Lani (Devil Souls MC Book 6)

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Lani (Devil Souls MC Book 6) Page 7

by LeAnn Ashers

  “No, but that’s good information.” Trey takes his knife out of his pocket and walks up to Charles. “This is just a small taste of what’s to come.” Trey lifts the knife high and buries it deep into his thigh, then pulls down, leaving a deep cut.

  Charles screams at the top of his lungs. Trey puts his hand over his mouth. “Shut your fucking mouth before I cut off your tongue.”

  I should be freaking out right now, but I want to hurt him just as bad. He caused so much pain in people’s lives.

  Charles hushes and we back away, settling against the house. I lean over and rest my head on Trey’s shoulder, “You okay?” he asks, kissing the top of my head.

  “I had a horrible feeling that shit was going to be bad when we got here. I saw the demons in Vinny’s eyes, but this is so much worse.”

  Trey lets out a deep breath. “Vinny hasn’t really talked to me any about his childhood. It was something we avoided.” He runs his fingers through his short, dark hair. “I should have come and killed him years ago.”

  I shake my head. “You can’t blame yourself. We’re just a protective bunch.” I grip his cut in my hands. “But his time is coming soon.” I look over my shoulder at Charles, who is rolling around on the ground in pain.

  Trey cups my face and I smile. “I’m protective over you, too. Those who have wronged you will die also.” He bends down and kisses me softly, tenderly.

  I am so in trouble when it comes to the both of them.



  Hours later we pull up the driveway to the house. We’re all extremely tired and it’s getting dark.

  “Tomorrow I’ll take you guys shopping to get new things,” Vinny tells his sisters.

  The second we pulled into town, their faces glued to the windows. They hadn’t left the cult village ever until now.

  Trey turns off the truck. He helps me out and we all turn to help Vinny’s sisters. “You can stay in the main house with us, or you can live in your own home together in the guest house,” Trey offers, motioning to a much smaller dwelling to the left of the house.

  “I think I want to stay in the guest house,” Lynn suggests, and Etta nods her head in agreement.

  “What are some things you need for Michaela for tonight until we can get everything tomorrow?” Vinny asks her, and she rattles off a list. He texts it to a prospect, who is going to get everything they need for the night.

  Trey unlocks the door to the guest house and we walk inside. It’s a cute house. “There are three small bedrooms here. I have someone bringing food to stock up on everything. Tomorrow we’ll get everything else.”

  He leads them through the house, showing them everything. They look so unsure.

  I think the most important thing for them is time. They need the time to heal and be reintroduced into society.

  Vinny’s mom did not want to come with us. Vinny asked to help her get started in town in an apartment, but she absolutely refused. She wanted to stay there, but I have to admit, I feel like she would have hindered the girls’ progress.

  “We’ll leave you guys to it. I’ll be by later when the stuff arrives. Here’s the remote if you want to watch TV.” I hand Lynn the remote and we all slip out of the house, Etta locking the door behind us.

  I take Vinny’s and Trey’s hands on the way back to the main house. “You think they’ll be okay?” Vinny asks, looking back at the guest house.

  “I think therapy will be a great idea for the both of them to help guide them.”

  Vinny smiles happily. “That’s a great idea. We have a therapist who works for the club’s women’s shelter. I’m sure she could come to their house if they’re more comfortable with that.”

  “Let’s go lie in bed and relax until the prospect comes with their things,” I suggest, walking up the stairs to the bedroom. I know it’s late, but honestly I just need to close my eyes for a little bit and hold my men.

  I put on a pair of sweats and a baggy shirt, falling straight into bed, and they slide in beside me. I pull Vinny over to me and lay his head on my chest.

  Trey puts his arm behind my back, resting his hand on Vinny’s back. “How are you feeling?” I ask Vinny.

  I know he’s a tough motherfucker, a badass who can take care of everything and everyone, but a man does have emotions, no matter how tough they are.

  “I’m fine. I’m glad my sisters are here with us. I just hope that one day, they can be happy.” He sits up and looks at me and Trey.

