Torrid Rush: A Single Dad Romance (Bad Boy Studs Book 3)

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Torrid Rush: A Single Dad Romance (Bad Boy Studs Book 3) Page 13

by Scarlett Avery

  “She’s modest.”

  “One of her many qualities,” I sneer. “Sieglinde also felt I should lose myself in charitable work to start building a media portfolio. She’d say things like, The public needs to know Dalton’s girlfriend cares about those less fortunate. She even started the process to send me to Africa without asking me first—”


  “To feed the poor and needy for a year. Great photo opp.”

  “Talk about the meddling future mother-in-law.”

  “You have no idea. Sieglinde was always up in my business and she had this snarky way of delivering her message that got underneath my skin.”

  “How did Dalton respond?”

  “What Sieglinde says is the law. In other words, he wasn’t going to fight his mother. Things became so intense in the relationship, we started to avoid each other. Since he was set to go on his annual two-week vacation in Martha's Vineyard with his family, I thought the distance would give us the break we needed to figure things out. He was gone three days when my whole world turned upside down.” I let out a pained sigh.

  And just like that, I’m transported back in time.

  Holt drops his glass on the night table and sits on his folded legs in front of me. “You okay?”

  I answer with a jerky head nod.

  What a lie.

  “You don’t have to continue,” he tells me.

  “Is it okay if I don’t?” I ask in a soft voice.


  “I’m sorry. It’s still a little difficult for me. I thought I could go through with it—”

  “Hey. Precious,” he brushes a strand of hair behind my ears. “Don’t be sorry. I’m honored you were able to share what you already have with me. If continuing means it’s going to cause you internal turmoil or pain, it’s not worth it. Okay?”

  “Okay. Thank you.”

  Holt embraces me in his arms and I slide mine around his shoulders, wrapping them behind his neck, holding him close.

  When will it stop hurting this much?



  Bang, bang, bang.


  Bang, bang, bang.

  Is there construction going on again?

  Bang, bang, bang.

  For the love of God, what’s with all this stupid commotion?

  Bang, bang, bang.

  Doesn’t anyone sleep in LA?



  “Everly!” my cousin shouts louder.

  I open my eyes and fling the sheets over my body.

  Oh, yeah. I’m naked.

  I wobble to the bathroom to grab a robe and head to the door on shaky legs.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask when I meet my cousin’s freaked out gaze.

  “You aren’t answering your phone.”

  “Because I’m sleeping.”

  “You were supposed to text me every couple of hours to give me the peace of mind Hot Guy didn’t turn out to be a crazy ass Craigslist sex murderer.”

  I flash her an ‘Are you fucking with me?’ look.

  “I think I was fairly explicit about who I was spending the night with.”

  “This is LA. Not a sleepy American town where people leave their doors open.” Her tone holds a tinge of annoyance. “Do you know how many text messages I’ve sent you this morning? Ditto for Callum. I even called the concierge desk so they could call you.”

  “The hotel phone rang?”

  I’m dumbfounded.

  “And you slept right through it.”

  “When I still hadn’t heard from you, I couldn’t take it anymore. I asked Jesse to drive me back to the hotel so I could check up on you to make sure you were still alive. I told Mom not to expect me at the office until I figured out where the hell you were.”

  I’ve never heard Ainsley raise her voice this much. And I’ve never seen her eyes bulge like this.

  “You’re actually worried?”

  “Of course I am. I left you here alone with Hot Guy so you could get some. When I didn’t hear from you, I started panicking. You always turn down my hints—”

  “For the record, they’re more than hints. It’s like you’re shouting at me.”

  “Granted. No matter how many times I’ve pushed you to have a one-night stand, you’ve always said no way. The one time you get laid, you go MIA on me.”

  I grab her arm. “Come inside. This is not the kind of conversation we should be having in the hallway,” I scold gently.

  “Is Hot Guy still sleeping?” she whispers as she steps inside the room. She even covers her mouth with her hands when she says that.

  “No. Holt left at about 4 o’clock in the morning. I crashed after that. My phone is still off, hence, why I’m MIA.”

  “He rammed and ran?”

  Leave it to my cousin to come up with something like that.

  I shake my head. “No, Miss Judgmental. He’s a gentleman all the way. He promised his daughter he’d be there when she woke up, so he left to get a few hours’ sleep before picking her up at her nanny’s place. He apologized at least three times for not being able to stay the night.”

  “Aaaawwww.” That’s way too many letters.

  “It’s pretty endearing how much he cares about his daughter. He said he’s never broken a promise to her. He wants her to grow up to know a man should keep his word—unless he’s facing death… even then. Dad used to say the same thing. He still does.”

