Sapphire Danger: The Weaver Chronicles Book 2

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Sapphire Danger: The Weaver Chronicles Book 2 Page 12

by Angie Cottingham

  “There it is. I can feel how hard you just came.” I growl. I pull out of her and place her on her feet. I take her over and place her face first against the glass. “Hands on the glass baby, and don’t move them.”

  As soon as she does what she’s told, I sheath myself in her again. This time I go more slowly. I thrust in and out slowly, leisurely. I can feel the orgasm creeping up on me. There’s a slow tingle making its way up my back and I can feel my balls tighten. I reach around Reegan and start working her clit with my fingers. “Come again for me baby. I can’t last much longer.” I flick her clit and she comes apart screaming my name. I come right behind her. We stand there against the glass for a minute, coming down from the high of orgasm.

  “Shit!” Reegan says scrambling away from the glass. I look up to see what could have her flustered and start laughing at what I see. Standing down on the ground and looking up to where we are is all the guys. “You did that on purpose didn’t you?” she hisses.

  “I promise I had no idea they were there but I wasn’t exactly paying attention to anything but your pussy wrapped around me.” I snicker. “Besides it’s not like they wouldn’t know what we were doing with all your screams.”

  “You are such an ass!” she screeches.

  “You love my ass.” I volley.

  “I do but that’s beside the point.” She returns and I’m hit in the face with my shirt.

  “Come on baby don’t be mad. Didn’t I make you feel good?” I ask with a grin.

  “You know you did Kalan. I just didn't think about how exposed we’d be.”

  “It’s ok. Jaymeson told me earlier that no one will come out this way knowing there are guests. The one people that could have seen are the guys and I’d say we gave them quite a show.”

  She looks back toward the glass and cringes a little. I see why when I look back as well. There are imprints of her perfect breasts on the glass. I’ll have to clean them off later. Or maybe I’ll leave them as a reminder.

  After getting redressed, I head out to the guys while Reegan goes to get cleaned up. I walk out the back door and notice the guys surrounding a grill. “Did you boys enjoy the show?”

  “Maybe. Yes. Fuck yeah.” I hear from all of them.

  “Are we grilling? I thought there was a feast later?” I ask.

  “Yeah. Dad called a while ago. Apparently, there’s an issue in town with some rogue shifters. They tried to come in and camp without permission so he has to deal with that. The meeting’s been postponed until Friday.”

  “That sucks.” I state.

  “Yeah. We’ll just enjoy a quiet night tonight and then I’ll take you guys around to meet the elders tomorrow if you want. They may be able to answer some of Reegan’s questions.”

  We’re watching the food cook and drinking beer when Reegan emerges. Jaymeson explains what’s going on and she takes it better than I expected, saying she’d rather have a quiet evening in. She walks toward the grill when Asher grabs her and pulls her down into his lap. No one mentions the scene from earlier, us guys already deciding not to make a big deal out of it and embarrassing her.

  As the night progresses, we find ourselves sitting in front of the television watching The Avengers. Reegan is stretched out on the couch with her head in Bentley’s lap and her feet resting on Jaymeson. The latter massages her feet while Bentley runs his fingers through her long purple hair.

  I can’t believe this is my life. I knew I would be with Reegan but I never imagined gaining these four men as well. They are quickly becoming my brothers. These four have a bond that was created by circumstance but Reegan has brought them together unlike anything that would have been possible without her. She’s brought me into the midst of it all and I couldn’t see my life being any other way at this point. My phone goes off and when I see it’s Aldair I get up and take it to the kitchen so I don’t disturb the movie or wake Reegan.

  “Hey bro.” I answer

  “Hey man. How’s it going out there?”

  “Good so far. We haven’t really gotten a chance to do much other than chill in the cabin but tomorrow we’re going to meet the elders. Maybe they’ll know something about Reegan’s parents. How’s everything there?

  “Good. I’m glad she may get some answers. Look, we need to talk.”

  “What's up?” I am now more alert.

  “Senior is gone,” he tells me.

