Mending The Billionaire Brother (MacLachlan Brothers Romance Book 3)

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Mending The Billionaire Brother (MacLachlan Brothers Romance Book 3) Page 3

by Bree Livingston

  “Spit it out, Sarah.” Sarah could picture Penelope giving her a hard look.

  Internally, she debated. If she told them, they’d worry. If she didn’t find someone in six months, she could just say it was too overwhelming and she’d decided it was better to sell it. She wasn’t a great liar, so if she was going to sell it, she’d have to sell it to herself as well .

  “Nothing, just that she wanted me to take over the sanctuary. She even left a video and gave me some pointers for running the place.” Maybe that wasn’t a lie. It’s not like she’d watched the whole video yet. She certainly needed pointers. Sure, she’d helped her mom on weekends, but she’d never even looked at the books or how to schedule volunteers. If it weren’t for Trudy Marshall, she was sure she’d already be looking to sell.

  The silence from the other end of the line became uncomfortable.

  “We don’t believe you,” they said.

  Sarah faked a yawn. “Guys, I’m exhausted. Is there any chance we can talk at a different time?” That was the truth. Plus, she wanted to finish the disc.

  They hesitated, and she was picturing a fight on her hands. “Sure, but we miss you,” Paige said .

  Grateful was the best word for how she felt when they let it go. “I miss you guys too.”

  “We love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  The line went dead, and Sarah clicked play .

  Her mother continued, “I may not have given you enough time, but I think any more than six months would be too much of your life to give to this.”

  Sarah nodded. “Well, I definitely agree you didn’t give me enough time, but I wanted to do this for you. “

  “Not that it isn’t worthy or needed, but my first priority in being your mom is to look after you and your needs. I know you, and you’ll want to keep this place running. It’s been a huge part of both our lives. When you promised me you’d keep it going….” Her mom stopped and grabbed a few tissues from the nightstand. She dabbed her eyes and started again. “I shouldn’t—"

  Sarah paused the video as her mom began to cry. Her heart hurt. She had no idea her mom worried about it so much. So much that she wanted her to get married in order to keep it. What was she going to do now? Try to find someone to get through the six months she needed or let the place go?

  She stood and paced the floor in front of the TV. The promise meant her mother’s legacy would continue. It wasn’t a half-hearted promise either. Sarah had been sincere when she’d agreed to move back home and keep the place going.

  “Oh, Mom, what am I going to do?”

  Chapter 4

  When Sarah described her mother’s horse sanctuary, she’d left out the sheer splendor of it. A half-mile past the massively ornate wrought iron front gate, Taran’s cab stopped in front of the opulent single-story hacienda-style ranch home. He could have rented a car, but he didn’t know the area. It seemed easier to let someone else do the driving.

  Beyond the home, thick green grass spread as far as he could see with a large barn in the distance. If Taran guessed the number of horses housed, he’d suspect roughly twenty or so. Out in the pasture, he could see at least a dozen grazing or lying in the sun.

  He paid the cab driver and got out. When he’d flown in, he’d stashed his luggage at the hotel room he’d rented. Taran was glad he’d thought ahead for that. Showing up at Sarah’s carrying luggage would have made him feel awkward, especially with the way they’d left things.

  Before ringing the doorbell, Taran studied the front of the home. Purple, red, and yellow wildflowers bloomed in the beds that spanned the length of the house. Standing in front of him like giants were two dark wood doors with wide glass panels on each side. It made the home look grandiose and nothing like Sarah.

  “Who are you, and why are you staring at the front door?”

  Taran wheeled around to find a little girl glaring at him. “Eh…”

  She straightened her tiara and put her hands on her hips. “I asked you a question!”

  Taran smiled. She was cute. Maybe twelve or thirteen and wearing a princess dress with muck boots. “My name’s Taran. I’m a friend of Sarah Freeman.”

  The little girl tilted her head, and a smile crept onto her face. “Are you from Scotland?”

  Taran chuckled. “Aye. Would ye mind tellin’ me yer name?”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m not supposed to talk to strangers.”

  “But ye already are.” The little girl had all sorts of spunk. He liked her.

