Sapphire Danger: The Weaver Chronicles Book 2

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Sapphire Danger: The Weaver Chronicles Book 2 Page 15

by Angie Cottingham

  “Yeah. Let’s go on out. Jaymeson has to show off his mate anyway.” I say.


  When Reegan walks out the door of the main house, I can’t take my eyes off her. Can a person be majestic? If that word can describe a person, it is Reegan. She makes her way straight to me while the guys redirect Esme and Max to a table under a tree to sit.

  “Hey sweetheart.” I say as she comes to stand next to me. I pull her into my side and place a kiss on the top of her head. “I’d like you to meet my grandfather Jaymes.”

  She reaches her hand out for grandpa to shake. “It’s so nice to meet you.” she says with poise.

  “Oh dear, the pleasure is all mine. I can see what my Jayemson sees in you.” Grandpa says. “Keep in line will you.”

  “That’s a hard task but I believe I can handle him.” she laughs.

  Grandpa shakes her hand again and pulls me into a hug. “Keep her close son.” he walks away with a smile on his face.

  Reegan and I walk over to the table where the guys are and as I sit, I pull her down on my lap. We talk with her parents for a while. Reegan seems so happy to have them back. I can’t wait for Bentley’s parents to get here.

  Mom comes over soon after and says, “Jaymeson Elder Murphey would like to speak to you and Reegan for a moment.”

  “Ok Mom.. We’ll be there in just a second.” I answer pulling Reegan to her feet. “We won’t be long.” I tell them.

  “Go, these boys will keep us company. We’ve missed so much that we are happy to sit here and here about everyone’s lives.” Max says, dismissing us.

  “Sorry sweetheart. We’ll keep this as short as possible. I hate taking you away.” I say in a low voice to Reegan.

  “It’s ok. I’ll have plenty of time with them once tonight is over.” she says softly. Her eyes are glowing with happiness. If it's even possible she looks even more beautiful

  Chapter 25: Reegan

  There are a lot of people here and I’d love to just be with my parents but this is important to Jaymeson so I will suck it up and do what he needs. As he takes me over to Elder Murphey I realize I didn’t meet him earlier. Supernaturals age differently and looking at the man before me I’m pretty sure he’s ancient.

  “Jaymeson.” he greets. “Weaver.” he says to me.

  "Elder Murphey it is good to see you out and about today. Father told me of your recent illness.” Jaymeson says.

  “Posh. You know we don’t get sick but these old bones of mine hurt like the dickens. Some days I can’t even get out of the bed. Hopefully, age is kinder to you child.”

  “I hope so as well. Especially since I have a mate to care for now.”

  “Yes, I wanted to congratulate you on that. I honestly didn’t believe when your father told me. Not just any mate either. You scored yourself the Weaver.” he laughs and then coughs.

  “Yes sir. I am truly lucky.”

  “Time will tell, child. Weaver, what say you?” he asks me.

  “I think I am the lucky one. Jaymeson completes a part of me I didn’t realize I was missing.” I tell him honestly.

  “Very good. Very good.” he responds. “Now don’t let me keep you. Go be young.” he laughs and dismisses us. “Jaymeson!” I hear a woman call.

  Jaymeson looks over and then turns to me. “Why don’t you go back to the others. I’ll only be a minute.”

  I walk away and head back towards the guys. When I reach the table the guys are staring off in the direction I came from. I turn and the view I see has me headed right back in that direction; right back to Jaymeson.

  The woman that called for him is now standing so close to him that you can’t tell where he ends and she begins. She has her hand on his chest and one running up and down his arm. What’s worse is that he isn’t pushing her away. I don’t run but I do pick up my steps. The sooner I get to them, the sooner I can knock her ass out.

  “Reegan!” I hear the guys call out but I don’t pay them any mind. I hear my mom call out to me as well but I don’t care. All I see is that bitch with her hands on what’s mine.

  “Take your hands off of him!” I hiss when I reach Jaymeson.