  He lets out a deep breath. “I feel a lot of fucking guilt. I’ve had a good life here and they were forced to fucking marry and god knows what has happened to them.” He sits up, fisting the blankets, his face darkening, “I will not rest until I kill the fuckers who hurt them, who dared to marry my sisters when they’re fucking babies.”

  Vinny starts to climb off the bed. “Get your ass over here. Don’t hide from us. You kept shit from me for way too long, Vinny. Not anymore.” Trey reaches down and snatches his hand, dragging him up to the both of us.

  I kiss Vinny on his chest. Trey has his arm around him and both of us hold Vinny as he comes to terms with the shit that has been handed to him.

  “I think we really need to get them into intense therapy to help them. It works wonders for me,” I confess.

  I feel both of them shift, looking at me. “Therapy? You okay, honey?” Vinny runs his hand down my back.

  “I have really bad anxiety and sometimes depression. Therapy helps me manage it. I don’t take any kind of medication anymore because it’s manageable.”

  I’m lifted up. Trey tugs me onto his lap so he can face me. “Fuck, baby, are you feeling okay?” Vinny scoots up, too, rubbing circles on my back.

  I nod. “I’m fine. I’m fine for a while, then it just sneaks up on me when I get stressed, tired or overwhelmed.”

  Trey kisses the side of my head, Vinny wrapping his arm around me. “I hate that you face any kind of pain. I wish I could take it from you,” Vinny whispers. Trey nods in agreement.

  “There is only one thing to do.” Vinny kisses my cheek. “We just have to love the shit out of you so much you won’t even feel anything but us.” I hug the both of them, holding them tight.

  I am so gone for them.

  The next morning I walk over to the guest house to check on the girls. I knock on the door and Etta answers.

  “Good morning, you guys ready to go?” I ask them, slipping inside. I smile when I see Lynn in the kitchen feeding Michaela, who is talking between every bite, looking so cute in her new dress

  Both of the girls do too, dressed in their new clothes. “Yes, just let me finish feeding the baby.” Lynn runs her hand down her face.

  An idea forms in my head. “Lynn, if you ever want a break, I can watch her for you,” I suggest.

  Her eyes widen at the thought, “A break? I didn’t even have time to relax after I had her. I was up the next day cleaning the barn and feeding the animals.”

  That blows my mind. That was so unhealthy, on top of her being so young.

  “Well, how about tomorrow we find a babysitter and we have a spa day?” I ask her, and both of the girls’ eyes shine with excitement at the prospect.

  “Sounds like a fantasy,” Lynn sighs and rubs the back of her daughter’s head, smiling at her.

  There’s a knock at the door and Vinny is standing in the doorway. “Hey baby.” He enters and kisses me,. “I wanted to give you girls something.” He reaches into his wallet and takes out a credit card.

  “This is for you. Buy a whole fucking wardrobe, anything you need for the house, yourself and the baby.” He passes it to Etta, who stares at it, dumbfounded.

  “Are you rich, Vinny?” she asks.

  He laughs. “Trey never lets me pay for shit, first off, and second, I do very well for myself.” He walks over and takes their hands. “One thing you shouldn’t worry about is money. I’m your brother and I want to take care of the both of you. I want you to be happy. I can’t fathom what you h
ave been through, but it’s time for you to reclaim your life. I love you both so much…and Michaela too.”

  Well fuck me. I bite my lip so I don’t cry during this beautiful moment. Both of them run over and hug Vinny.

  He truly has the best heart.

  Trey opens the door and takes in the scene, walking to me and hugging me into his side. “You look beautiful today. I can’t wait to eat your pussy later,” he whispers into my ear.

  I turn around into his arms and plant my face into his chest so everyone won’t see my burning face. Trey shakes with laughter, so I reach around and grab his ass and squeeze.

  Vinny, Lynn and Etta turn to look at us. I try to hide my blushing from them, but Vinny sees and gives me a knowing look.

  Last night we didn’t have sex. We just needed sleep and we passed out, then I hurried over to check on the girls.

