Playboy Billionaire (The Carolina Series Book 3)

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Playboy Billionaire (The Carolina Series Book 3) Page 5

by Jill Downey

  “Do I have a choice?” she said irritably.

  “Nope,” he said, jumping in with a big splash.

  He emerged and shook out his hair, slicking it back from his movie-star-handsome face. A face that used to make her weak-kneed every time she looked at him. No longer. He had successfully extinguished that flame.

  “What did ya think?”


  “Our new co-star?”

  She shrugged. “He has something.”

  “He seems to have a little crush on our headliner.”

  “I hadn’t noticed.”

  “Whatever you say. He’s a bit sure of himself.”

  Contrarily even though she’d been thinking the same thing, she defended Griffin, “He’s just confident. Good thing too. Can you imagine how you’d feel? Can you picture yourself auditioning for an orchestra without any training? I was quite impressed.”

  “Oh really? You sure hid it well. You seemed pretty pissy to me.”

  She flushed, “I did not.”

  He grinned rakishly. “Are you hot for him, too?”


  “Good. There’s still hope then.”

  “That ship has sailed.” She dove under the water and swam to the opposite end of the pool.

  He popped up beside her. His eyes burning with desire, regret, pain…“I miss us. I love you Penelope.”

  “Please, don’t start Noah. It will never be us again. It’s time for you to move on. I have.”

  “You’re so shut down. Thirty-two is way too young to give up on love.”

  “Who said I’ve given up?”

  “I can see it in your eyes. It breaks me that I did that to you.” He grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. She felt his erection pressing into her belly. Her breasts smashed against him as he hugged her tightly to his chest. She struggled, pushing him away, as ancient memories of another life and time gripped her heart in a vice, almost paralyzing her.

  “Noah, stop! Please. We’ve got to work together, don’t blow it. I would like to find our way back to friendship. But this isn’t going to get us there.”

  “God, I fucked everything up so bad. You’re killing me.”

  Her chest rose and fell with ragged breaths, “It is what it is. I have forgiven you Noah. You’re human. I realize that I needed more from you than you had to give. I want to be the only one. I want a mate…someone who needs nothing more, and I need to know that I’m enough.”

  “I can be that now…you are the only one. I screwed up. I’ll never do it again. Besides, at this point in your life and career, would you ever really be able to tell who loves you for you…or if they’re only hungry for your fame and fortune? We knew each other before we were famous. We rode the star together.”

  “I’ll have to take my chances, won’t I? I’d never be able to trust you again Noah. I wasn’t enough for you then and nothing has changed.” She knew that he loved her, he just didn’t love her as much as he loved himself.

  He climbed out of the pool. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Bye Noah.”

  With her calm mood completely disrupted, she got out and decided to make a slushy frozen Margarita. She called to Archie who had found a comfortable spot in the shade and went inside.


  Griffin sat at the bar regaling his sister Faye and her fiancé Jesse with his latest dramatic chapter.

  “Only you Griff. I swear,” Faye said, rolling her eyes.

  He held up both hands. “I wasn’t looking for it. You can hardly blame me.”

  “Wanna bet? I completely blame you. You could have said no from the git-go.” Griffin looked so flabbergasted that Faye sputtered with laughter. “See, that’s exactly how you find yourself in the middle of everything. Your adventurist side is going to be your downfall one of these days. So, tell me, has your opinion changed? What’s she like?”


  “I don’t believe it. She seemed kind of shy the other night.”

  He bit back a sarcastic laugh, “Shy? Try stuck-up snob.”

  “Did you know that her mom died in the last couple of years? The tabloids said she was devastated. I’m sure she’s still grieving.”

  Griffin rubbed his chin, “I didn’t know that about her mom, but she came right out and said she didn’t like me.”

  “Ha! Penelope Winters is resistant to your charms,” Faye said.

  “You can say that again. Her royal highness, Ms. Penelope Winters, is barely even civil to me.”

  “My little brother may have finally met his match.”

