Liberalism, 285-{)1
James I, King of England, 1 83, 1 87
Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology, The
James, Henry, 1 2 (bis), 1 23, 1 5 1-2 ; Euro1 83
peans, Th�, 1 5 1 ; Ivory Tower, The,
Life and D�ath of Jason (1iorris), 166-8
261 ; and Milton compared, 261 ; Turn
Life of Cowley (Johnson), 1 65
ofth� Screw, Th�, 1 5 1
Little Gidding (Eliot), 2 1
James, Scott, 1 50
Little Tich (Music Hall artist), 1 73
Jespersen, Otto, 109
Lloyd, Marie, 12, 172-4
Johnson, Samuel, 1 1, 87 ; genuineness
Lotos-Eaters, Th� (Tennyson), 240
of, 1 22 ; Irene, 272; Life of Cowlq,
Lotze, Rudolf, 449
1 65 ; and metaphysical poetry, 6o, 62-
Lovelace, Richard, 2 5 1
64, 67 ; on Milton, 1 20, 267, 270, 271-
Lucretius, 82, 85, 8 6 ; and Dante com272; Vanity of Human Wishes, The, 61
pared, zz2 ; and Marvell compared,
Jones, Henry Arthur, 1 5 1
1 63
Jonson, Ben, 59 ; Marvell, influence on,
Lycidas (Milton), 264, 267
1 68 ; and Marvell compared, 1 6 1 , 164-
Lynch, Kathleen : The Social Mode of
165; and Middleton compared, 1 89,
Restoration Com�dy, 193-4
1 93. 194
Joyce, James, 1 2, 1 00, 1 75-8 ; and Mil
Macbeth (Shakespeare), 1 34, 142, 190,
ton compared, 262-4 ; A Portrait ofthr
210; visual imagination in, 259
Artist as a Young Man, 1 7 7 ; Ulysses,
Maeterlinck, Count Maurice, 137 (bis)
84, 1 75-8, 262 ; Work in Progress, 262-
Mallarme, Stephane, 18, 1 1 1 , 268
263, 264
Malory, Thomas, 1 1 8 ; Morte D'Arthur,
24I n
Kant, Immanuel, 199
Ma11 Who Was Thursday, The (Chester-
Keats, John, 266; difficulty of, 92, 93 ;
ton), 100
llypaion, 6s ; and Marvell compared,
Mannheim, Karl, 301
1 62, 1 64, 1 7 1 ; Od� to a Nightingale,
Markiewicz, Countess, 254
42 ; and Shelley compared, 8 1 ; Tenny
Marlowe, Christopher, zo, 63 ; Doctor
son, influence on, 240
Faustus, 260; and Middleton com
Ker, W. P., 75, 1 07-8
pared, 1 9Z ; and Milton compared,
Khan, Kubla, 90
z64 ; and Shakespeare compared, 1 17
King, Henry, 59, 64, 66 ; Exequy, 6 1
Marston, John, 15
King John (Shakespeare), 135
Marvell, Andrew, 59, 64, 1 56, J61-71 ;
King uar (Shakespeare), 255
Horatian Odr, 162, 168, 170 ; meta
Kipling, Rudyard, 1 50
physical poet, 66; Nyr��ph and thr
Knight, Wilson, 269
Fawn, Th�, 166, 167, 170; To his Coy
3 ' 7
Marvell cont'd
• Notes towards the Dejiuition of Culture
(Eliot), 2 1 (bis), 292-305
Appleton House, I6S
Nymph and the Famn, The (Marvell),
Massinger, Philip, r s6-6o ; Bondman,
,66, I67, 170
The, ISS ; Duke of Milan, The, r s8 ;
Roman Actor, The, ISS, 1 57-8 ; Un
Ody.<.�ey (attrib. tlomer), 1 75, 177
natural Combat, rs8; Very Woman, A,
Oedipus (Seneca), 190
1 59-60
Old Testament, 82
Masters, E. L. : Spo011 Rit•er Anthology
Oldham, John, r r 1
Omar Khayyam, Tile Rubtiiylit of (Fitz
Maud (Tennyson), 239, 24I-J
gerald), 82-3
Maurice, 243
Only Jealousy ofEmer, The (Yeats), 256
Mauron, Charles, r 1 1
Origin o(the Species, The (Darwin), 244-
Maurras, Charles, 1 2, 284
Measure for Measure, 47
Othello (Shakespeare), 42, I 42-3
Mencius on the Mind (I. A. Richards), 8811
Ovid, r6s
Mencken, tlenry L., 277
Oxford Book of English Veru, 59, r6r
Meredith, George, 1 00, 1 52
Metaphysical Lyrics and Poems . . . (ed.
