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Guarding Faith

Page 5

by Nicole Flockton

  Her toes began to tingle, as well as the base of her spine. The sensations were so different from what she’d experienced when he’d had his mouth on her.

  “Harder. Faster, Cowboy. I’m so close.”

  “Anything for you, Princess.”

  Greg increased his pace and two thrusts later she was screaming out her release at the same time as he roared her name and jerked his release inside of her.

  He collapsed on top of her, his breath sawing in and out against her neck. Her breathing was as ragged as his was.

  “Oh my God, that was amazing,” she whispered against his neck. “Was I very loud?”

  Greg chuckled, the sound reverberating through her, and she moaned when he rolled off her, taking his warmth and strength from her. “You were just as loud as me, Princess.”

  He slipped from the bed and padded to the bathroom, his taut butt tempting her to follow him, but her legs had the consistency of jelly and she feared she’d crumple to the ground if she tried to move.

  Faith heard him in the bathroom and she pulled the blankets up over her. Closing her eyes, she re-lived the best sex she’d ever had. Embarrassment should be filling her when she recalled how loud she was. How she cursed at Greg. Instead it empowered her, because she’d been part of something amazing. Greg had been with her every step of the way and hadn’t been turned off by her dirty talk, if anything, it excited him more.

  “What are you thinking about, Princess?” he asked as he climbed back into bed with her, pulling her against his chest. He changed their positions so he was spooning her. Cocooning her in a blanket of hard, warm male. A blanket she never wanted to let go of.

  “About what we just shared. It was pretty awesome wasn’t it?”

  Greg kissed the back of her neck and stroked across her belly. “More than awesome. It was fucking awesome.”

  She giggled. “You get a dirty mouth in bed, Greg Robertson.”

  He sighed, the action lifting the tendrils of hair at her nape. “I usually temper myself, but with you, I couldn’t. I’m sorry if it offended you.”

  Faith rolled over, hearing the remorse in his voice. When she was facing him she framed her hands on either side of his face, making sure he was watching her. “Don’t apologize. You didn’t offend me. I found—” Now embarrassment swept up in her, but after all they’d shared, she pushed it away. They had nothing to be embarrassed or sorry about. Sex between two people could be whatever it needed to be to make it beautiful, and she needed to let him know it didn’t turn her off. In fact, it was just the opposite. “Exciting. I found it exciting.”

  Greg captured her mouth with his and instead of the hard, erotic kiss she was expecting, his lips moved sweetly and softly over hers. It was a lazy, sensual kiss, and even though she’d had an intense orgasm only moments ago, desire was building up inside of her again.

  Faith had an inkling their night together had only just started.

  Chapter 5

  Like always Greg’s eyes popped open at five am. He didn’t need to look at a clock or his phone to confirm it. His body clock never let him down, regardless of time zone. A handy skill when the team ended up in some shithole halfway around the world. Considering the fact he and Faith had only fallen asleep a little while ago, he was surprised he still managed to wake up as usual.

  He closed his eyes again and relaxed his body. He was on vacation. He didn’t need to get up at the ass crack of dawn, especially when he had this beautiful woman in his arms.

  His teenage fantasies, hell, the adult fantasies he’d had involving Faith hadn’t lived up to the reality of sleeping with her. Their night together had been amazing. They’d been loud and dirty and the sex had been out of this world. As kitschy as it sounded, he had been orbited to places he’d never been before.

  Faith sighed in her sleep beside him and he pulled her closer. She snuggled into him. He definitely could get used to having her by his side day in and day out.

  His eyes popped open at the thought.

  Whoa, he needed to slow down.

  A relationship between them wouldn’t work. She was busy traveling the country going from rodeo to rodeo. He could be called out of the country to go on a mission with as little as an hour’s notice. Disappointment filled him as he gazed down at Faith, thinking again, “real life” wouldn’t work between them.

  A long-term relationship may be out of the question, but he was here and so was Faith. While they were in the same city they could spend time together. As much as he wanted to spend it horizontal, he also wanted to know about what she’d done in the intervening years. How many barrel racing events she’d won, and a lot more.