  “Very funny. Maybe she’s met hers,” Griffin said.

  “Damn dude, I envy your swag,” Jesse said. “I guess it comes from women throwing themselves at your feet. By the way what ever happened to Brianna? Haven’t seen her around lately.”

  “Too young and too clingy. I had to cut her loose. She’s back in New York. I’ve taken myself out of the dating pool for now. If I land the part, I’ll be too caught up in filming anyway.” Griffin changed the subject. “Faye I was wondering if you’d help me practice my lines?”

  Faye looked at Jesse, “We’re pretty slow, do you mind babe?”

  “Go. It’s not every day you get to brush elbows with a future movie star.”

  Faye and Griffin went into her office and closed the door. “I’m going to try without the script. I’ve been studying my lines all day. You’ll just read Penelope’s lines and correct me if I’m wrong,” Griffin said.

  Faye bounced on her tiptoes excitedly. “This is so surreal! My little brother playing opposite Noah Davis and Penelope Winters.”

  Looking slightly dazed Griffin said, “Fucking weird.”

  “What page?”

  “We’ll start on eighty.”

  Faye read Penelope’s part and Griffin remembered almost every one of his lines and stayed in character throughout the entire scene. Faye only had to prompt him once. “Oh my God! S-t-e-a-m-y!”

  “Yeah I’ve noticed,” he said, dryly.

  “Griffin,” she squealed, “You are fabulous! I am so impressed. Who knew? I mean it.”

  “Really? You think I did alright? Was I believable?”

  Faye looked tenderly at her little brother. As confident as he appeared, she knew he carried the same scars from their fucked up childhood as she, he just hid them better. “You rocked it. Honestly, I’m shocked right now.”

  He smirked and the vulnerable moment was gone like a puff of smoke. “I hope I can retain it all.”

  “You’ll do fine. Go home and get some rest. No more beer tonight. You have to be sharp tomorrow.”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “I’ll bet your southern accent will be a plus for all the swooning fans out there. Noah Davis has nothing on you.”

  “Um, do ya think you might be a little biased?”

  She pinched her fingers together. “Just a teeny tiny bit.”

  “Thanks for the read-through. I’ll stop in after the screen test.”

  “Break a leg.”

  “See ya Faye. Night Jesse.” He put on his helmet as he left the bar and hopped onto his Ducati. He fired it up and peeled out of the parking lot.

  He loved the power and thrill of his bike almost as much as he loved piloting his plane. The faster…the higher…the bigger…the better. He’d skied the highest mountains and jumped out of airplanes, but he had to admit, this acting shit had him more terrified than anything he’d ever done before.

  Going full throttle, he hit the straightaway to blow off some of the nervous energy. He couldn’t as easily eradicate the image of Penelope’s full breasts, straining against the black cotton of her tee shirt and the faint outline of her nipples. The nude scenes were going to be interesting to say the least. Surely, they had ways to orchestrate the scenes for maximum comfort. His gut clenched. He felt edgy and more alive than he had in a very long time.


  Penelope had to admit that she was impressed with Griffin’s performances
so far. He always came prepared, knew his lines, and was picking up his marks very quickly. The blocking could be difficult for new actors…kind of like walking and chewing gum as the saying goes. But he was catching on extraordinarily fast. Her worries about him slowing down the filming were dissipating. Maybe she’d been wrong about him.

  She toyed with a lock of hair as she waited for Stew to finish his discussion with Griffin. They were standing off in the corner quietly talking something over. Already a week into filming, today they’d shoot their first intimate scene together. No nudity yet, just an intense making out session. She had lain awake for several hours last night worrying about it. What the hell was wrong with her?

  Gorgeous arrogant men were a dime a dozen in Hollywood. Why was Griffin getting under her skin? But he was. He was so damn sure of himself for one thing. It made her want to take him down a peg or two. At least he’d been keeping things professional. He wasn’t trying to ingratiate himself off camera. She told herself that she was relieved, but a nagging voice in the back of her mind called her a liar.

