Billionaire Bosshole: An Enemies-to-Lovers Office Romance (Bedding the Billionaire Book 3)

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Billionaire Bosshole: An Enemies-to-Lovers Office Romance (Bedding the Billionaire Book 3) Page 14

by Laura Lee

  “Ronan...” My voice drifted off as he gave me one long lick down the center. “We... don’t... have... time.”

  He hummed as he swirled his tongue around. “I don’t fucking care.”



  “I think this is my new favorite place in the whole world.”

  I hummed in agreement as I stroked Quinn’s back. After touring the Maui property, we hit up the activities concierge for a paddleboard. Now, with me flat on my back, and Quinn’s body stretched over mine, we were floating on the board over the clear, turquoise waters of Honokeana Bay.

  She lifted her head slightly. “So, this is one of your favorite places on the island?”

  I skated my fingers over the warm water. “It is. In the winter, it’s a great place to surf if you go out a little deeper. The rest of the year, the water’s nice and still, so I’ll usually go snorkeling or paddleboarding. Plus, since this is a residential area, it’s usually pretty empty.”

  Her coffee-colored eyes widened. “You surf?”

  I nodded. “Since I was ten years old. Back home, I’m in the ocean almost every weekend. It recharges me for the upcoming workweek.”

  She shook her head. “Seriously, who are you?”

  I grinned. “I’m the same man I’ve always been. I’m just letting you see all of me now.”

  Quinn ran her delicate fingers over my jaw. “I really like all of you.”

  “I really like all of you, too.” I grabbed her ass. “Especially this part.”

  “Oh, God, you just had to go and ruin it, didn’t you?” The sparkle in her eyes told me she didn’t really mean that. She gasped when a sea turtle swam to the surface right beside us. “I can’t believe how many turtles there are.”

  “They’re always here. I think they like the protection the cove offers them.”

  Quinn rested her head against my chest again, turning her face toward the neighboring islands off in the distance. “It’s so peaceful here.”

  My fingers glided down her arm. “Just wait until you see where I’m taking you tomorrow. You’ll never want to leave.”

  “I’m already feeling like that. I’m so glad you wanted to book the extra days.” She sighed and squeezed me around the middle. “The sun will be setting soon. We should probably head back.”

  “You feel like grabbing some food?” I tapped her back, prompting her to sit up.

  Quinn sat on her knees while I moved to the front of the board, careful not to flip us. “Mmm, I could go for some food.”

  I dipped the paddle in the water and began steering us ashore. “There’s this really great taco place right here in Napili. You in?”

  “You had me at taco.”

  “Noted. The girl likes tacos.”

  I could hear the smile in her voice. “I couldn’t be friends with someone who didn’t like tacos.”

  “Is that what we are? Friends?”

  Quinn cleared her throat. “I don’t know, Ronan. To me, this feels like a lot more than friends. Am I reading things wrong?”

  I glanced back with a wink. “No, sweetheart, I think you’re reading things just right.”


  The next morning, we were awoken by the shrill ringtone of my phone. I let it go to voicemail, but then it started all over again.

  “Make it stop,” Quinn groaned.

  I fumbled for my cell sitting on the nightstand. Once I saw that my COO was calling, I answered immediately. He would never call me unless it was absolutely necessary.

  “Yes, Mr. Moore, what can I do for you?”

  “Mr. Maxwell,” he said quickly. “Sir, I know you’re in Hawaii, but I think you need to return to the office immediately.”

  Well, now I was perfectly alert. The tone in his voice told me that I wasn’t going to like what he was about to say. Quinn looked at me questioningly when I sat up abruptly, but my attention was on the phone line.

  “What happened?”

  He released a heavy sigh. “Sir, the FBI is here. They showed up with a warrant about ten minutes ago. They took Mr. Landers into custody and they’re ransacking his office.”

  What. The. Fuck.

  Henry Landers was my Chief Financial Officer. Whatever the hell was going on, it wasn’t good.

  I rolled my neck from side to side, trying to release some of the tension. “Why?”