Paradise Lost (Milton), 261 , 263-4, 269-
Grierson), 59n
271 , 273-4
Michaelmas Term (Middleton), 194
Paradiso (Dante), 1 67, 205-30
Middleton, John, IJ, 6o, I89-9.; ;
Parker, Matthew, 1 80
Changeling, The, 34, I_;8-9, I89-92,
Pascal, Blaise, 54, 1 2 1 , 237-8; Lellre.<
I 9S ; Fair Quarrel, A ( ?), 193 ; Game
ecrites a Un prot'iluia/, 2J7
at Che.<.<, A, 192 ; and Massinger com
Pascal, Jacqueline, 237
pared, ISS-6, 1 5 7 ; Michae/mas Term,
Pater, Walter, 45, 5 1
I94; Roaring Girl, The, 1 89, 1 92-3,
Pearsall Smith, Logan, I8I, I86, 1 87
194 ; Spanish Gipsy, The ( ?), 193;
Pmseroso, II (Milton), 1 64, 260
Women Beware Womm, I9I-2
Pen·igilium Veneris, 1 09
Mill, John S., 199
Perse, St.-John : Anabase, n-8
Milton, John, r 6, 1 09, 1 2 1 , 2_:;8-74 ;
Personae (Pound), I4CJ-SO
Allegro, L', 1 64 ; 'artificiality' of, 6 6 ;
Pinero, Sir Arthur, 1 5 1
Comus, 1 62, 267 ; his greatness, 64,
Plutarch, 40
1 2 5 ; Lycidas, 264, 267 ; his magnilo
Poe, Edgar, 6r, 1 68
quence, 1 62, r 68-9 ; and Marvell com
Poesie d'aujourd-hui, La (Epstein), 6.:;
pared, 1 62, 1 63-4, I69, 170; Mas
Pope, Alexander, 36, 1 2 1 , 1 62 ; and
singer's influence, I 56, 1 57 ; and
Dante compared, 2 1 7 ; master of
metaphysical poetry, 6s ; Paradise
hatred, 1 62 ; and Milton compared,
Lost, 26I , 263-4, 269-7 1 , 273-4 ;
258 ; his Style, I 24
Pensero, II, r 64 ; Samson Agonistes,
Porche, Fran-;ois, 23 r
I69, 267, 269; his style, r 20, 1 24
Pound, Ezra, 1 4, 20, 1 49-so; Eliot,
Milton (Tillyard), 266
influence on, 1 2 ; Exultations, 1 49 ; on
Milton's Prosody (Bridges), 27o-1
Milton, 258 ; Personae, I49-50
Moliere, 1 2 1 , I JJ, 207
Practical Criticism (1. A. Richards), Bsn,
Mon coeur mis a nu (Baudelaire), 236 (bis)
Montaigne, Michel E. de, 63, u8, 1 53 ;
Preces Prh·atae (Andrewes), 1 79, r 82-3
Apologie de Raimond Sebond, 49
Princess, The (Tennyson), 241-2
Morris, William, r 66-8, 246n, 252; Blue
Closet, u o ; Life and Death ofJason,
(I. A. Richards), 9 1 n
I 66-7
Principles of Logic (F. tl. Bradley), 98,
Morte d'Arthur (Tennyson), 241
I 96-9
Murder in the Cathedral (Eliot), 138-4 1 ,
Probleme der Lyrik (G, Benn), I7-I8
Propertius, Sextus, 1 23, 165
Murry, Middleton, 1 2, 70-2
Protestantism, 299