  Stew and Griffin approached. “All set?” Stewart asked.

  Penelope nodded. Her gaze roved over Griffin’s naked torso, lean and muscular with a dusting of soft dark hair covering his chest. The film was a romantic thriller. Penelope’s character was married to a United States Senator up for reelection. Noah Davis played her husband and Griffin was playing her contractor-turned-lover after being hired to remodel their million-dollar home.

  “Remember Griff, she’s the aggressor here, at this point you’re still trying to resist but losing the battle,” Stewart reminded him.

  He nodded then stood on his mark. Penelope saw him take a deep breath and had a fleeting twinge of compassion. “Three…two…one…action,” Stewart called.

  Penelope slipped into her character, abruptly morphing into Sydney O’Connor as easily as putting on a mask. She exaggerated the sway of her curvy hips, the short silk robe leaving little to the imagination as she walked toward Griffin. No not Griffin, Bryan.

  “You’re back…and it appears that we’re alone.”

  Bryan’s eyes narrowed as she approached, his body stiffened warily.

  “Alone, Ms. O’Connor?”

  She chuckled seductively, “When did we go all formal again? Ms. O’Connor?” Sydney playfully skimmed her hands over his toned hard belly and felt him shudder beneath her fingertips. “I sent them away.”

  Eyes widening, he visibly gulped, “You did what? They work for me.”

  “They’re gone. I sent them on a wild goose chase. Ultimately, they’re working for me, but let’s not waste time arguing the point.” Glancing at her watch, she said, “We should have at least an hour to play.”

  Bryan took a step back and she took a step forward. He swallowed hard then his gaze took a slow journey from her face to her breasts, lingering before returning to pin her with his intense electric blue eyes. He looked hungry for her. “Tell me why this is a good idea,” he said on a groan.

  “Because you’re a very naughty boy Bryan, and you want this as badly as I do,” she said. “I’ve noticed your eyes following me.” She smoothed the palms of her hands up his chest then wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss. Her skin heated through the silk fabric. Her nipples hardened as they pressed against him.

  He kissed her tentatively at first but as the heat ignited, he opened his mouth and covered hers. Running his hands down her back, he cupped her bottom and pulled her hips against him. Her fingers clenched tightly, gripping his hair as she moaned against his lips. He ground his pelvis against hers. She stiffened for a moment as she felt him grow hard.

  He broke away and put his hands on her shoulders, holding her away from his body. “No Sydney. We can’t do this. It’s a slippery slope. Your husband is a fucking Senator for God’s sake!”

  “I don’t care. I’m lonely. All he cares about is his reelection. He’s had countless affairs. I’m sure of it.”

  “Then divorce him, but you’re not going to use me like I’m some boy toy.”

  “Is that what you think?” Her eyes welled with tears. “You must think I’m some kind of slut. I’ve never done anything like this before. I’ve been the perfect politician’s wife. Seen but not heard. His needs always coming before my own. But for the first time, I’m doing something I want. I need you Bryan.”

  “Jesus Syd, don’t cry,” Bryan pulled her back into his arms and buried his nose in her hair. “You smell so good.”

  “I can’t do this anymore. I feel trapped, like I’m living someone else’s life. I don’t even know who I am anymore. I don’t want this life.” She began to sob.

  “Baby. Shh. It’s going to be okay. Shh.” He held her in his arms brushing her hair back from her brow. He rained kisses all over her face, licking her salty tears then tracing the outline of her mouth with his tongue. She shuddered and felt a warmth between her thighs...for real! Yikes. This was feeling a little too authentic. Snap out of it, girl.

  She slid her arms around his waist. “Please just hold me.”

  His body suddenly tensed, “I heard a car door. I thought you said they’d be gone for an hour.” He disentangled himself and stepped away. She felt lonely and missed the warmth of his arms around her. Wait a minute. Who? Sydney or Penelope?

  “Cut,” Stewart called. “Fantastic! You both nailed it. Let’s take five before the next scene.”