  The woman looks at me and with a sly grin runs her fingernails down his chest. “Why would I take my hands off of my betrothed?” She asks.

  My breath stops in my lungs. I can’t breathe. I take a step back and then another. “Jaymes is this true? Are you promised to her?”

  “It doesn’t matter Reegan. You are my mate.” He tells me while looking at her.

  “This is quite the conundrum then isn’t it baby. You are mine. We have a blood pact. You will marry me and I will become queen of the pack like I was promised; like you promised.” she says, getting even closer to Jaymes.

  I don’t think. I just pull her off him. I pull back my fist and slam it into her face. I can hear bone break with the force. She doesn’t scream or cry. She just grunts. Then she looks up at me but before she can move, the guys jump in front of us.

  “Everyone calm down.” Trent says as he grabs me to pull me back.

  “You want me to calm down. My mate has a fucking blood pact with an entitled bitch. He promised himself to her and then fucked me knowing he was fucking betrothed!” I scream.

  “I get it Beauty but you can’t just go around punching people.”

  “Want to fucking bet? If you don’t let me go Trent I won’t be responsible for what I do.”

  I send a shot of heat through myself and he yelps and releases me. I move forward again and when I get within distance the bitch calls out, “I challenge you Reegan Winthrope to your place in the pack.”

  “Ha ha. Joke’s on you bitch. I’m not in the pack.” I sneer.

  “It may not be official but you are pack since you and Jaymeson have completed the bond.” she says clearly and loudly.

  “Fine. Challenge fucking accepted.” I growl.

  “Reegan no!” Jaymeson yells at me.

  He throws his alpha power out. Some of the closer shifters whine and some fall to the ground. Even the bitch drops to her knees. I stand there and straighten my spine.

  I walk over to him and rise up on my toes. “Do you want to play this game with me Jaymeson? I’ll put you on your ass just as easily as you did all these other wolves. You may be my mate and alpha to this pack but I don’t bow to anyone.”

  I then kneel next to the bitch. “Shouldn’t I know the name of the bitch I’m going to put down? It seems only fair.”

  “Nicole.” she grits out, still fighting and failing to withstand the alpha power flowing from Jaymeson. “You’ll remember it when I take what’s mine.”

  “When I’m done with you honey, you won’t be taking anything. I’d suggest you remember who’s still standing now. It will be the same person standing later.”

  I stand, turn on my heel and walk away, not even gracing Jaymeson with a look or another word. The guys follow me and when one of them reaches out or me I lose it, “Don’t fucking touch me! Tell me you all didn’t know about this.” I turn and look at them. “Tell me you didn’t know.” I say softer. When they don’t answer I know.

  They all knew Jaymeson was betrothed and didn’t tell me. I turn and I run. I don't stop running until I get to the lake. When I get there, I drop to the ground. I have never felt so betrayed, or so alone. I sit for a while and wallow in my misery. When I hear soft footsteps, I look up. Mom and Julie walk toward me. When they reach me they both drop to their butts on the ground.

  At first they’re quiet. Julie is the first to speak. “Nicole was Jaymeson’s first. She always aspired to be the pack queen and we tried so hard to separate them but you know Jaymeson now. When he loves he loves hard and the Creator did he love that girl. Then one night, she made him take a blood pact that he would marry her when he came of age and she would become queen. Jaymeson didn’t know any better and he was in love with her so he completed the pact. Two days later he walked in on h
er fucking one of the elders.”

  I look at her. “Why are you telling me this?”

  “So that you understand. When he caught her she said that they were never exclusive and wouldn’t be. She admitted that she only wanted to be queen and when he told her it was over she reminded him of the pack. If he doesn’t keep his end of it, then she becomes the ruler and can place any alpha she sees fit. No one has ever been an alpha except a Matthews. Jaymeson was trying to protect us all. He left a few days later to go to the academy. We made Nicole leave as well. I didn’t expect her to be here so someone must have told her Jaymeson was home.”

  “What does that mean for our mate bond?” I ask.