Purgatorio (Dante), 205-30
Name and Nature of Poetry, The (tlous-
Purgatory (Yeats
), 1 38, 253, 255
man), 8sn, 89n
Puritanism, r 62-3, 1 65, 299
Nashe, Thomas, 1 94
Nem Statesmau on vers fibre, 3 1 11
Racine, Jean, r 1 , 66 (bis), 1 2 1 , 1 9 1 ; and
Newman, John, 1 86, 1 97
Baudelaire's poetry, 234; and Dante
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 304
compared, 206, 207; his greatness,
3 1 8
1 25 ; and Milton compared, z68 ;
blank verse, 254-5 ; Coriolamts, 47 ;
religious poet, 99 ; his style, 1 24
clainoyance of, 165; and Dante com
Rambler, Johnson on Milton in, 270
pared, see Dante and Shakespeare
Resprmsibililies (Yeats), 251-2
compared ; difficulty of, 93 ; Eliot, in
Restoration comedy, 79
nuence on, 145; his greatness, 1 2 ;<; ;
Rerenger's Tragedy, The (Tourneur), 13,
llamlet, 4,;-9, 134-6, 1 46 ; llmry IV,
134; Ki11g Joh11, 135 ; King Lear, 2_;5 ;
Rente de lillera/ure comparee, 9111
Macbeth, see Macbeth; and Marlowe
Richards, hor A., 82, 87-8, 91-2; Mmcompared, 1 1 7 ; Massinger, inlluence
cius 011 the Mi11d, 8811 ; Practical crition, r,;J-6, 157; his maturity, 1 17-1 8 ;
cism, 85-6, 88-9; Pri11ciples of Literary
Mea.<��refor Measure, 47 ; and Middle, 9 111; on The Was/e La11d, 88
ton compared, 1 89, 1 9 1 , 1 92-5 ; and
Richmond, Bruce, 1 2
Milton compared, 2SIJ-6o, 263 ; Mon
Rimbaud, Arthur, 52
taigne's innuence, 1 53 ; and Murder in
Ri11g a11d the Book, The (Drowning), 241
the Cathedral, 139; Othello, 42, 1 42-3 ;
Rivers, W. H. R. : . . . Depopulalioll of
and Plutarch, 40 ; religious sensibility
Melallesia, 1 74
of, 1 22 ; Romeo and Juliet, 47, 1 35,
Roari11g Girl, The (Middleton), 1 8g, 192-
146-7 ; significance of, 94; his style,
1 93
1 24 ; and Webster compared, 34; and
Robertson, J. 11., 45-7, 201
Yeats compared, 250
Roman Actor, The (Massinger), 155,
Shaw, George Bernard, 104, 1 33. 256,
1 57-8
Roman culture, 296, 304
Shelley, Mary, 8z
Roman literature, 1 1 5-3 1
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 81-6, 1o8--g ; and
Roma11ce oft he Ro.
Baudelaire compared, 235 ; and Byron
compared, 83 ; and Dante compared,
Romanticism, 70, 72
85, 227 ; 'Defence of Poetry', 84;
Romeo a11d Juliet (Shakespeare), 47, 1 35,
difficulty of, 92, 93 ; Epip.