  Griffin stared into her eyes, his burning with intensity. Her breath caught in her throat. Looking embarrassed, he said, “Sorry about…you know.”

  “It happens. Even to the seasoned actors. I won’t hold it against you.”

  “That was certainly interesting,” he said, then raking his hands through his hair, he blew out a breath.

  Dolly swooped in just then to powder Penelope’s nose and Griffin walked off the set and disappeared outside. Dolly whispered, “What the hell! That was gorgeous super-hot sexy. I felt like a voyeur watching. It almost made me blush!”

  Penelope felt her cheeks grow warm. “Thanks.”

  “He doesn’t know it yet, but his life is never going to be the same after this film is released! My God! He is scrumptious.”

  Penelope laughed. “Down girl.”

  “How are you not swooning?”

  “I told you, I’m off men…maybe permanently.”

  “I give you another week until you’re completely under his spell.”

  “Gee, I thought you were my friend. Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

  “I’m rooting for you, can’t you see? You two would be perfect for each other,” she said, her eyes twinkling.

  “Places everyone,” Stew said.

  Griffin returned to stand in front of Penelope, his eyes veiled.

  She looked up at him from under her lashes and felt that annoying heat dance across her cheeks. He smiled at her and winked. As if he knew. That did it. Her irritation canceled out the embarrassment and she glared.

  “There she is…” he whispered.


  Noah entered the set and it was game on.


  Griffin breathed a sigh of relief when Stew called it a wrap for the day. He was a bundle of nerves and if he didn’t get away from Penelope soon, he could potentially embarrass them both. After the first scene, he had managed to contain his desire for her, but it was taking its toll. His neck muscles felt as tight as guitar strings and his stomach was in knots. He grabbed his water and was walking off the set when she called to him. He turned and watched her approach.

  “Hey, I’ve invited the cast and crew over for a catered cookout this Saturday. Can you make it?”

  He bit back a laugh, “What? I thought you didn’t like me.”

  Her body stiffened, “You know what? Do whatever you want. I was trying to be nice. I didn’t want to leave anyone out.” She pivoted and stomped off.

  “Penelope,” he called out, but she ignored him and kept walking.

  He stood there scratching his head. What a bitch. That woman was as prickly as a cactus. He couldn’t seem to find the right approach with her. He was continually off balance. She was moody, aloof, and frustrating. He’d tried charm, which had gone over like a lead balloon, he’d tried cool, she didn’t even notice, he’d tried funny, she had no sense of humor…now he had offended her over a simple off the cuff comment.

  Whatever. He could usually read women, but he was failing miserably with Penelope. She was complicated. Never one to shy away from a good challenge, it took sheer force of will not to get sucked into finding out what made her tick. She was almost irresistible. Almost. He had to fight it; this was one challenge he’d have to pass on. She’d made that perfectly clear.

  Dolly touched his back as she passed him on her way out. “Hey, great job. Honestly, you’d never know you weren’t a seasoned actor. You’re keeping up just fine with the headliners.”

  He grinned at her, “You sure about that?”

  “Cross my heart.” She nodded her head toward her friend Penelope. “I’m not trying to be disloyal here, but I just wanted to say, don’t take it personally.”

  He comically widened his eyes and put his hand to his chest. “Who, moi?”

  “She can be a bit intense but she’s just defending a very vulnerable heart.”

  Griffin looked skeptical, “If you say so. I don’t know what I did to piss her off, but she sure as hell knows how to hold a grudge.”

  “That’s just it. You didn’t do anything. It’s really not about you, I swear.”

  “She hates men then…is that it?”

  “Pretty much. With good reason, I might add.”

  “Dolly, thanks. I could use a friend here on set.”

  She grinned. “I think you’re pretty awesome. Give her a little time. It takes her a while to warm up to people, once she lets you in, she’ll melt your heart.”

  “I won’t hold my breath.”

  She laughed. “Yeah, don’t. That would be downright dangerous.”


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