  “Come on, ladies.” Vinny wraps his arms around all three of them, and Trey walks out with me.

  “Are you coming shopping with us too?” I ask Trey.

  He nods. “No fucking way am I letting you out of my sight, and I don’t trust no fucking prospect with my woman and neither does Vinny.” He kisses the side of my head.

  In the front yard is a huge, brand new SUV. I give Trey a side eye, knowing this wasn’t here earlier.

  “I ordered it. We needed a vehicle big enough to hold everyone if we all need to be together, and the girls need something to drive once they get their license,” Vinny informs all of us, and the girls look shocked once again

  I can’t say I blame them. They aren’t used to this kind of life, and now they have all of this new freedom, something they didn’t have before. I bet they have whiplash.

  These guys are just great, they are the perfect men and I am such a lucky girl that I get to have both of them.

  I don’t know if this is a permanent or a short-term thing, but I’m not going to question it. Mom never raised no fool and I’m just going to roll with the punches because I’m so happy where I’m at.

  I open the back door and the girls climb inside. That’s how I think of them. I see them as young teenagers in my heart. I want to mother them and take care of them.

  I just can’t get it out of my head that they were married so young and Lynn has a baby—a two-year-old at fucking sixteen years old.

  It just makes me want to kill their husbands for daring to marry these babies. Vinny helps Lynn buckle in Michaela, because apparently car seats aren’t a thing on the cult reservation.

  I sit in the middle with Etta, with the guys in the front. “This is all so exciting.” She smiles at me, buckling in.

  Vinny reaches over and rubs his hand down the back of Trey’s hand before he reaches back and puts his hand on my leg casually.

  Etta looks at his hand on my leg, before she looks away like she’s confused. Michaela is laughing behind me, and I smile at the sound of pure happiness.

  I lift Vinny’s hand, kissing the back of it. He gives me a soft look. Trey looks at me in the mirror.

  I am so screwed when it comes to the both of them. What we have may not be ethical to others, but I just can’t imagine it being any different.

  Trey turns on some music to fill the silence, and before I know it we’re pulling up in front of the mall.

  Trey opens the door for me. I lean forward and wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him, taking him by surprise. He takes over the kiss immediately, the scruff on his face giving me all kinds of naughty thoughts of when I feel the scruff on other places.

  Trey sets me on the ground. “I love that kind of surprise.” He kisses my forehead and takes my hand in his. Vinny walks over to us with Michaela in his arms and takes my other hand.

  Michaela is playing with a set of toy keys and smiling. “Hey, sweet girl.” I smile back at her and she gets bashful, resting her head on Vinny’s shoulder and hiding.

  Seeing Vinny holding her has me having all kinds of thoughts of what he would be like if he were holding our baby. The thought of both of them rocking our chunky little baby is enough to cause hundreds of exploding ovaries.

  Eyes are on us. I can see women stopping and staring, along with men giving us disgusted looks.

  But I don't care.

  I haven’t for one second doubted doing this because it’s what society would think as wrong and different.

  Nothing that makes me this happy can be wrong.

  We walk inside and the girls are awestruck instantly at what they see, “You guys ready to shop to your hearts’ content?” I try to get them excited and their eyes light up.

  Vinny walks over and rents a stroller for Michaela. “I’ll watch her while you go in the stores.” Lynn looks unsure and she takes her daughter’s hand. “Are you sure? She can be a handful and I don’t want you to get mad if she screams.” She looks fearful at the idea of that.

  That makes me think that her husband is a bigger dick than I originally thought. Vinny turns his head away, his jaw clenched.

  He collects himself. “She’s my niece. I will do whatever it takes to protect her and you. I wouldn’t dare touch her in a hurtful way,” he tells Lynn in a soft tone.

  She nods. “I trust you, Vinny, it’s just an old habit. I’ve been terrified to leave my daughter alone with any kind of man. I was afraid someone would hurt her.” She looks at Etta, who is saddened. “They changed the age again. As soon as a girl starts her period, she is of marriageable age.”