  “I don’t know, sir. The legal department is trying to get information now.”

  Fuck. If the feds were in my office, arresting one of my executives, I knew that pure chaos was close behind. I got out of bed and immediately started throwing shit into my suitcase. Quinn and I had kept the second reserved room for appearances, but we’d been staying in the same one.

  “Listen to me. Don’t say a word to anyone. Instruct the staff not to say a word to anyone. I will be there as soon as possible. I’ll call my brother and get his team over there to coach everyone. I don’t know how soon I can get a flight out, but the flight time alone is five hours. I’ll update you when I get more information.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I pressed the end button on my phone and faced Quinn. She had her laptop at the ready, already surmising that shit was hitting the fan.

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “I need to get back to L.A. right away. I don’t know what’s happening exactly, but the FBI just arrested my goddamn CFO and they’re going through his office.”

  Her eyes widened. “Oh shit.”

  I scrubbed my hands over my face. “Exactly.”

  Quinn started typing furiously. “I’ll book us the first flight out.”

  “No, don’t do that—just book one for me. You stay here. Enjoy the next two days. I’ll leave the Jeep so you can explore the island a bit.”

  She shook her head. “Ronan, no way. You’re going to need help. That’s my job.”

  “Normally, yes, but I have a feeling there’s nothing anyone can do right now but wait for more information and try to keep this out of the media. It’s only two days. I can manage.”


  “Quinn, I don’t want to argue with you about this. Take the time off—there’s no sense in both of us missing out. The only thing I need from you is a booked flight.”

  She nodded. “Okay... if you’re sure.”

  “I’m sure.” I pulled on my pants and dialed my brother’s number.

  Liam answered on the first ring. “Ro, what’s up?”

  “I need you to head to my office now. Drop whatever the fuck you have going on—there’s a storm brewing.”

  “What? I thought you were in Hawaii.”

  “I am, but I’m taking the first flight back. I’ll call you with details when I’m on my way to the airport. Just get over there.”

  “I’m on it.”

  Quinn ended the call she was on at the same time. “I called the concierge. He’s securing a town car for you. It should be pulling up by the time you get down there.” She turned back to her computer. “We’re in luck. There’s a flight leaving in just over two hours. The drive to the airport will take about forty-five minutes, so you’ll need to haul ass, but you should be able to make it. Unless you need it, don’t worry about your luggage. I’ll bring it back with me.”

  I finished buttoning my shirt and grabbed a tie. I knew I’d have to go straight to headquarters, so there was no sense in dressing down. “That’d be great.”

  I took a moment to appreciate the fact that she was still completely naked. Quinn had slipped into business mode seamlessly, but she didn’t bother dressing. Damn, I wished I had time to do something about it.

  She chewed on her lower lip when she saw the undoubtedly hungry look in my eyes. “Are you sure you don’t want me to come?”

  “I’m positive. Enjoy the next two days and I’ll see you back home.” I knelt down on the mattress and pulled her into a kiss. “But if you do feel the need to come, make sure you think of me.”

  Her beautiful face lit up with a smi
le as she covered herself with the sheet. “If you’re lucky, maybe I’ll even send you pictures.”

  I grabbed my laptop bag and pulled the door open. “Yes, do that. Definitely do that.”

  “Text me when you land or call if you need anything.” She blew me a kiss.

  I winked and stepped into the hallway, closing the door behind me.

  After what felt like the longest flight in history, I finally made it back to headquarters. Using the plane’s Wi-Fi, I was able to keep in constant contact with them, but it made me anxious not being there in person. So far, we knew that the feds were pressing charges against my CFO for insider trading. I didn’t know what those charges entailed, but the accusation alone was bad enough.

  Henry Landers had been with the company for over twenty years. He was well respected in the industry—I couldn’t imagine him doing something like this, but I knew the Securities & Exchange Commission didn’t make these accusations without just cause. There would’ve been a thorough investigation before the FBI stepped in to make an arrest.