  Fatigue from lack of sleep, and the fact he was in bed with a warm woman beside him washed over him. He relaxed his body and closed his eyes again. He should enjoy the freedom to sleep in. He stroked a hand down Faith’s arm, the action relaxing him until he fell into a deep sleep.

  The next time he woke, the sun was higher in the sky and the room was bright. He reached over to the side table and picked up the phone. It was almost nine and he had nowhere to be. Life was pretty damn good at the moment.

  His cock seemed to think so as well, as it was hard and ready to go again. Faith was curled up on her side, her beautiful back on display. Scooting closer to her, he started at the base of her neck and began to kiss his way down. At the halfway mark she stretched like a lazy cat and she rolled over so that the next kiss he placed was on her bare stomach.

  “Good morning,” he mumbled against her belly.

  Her fingers threaded through his hair. He’d let it get longer than he normally had it. He would get it cut before he headed back to base.

  “Morning. What time is it?” she asked. She arched her body closer to him as he continued his exploration of her belly.

  “Almost nine.” His shifted a little lower in anticipation of sinking deep in her again.

  She shoved his chest, pushing him onto his back. “It’s almost nine? Oh my God, I’m going to be so late.” She untangled her legs from the sheet and practically leapt out of bed.

  “Whoa, what’s the hurry?” he asked. “There aren’t any events today.”

  She was pulling on her clothes, hiding her body from him. The body he’d explored thoroughly all night long. “I’ve got a mee—I’ve just got to go.”

  She’s hiding something.

  Greg had no idea why the thought entered his mind, but once it was there, he couldn’t shake it off. He got out of bed and pulled his jeans on, sans underwear, zipping them up, his cock protesting at being constricted behind fabric and zipper.

  He walked around the bed until he stood near where she sat on the edge pulling her boots on. “What’s going on, Faith? What’s the rush?”

  She looked up at him, any hint of desire gone from her blue eyes. They were dark and stormy as if she was annoyed with him. “I told you. I have to go. I’m not here on vacation. I’m here to work.”


  “Work. Compete... it’s the same thing, you know.”

  She stood and collected her purse from where she’d dropped it the previous evening. “I’m sorry, Greg. I’ve really got to go. It was fun seeing you and last night was amazing.” She leaned up and kissed on him on the cheek.

  An impersonal touch, directly in contrast to all their previous kisses. He fucking hated it.

  “That’s it? It was fun and now you’re going?” Why the hell was he fighting this? Hadn’t he worked out that a relationship between them wouldn’t work anyway? Sure, but he’d also hoped that he could still see her while he was in town.

  “Greg, seriously, you want to do this when you already know I’m late? I’m here to compete for the next three weeks. I can’t be distracted. Last night was a night I’ll never forget but you live in Virginia and I live—well I live all over the place. It just wouldn’t work.”

  All his training shot red flags up all over the place. Her hesitation was telling. She definitely was keeping something from
him, and he was determined to find out what it was. He’d let her believe this was it. That the night they shared was all they’d have. But he was going to be at her event every time she competed.

  He shrugged his shoulders and smiled, giving the impression he was agreeing with her. “You’re right. It was fun.” He pulled her to him. “But let me give you a quick goodbye kiss. One to remember me by.”

  Greg didn’t give her a chance to respond before he captured her lips, his tongue delving inside her mouth on her gasp. Their tongues dueled and her body relaxed against him.

  Yeah, she wasn’t as immune to him as she was trying to get him to believe.

  He broke the kiss. “Bye, Princess.”

  “Bye, Cowboy.”

  As she walked away, he thrust his hands in his jeans pockets, the material pulling over his straining cock. Faith gave him one last, lingering look over her shoulder, before she opened the door and walked out.

  The door shut softly behind her.

  “This isn’t goodbye, Faith Timberly, merely a see you later.”

