Knocked Up by Daddy’s Best Friend

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Knocked Up by Daddy’s Best Friend Page 9

by Crowne, K. C.

  I thought I would never stop shaking. But the feeling melted away and I was left trembling and breathless. He still worked his tongue against me, but it felt so good it hurt, and I pushed his face away.

  "Stop," I said, rolling off him and collapsing on the floor. "Oh, my fucking God."

  I felt as though I had forgotten most of the words in my head and just stared blankly at the ceiling seeing stars. When I rolled over, I saw him looking at me with pure admiration in his eyes.

  "You're quite the screamer," he smirked.

  "I've never..." I gasped, still sucking in air. "I mean, I didn't even know I could feel like that."

  He lay on the floor beside me and put a hand on my stomach, stroking me gently. My body was limp and overcome with pleasure, but I needed more, and as I pressed myself against his body, I grew wet again.

  Rolling on top of him, I straddled his hips. He was still dressed, and there was something so powerful about him being clothed while I was naked. I was vulnerable in his arms.

  But I was desperate to see what was beneath his shirt and longed to drag my fingertips over the muscles I had dreamed of for years. Tearing at his shirt, I pulled it from his chest, his muscles bronze and glistening. Scratching my fingernails over him, I watched as goose bumps rose over his skin. He bit his lip as it tickled and wriggled beneath me.

  "You can do it harder if you like," he moaned, running his hands up my sides and holding me in place. He pressed his hard cock against me as I scratched him again, this time harder, leaving long, red lines down his chest like claw marks.

  Lowering my hands to his stomach, I felt his abs contract beneath my fingertips and marveled in the strength of his body. Then I felt for his belt and pulled it free from his pants.

  I knew what was coming, knew I had to do the one thing I had dreamed of for so long but was nervous, even afraid of.

  Slowly, I pulled down his pants until I was looking at the bulge of his cock through his boxer shorts. He was enormous, bigger than I knew a cock could be. I stroked him through the fabric of his boxers and felt him twitch.

  There's no way that's going to fit inside me, I thought.

  I may have been an inexperienced virgin, but even I knew he was big. Sensing my unease, he took my hands in his and looked me dead in the eye.

  "Are you okay? You look nervous."

  You have to tell him. He has to know you're a virgin. I swallowed my anxiety and held my breath. What if he thinks you're a little girl? What if he doesn't want you anymore?

  "Becca? What's wrong?"

  Looking up, I caught my reflection in the mirror behind the couch and realized just how nervous I looked. "I've never done this before."

  He looked confused for a second, then sat up. "You've never..."

  "Had sex before."

  "You're a virgin?"

  At first, he stared at me as though he was waiting for the punch line to a joke. When it didn't come, I could visibly see the moment in his eyes when the penny dropped.

  "You said you hadn't had a boyfriend before, but, fuck, I had no idea."

  He leaned closer to me and held me tightly to his chest. I reveled in the warmth and protection of his body as he kissed the top of my head, then my cheek.

  "You're so perfect," he whispered, stroking the hair from my face. "I wish I had known."

  I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and gently held a hand to his strong jaw. "I don't want to be a little girl anymore," I told him. "I want you to make me a woman."

  Excitement flashed in his eyes and his grip on me tightened. I lowered my fingers to the waistband of his boxer shorts and pulled them down.

  "Have you really never touched a man before?"


  His excitement grew. "I have a lot to teach you," he said with a smile, running his hand down my body.

  I pulled his boxers down further until I could see the angry tip of his cock. It was red and throbbing.

  "It doesn't bite," he smiled, pulling his boxers all the way off.

  For the first time I was face to face with a cock, and it was so big it reached up past his belly button, rock solid and begging to be sucked. I had never sucked a cock before. But all I knew was that in that moment, I want to suck the life out of him.

  Taking it in my hand, it felt so natural to run my hand up and down the length of it. Even more natural to place my lips gently on the tip and flick out my tongue to taste it.