1 46-7
8.1-4; and Keats compared, 8 1 ; and
Rossetti, Christina, 59
Marvell compared, 162, 171 ; Quem
Rossetti, Dante G. : Blessed Damo::;e/, 225
Mab, 8 1 ; and Scott compared, 83 ;
Rowley, Thomas, 194
Trirmtph of Life, The, 65, 82 ; Witch of
Ruskin, John, 1 97
Atlas, The, 8411 ; and Wordsworth
Russell, Bertrand, 54
compared, 8 1 -2, 84, 85
Russian society, z85
Shirley, James, 34, 79, 1 92, 1 94
Rymer, Thomas, 4511
Shropshire Lad, A (Housman), 245
Socrates, 279
St. Fran,_:ois de Sales, 1 83
Sophocles, 1 9 1 , 207 ; Antigone, 292
St. Ignatius, 1 83
Southwell, Robert, 99
St. Joall (Shaw), 1 4 1
Spanish Gipsy, The ( ?), 1 93
St. Paul's Cathedral, 1 80
Spanish Tragedy (Kyd), 46
St. Thomas Aquinas, zo8, 221-z;
Spender, Stephen, 1.1. 1.1, 1 5 ; The
Summa contra Gmtile.<, 180, 222
Destmctire Elemmt, 1 3
Sainte-BeU·e, Charles, 57, 1 1 5
Spencer, Theodore, 13211
Saintshury, George, 59
Spenser, Edmund, 1 20 Agonistes (Milton), r()(), 267, 269
Spinoza, Benedict de, 55, s8, 64
Santayana, George, 17
Stendhal, Marie Henri, 58
Scott, Walker, 83
Stephen, Leslie, 158
Sea Fairies, The (Tennyson), 240
Stoll, Professor, 45
Secularism in modern literature, 1 05,
Strachcy, Sir Edward, 24 111
1 06
Summa contra Gerrtiles (St. Thomas
Seneca, Lucius A., 17, 1 53 ; Agamemrwn,
Aquinas), 1 80, 222
42 ; llermles Fure11.<, I) I ; 1/erm/es
Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of, 1 09
U:"teus, I)0- 1 ; U:"dipus, 1 90
Swift, Jonathan, 1 1 8, 162, 176
Senecan dramatists, 79
Swinburne, Algernon C., .u. 5 1 , 52-3,
Sermteen Sermons on tire Natirity
93 ; Atalanta in Ca/ydon, 24611 ; on
(Andrewes), 18.1-6
1lassingcr, 1 5 9 ; and Tennyson com
Shadorry Water.<, The (Yeats), 252
pared, 239 ; ami Y cats compared, 249
Shakespeare, William, 6o, 90, 1 33, 162;
A11trmy a111/ Cleopatra, 47, 5 1 -2, II)O ;
Symons, Arthur, 51-3, 55 ; Studie.< irr
and Baudelaire compared, 233 ; his
/:'li::;abethall Drama, 5 1 11
Synge, John Millington, I 37
Vita Nuova (Dante), I4, 1 6S, 226, 233
Voltaire, 304
Taylor, Jeremy, 9S, I 2 I , ISO
Tennyson, Alfred, 63-5, 109, 1 40, ·• so ;
Wallace, Nellie, I 72-3
and Dante compared, 214- 1 S ; Dora,
Waller, Thomas, 1 I 1
240; Hesperides, 239-40 ; Idylls of the
Walsingham, Thomas, 1 So
King, 1 49, 241 ; In Memoriam, 239-47 ;
Waste Land, The (Eliot), I3-I4, 17, 20,
Lady of Shaloll, 240 ; Locksley Hall,
245 ; Lotos-Eaters, The, 240; and Mar
Watson, Prof. J. B., 204
vell compared, 1 62 ; Maud, 239, 24I-
Webster, John, 6o, I 53, 1 s6 ; Duchess of
243 ; Morte d'Arthur, 241 ; Princess,
Malfi, The, 34, ISS ; and Massinger
The, 2.p-2 ; Sea Fairies, The, 240;
compared, ISS, I 57 ; and Middleton
Ulysses, l i S, 241 ; Voyage of Mae/dune,
compared, 1 9 1 , I92; and Shakespeare
compared, 34; White Devil, The, 34
