Inspiration ID 1

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Inspiration ID 1 Page 4

by Michael Hudson

  Looking back to the end of the desks, he saw the Student Council President, Prim, smiling at him. She was a striking young woman, with more drive in one hand than most people, even in their society. Her goal was to be the Matriarch, the highest position in Coivian society, someday, and Richard believed she could, especially with how kind she could be. All while doing what was needed, no matter what, and never failing on her tasks or studies.

  She stood from her desk and stretched out her back, similarly to what Richard had just done. It was a touch embarrassing for Richard, as it pushed out her chest, which was the one that he had thought was on par with Cierra’s the night before. It was firmly outlined by her blouse, and while her right breast was emphasized by the shirt pocket, it looked like the pin on her left was pierced through her nipple with its placement. Not that she would do something like that, not with the symbol of her position on the council .

  The pin was larger than most, meant to be worn as a sort of badge, and was in the shape of a diamond. The majority of it, starting from outside and going in, was white, to show the enhanced purity of young government types, with a yellow circle in the middle, meant to show the joy they brought. It was a pin all respected, and no one dared mock, no matter where it was placed.

  Prim came closer, coming around the desks before she extended her hands to him, causing him to blush, despite the gesture being a touch less meaningful after yesterday. As confusing though? Yes.

  See, in Coivian society, one rule was that affection towards another was to be kept a secret. Out of public eye so as to avoid making others uncomfortable. The most anyone did to show their appreciation through physical contact was with a one armed hug on your best friend or lover, and even that was rare. However, after the first quarter they spent together, Prim had started doing this after they worked together, no matter where they were.

  Her hands slipped under his, squeezing his fingers gently before he squeezed back, tightening the hold. She then stepped closer, their hands barely having enough room between them to not touch either of them. It was closer and more physical than most would ever do with the opposite sex, but she did it freely with him. Fortunately, it was easier to keep his cool during this whenever they were alone, and he’d been left to clean the room while Karen left to run detention, and the other two main officers went to a smaller school in the state to bring an exchange student here. If not for yesterday, Richard would have been there with them.

  Prim squeezed his hands again as her smile faded, melting away into a concerned frown. That was a first during this exchange of theirs, as she claimed it was positive reinforcement, from a pillar to a paving stone so as to help bring him up. She never got negative during it, but it quickly became apparent why. “I know you may have reasons not to tell me, but may I please know what happened yesterday? When your friend told me what had happened, I almost couldn’t go on stage for my speech due to worry for you.”

  Richard smirked as he shook his head. “Come on, Miss Prim, we both know that nothing would have caused you to fail in your duties. In fact, I bet if you had been stopped yesterday like I had been, you would have somehow still made it back in time for your speech.”

  Her smile returned as a strand of her long, straight, red hair fell in front of her blue eyes. Even before now, looking into those eyes made Richard’s chest tight, especially with the rumors the delinquents would start about them. “Now you’re just teasing me. Come on,” she said as she pushed his hands down, allowing them to get even closer as their hands stayed between each other’s waists, “you’ve always been willing to listen to me before, so at least tell me why you can’t tell me about it.”

  He swallowed hard at the proximity, a side of him scolding him for being a coward and not whipping the card out while she was obviously trying to make some sort of move on him, while the other half screamed about how improper it would be to dare suggest you would use it on her, and that she didn’t need to know. She was right though. Richard had been a good assistant through and through, usually exceeding expectations, and never had he not done his tasks unless something made him incapable of them.

  So, he took a long breath in, before letting it out and saying, “I was picked as an Inspiration Officer and spent most of yesterday doing paperwork.”


  Richard watched as her eyes widened, staring at him. He knew it. It didn’t matter who he was as the stigma was simply too strong. He should just go, before he embarrassed himself further, or began to make her fear her safety .

  When he went to let go though, she squeezed his hands, coming closer to him, even to the point of her chest pressing against his as she looked up, the top of her head being about at his nose. “That’s wonderful to hear! I should have known it was to start helping you become a pillar, rather than to be smashed. It was silly of me to have even worried!”

  Richard blinked a few times before whispering, “May I please get an explanation for how you’re so happy?”

  Prim eagerly nodded, her hands sliding off of his and instead around him in a very tight hug. For Richard it was proof that he’d entered a reversed world of some sort today. “It means you’re living up to what I see in you. After you spent a quarter helping us, I began being close to you because in you I saw someone who just needed to be pushed in the right direction, and he’d be able to do anything, just like me.”

  “So,” she said as she beamed at him, “this is merely proof of it. The only question now is how you plan to use it. I’d love to be the one you can confide such things in, and I promise to help as I can.”

  Richard continued to blink, not sure what to do, especially while he couldn’t ignore for a second how soft, round, and warm her chest was. It was unlike anything he’d felt before, and they were still covered. “Um, uh, I had thought of doing a balance. Using it, but responsibly.”

  Prim finally let go of him, clapping her hands in front of herself. “Perfect! Now, you go home while I start planning a few things. I promise that by Monday, I should have a perfect way for you to use that little card of yours.