  "Hold it with both hands," he instructed me. "Yeah, like that. And twist them a little as you move them. Aw, fuck. Yeah, just like that. Oh God, that's so good. No, don't stop. Keep going. Oh, fuck!"

  The sound of his groans made me wetter, and I could feel my pussy respond as it prepared to accommodate him.

  I couldn't take anymore. I needed him inside me. Pushing him onto his back, I climbed on top, still pumping my hand up and down his cock. He looked at my naked body with pure desire in his eyes and placed his hands on my breasts as though he was gazing upon a priceless treasure.

  Hovering over his cock, I knew I needed to feel it deep inside me, but I also knew it would hurt. But in the moment, I wasn't put off by the pain, I was motivated by it. I needed to feel it so I could break out of my shell and emerge through the pain like a woman.

  Looking deep into his eyes, I took him into me, just enough to feel the sting.


  I clenched my eyes shut and lowered even further. I was engulfed with pain but by no means wanted to stop. Lowering myself even further down his length, I felt as though I was being cut in half, but at the same time I was growing wetter, hornier, more desperate to fuck him.

  “Are you sure you’re alright, Becca?” Matthew asked, concern on his handsome face. “We don’t have to do this.”

  “I’m ok. And I’ve wanted to do this for most of my life. I’m not stopping now.”

  Taking a deep breath and biting down on my lip, I eased myself down his entire length, letting out a scream as I reached the bottom. His grip on me tightened as he held my hips in place. I remained still, allowing my body to become accustomed to the large cock.

  Soon, the pain subsided, and in its place was the most divine feeling. I cried out, wanting more, and he lifted me up and down, grinding his hips against mine as he thrust inside me slowly.

  "Fuck, you're so tight," he grunted, his eyes closing as pleasure washed through him. “So fucking tight."

  Instinct took over, and I rode him faster and harder until there was no pain at all, just a deep hunger that urged me to rock back and forth. Soon, I was overcome with pure euphoria that reached through every cell in my body until I felt as though my limbs were filled with nothing but bliss.

  But it wasn't just the heat between my legs that made me feel so good. It was the power I had over him, the ability to make him close his eyes and let out a groan with the slightest of moves.

  If I twisted one way, he let out one noise, if I moved the other way, he let out another. His eyes were on me as though I was the most spectacular thing he'd ever seen.

  I felt like a queen as I fucked him. No, more than that. Like a goddess. I felt as though I had no other purpose than to fuck the life out of him and watch him lose his mind.

  Taking his hands in mine, I slid them down to my hips and he gripped me as though he was holding on for his life.

  “Fuck me harder,” I breathed, and he began to pant, thrusting deep inside me at a frantic pace.

  Beads of sweat started to form on his brow as he groaned, gritting his teeth together as a roaring orgasm threatened to take over his body. When it wasn't enough, he pulled me down on top of him, my breasts sticking to the sweat of his chest. He held me so tight it almost hurt, and my lungs struggled to suck in air. But I didn't want him to let go.

  I dug my nails into his sides as he pumped into me hard and bit into his shoulder as he hit my g-spot. A muffled scream escaped my mouth as another orgasm tore through me, leaving my thighs shaking uncontrollably as I bit him harder.

�Fuck. Fuck! Fuuuuuck!” he yelled as each and every muscle in his body pulled itself tight.

  He began to shake, in his stomach at first, then in his ass and thighs. Then every single part of him was trembling as his hands pulled me even closer to him. I could feel him twitch inside me as he came, could feel our orgasms merge until we were sealed in each other's euphoria.

  For a long while, we trembled in each other's arms, struggling to breathe with our limbs tangled together. Exhausted and dazed, we remained entangled and in silence for some time, listening to each other's slowing breaths. When I started to feel my eyelids become heavy, I sat up and looked at the entire length of his body.

  He raised his arms behind his head and looked up, a slightly shocked but delirious look on his face. We felt drunk with satisfaction.