  “What do you mean gone?”

  “I mean he left the state. Dad’s keeping an eye on the portals but I needed to tell you. Keep your eyes open man. He and Miles both took off and several students from the academy. I don’t know all of them but Adeline didn’t come to class today either.”

  “Alright brother. I’ll let the guys know. You take care of things there. Keep Maddie safe man.”

  “I will. If you guys need me, don’t hesitate to call me.”

  With that I hang up. I head back into the living room and quietly tell the guys what Aldair said. Jaymeson very carefully shifts out of his spot beneath Reegan’s feet and I replace him. He doesn’t pick up the phone to call his dad, he leaves the cabin to head to the main house. He said he was going to track him down and let him know the situation. He reassures me that no one can get onto pack lands.

  Chapter 20: Reegan

  We’ve been here for almost a week and I still don’t have any answers. Richard has been busy with pack business, something about Rogue shifters entering the territory. Most of the elders refuse to talk to me and those that agree, well they’re less than forthcoming with any information. The only thing they’ll come out right and say is that yes they do take in other species of supernaturals if they deem it a worthy cause.

  With no answers and no one else to talk to, Bentley thinks it's a great time to work on feeling my bonds. So I’m out here in the woods playing a game of hide-n-seek. My job is to use my bonds to find my mates. They all feel like a jumbled mess. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I concentrate on the bond colors. Asher’s deep red stands out among the other more muted colors.

  I give his string a light tug and in response I feel a vibration that runs all the way down to my toes. I work to only see his string and when I have it I tug again. I hold the string within me and open my eyes. As I move, I feel the vibrations again. They’re barely noticeable until I begin to move toward the mountain that eclipses the lake. The vibrations get stronger and stronger until I have full-body shivers. I look up and pull on my powers. About fifty feet up, I can see a small outcrop of rocks and trees. That sneaky bastard. He had to have shifted to get that high.

  Since I can’t shift, I start to climb using my wind ability to keep me steady. The vibrations are so strong now that I am forced to release the bond so as not to fall. Once I reach the top, I climb over. I still don’t see Ash but I can feel him. I look around and when I come up empty I look up. There in one of the trees, he sits with his back to the trunk and his eyes closed.

  I really don’t want to climb the tree so again I pull on my powers. I kneel and leap into the air. To my surprise and Asher’s, I landed right in front of him on the branch. “Holy wow! That was fucking amazing, Winnie!”

  “Tell that to me once we’re out of this damn tree.” I say.

  While he was getting over his shock, I took a second to look around me. The tree we’re perched on leans out over the outcrop. It’s a straight fall down. I never thought myself afraid of heights but damn that’s a long way down. I start to back up when Asher stops me.

  “You can’t come back any further. You’re ok. I won’t let you fall.” he whispers. “Look, all the guys are headed this way.”

  I look down again and see that yes, all the other guys are headed our way. I guess they got tired of waiting. I go to move my foot when I suddenly slip. Before Asher can catch me, I fall out of the tree. My mind blanks out everything I should be doing to save myself like creating a wind barrier but all I can think about are the guys. I lock gazes with Bentley and I see him make his mind up about something
but before he can follow through I feel a strange heat in my back and the next thing I know, I’m floating down. I’m not very graceful in my fall. Bentley tries to catch me but we both go down in a heap of limbs on the hard ground.

  We both grunt but when I try to lift myself off of him, he stills me. “Angel. You really are an angel.”

  “Huh? Big man did you hit your head?” I ask him with a smirk.

  “No. Angel you have wings and they’re the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.”, he states in awe.

  I look over my shoulder and gasp. I have fucking wings. WINGS! Not just any wings. They’re amazing. They start out a vivid white and as they go, they fade into the richest sapphire blue I have ever seen. They’re even more vivid than my eyes.

  I’m about to say something when I feel a hand run down my new appendages. It causes me to shiver and a small moan comes out of my mouth.

  “Sweetheart, I know you’re a weaver and have great power but how does someone just grow wings?” Jaymeson asks me as he slides another hand along the soft feathers. Again, I shiver and moan.