  Standing under the hot spray Faith allowed herself to think about the previous evening and the scene in Greg’s room. It didn’t matter that she was going to be late for her meeting with Eddy. The need to get her emotions in check overrode being on time. Eddy would quiz her for her tardiness, but she’d withstand and try and throw him off with lies. Her chances of getting away with that would be slim. Her partner was a master at knowing everyone’s tells and when they were lying. One of many skills that made him a good agent.

  Words couldn’t describe the deliciousness flowing through her at being woken up by Greg’s kisses down her spine. For a heartbeat she’d allowed herself to dream that this was how she got woken up every day. Then reality had crashed in when she’d asked the time and her responsibilities had come flooding back. Her job was her priority—the only reason she was in Houston.

  The only reason she’d been able to spend the night with Greg.

  A moan escaped her as she rubbed the bar of soap over her distended nipples and she recalled everything they’d done together. They’d tried positions she’d never tried before. And the ache between her legs reminded her of the last time they’d made love before falling asleep. She’d been on top of him, with his cowboy hat resting atop her head. She’d smiled and leaned over, whispering she was going to ride her cowboy. Oh boy, her orgasm had been so intense she’d blacked out for a few seconds.

  Another shudder rippled through her, and her hand stroked down her belly with the intention to play with herself, but a pounding on the door startled her out of her sexual haze.

  Shit, she really needed to forget the previous evening, otherwise she could find herself getting hurt, or worse—killed.

  Shutting off the water, she was wrapping a towel around herself when she heard her name being called.

  “Faith, are you in there?”

  Relief swept through her—Eddy. Eddy was pounding on her door.

  “Coming,” she called out. Making sure the towel was wrapped securely around her body she opened her door a fraction. “Sorry Eddy I forgot to set my alarm and overslept. Give me ten and I’ll meet you downstairs.”

  God, she hoped he believed her. While it wasn’t technically a lie, the reason she’d overslept wasn’t because of an alarm.

  “Right. We’ll discuss it when I see you. I’ll give you five. If your ass isn’t downstairs then I’m coming back.”

  “Yes, sir.” Faith closed the door and rushed over to her case. She grabbed the first things she saw and pulled them on.

  Eddy sounded angry. Had another horse gone missing while she’d been losing herself in Greg’s arms? Had Chester and Simba turned up dead somewhere?

  Her heart stuttered at the last thought. So far none of the horses that had been taken had ended up dead, but there was always a first time.

  What had she been thinking, letting herself sleep with Greg? That was a rookie mistake. Hadn’t she always prided herself for always keeping her eye on the job? For always being able to draw a definite line between her work and her private life. Not that she had much of a private life, but she’d never lost herself in a lover’s arms the way she had with Greg.

  That’s because Greg is different. Greg is the man who you fell for a kid, and he’s the man you want now.

  Faith shushed the voice in her head. She couldn’t listen to it right now, no matter the grain of truth in the words.

  Giving her hair one last brush, she scooped up her purse and jammed her hat on her head. She was out the door and instead of waiting for the elevator, raced for the fire escape and took the stairs down to the ground floor. By the time she located Eddy, her chest was heaving, but she’d made it with thirty seconds to spare she would guess.

  “Sorry, Eddy. It won’t happen again,” she huffed the words out, sucking in air to try and slow her heart rate. While Eddy wasn’t technically the lead on the case, he was more senior in the FBI. In all likelihood, when they solved the case—not if, because she was determined to break the ring—Eddy would be spoken to with regards to her suitability for a promotion. She didn’t want to jeopardize that. Another reason why continuing to hook-up with Greg was a bad idea.

  Eddy studied her closely, eyes narrowed, and she glanced down at her outfit, sure she must have missed a button or something in her haste to get ready.

  “You didn’t forget to set the alarm, did you?” he asked.

  There was a look in his brown eyes, a glint to suggest he knew exactly what she’d got up to the previous evening. Perpetuating the lie would be useless and counter-productive. “No, I didn’t.”

  “I hope he was good.”

  A flush of heat started at the bottom of her neck and increased in intensity as it warmed the rest of her face. “What do you mean?”

