the rest of my body, I had to stop her. That was all I needed, for her to see me with a post-knockout boner. Here she was trying to make sure I wasn’t hurt, and all I could do was get hard, as if she were some piece of meat. That made me just as bad as all the other tu
rds at the gym. So I’d pulled her face back to look at me, only there was so much worry in her eyes, and all I wanted to do was take her in my arms and hold her and tell her I was okay.

  God, I should have. I was an idiot. Why didn’t I?

  I knew she didn’t want that, though. I traveled all the time for fights, and my career would always come first. Kenzie wanted more than I could offer, and she certainly deserved more. So I pushed her off. I turned and I sent her away, even though I knew she would be hurt. Somehow, I channeled the shit-bag in me and hurt her.

  I was such a fucking dick.

  And then Chris—I loved the guy, but he was a smooth bastard—was right there to pick up the pieces.

  “Why don’t we go out to lunch and you can tell me about it,” Chris said. “Or we can talk about something else entirely, if you’d rather.”

  I held my breath, waiting for her answer. I wanted it to be no, but I knew it would be yes.

  “Sure.” She nodded.

  “Great,” Chris said. “We can—shoot. I have an important conference call this afternoon.” He put his arm on her shoulder and said, “Let’s make it dinner.”

  That made me want to hit something. Hard. I’d been hit so many times in my life, but nothing stung quite as much as hearing a friend ask out the girl you…

  Okay, so I didn’t know exactly what she was to me. And maybe that was for the best. It wasn’t like Chris knew anything about me and her. Hell, it was probably a good thing that Chris asked her out; maybe now I could forget about Kenzie. Besides, I needed to focus on my upcoming fight. I didn’t have time to worry about her. And Chris was a good guy. He would be good to her.

  I could let her go. I should, even though it was the last thing I wanted to do.



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