  “What do you have?” I’d texted Liam as I entered the building, so he was waiting for me as I stepped off the elevator.

  He followed me to my office. “Well, I’m guessing you saw the vultures camped out in front of the building. Suffice it to say, the press is going nuts. They’re asking for a statement, which I’ve already drafted and sent to your email. Just thought you’d want to take a look before it became public.”

  I powered up my computer and took a seat. My inbox was flooded with messages that had already been flagged and color coded in order of importance. Quinn was the only other person who had access to my email, so she’d obviously been working while I was in the air. I opened our interoffice communication system and could see she was still online, so I sent her a message.

  Ronan Maxwell, CEO: Do I need to have IT suspend your system access? I told you to take time off.

  Quinn Montgomery, Executive Assistant to the CEO: I can’t help it. It’s driving me crazy that I’m not with you. Any updates?

  Ronan Maxwell, CEO: Even if I had any, I wouldn’t give them to you because you should be TAKING TIME OFF.

  Quinn Montgomery, Executive Assistant to the CEO: Ronan, stop being so difficult. I know you’re stressed out. Let me help.

  Ronan Maxwell, CEO: If you want to help alleviate my stress, go take some of those pictures you mentioned earlier. I wasn’t joking about calling IT. If I see you online again, consider it done.

  Quinn Montgomery, Executive Assistant to the CEO: Stubborn ass.

  Ronan Maxwell, CEO: You love it.

  Quinn Montgomery, Executive Assistant to the CEO: Not at the moment.

  Ronan Maxwell, CEO: Close your computer and get to work on those pictures. Remember, I don’t make empty threats.

  Quinn Montgomery, Executive Assistant to the CEO: I’m glaring at you right now.

  I laughed as I typed my reply.

  Ronan Maxwell, CEO: I’ll call you as soon as I can. XO

  I composed an email to IT, knowing she wouldn’t listen to me. After I hit send, I looked up and found my brother smiling like he was sitting on a juicy secret.

  “What are you so smiley about?”

  “I could ask you the same. Considering the current circumstances, you must’ve been talking to someone pretty special.” He looked around. “Speaking of pretty special someones... where is your beautiful assistant?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Maui. Why do you care?”

  “Why didn’t she come back with you?”

  “Because I told her to take a couple of days off,” I answered matter-of-factly. “She’s never been to Maui before—I wanted her to enjoy it. There’s not much she can do anyway until we figure out what’s going on.”

  Liam’s eyes lit up with amusement. “Interesting.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  He laughed. “Are you still going to lie to my face and tell me you’re not fucking her?”

  I rubbed my temples. “Jesus, Liam, not this again. We have other shit to worry about right now.”

  “So, you are fucking her. Glad we finally got that out of the way.” Liam held his hands up when I glared at him. “Hey man, I’m the last person who would judge you. Quinn’s brilliant, driven, and fucking gorgeous. Quite frankly, I’m surprised it took you this long. I only made it six months with Avery before I snapped.”

  “I’m not just fucking her,” I growled.

  He steepled his fingers. “No? Then what are you doing with your lovely assistant?”

  I rolled a pen back and forth over my desk. Fuck it, if anyone could keep a secret, it was this man. “I... want to be with her. With or without the fucking. I really like being around her, whatever the reason.”

  Liam smiled. “It’s about damn time you admitted that. Does she know?”

  “Yes, she knows. She feels the same. Now can we move past all this feelings bullshit and—”

  “Ronan,” a familiar voice called. “Liam.”

  My father was standing in the open doorway, looking displeased. How long had he been there?

  “Dad! What are you doing here?” I rounded my desk and sat on the edge.

  Liam stood as well. “Hey, Dad.”

  The slight wrinkles on my father’s face deepened when he frowned. “I saw the news. What the hell is going on with Hank?”

  “I don’t know yet. We’re waiting to hear back from Legal whether or not the charges will stick.”

  “Insider trading, Ronan?” he shouted. “Do you have any idea what this can do to the company?”