  Etta takes her hand and squeezes it comfortingly. “We were going to escape before that happened. I would have died protecting my baby,” Lynn bites out. I can see the fire in her eyes.

  Trey steps forward. “You are never going to be scared again. You’re under the protection of the Devil Souls MC. We take this shit seriously. These fuckers are going to pay for their crimes.” Trey clenches his hands. “All of them.”

  I think Trey just impregnated me with his words. And after I collect myself, the girls walk over and hug all three of us.

  We make our way through the mall, and that’s when I remember people may recognize me and anxiety fills me.

  Trey takes my hand, pulling me closer into his side. “I got you, baby.” He rubs the back of my hand. He’s being extra sweet today.

  I feel better because I do know that he has me. I find a kids’ clothes store first. “Want to go look for things for Michaela in here?” I ask Lynn. “We need to hit a furniture store also,” I remind her.

  For the next hour, Lynn completely lets go. She excitedly looks at everything, picking up the cutest clothes for the baby, and Etta and I help her.

  Next we hit the clothes store. Vinny and Trey take turns taking everything to the SUV because there’s no way for us to carry it all.

  That’s when I spot a Victoria’s Secret. They need bras and underwear. Trey gives me a heated look, and I decide I’m going to buy something sexy.

  The guys stay out in front of the store, and there’s a little play area for Michaela so she won’t be cooped up in the stroller.

  We’re greeted by a staff member on the way in. “They both need to be sized,” I inform her, gesturing to the girls, and they’re taken back to the changing area.

  When they come out, Etta has a look of wonder on her pretty face. “Everything is so pretty!” she gasps, touching the material. “You can choose whatever you want, the both of you,” I tell them. Lynn looks unsure, but Etta is more than thrilled she starts getting sets and throwing them in the bag. Soon Lynn lets loose and joins in.

  “I can’t wait to cut my hair tomorrow.” Lynn pushes her very long hair out of the way. “I agree, I’m so over it,” Etta concurs.

  From the corner of my eye, I notice a man slipping inside of Victoria’s Secret. He is wearing clothes that are similar to what Charles was wearing. This must be one of their husbands.

  His eyes snap to Lynn and he hurries over. Before I can react, he has his arms around her and is pulling her away from me and Etta.

  “Let her go!” I drop everything
and run after them. I grab Lynn’s arms and fall to the ground, holding her.

  He drags both of us, and I grab a bottle of perfume, hitting him in the face with it. “Let her go!” I scream again, pulling at Lynn, and hit him with another bottle. He loosens his grips, so I can pull her free.

  I pull her up and clutch her to my chest. He grabs me by my hair, trying to pry me off of her, but I would rather die than let him take her

  “TREY!” I scream at the top of my lungs, and then I hear the thunder of footsteps. Lynn’s husband panics and pulls the both of us again towards the back of the store.

  Etta is screaming. She grabs my legs, trying to stop the both of us from getting dragged off.

  I turn around just as Trey comes into view. His face changes with so many emotions as he takes in the scene.

  “Stupid bitch, let go!” Lynn’s husband screams, trying to kick me, but I just pull harder on Lynn.

  Trey grabs his foot before it can make contact with me. Vinny runs in, carrying Michaela, and hands her to Etta.

  But the stupid fucker doesn’t let go of my hair, nor Lynn. She’s sobbing hard and my stomach clenches at the heart-breaking sound.

  Trey punches him hard in the face, yanking him away from us, but that just causes him to grip tighter, and I’m pulling right along with them, but he lets go of Lynn.

  I push Lynn away from me, and Vinny grabs the hand holding my hair, trying to pry his fingers open.

  Trey punches him over and over, but he just won’t let go.

  “Stupid motherfucker!” Trey growls. He takes out his gun. “Cover her ears!” he yells, and Vinny covers my ears.

  Trey shoots and he lets go of my hair, Trey yanks him away from me by his hair, giving him some payback.

  Vinny picks me up off the ground, holding me tightly and pulling Lynn closer to him. “Are you okay?” Vinny asks the both of us, and I just can’t talk. I’m in shock that this just happened.


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