  Richard wanted to say something, but at this point was so tired, confused, and happy that he decided that he should just trust his president. This was a gift that the world had presented him, and he wasn’t about to look it in the mouth .

  The girl in the room smiled as he left, but her eyes weren’t on him.They were on plans. Retribution, removal of the things that brought her school, her council, and her image all down. All while her protege became all the better molded to follow her and fit the roles she’d always had planned for him.

  No matter how long it took though, it made her overjoyed to know that she had chosen right, and that if he could do these last tasks, he would be all that much closer to being worthy of her.

  Moving into the Big City

  Richard swallowed hard as he walked out of the cab and stared at the building before him. It was easily three times the height of any building in his hometown, and double the width, with ornate gold trimming on the hundreds of windows that were on the side. All of this for a hotel. It was daunting, despite the fact that he’d been in the town, seen the sights, but he never had to really think about it in this way. As something he would live in.

  He glanced down to the large duffel bag beside him, packed full of clothing, hygiene products, and a few personal items. It wasn’t much, but it was what he had, along with all he’d been told to bring with him. They’d supply anything like food, at least enough to get him through his first week in the city so that he’d have time to figure out where he was going to get groceries from.

  Perhaps that was part of the problem, he thought as he grabbed his bag. This was so foreign to him. Sure, for the last three quarters of the year he’d been following orders, but he’d still mostly been working and doing something entirely on his own. Even during the process of greeting the frequent transfer students, his part was self-contained, as they just sat the new student in front of him while he worked .

  This was nothing like that though. He was having to entirely rely on the work of others, all for work he hadn’t done yet, and so far from his home even. Sure, two hours by train got him back, but… He didn’t know. This just wasn’t how he operated.

  “Excuse me, but are you Mr. Sullivan?”

  The girl who spoke to him looked to be maybe a couple years older than him, beaming up at him as she extended a hand to him. She was a pretty young woman, with the same sort of perky energy that Brittany had tried to have with him before. Also to match Brittany was the girl’s pink hair, put into two pigtails to the side of her head that hung down to her chest. Speaking of which, he couldn’t help but be a bit relieved by the fact that it was smaller than a lot of the other ones he’d been staring at recently, being closer to what the world’s average was, which would still make it hard to wrap his hands entirely around them, or so he suspected.

  He took her hand, shaking it while he put on a nervous smile. “Yes, that would be me, though you can call me Richard, if you’d like. Are you the person that Brittany told me would be helping me move in?”

  She giggled a little, putting a hand to her face, her glistening black nails shining in the light from the bright lights of the hotel. “Oh, I’m much more than that, sir. I am your regular coordinator so as to make sure you have someone who can help you keep a possibly busy schedule juggled. As well, I am your personal concierge, ready to help you find anything and everything in the city, before finally being your first friend in the city, as I live right next door to you so that you can contact me at all times.”

  She put her hands onto her hips, beaming at him with shut eyes as she came close to finishing. The break let Richard take in her dress, which, like her hair, was oddly pink, probably to fit the department she worked in. It was also rather… immodest. The top was low cut, looking like some sort of corset as it cut off midway up her chest, squeezing the soft flesh down but still letting everyone easily see far mo re of her than ever would be appropriate. Her skirt was much the same, as while it was able to bounce and sway with her, the fact that it was covering maybe a fourth of her thigh, and had already shown Richard her bright, white panties, made them at about the point where a girl would have been pulled over for public indecency in their society.

  Not that she seemed to notice any of this, proudly claiming, “I am the Inspiration Intern, Kate, at your service under the tutelage of Miss Kissen, or, Brittany, as you know her.”

  Richard swallowed hard, blushing a good bit as he realized he’d been staring the whole time and he looked away from her for a moment. Still, his manners demanded a response, so he forced himself to be calm down enough to give a proper statement back. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kate, and I hope we can be good friends.”

  She nodded, before stepping over to his bag. “Here, let me get this for you.” She then bent down in a smooth, fluid motion, reaching for the handles of the bag. What this more importantly did was make everyone who wasn’t the staff in the hotel gasp, as her skirt hid nothing now, allowing them all to see her toned, alabaster white legs that led right up to the thin white silk that covered herself.

  The staff sucked in their lips, softly praying for Kate as they watched the intern do this for the fifth time in her life, despite what had happened three times before now.

  Richard’s eyes merely widened before he looked away, reminding himself that he couldn’t be tempted by her. She was new, and Brittany had probably been far more composed when Kate had been in training, so she could still be optimistic that a lewd display like this wouldn’t set him off.

  When he did look back at her, he saw that Kate had managed to get his bag off of the ground, but was sweating hard as she barely did so. He’d known it was heavy, but Richard hadn’t considered the shape he was in as he rushed over. “Oh, I’m so sorry! I should have warned you about the weight.”