  “As the weaver you can sever the pact.” Mom tells me. “But that doesn’t change the fact that a challenge was made and accepted. By pack law, you have to fight. Richard wants this dealt with quickly so he has said it will happen at the end of feast, under the full moon.”

  “What haven’t you told me?”

  “You can’t use the elements water, earth, fire and air.” Mom answers. She looks scared. “Nicole can and will shift into her wolf.”

  “She doesn’t know I’m the weaver?”

  “Oh she knows but she has no idea what that actually means. She just thinks you have all the elements. Wolves aren’t taught about the other supernaturals in depth unless it’s necessary and let’s be honest, she’s not the brightest tool in the shed.” Julia huffs a small laugh. “Don’t stay mad at the boys for too long. They thought they were protecting you. Jaymeson loves you more than I have ever seen him love anything and while he isn’t showing it in front of the pack, he’s dying inside.” Julia says before standing and walking back to the feast.

  “Mom.” I say broken.

  “Yeah baby. I know it hurts.” she says putting her arms around me and holding me tight. “You got this. You know that right?”

  “Yeah I do but I don’t know how to deal with what comes after.” I tell her.

  “It’ll be ok.” she responds.

  “Hey, Bentley’s parents should be here by now. Do you want to go see them?”

  I shake my head, “No. I think I want to be alone for a while. I’ll meet you back out there before the fight.”


  “Fuck my life.” I say turning back to Nicole who’s still on the ground bleeding from her nose. I get a sick satisfaction from seeing her like that. “What are you doing here Nicole?"

  “I came to claim what’s mine.” She says haughtily.

  “I’m not yours and my bond mark proves that as much as your whoring ever did.” I sneer.

  “The blood pact says otherwise baby. I will have what was promised to me.” She returns.

  I turn and leave her on the ground. I have to get to Reegan. I have to explain. I walk over to the guys. They’re pissed. “Where is she?” I ask them.

  “Does it matter Jaymes? She doesn’t want anything to do with any of us now thanks to you and that bitch!” Trent yells.

  I sigh. I can’t deal with their hatred right now. I hate myself enough. Honestly, since I met Reegan I had forgotten all about the pact with Nicole. I was so fucking stupid to ever think she loved me. She only wanted to be queen of the pack. Mom and Dad both warned me but I didn’t listen, so caught up in that girl.

  When I walked in on her fucking Elder Maynard, my heart shattered. How could she claim to love me and fuck him. She admitted what she was after all along. I left not long after for the academy and dad banished her from pack lands. I left her behind and thought I was done with all her bullshit. Apparently things are back to bite me in the ass.

  I head to my father. “Dad, is there a way to sever the blood pact?”

  “Not without killing one of you. Your weaver may have to power to do it though. I tried to warn you about that girl years ago but you refused to listen; you were too busy thinking with your dick instead of your brain.” He huffs.

  “I doubt Reegan will want to break the pact after this. What happens if I give her up?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know but nothing good for you. She has other mates so she should survive it but you my son will likely go mad or die.”

  “Do you wish to give her up?” My Mother asks me.

  “What do you think Mom?”

  “I think you seriously fucked up with that wonderful girl and you need to find a way to fix it before it’s too late. She’s down by the lake.” She says and then walks away.

  I skirt around the outside of the party and around the main house toward the lake. I can see Reegan and her mom sitting on the ground huddled together and I can hear Reegan’s sobs from here. I slowly make my way to her other side and drop to my knees. Reegan looks up into my eyes and even though I know she’s pissed at me, she throws herself into my arms. Esme gets up quietly and heads back toward the party.

  “I’m sorry.” Is all I can say as I hold her against me.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” she responds.

  “I don’t know. I honestly thought that part of my life was over. When we met, you quickly became my everything and I forgot all about her. I swear to you Reegan that I never meant to hurt you and if I could break the blood pact I would.”

  “So you’re stuck? I just have to give you up to her?”

  “I’m not letting you go baby. Ever.” I tell her.

  “Then what do we do?” she asks.