  “Jaymes man stop. Her wings are crazy sensitive and I feel how wet she’s getting.” Bentley tells him and then looks at me. “I’m going to force them away ok?”

  I nod and then I feel Bentley apply pressure between my shoulders and I can feel the wings recede.

  “Wow!” I hear Kalan say. “Ree, they are tied to your mate mark I think. That’s where it looked like they receded to.” Kalan says a little uneasily.

  I stand up with Jaymeson’s help and look around. “Where’s Ash?” I thought he’d have come down but he didn’t. I look around again and see that Trent is gazing up to the top of the mountain. I look to where his gaze is and see the most beautiful and scary thing I’ve ever seen. Asher shifted and now sits in his dragon form. He’s massive. His scales are black with hints of red. When the sun hits him the right way it looks as if he has fire sitting beneath the scales.

  “He shifted when you fell. I think he’s trying to reassure his dragon that you are ok. If he thinks you’re hurt he’ll be volatile.” Trent explains.

  “So what do we do?” I ask.

  “Not we Beauty, you. There’s a chance he’ll see us all as threats.” Trent answers.

  I try to think of how I’m going to reach him. The easiest way would be if my wings would pop back out. “Don’t even think about it Princess. You have to learn to use the wings first before you take on a risk like flying.” Bentley says. How did he know what I was thinking?

  “Ok. I’ll just use the wind then.” I say snottily.

  I walk a few paces ahead of the guys and pull on my powers. When I feel the wind coming to my call I leap. The wind carries me easily to the top of the mountain. I land a short distance away from Asher. I slowly walk over to him.

  “Asher.” I call out. His head turns and when he sees me he huffs and starts to amble over. He’s amazing. I don’t even know how to describe him.

  He tilts his head down to me and I reach out running my hand along the scales of his snout. He huffs again. I stroke him for a minute memorizing the feel of him. He lays his body down on the ground and huffs again.

  “What is it baby. I’m ok. I promise.” He huffs once more this time turning his head towards his back. “You want me to get on?” I ask. He somewhat nods his head.

  I walk back toward his massive body all the while stroking his scales. The more I stroke the more the huffs turn to chuffs and by the time I’m ready to climb on, he’s full on purring. I don’t know how I’ll climb because he's so large. His tail comes around and wraps around me lifting me into the air. When I’m up, I slide myself down to where my legs will wrap around his neck. Once seated, I grab onto a set of scales that reminds me of a dog leash. He feels me grab on and then he stands. He backs his massive self-up a little and then takes off running. When we reach the edge of the mountain he leaps into the air, spreading his wings out. He flaps them a few times to take us higher and then we’re flying.

  “This is amazing!” I scream. His head tilts back and I swear I can see a smile on his dragon face.

  We only go a couple of laps and I know this is the dragon’s way of making sure I’m ok but this is also Asher keeping his promise from the dreamscape. A promise he made to me over and over for two years. I can feel the tears come and I don’t try to stop them. I never thought those dreams would come true. I never thought I’d have Asher. And then it gets better because I have the other four guys as well.

  After several laps, one around the lake, Asher takes us back to the base of the mountain. He lands gracefully and his tail comes around me again to lift me off his body. When I’m solidly on the ground, he shifts. He wraps me in his arms and nestles his head in my neck.

  “I’m so sorry I didn’t catch you. I tried but by the time I reached out you were already falling. I couldn’t shift and risk hurting you. I was so scared. Then I saw those wings shoot out of your back and I was mesmerized. My dragon was beating on me so bad, I couldn’t hold him back but once I shifted, I held him at bay so I wasn’t a danger to you and the guys.” Asher says breathlessly.

  “I’m ok. Your dragon is beautiful.”

  “If you’re ok, why were you crying?”

  “Oh Asher. I was crying because you just made my dreams come true. You used to promise me rides on your dragon all the time and I always wished for it but never thought it’d be possible.”

