White Gold Wielder

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by Stephen R. Donaldson

  Rider: a member of the Clave

  ring-wielder: Elohim term of reference for Covenant

  Ritual of Desecration: act of despair by which Kevin Landwaster destroyed much of the Land

  rocklight: light emitted by glowing stone

  rukh: iron talisman by which a Rider wields power

  sacred enclosure: former Vespers hall in Revelstone; now site of the Banefire and the master-rukh

  Saltheart Foamfollower: former Giant

  Salttooth: jutting rock in the harbor of Home

  samadhi: a Raver; also known as Sheol

  Sandgorgon: a monster of the Great Desert

  Sandgorgons Doom: imprisoning storm created by Kasreyn to trap the Sandgorgons

  Sandhold, the: castle of the rulers of Bhrathairealm

  Sandwall, the: great wall defending Bhrathairealm

  Sarangrave Flat: a region of the Lower Land

  Search, the: quest of the Giants for the wound in the Earth seen by the Earth-Sight

  Seareach: a region of the Land; formerly inhabited by Giants

  Seasauce: a Giant; cook of Starfare’s Gem; husband of Hearthcoal

  Seven Wards, the: collection of knowledge hidden by Kevin

  Sevinhand: a Giant: Anchormaster of Starfare’s Gem

  Sheol: a Raver; also known as samadhi

  Shipsheartthew: the wheel of a Giantship

  Sivit: a Rider

  soothtell: ritual of prophecy practiced by the Clave

  Soulbiter, the: dangerous ocean of Giantish legend

  Soulsease River, the: a river of the Land

  South Plains, the: a region of the Land

  Staff of Law, the: a tool of power formed by Berek from the One Tree

  Starfare’s Gem: Giantship used by the Search

  Stell: Haruchai; former protector of Sunder

  Stonedown: a village of the Land

  Stonedownor: inhabitant of a Stonedown

  Stonemight Woodhelven: a village of the Land

  Storesmaster: third-in-command aboard a Giantship

  Sunbane, the: a power arising from the corruption of nature by Lord Foul

  Sunder: son of Nassic; former Graveler of Mithil Stonedown

  Sun-Sage, the: title given to Linden Avery by the Elohim; one who can affect the progress of the Sunbane

  Sunstone: orcrest

  Swordmain/ Swordmainnir: Giant trained as a warrior

  thronehall, the: the Despiser’s former seat in Foul’s Creche

  Toril: Haruchai lost to the Clave

  Treacher’s Gorge: river-opening into Mount Thunder

  treasure-berries: aliantha; a nourishing fruit

  Trothgard: a region of the Land

  tyrscull: a Giantish training vessel for apprentice sailors

  Unbeliever, the: title given to Covenant

  Unhomed, the: former Giants of Seareach

  upland: plateau above Revelstone

  Upper Land, the: region west of Landsdrop

  ur-Lord: title given to Covenant

  ur-viles: spawn of the Demondim; creatures of power; creators of Vain

  ussusimiel: nourishing melon grown by the people of the Land

  Vain: Demondim-spawn; bred by the ur-viles for a secret purpose

  vitrim: nourishing fluid created by Waynhim

  voure: a plant-sap which wards off insects; a medicine for Sunbane-sickness

  Vow, the: Bloodguard oath of service to the Lords

  vraith: a Waynhim

  Warrenbridge: bridge leading to the catacombs under Mount Thunder

  Waynhim: spawn of the Demondim; opposed to ur-viles

  Weird of the Waynhim, the: Waynhim concept of doom, destiny, or duty

  Westron Mountains: mountains bordering the Land

  white gold: a metal of power not found in the Earth

  White River, the: a river of the Land

  Wightbarrow, the: cairn under which Drool Rockworm is buried

  Wightwarrens: catacombs; home of the Cavewights under Mount Thunder

  wild magic: the power of white gold; considered the keystone of the Arch of Time

  Woodhelven: a village of the Land

  Worm of the World’s End, the: mystic creature believed by the Elohim to have formed the foundation of the Earth

  Wraiths of Andelain: creatures of living light which inhabit Andelain

  Würd of the Earth, the: term used by the Elohim to suggest variously their own nature, the nature of the Earth, and their ethical compulsions; could be read as Word, Worm, or Weird


  To Bruce L. Blackie—

  without whose help.…

  Books by Stephen R. Donaldson

  “The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever”

  Lord Foul’s Bane

  The Illearth War

  The Power that Preserves

  “The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant”

  The Wounded Land

  The One Tree

  White Gold Wielder

  “The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant”

  The Runes of the Earth

  Fatal Revenant

  Against All Things Ending

  The Last Dark

  “Mordant’s Need”

  The Mirror of Her Dreams

  A Man Rides Through

  “The Gap Sequence”

  The Real Story

  Forbidden Knowledge

  A Dark and Hungry God Arises

  Chaos and Order

  This Day All Gods Die

  The “Axbrewder/Fistoulari” novels

  The Man Who Killed His Brother

  The Man Who Risked His Partner

  The Man Who Tried to Get Away

  The Man Who Fought Alone

  Short Story Collections

  Daughter of Regals and Other Tales

  Reave the Just and Other Tales




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