  “Just to find out who you are. You’re the one trespassing. “

  Until he got a name, he was going to call her Princess, just not to her face. She didn’t strike him as the kind of little girl to tangle with.

  “Is Sarah here?”

  The little girl dropped her hands from her hips and huffed. “I should go get Larry. If he thinks you’re okay, then maybe I’ll take you to Sarah.”

  “Is Larry a friend?”

  Princess’s teeth were gleaming white as her lips spread into a Cheshire grin. “Oh, he’s a friend.”

  “Why does that sound so ominous, then?”

  The little girl giggled. “Fine, I’ll take you to Sarah, but only because you’ve got a cool accent.”

  “So, ye cannae speak to strangers unless they have a cool accent?”

  “Well, that, and I’ve heard Sarah and Trudy talking about the cute guy from Scotland that Sarah’s not been able to get over.”

  Taran’s pulse quickened. So, she’d been as hung up as he was. “Oh?”

  “But you didn’t hear that from me ’cause I wasn’t eavesdropping ’cause that’s wrong, and I don’t want to make Sarah mad at me.”

  Taran studied the little girl. The way her face fell at the mention of Sarah being angry with her worried him. “Does she get upset often?”

  “No, she’s just been under a lot of stress. It’s just been me and Trudy and a couple of other people helping. This place is pretty big, and there are a lot of horses to take care of. Mostly, it’s been Sarah taking care of the place. Trudy says Sarah needs to not work so hard. She’s too pale, and she’s not eating enough.”

  His heart sank. Sarah was vibrant and vivacious, so full of life it was hard to picture her any other way. He should have come with her when she first left. Just to make sure she could handle everything. Why hadn’t he come? Because I was afraid of getting my heart broken. “Is she okay?”

  “I don’t know. She hasn’t had any kind of a break. The lawyer froze most of the accounts when her mom died, and it’s just her. You can’t tell her I know that either. I have a tendency to hear things I shouldn’t. I just don’t want to be trouble.” She smoothed her princess dress. “That’s what my dad calls me. Trouble. He says I only cause trouble, but I don’t want to do that to Sarah. Sarah’s nice to me. She lets me wear dresses to take care of the horses.”

  “A princess can take care of horses in jeans or a dress. It’s not the clothes that make a princess; it’s the woman.”

  The little girl’s eyes gleamed. “That’s what Sarah says.”

  Taran nodded. “Sarah’s a smart lass.”

  “Come on. I’ll take you to her.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him with her toward the barn. “My name is Freddy.”

  Ah, so this was Freddy. “Nice to meet ye, Freddy.” Princess Freddy had a good ring to it.

  “Sarah wasn’t kidding when she said you were cute. You look just like that Angus MacLachlan actor.”

  Taran chuckled. “He’s my brother.”

  Freddy stopped abruptly and looked at Taran. “Holy smokes. He’s your brother? Wow, what’s it like to be related to someone famous?”

  He shrugged. “I dinnae know. He’s just always been Angus.”

  She chewed her thumb. “Do you think I could meet him?”

  “Let’s see how we can help Sarah and go from there.” Taran liked this little girl. If he were to ever have kids, he’d want a little girl just like her. Bright and ful
l of spunk.

  Freddy glanced at him as they walked. “You look a lot like him, ya know? Are you twins?”

  Taran shook his head. “Naw, we arenae twins. We just look a lot alike.”

  “No kidding. Sarah was right, though.”

  “Right about what?”

  “You’re cuter. If that’s possible.”

  Taran felt the blood rush to his cheeks. He wasn’t sure why he was blushing at the compliment. It wasn’t one he hadn’t heard before, but knowing Sarah said it made it worth more to him. “Eh…” He scratched the back of his neck.

  “Wow, you blush easy. My dad says I have a big mouth. Sorry, should have warned you about that too.”

  Princess didn’t miss anything. At least he’d been warned now. “Let’s find Sarah.”

  “Okay, but just so you know—”

  “She doesna know ye overhead that either.”

  She looked up at him sheepishly. “Uh, no.”