  “I’ll take you flying any time you want but I think you’ll be flying on your own in no time.” he smiles and then pulls me into a deep kiss.

  “Alright you two. We should head back. I definitely want to see what else Ree can do.” Kalan says definitively.

  “I should probably call my grandpa and let him know about this.”, I say.

  “Not yet. Let’s see what else we can pull out of you first.” Jaymeson says.

  “Yeah, like moans, screams, my name.” Trent jokes.

  “I didn’t mean that.” Jaymeson blushes.

  “It’s all about phrasing bro.” Asher says at the same time I say, “I can get behind that.”

  We all laugh but Asher takes one of my hands while Trent takes the other and we head back to the cabin.

  Chapter 21: Reegan

  We’ve spent hours trying to get my wings to come back out or to see if I could pull any more powers forth but nothing is happening. We’re all getting frustrated and I am really hungry. The guys follow me to the kitchen where I put together a sandwich and grab a bottle of water.

  “Ok. Walk us through it. What happened when the wings shot out?”, Jaymeson asks.

  “I was falling. I caught Bentley’s gaze and I knew he was getting ready to do something. I thought for just a second that it would be awesome right then to be an angel so I could save myself. The next thing I knew, the wings were there.”, I explain. “Bent, do you even have wings? I mean you’re half angel right so you should have wings right?”

  “I do.” he grunts. He doesn’t look pleased by the fact and the other guys look almost sad at the declaration.

  “Can I see them?” I ask.

  “I’m more concerned with you,” he states.

  “I don’t know how to make them come out.”

  “How did you find Asher originally?” Bent asks me.

  “I concentrated on separating his bond from y’all’s and realized it had a pulse. As I got closer to him, the pulse got stronger.”

  “Like a metal detector?”, Trent asks.

  “Yes!” I exclaim.

  Ok, so you found Asher using the bond and your wings came out when you were concentrating on Bentley.” Trent sums it up.

  “Pretty much.”

  “Here’s what I want you to do,” Trent says coming over and grabbing me around the waist. “Concentrate on Jaymeson’s bond.”

  I close my eyes and concentrate. I find Jaymeson’s bond which is an earthy brown. I nod when I have it.

  “Ok, grab it and tug slightly.”

  “I’ve got

  “Ok now think about a shifter’s abilities. Try to pull those powers into yourself.”

  I think about the shift. The claws and teeth; the advanced sense of smell and sight. I think about the pack link and the ability of the alpha to make a pack member follow an order just by pushing his power.

  “Fuck!” I hear Jaymeson squeal and then I hear him fall to the ground.

  I open my eyes and see him writhing on the floor. “What happened? What did I do?” my voice comes out with a lisp. I lick around my mouth and feel fangs.

  I pull back my powers and Jaymeson calms exponentially. I walk over and fall to the ground beside him. “I’m so sorry.” I say. It’s as if he doesn’t hear me. He doesn’t respond. What have I done? I’m so sorry. Please be ok. Please. I whisper in my head over and over again.

  “I’m ok sweetheart. I’m ok.”, I hear in my head.

  “How are we talking in my head?” I ask.

  “Pack link. This shouldn’t be possible. I promise I’m ok. Your power is unreal. You’re even stronger than my dad.” He praises.

  “Are they communicating in their heads.?” Kalan asks

  “Holy shit. They have a pack link. This is fucking amazing!” Trent exclaims.

  Jaymes and I ignore the conversation going on around us. He sits up and kisses me. “I love you sweetheart. I can’t believe how lucky I got to be with you.”

  “I never thought I’d have a mate, much less five of them. I love you so much my sweet wolf.” I tell him while kissing him back.

  We pick ourselves up off the floor and I go back to my sandwich to find it gone. “I look around and see that Bent is chewing. “What the hell, Bentley that was mine. If you wanted one you should have made one for yourself.”

  “I figured yours was better besides you weren’t eating it.” he winks.

  “Well, I want another one.” I huff.

  “I’ll do you one better and make tacos if you can wait just a little while.” Trent says saving Bentley. He knows I love tacos.


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