  Christ, this was the last thing I needed. I loved my father, and I respected the hell out of him, but he was a difficult man to like. I frowned when I realized that Quinn had described my work personality in an eerily similar manner.

  “I am well aware of the possible ramifications.” I clenched my jaw. “In case you forgot, I am the CEO now. I have it handled.”

  “Do you?” he challenged. “Because to me, it sounds like your head is so far up your EA’s skirt, that you haven’t been paying attention to what matters. You and your brother are sitting here talking about your goddamn feelings like a couple of teenage girls, instead of taking action to squash the speculation! Our stock is plummeting!”

  Liam coughed into his fist. “Yeah... I’m going to leave you two alone. I have a statement to release.”

  I waited until my brother had shut the door behind him. “Dad, how in the hell was I supposed to know this was going to happen? Henry Landers has been an outstanding employee for over two decades. One that you hired.”

  My father’s eyes, identical to my own, narrowed into slits. “Did you know that his wife left him? For the goddamn lawn boy? And she’s trying to take him for all he’s worth?”

  I tugged on my hair. “What does that have to do with our current situation? And why the hell do you know that?”

  “Because while I was running this ship, I was very good at the one thing you’re not: getting to know my employees. Hank and I went golfing just last month.”

  “Again, what does that have to do with our current situation? I’m not here to make friends.”

  He scoffed. “I didn’t say you needed to make friends, but it wouldn’t kill you to ask about their personal lives every now and again. If you get to know your employees, you learn their mannerisms. You know what’s going on in their world outside of this building. You’d have a much better chance of knowing if something wasn’t right. If you weren’t so busy screwing some career-climbing bimbo, maybe you would’ve known what Hank was up to. For all we know, he was so desperate, he felt like he had no other choice.”

  I clenched my fists, resisting the urge to punch the man. “Quinn is not a career-climbing bimbo. Leave her out of this. This has nothing to do with her.”

  “Really?” My father smiled coldly. “You can honestly tell me that she doesn’t distract you from doing your job? That she doesn’t... oh, let’s say, suddenly spend an inord
inate amount of time with you locked in your office? That you haven’t repeatedly cleared your schedule, pushing off important meetings? Can you refute any of that?”

  “What the fuck? Do you have goddamn spies in this building or something?”

  “I have eyes everywhere, Ronan! And they’ve all said the same thing—that you’ve been off lately. Distracted by goddamn pussy! If you two thought you were being discreet, that’s just another example of how far removed you’ve become.” His face was so red, it was turning purple. “Fix this. I don’t care how the fuck you manage that, but you’d better fix this. Don’t make me use my considerable influence with the board to take away the position you supposedly love.” With that, he stormed out of my office.

  I slammed my balled fists on my desk. “Fuck!”

  I’d hate to admit that my father was right, but facts were facts. I had been distracted lately. And the cause of that distraction was one-hundred percent Quinn Montgomery.



  “Oh my God, girl, I have been trying to reach you for hours!”

  I held my hand up, stopping Antonio from saying another word. “Slow down there, buddy. I just stepped off the elevator.”

  He propped his hand on his hip, cocking his head. “Why the hell haven’t you been answering my texts? I know you were on a plane, but I also know they have Wi-Fi. Why are you avoiding me? I need to know what happened in Hawaii.”

  My brows pinched together. “What are you talking about?”

  “You’re finally here!” Sylvie power-walked down the hall until she stood directly in front of me. “Why the hell aren’t you answering your phone?”

  “Jeez, you guys, calm down. I accidentally left my charger at the hotel and didn’t realize it until we were already in the air. My phone died about thirty minutes into the flight.” I started walking toward my office, rolling Ronan’s suitcase behind me. “Now, what’s the big deal? Is this about Mr. Landers?”

  Antonio tugged on my elbow right outside my office. “Stop walking. What the hell happened between you and Mr. Maxwell in Hawaii?”

  Holy crap, had Ronan said something about our new relationship? No, that just wasn’t possible, given his stance on keeping his personal life private.


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