  I felt as though I'd never be so content again. Although the burn between my legs was now apparent, I enjoyed the sensation, feeling as though through the pain I had earned my stripes. I was a woman now.

  “I'm going for a shower,” I announced. “Care to join me?”

  “I don't think I can move just yet.”

  I bent down to kiss him, then walked away reluctantly into the bathroom. There was nothing I wanted to do less than leave him, but he'd be there when I returned. Maybe he'd even stay the night and hold me as I slept.

  As I entered the warmth of the shower, I couldn't stop smiling. I felt like a whole new person. As though through sex I had discovered the meaning of life.

  I want to do that every night of my life, I thought as I quickly washed myself. And I want to always do it with Matthew.

  In a hurry to return to him, I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel. From the living room, I was aware of him walking around. And as I stepped through the door, I was surprised to see him dressed and ready to walk out the door.

  “Are you leaving?” I asked, my voice unable to hide the disappointment.

  There was a guilty, shifty look in his eyes. He looked toward the door as though he was eager to leave, then he looked at me as though he didn't want to say goodbye.

  “I shouldn't have done that,” he blurted, his words running together.

  “But I wanted to.”

  “It was wrong.”

  I walked toward him, my wet hair dripping on the carpet. Laying a hand on his arm, I tried to pull him toward me for a kiss, but he wouldn't budge.

  “There was nothing wrong about what we did,” I told him.

  He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed before running a hand through his hair. To me, he looked more handsome than ever, but had I lost my appeal to him now that he’d had me?

  I started to feel a twinge of anger develop in my gut. Sensing the tension in me, he took my face in his hands and kissed my forehead.

  “Becca, listen to me. It's not you. You're beyond incredible. And what we shared...” He paused briefly, shaking his head as if he wasn’t sure what had happened was real. “Well, I'll remember that for the rest of my life. You're perfect to me, Becca. But what we just did, it can never happen again.”


  “Your father would never forgive me if he found out. Shit, he's my best friend. He trusts me.” He let go of me abruptly and walked to the door. “I'm so sorry,” he said, then opened the door and walked out.

  As the door closed behind him, I stared at the spot he'd just stood in. A girl weaker than me would have crumbled. Might have even felt as though they'd been used.

  But all I could think was that through losing my virginity, I had earned a superpower. I knew how to blow his mind and make him touch Heaven. I had given him the time of his life and he fucking well knew it.

  He'll be back, I thought with a smile as I returned to the bathroom. He won’t be able to stop dreaming about me.


  As I walked out of her apartment and reached the sidewalk, I felt the cold air sting my burning cheeks. Inside my clothes, I was sweating. I could still smell her on me, the scent of her perfume clinging to my skin.

  I felt the need to raise my fingers and press them to my lips. The same lips that had brought her to a screaming orgasm.

  I couldn't believe what I had done.

  When I saw the yellow light of a cab in the distance, I flung out my hand. It came to a screeching halt beside the curb and I climbed in.

  “Where to?”

  “Heartland Heights,” I told the driver.

  The man attempted to make small talk, but I tuned him out. It was impossible to think about anything but Becca. But I didn't know what stayed with me the most. The way her voice hit a crescendo as she reached orgasm, the way she made me cum like I'd never cum before, or the look in her eyes when I’d told her it could never happen again.

  I felt like an absolute scum bag. Not only had I taken her virginity, but I had probably made her hate me as well.

  You're a dick, I told myself. You took your best friend's daughter's virginity, then walked out like she was nothing more than a one-night stand.

  As we reached Heartland Heights, and I caught a glimpse of the golden gates that bordered my garden. I planned on getting home and doing some serious thinking. I had to truly evaluate who I was as a man.

  For starters, I wasn't the sort of guy who slept with girls half his age. Especially not ones I’d watched grow up from a newborn baby. But that's exactly what I'd done. As I tipped the driver and stepped out, I felt like I didn't recognize myself.