Testaments, The (Villon), I 6S
Thackeray, William, Ioo, I02, I76
Whm you are old and grey . . . (Yeats),
Thompson, Francis, 59
Thomson, James, 96 ; The City of Dread-
White Droil, The (Webster), 34 (his)
ful Night, 24S
Whitgift, John, 1 So
Till yard, E. M. W. : Milton, 266
Whitman, Walt, I SO
Times Literary Supplement, I 2
Who Goes with Fergus ? (Yeats), 250
To his Coy Mistress, (Marvell), 62, 65,
Winding Stair, The (Yeats), 254
I63-s. I 67
Women Beware Women (Middleton),
Tourneur, Cyril, I3, I4, 6o, I 5 3 ;
Atheist's Tragedy, 34, IS6; and
Woolf, Virginia, I04
Massinger compared, ISS-6, I 57; and
sworth, William, Ss, I I I, 272 ;
Middleton compared, I92; Re·venger's
difficulty of, 92-3 ; and Marvell com
Tragedy, The, I3, I S, IS6
pared, I 62, I7I ; and Milton compared,
Townshend, Aurelian, 59; Dialogue
26o; and Shelley compared, SI-2, S4,
betwwz a Pilgrim and Time, 67
Ss ; Tennyson, influence on, 240
Triumph of Life, The (Shelley), 65, 82
Work in Progress (Joyce), 262-3
Wren, Christopher, I So
Ulysses (Joyce), 84, I?s-S
Wyatt, Thomas, I09
Ulysses (Tennyson), 2 I 5, 24I
Upon Appleton House (Marvell), I65
Yeats, W. B., 1 I2, I SO, I 77, 248-s7 ;
Utilitarianism, I99
Adam's Curse, 25 I ; Coole Park, 2s4 ;
and Dante compared, 2 I ; Dream of
Valery, Paul, 235
Death, A, 25 I ; Dreaming of the Bor1es,
Vanity of Human Wishes (Johnson), 6I
The, 255-6 ; Folly of Being Comforted,
Vaughan, lfenry, s9, 66, 99
251 ; Green Helmet, zss ; Hawk's Well,
Verlaine, Paul, 52
The, 2 56; and Marvell compared, I62 ;
Vers Libre, 3I-6
Only Jealousy of Emer, The, 256 ; Plays
Very Woman, A (Massinger), 1 59-60
for Dancers, 137. 252, 255 ; Pound, in
Villon, Francois, 99, 207, 209; The
fluence on, I SO ; Purgatory, I3S, 2S3,
Testamellls, I68
2SS ; Responsibilities, 2SI-2 ; Shadowy
Virgil, IoS, 1 09, I IS et seq., I 46 ; Aeneid,
Waters, The, 252; When you are old
I2S ; Dante on, 246
and grey . . .
, lS I ; Who goes with Fer
Virgil Society, u sn
gus ?, 2so; Winding Stair, The, 254
Document Outline
Title Page
Introduction Notes
I. Literary Criticism Essays of Generalization Reflections on "Vers Libre"
Tradition and the Individual Talent
The Perfect Critic
The Metaphysical Poets
The Function of Criticism
From: Preface to "Anabasis"
From: "The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism"
Religion and Literature
From: The Music of Poetry
What is a Classic?
Poetry and Drama
Appreciations of Individual Authors From: "Ezra Pound: His Metric and Poetry"
From: Henry James
From: Philip Massinger
Andrew Marvell
Marie Lloyd
Ulysses, Order, and Myth
Lancelot Andrewes
From: Thomas Middleton
Francis Herbert Bradley
From: Baudelaire
From: The "Pensées" of Pascal
"In Memoriam"
Milton I
Selected Prose of T. S. Eliot Page 47