  With one hand he picked it up from her, perhaps with half the effort that Kate had experienced, a sign of how effective Keran’s rigorous training had been on him. Well, that, and what Coivus expected of men, as they were still supposed to perform the tasks considered too hard on the body for girls, at least so long as it wasn’t one meant for the Sub-Covians.

  Kate put her hand on her knees, breathing hard as she said, “Wow, that’s… that’s really something you know. Most guys don’t beat me that soundly as far as their baggage goes.”

  Richard put his other hand on the bag as he gave her a confident smile. “Hey, one day you’ll be running around and having to manage a whole state, if not district, so I bet you’d be able to outdo me in stamina, right?”

  Kate glanced at him, before taking a deep breath and running her hand over her hair, putting her pigtails behind her for the moment as she did so. They’d be back to the front in time, but she had no control over that at this point. “Yeah, maybe, but if that’s the case, you’ll have a hard time performing your, uh, ‘duties’ to your fullest.”

  Richard chuckled nervously at that, before he gestured towards the possibly twenty elevators that were on the other end of the football field sized foyer. “Shall we get me to my room?”

  Kate, having seemed to have recovered from the small stroke she had tried giving herself with his bag, nodded, her bright smile coming back as she led him to the elevator. With a push of a button, one of them opened, and the two darted in, the sign within that said, “Government use,” explaining to Richard how there was one waiting for them .

  Once inside, she pressed another button for the eightieth floor, otherwise known as the top floor of the building. “Um, Kate, are you sure you hit the right button?”

  She nodded, watching as they passed the third floor. Nothing would stop this elevator, as it had been reprogrammed for the Inspiration program’s purposes, and it didn’t need to go any slower than it already did. “Yes, though I agree that it’s a little overkill, especially if you’re bringing a girl home and have to wait through this. Of course, if you didn’t get the penthouse suite as your new home, you wouldn’t have enough room for times where you might have ten or more girls at your home, and we wish to give you all that you may need to be able to perform your duties to their fullest”

  Richard nodded. He could understand that, though it also meant that when they stepped out, it would be… He decided to let him react to it when he got there, instead of worrying about it, especially while he was with someone who was supposed to be his friend, and being silent would be rude. “So, um, Kate, is the outfit a form of uniform from the government.”

  And for the first time since they’d met, Kate’s voice went almost robotic, as if reading from a script as she stated, “The purpose of any Inspiration Intern’s outfit is to excite the mind of the Officer they are assigned to, and it also allows for the girl, who was picked from the slums for this purpose, to perform an Officer’s duties to some extent. Of course, we are useless without our officers.”

  Richard frowned a little at that, before smiling and placing a hand on her shoulder, jumping her out of her recent training, or so he assumed. “Hey, that’s great to hear that the government would help you get out from down there with an opportunity like this. It’s also really smart of them to add you, as, well,” he blushed a bit as he swallowed, “even if I planned to use my card on you, as a government official I can’t so I merely must put up with your appearance if you decide so, thus forcing my libido to rise somewhat naturally to coax me to do more. Right ?

  For a moment, everything was silent in the elevator, except for the little bit of poor music playing in it, and Kate just blinked a few times, before saying, “You don’t plan to use your card on me?”

  Richard nodded as they passed the thirtieth floor. “Of course not. Even if it wasn’t a moot point, I just met you, and you’re already under enough stress with a new job, probably having to get used to not being surrounded by the smell of steel, oil, and dirt, and having to wear something like that while everyone around you is dressed, well,” he scratched his head a bi
t as he blushed a bit, “decently. I wouldn’t want to add being made into someone’s sex toy to that list.”

  If he had been watching her, he could have practically heard the wooden clicking in her neck as she slowly turned to stare at him. For the poor intern, it was one of those sorts of ‘One question answered, a hundred more appearing,’ moments. However, it also gave her one very important piece of information that she could hang onto. It also explained how he could fake such kindness. “Yes, it’s hard being the new girl, but it’s nice to know I have my government immunities, at least until you’re given an incentive to allow you to control me.”

  The words were as if someone had punched Richard across the face as he shut his eyes. It made sense of course. He could say anything he wanted, but she had no reason to believe him. He was just another Inspiration Monster who couldn’t wait for when he could rip her dress off.

  That killed the mood enough for both of them to give up on social cues, allowing the silence to permeate the small box as it continued its long climb up. Neither really noticed as they came back to equilibrium, focusing on other things with the small hum and music from the elevator itself.

  By the time they got to floor eighty, they were ready to put back on their masks and pretend that nothing had happened, just like any civilized Coivian. Kate stepped through the door first, walking backwards as she performed a bow. “Now, I happily present you your home, graciously provided by the Coivus Government in hopes that you shall spread your influence as far as you can see from the windows.”

  The sight of just the room took his breath away as he walked in. The ceiling was probably thirty feet high, with white walls extending high above him on the sides. A large, glass chandelier lit the whole place, shining bright in the midday sun. The room underneath it was quite open, as from just the entryway Richard could see all of the living room, the majority of the kitchen if he looked to one side, while on the other side were a line of five doors.


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