  “Yer secrets are safe with me.” Taran winked.

  Freddy’s cheeks turned red, and she looked away. “She said you were charming too.”

  “Ye really do overhear a lot, do ye nae?”

  “Hey, I’m precocious.”

  In his head, he added, And perfect.

  “Sarah?” Freddy called as they neared the barn entrance. “Sarah.”

  “Sarah,” called Taran.

  Freddy forged on through the doors, calling for Sarah with Taran following. “She’s in here. I’m sure of it. She mostly stays just over there.”

  “She doesna live in the house?”

  “Yeah, she can, but I overheard her telling Trudy it feels wrong without her mom.”

  “Gavin is her stepfather, right?” Some of this Taran knew, but it didn’t hurt to ask questions like he was oblivious. More often than not, you got more answers when pretending to be dumb.

  “Yeah, he doesn’t have much to do with the sanctuary, but Sarah’s mom always said he was helpful in other ways. Whatever that meant.”

  “So, it didnae always look so…”

  “Like that? No. It used to look like a regular hacienda. It was half that size. I don’t know why they changed it.”

  Taran looked over his shoulder at the house sitting in the distance. He’d known it didn’t look like Sarah. “Didn’t Sarah’s mother have anything to say?”

  “She was sick the past year, and the last few months, she wasn’t…really…here. When she was, it was short. I don’t know how she hid it from Sarah. Trudy thinks Gavin had something to do with keeping it from her, because Sarah’s mom didn’t want her to worry.”

  “Sarah didnae seem to know any of that.” He could still recall the look on Sarah’s face when she’d received the news of her mother’s passing. The color had drained from her skin, and her body trembled.

  “She didn’t.”

  “Does she know now?”

  “I think Gavin talked to her about it before he moved to one of his places in the city.”

  “I bet it hurt her that her mum kept it from her.”

  Freddy let go of Taran’s hand. “I wasn’t trying to overhear or anything, but she cried a lot when she first got here. She’d hide in Larry’s stall.” Her voice trembled, and Taran could swear he saw her trying to blink back tears. “Sarah tries to act tough, but she’s not. Trudy calls her tenderhearted.”

  That was absolute truth. Sarah was as tenderhearted as anyone he’d ever met. It was part of the reason he’d been drawn to her. Other than her no-nonsense way of dealing with him. When he’d been gruff with her, she’d ignored him. He smiled at the memory, and as he looked to the left, Sarah came into view.

  From the side, she leaned against a pitchfork with her head on her hands, like she was surveying the stall she was in .


  She turned, and her mouth dropped open. “Taran?” It came out as a whisper.

  “Aye,” he said and smiled .

  It was as though she were in a spotlight. Everything around him faded, and it was just her. His Sarah. Just as beautiful as, if not more so than, the last time he saw her. The same high cheekbones, perfectly shaped Cupid’s bow lips, and legs as long as any he’d ever seen. The woman could fill out jeans better than anyone. Her auburn hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and her blue eyes were zeroed in on him.

  “What are you doing here?” She dropped the pitchfork and walked to him.

  The closer she got, the harder his heart pounded. If it didn’t slow down, it would break a rib .

  “I thought ye could use some help.” He wouldn’t mention the fact that he’d been emotionally blackmailed. Instead of a toss in the lake, Penelope and Paige would be getting a thank you.

  Chapter 5

  Sarah’s breath caught. Taran. In the flesh, standing just a few feet away. Blood rushed in her ears as her heart hit overdrive. Casual and ruggedly handsome. He looked fantastic in his heather-gray t-shirt and dark wash jeans. He’d even grown a beard. She’d thought he looked good clean-shaven, but with a beard…her mouth went dry .

  “But the farm.” She crossed the distance and stopped in front of him. He was as kissable as ever. Not that she’d know, but in her dreams, he kissed her every night.

  “Has Rory and Angus. Ye need me more.” He pulled her into a hug, and she had to keep herself from sighing. He smelled great. No cologne, just soap and man. It was the best smell ever.

  “Me?” Oh, she needed him, and she hadn’t realized how much until right then. Her mother’s words floated in her head: Your heart would sing when you talked about him.