  “Wow, a hundred dollars,” the driver beamed as he looked at the bill in his hand. “Thanks, buddy.”

  “You're welcome. Have a good night.”

  Walking up the driveway to my house, I looked around my expansive property and felt horrible. Not because I didn't like it. On the contrary, I had designed the house and the surrounding landscape myself along with the help of a top Boston architecture firm.

  I loved everything about my home. But it was meaningless because I had no one to share it with. When I'd first built it, not long after Olivia and I got engaged, I'd planned on filling it with children.

  Spanning three floors with twelve bedrooms, I thought it would be filled with all my sons and daughters and their nannies and friends. I thought I'd have all my buddies over every night along with all my family. I thought Olivia might even move in her elderly parents.

  But all those plans went to shit. And there I was, walking away from the most perfect woman on Earth to spend the night alone in an empty mansion.

  I was filled with regret and guilt. Guilt that I had slept with my best friend's daughter. And regret that I had left her afterward, like she was some cheap mistake.

  For a second, I looked into the darkness of the house and considered going back to her. Lord knew I would have loved the feel of her body against mine. But at the same time, I knew I could never hold her again. What we'd just had could never be repeated.


  I was sitting at the end of the boardroom table with Sandra on one side and Coby on the other. It had been a long and anxious weekend because I hadn't heard from Matthew. But I had chosen not to chase him or contact him either. The last thing I wanted was to look desperate. Even if I wanted to talk to him more than anything.

  But as Monday morning rolled around, I knew I had to put my professional hat back on. Any second now, he was going to walk into the room, and I was supposed to greet him as though everything was perfectly normal. As though he hadn't taken my virginity and given me the best orgasms of my entire life.

  "So he liked my designs?" Coby asked anxiously.

  "Yeah, he thinks they'll be really effective," I said. "And I love them too. I was trying to convince Matthew to pull in a younger clientele, and I think the new campaign will really do that."

  Sandra looked at her watch, then at the door. I knew what she was thinking. It was unusual for Matthew to be late for anything. Looking at my phone, I saw it was five past nine, and we'd all been waiting for twenty minutes already.

  "Probably stuck in traffic,"
I said to the room and they both nodded in agreement.

  Every second that ticked by reminded me of how nervous I was to see him again. How was I supposed to go back to having a normal boss/employee relationship with him? Was I supposed to stop seeing beyond his suit to the gorgeous naked body beneath?

  I'd never be able to look at him again without remembering where his hands had been or what he felt like deep inside me. Would never be able to look at his mouth without remembering the pleasure-filled tremors he'd given me.

  When the table grew a little more restless and we thought he'd never turn up, the door opened and in strode Matthew as though everything was fine.

  "Good morning," he said, taking a seat at the opposite end of the table. He smiled at both Sandra and Coby. Then his eyes rested on me, a split second of acknowledgment before he moved his gaze elsewhere, but it sent a shock wave through my stomach.

  "I trust you all had a good weekend," he said, opening his laptop.

  Once again, he looked up, his eyes peering over the top of his screen. His gaze met mine for a fleeting moment, then he glanced away again. But in that passing glance, there was so much raw energy, so much fire. He was trying to play it cool, but I couldn't ignore the way he licked his lips with desire. And at just the sight of him, I couldn't stop the pulsing between my legs.

  There was no denying we still wanted each other badly.

  The tension between us was palpable to the point that even Sandra seemed on edge. She bristled in her seat and said, "You're late, Matthew. That's unlike you."

  "Traffic," he said shortly. "It was a bitch this morning."

  Once again, he looked up from his laptop to glance at me. Was that a slight quickening of his breath? Did his eyes just linger on my breasts?

  Beside me, I could feel Sandra’s agitation, and as I looked at her, I saw her eyes tracing a line between Matthew and me then back to Matthew again. She was a shrewd woman and nobody's fool. She knew there was something between us.


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