  “With all his faults, Dad never breaks a promise either,” Ainsley says.

  Uncle Blaize may have an overwhelming drive to dominate and be the best at what he does, but his word is golden.

  “I’ll admit, Holt’s devotion makes me want to have babies all of a sudden,” I laugh.

  “This guy shook up your ovaries. Job well done, Hot Guy.”

  I roll my eyes.

  “Come on, let’s go into the living room.”

  “Oh, by the way, those selfies of you two were hilarious.”

  “I know. Holt is so much fun to be around—”

  “Wow,” she exclaims as she takes in the state of the suite. “Someone had a great time last night.” She drops her designer handbag on the coffee table, her eyes still scouring the room. “Did you guys spend more time eating than fucking?”

  “Balance in everything, dear cousin.” I grin.

  “Ooohhh!” Her eyes widen with excitement.

  “After round one—”

  “Round one?”

  “Yup! As I was saying, after round one we sat in bed and talked. Holt was curious about my relationship with Dalton since I made it clear my ex wasn’t adventurous in bed, hence my lack of experience. I started sharing and all of a sudden, I choked. I thought for sure I could share more––it’s been two and a half years after all––but having to relive that period of my life… it’s still so hard.”

  Ainsley wraps me in her arms. “Oh, honey, I’m so sorry it still hurts.”

  “Me too,” I say in a broken voice. “Holt was great about it. In no time he had me laughing again and I was able to put the past behind me.” Where it belongs. “At eleven forty-five, Holt declared he was starved. That’s when I remembered the dessert table was to be displayed. Being around Holt makes me lose track of time—”

  “I don’t blame you. The man is fine with a capital F.”

  She doesn’t know the half of it.

  “We both jumped into our clothes and raced downstairs. Holt was dead set on getting his hands on a few of my donuts. I was beaming with pride at his determination. Since they were also serving savory snacks, he enlisted the help of a hotel staff member to roll up a cart weighed down with food, sweets and booze to the suite. We ate, drank, laughed, and then we moved on to rounds two, three and four.”

  “No way.”

  I nod with a cocky grin stretched across my face.

  “Who the hell comes four times the first time they sleep with a man?” she asks. “No one.�

  “Well, technically, I do. I nearly blacked out each time.”

  She fans herself. “Lord have mercy.”

  “I never thought I’d survive.”

  Ainsley drops to the floor at my feet and folds over.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I ask.

  “Worshiping you, my queen,” she says, bowing.

  I grab her arm and attempt to pull her back up. “Oh, stop it. You’re being ridiculous. It was just sex.”

  Her head jerks back up and she gives me an incredulous look.

  “Okay, okay, it was the best freaking sex of my life. Not that anyone could be worse than Dalton, but Holt set the bar so high, he’s going to be a tough act to follow.”

  “I’m so happy for you, Everly,” she says, getting back to her feet.

  “I’m so happy for me too!”

  “All this talk about the best sex ever is great and all, but you still have to deal with one pissed off cousin.”


  “Mister precision himself. He must’ve called me eight times this morning to find out when you were going to haul your ass to the bakery.”

  “He needs to take a chill pill. It’s still early. Not to mention, he’s rolled into the bakery late a few times after some of his wild nights.”

  Granted, he isn’t on the payroll, but still.

  “Everly, it’s eight thirty.”

  “What?” I yell.

  “Yeah. It’s late. You overslept big time.”

  “Oh, my God. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before.”

  “Because you usually set four alarms to get up in the morning.”

  She’s not lying.

  “This is so embarrassing.” I hang my head low.

  “Take it in your stride. You’re late for a very good reason. And, have I not always told you post-coital sleep is the best ever.”

  I feel like I’ve slept for days. I can’t remember the last time I felt this rejuvenated.

  “I doubt that’ll be of any comfort to your brother. He doesn’t care about my sex life.”

  “Not true. He’s as concerned as I am about your extended celibate state.”

  “Ainsley,” I warn.

  “I digress. In any case, you have another problem on your hands––although a good problem, but a problem nonetheless.”

  I love my cousin, but sometimes she can be long-winded. Like now.

  “Ainsley, stop talking in riddles. What do you mean?”

  “According to the last text message my baby brother sent me,” she’s the eldest of the twins by six minutes, “there’s already a lineup around the corner in front of your bakery.”

  “But we don’t open until nine.”

  “Apparently there’s a slew of people who want to be the first to get their hands on your donuts this morning.”

  “I can’t believe this.”

  “Mazel tov!” she rejoices. “I guess last night went really well for you and your little bakery. All the free publicity paid off.”