  He nodded. “Aye. Ye need help, do ye nae?”

  She sobered as she leaned back. He’d only come to help, not stay. She knew he wanted forever when he married, but maybe she could convince him to stay long enough for her to keep the sanctuary open. The thought sent her stomach on a spiral to her feet. There was no way she could do that to him. Taran, as gruff as he was when she first met him, was sweet. Asking that of him would be wrong.

  “Uh, Miss Sarah,” Freddy said. “Do you have anything for me to do?”

  Sarah pulled away from Taran and smiled. “I take it you two have met?”

  Freddy pulled in her bottom lip between her teeth and smiled. “Yep. You said he was cute, but you never said he was Angus MacLachlan’s brother. Why’d you leave that out?”

  Sarah’s cheeks burned. Why? Because in her mind, Taran was her prince. No one could top him. “I…well…uh…”

  “Why are you blushing? You blush as fast as he does. I told him he was cute, and you should have seen him. His cheeks were as red as his hair.” Freddy slapped a hand over her mouth. “I’m sorry.”

  Taran looked away, trying to hide his smile.

  “You know, Gable is desperate for a workout. Why don’t you saddle him up and take him on a ride? He seems to be moping since we shut down rehabilitation.”

  Freddy nodded and zoomed toward the other end of the barn.

  Sarah kept her eyes down from Taran’s face. “She can be…”

  He cleared his throat. “Precocious? That’s the word she used. “

  “Yeah, that’s a good word for it.” She chuckled, and Taran joined in. When she looked up, his cheeks were as red as hers felt. “Sorry about that.”

  “I like her. She’s got spunk.”

  She lifted a single eyebrow. “Oh, she’s got that in spades.”


  Taran took her face in his hands, and her skin tingled. Concern flickered in his eyes. “Ye look tired. Are ye gettin’ enough rest? Are ye eatin’? I think ye’ve lost weight.”

  His face was so close to hers. Her eyes dropped to his lips, those perfectly shaped soft-looking lips. If she closed her eyes, she could almost picture him kissing her. What she wanted to do was be held by him and forget everything .

  Instead, she pulled free and put some distance between them so she wouldn’t accidentally-on-purpose kiss him. “I’m fine.”

  “Ye dinnae look fine. Well, yer as beauti
ful as ever, but yer spark is a little dull.”

  Sarah waved him off. His concern was sweet, but she couldn’t get caught up in it. “My spark is just fine. I’ve been eating, and as far as rest? Well, I’m resting as much as I can.”

  He looked like he was about to argue and then said, “Freddy said somethin’ about frozen accounts.”

  Taran needed to go home before he left her in so many pieces that she’d never be able to pick them up. And she was sure her friends, the twins, were the reason he was in her barn. What had they done to even get him there? She wasn’t mad, but she wished they’d kept him in Scotland. “Oh, right, like Penelope and Paige didn’t tell you? Didn’t they use that to twist your arm to get you here?”

  He took a deep breath, and his lips pinched together. “They didnae have to twist my arm, and now that I’m here, I’m nae leavin’ until I know yer okay. “

  But you are leaving, her head argued. Her heart whispered, Go with him, and her head screamed, You have the sanctuary. “I can handle it. Go back home. You can tell Penelope and Paige everything is fine and that I made you leave.”

  He shook his head and closed the distance she’d created. “I’m nae leavin’. Ye need help, and I’m here.”

  Sarah crossed her arms over her chest and pulled her shoulders back. She could be strong. Independent. Yep, she could be both those things. “No, I’m putting my foot down. You aren’t the only one who can be stubborn.”

  Taran chuckled. “Naw, but I am more stubborn than ye. And I’ve got Freddy to back me up.”

  “You do not. You just met her.”

  “Aye, but she likes me.”

  Sarah rolled her eyes, but her lips had a mind of their own as they turned up into a smile. “You’re worse than a mule on a hot day.”

  His smile reached his eyes. “And ye need lunch. Let’s go somewhere and grab a bite. We’ll eat, come back, and work until dinner. Then ye can take me back to the hotel.”


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