  “You win the challenge and you break the pact. If you were able to get through blood magic, you can through this. If not, I’ll kill her myself.”

  I pull Reegan up off the ground and lead her back to the cabin to get ready for the challenge that will take place in just a short time. While I hate that she accepted the challenge, I know she can handle herself. I’ll be right there cheering her on.

  Chapter 26: Reegan

  I changed my clothes before the fight, thankful that the cabin was empty and that the guys left me alone. Even Jaymeson left after he dropped me off in my room. Now instead of the leggings and tank, I wear a pair of leather tactical pants that mold to my curves but allow me movement and a grey racerback tank. I walk over to my mom and dad who are sitting with all the guys except for Jaymeson. He sits in a chair next to his dad around a ring that’s been carved out of the dirt. I hug my mom and dad and then I stand in silence awaiting the time when I’ll have to step into that ring.

  “Pack members and guests. A challenge has been issued by Nicole Le’Fontaine to Reegan Winthrope. Reegan do you accept this challenge?” Richard looks at me.

  “I do!” I call out.

  “Make your way to the ring.” he calls out.

  I step away from the table and the guys, Bentley is deep in conversation with his parents until he hears me walking away and then his attention is squarely fixed on me. I make my way to the edge of the ring and again I wait.

  “The challenger has asked that Reegan not use her elemental abilities of Air. Water. Earth. Fire. Miss Winthrope do you agree to those terms?”

  “Yes. I agree.” I say.

  “Then let the fight commence.” He calls out.

  I take one step into the ring. I don’t move until Nicole does. I watch her and pay attention to her stance. When she comes at me she steps with her left leg before punching with her right. I side-step her attack and whirl around. She comes at me again and again. I side-step all the attacks. When she gets frustrated she kicks out, landing a blow to my stomach, I grunt and grab the area she kicked. She smirks. Bitch wants to get cocky. Good. That will make her sloppy. When she comes at me again, I grab her around the neck and sink my knee into her stomach and then into her face. I hear the bone snap again. When I release her she falls on her ass and I see that she left blood on my pants.

  She gets up with a sneer and I can see it in her eyes, she’s going to shift. She leaps into the air and shifts as she comes down with her jaws open ready to sink them into my shoulder. I quickly merge into the veil of Purgatory and pop out behind her. I punch her
where I think her kidney is. I can see the shock on her wolfy face.

  She comes at me again, claws first this time and manages to clip my side, ripping my flesh right above my left hip. I pull on my powers. Not the elemental ones but the others. I feel claws extending from my hands and the fangs elongating in my mouth. When I look down, I see that I now have iridescent sapphire and amethyst scales running along my torso and arms.

  “Holy shit,” I hear Asher say from somewhere behind me. “Fuck man. She has scales.”

  “Shut up and let her fucking concentrate,” I hear come from Bentley.

  This time when Nicole comes she can’t penetrate my scales. She shifts back to her human form quickly. She has a massive look of fear on her face. “Ready to end this wolf? I’m giving you a chance to save yourself the pain.”

  “Not on your life. Jaymes is mine. I knew when Adeline called me that I had to come back for him. I’m going to be queen.” she sneers.

  “Adeline told you I was here?” Jaymeson asks shocked.

  “Of course. She is my cousin after all. She was trying to keep an eye on you but when she told me you were getting close to another girl; that you loved her, I knew I had to come back and remind you of the pact.” she answers.

  “Jaymeson. You must get out of the ring!” Richard yells.

  As I watch him walk away, Nicole goes on the attack again. This time when she leaps for me I grab her around the throat. I lift her into the air. “You won’t have my mate.” I growl.

  My vision is blurring purple and I know my powers are about to overwhelm me. I release her and pull on the alpha power I gained in my mating with Jaymes. She drops to the ground and writhes in pain. Every wolf in my vicinity is now on their knees including Richard and he looks both pissed and shocked.

  “You will leave this place and you will not return. You will forget all about your goal to become queen of this pack. You will forget all about Jaymeson. The pact is void. Do. You. Understand?”


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