  He pointed to her neck. “You may want to button up your top button, otherwise everyone will know what you’ve been up to.” He winked, clearly enjoying teasing her.

  There could be only one thing on her neck that needed hiding—a hickey. Greg had sucked and nipped at so many places on her body there was a good chance she had the little bruises everywhere.

  “Oh God, this is so not the impression I want to give,” she mumbled as she took Eddy’s advice and did the top button of her shirt up. Normally she hated the constriction of material around her throat but today, and well the next couple of days, she’d have to suck it up.

  Eddy chuckled and lifted his coffee cup to take a sip. “I was young once, but….” He lowered the cup and turned a serious look at her. “Don’t let yourself get distracted. Sometimes the enemy uses whatever means necessary to get the scent off them.”

  Greg was anything but the enemy. He was an old friend and a friggin’ Navy SEAL. He caught worse assholes than the ones we’re chasing. “Trust me, Eddy, this guy is as far from being the enemy as you and I are.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  No way was Faith going to give away Greg’s occupation. Eddy didn’t need to know exactly what he did. “He’s in the Navy and an old friend of mine. He should be here competing in the bronc riding division. He was on the rodeo circuit when I was. But now he’s in Virginia and he’s not the type to hurt a horse.”

  Eddy drummed his fingers on the table. “Doesn’t mean he’s not involved. The Navy travels to all sorts of places. Those boys have been at sea for a long time and when they get to shore, some make some bad decisions and get caught up in things they shouldn’t.”

  There was merit to Eddy’s words, but she had to convince him that Greg was not one of the bad guys and definitely no danger to her. Unless she let her emotions get the better of her, of course.

  Could she trust Eddy with Greg’s occupation? If she wanted to make sure that he wouldn’t keep harping on it she had to say something. She leaned forward, and was pleased when Eddy followed her cue and did the same. “He’s a Navy SEAL. He is definitely one of the good guys. I went to a wedding with him a couple of weeks ago in Virg
inia. I met his team. There is no way Greg is involved. And, as I said, he loves horses as much as I do. He wouldn’t do anything to hurt them.”

  She sat back and linked her fingers on the table in front of her waiting to see what Eddy was going to do next.

  “Okay, I guess he wouldn’t be on our watch list. But, Faith, be careful. I’ve got an itch on the back of my neck. Something is about to go down. I don’t know what it is, but we need to keep our eyes open and our emotions clear.”

  Faith nodded. She’d been around enough agents to know when they said they had instinct something was going to happen, she should listen. “Did you find out anything last night with any of the guys you were with?”

  “Nothing worth mentioning. There was general gossip about what happened in California, but apart from that nothing else. How about you? Did the girls provide any insight?”

  “Same outcome as you. Both had heard the about the thefts but were confident nothing could happen here. I guess because it’s so big, there’s a sense of safety that isn’t usually felt around the smaller regional rodeos.”

  “Which means we have to be even more vigilant because of the crowds. The players could blend in easily. No one would be wiser if they walked a horse out of the stables.”

  Faith had to agree with Eddy, it was a miracle that Chester and Simba’s theft hadn’t been noticed by anyone because they’d been taken at one of the smaller events. Suddenly she recalled Sadie’s attitude toward Tiffany. It may not have been much, but she’d often found it was those little observations that usually led to cracking the case.

  “There was one thing though.” Faith started. Eddy nodded so she continued. “Sadie Watson, one of the barrel racers. She’s supposed to be best friends with Tiffany, but while we were out last night she was sending Tiffany some nasty looks while she wasn’t looking. Since I’ve been back on the circuit, I’ve never seen her act that way. It could be nothing, but you know, it’s the little things.”

  “It sure is. That’s a good observation and now that you’ve seen it once you might want to keep an eye out for it in the future. It may not be related but if she’s jealous she could do other things to jeopardize Tiffany’s chances.” Eddy pushed back from the table. “Let’s head to the stables and see how Ginger is doing. You wanna do another run through?”


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