  Ryan Hammerstein insisted I get little promotional cards printed. He planned on displaying them next to my donuts. He also wanted me to get some brochures made so his team could add them to the gift bags. To top it all off, he gave me half a page promo in the event’s handout.

  “Wow. I was so wrapped up in the formidable Holt Christensen I forgot to pay attention to how much people were enjoying my treats.”

  “Honey, don’t be so hard on yourself. A drop dead gorgeous man who can go four rounds in one evening…” She allows for a short pause. “I’d be wrapped up around him like a freaking koala bear during mating season.”

  I explode in laughter.

  * * *

  By the time I get home, shower, get dressed, stuff my face with some food and make it downstairs, it’s already ten o’clock.

  Ainsley wasn’t kidding. The bakery is packed with people. You’d think we were giving out the donuts for free.

  After checking up on the kitchen staff and making sure we’re churning out donuts as fast as humanly possible, I make my way to the front to help.

  I was hoping my presence would be somewhat incognito, but of course, I was just kidding myself. The second Callum notices my presence, he approaches me.

  “Morning.” He pauses and looks down at his expensive Officine Panerai sports watch before meeting my gaze again. “Or is it afternoon? I don’t know anymore… I’ve been here for so long.” His words are pregnant with meaning.

  “It’s still morning in Hawaii,” I volley.

  “Smart ass.”

  “I’m sorry I overslept, Callum.”

  My cousin's gaze doesn't waver from mine. He’s mad. He takes in a deep breath, his nostrils flaring. When he tucks his hands into his pockets, I know I’m going to get it. “You and I both know my sister is as bad at keeping a secret as Skylar is. In other words, I know more than I need to about last night. Clearly, someone had a good time. I was on standby, so that someone is you.”

  Oh, shit.

  “I know you don’t have to be here––”

  “I want to be here,” he says with certainty.

  “Okay. Thanks.”

  “About the persistent hot guy,” he says with quotation marks. “It was about time. I’m happy for you.”

  I grin wide.

  “And now switching to business mode,” he grins back. “You might not have won an award last night, but you’re a star.” His eyes shift to the busy bakery. “Did you see the media coverage?”


  “You hit it out of the park.”

  “Gosh. That much?”

  “It takes a lot of money to buy that kind of exposure. You got it for free. A million in business might not be that far off after all. Thank you, Ryan Hammerstein.”


  “Honestly, last night was a dream. For it to extend to this morning, is a blessing.”

  “Okay then, let’s go sell some donuts!”

  “I love you so much for having my back.”

  “You don’t have a brother to look after you. And God knows, Peyton”—his older half-brother—“is too wrapped around my father’s little finger to stick his head out of his own ass long enough to care about anything else but the family dynasty. So it’s my job to be here for you,” he winks.

  There’s no lack of drama in my family.

  The next few hours go by in a blur.

  We sell so many donuts, I fear we’re going to run out of supplies. Thankfully, at around one thirty, things slow down. I can finally breathe.

  Worried we’d all pass out from exertion, Callum ordered a large tray of healthy wraps for lunch. I’m perched on a bench in the kitchen chomping on my wrap when my cousin pokes his head between the swinging doors.

  “There’s a special delivery for the woman of the hour,” he says with a smile.

  “Would that be me?”

  “I’m not pretty enough to get flowers. Well, surely not such a large bouquet,” he chuckles.

  Says the guy who could appear in one of Shane and Collin Dennison’s calendars or coffee table books of Hollywood sexy hunks. Yeah, Callum oozes with fitness model good looks and he turns heads.

  “Oh! More flowers?”

  “If you receive any more, people will start mistaking the bakery for Rosehip & Iris a few doors down.”

  Excited, I drop my chicken wrap on my plate and rush to the front.

  Ryan Hammerstein, Skylar, her parents, and my parents have already sent me bouquets to congratulate me on my big night. Even Callum’s irascible father obliged. I also received a bouquet from Collin Dennison who said that for once, his big brother was right: my donuts are addicting. I’m not going to lie, I was jumping up and down when I read his note. Shane Dennison also sent me flowers, stating one day he’ll invite himself into my kitchen to find out my secrets. I was flying high.

  One glance at the enormous bouquet and my insides do this little happy dance. When I spot my name scribbled on a little white e
nvelope, it’s like fingers are strumming my heart. It’s the same assertive cursive handwriting as the bouquet I received on Monday.

  This guy is roping me in. Pun very much intended.

  This time, the flowers came in a protective pouch. I stand there as if I have x-ray vision and I can tell their color just by staring.

  I like the element of mystery.

  “Oh, another delivery,” Virginia says, walking by with an empty tray. “Speaking of which, the very hot dad, his adorable little girl and his super cute dog haven’t been back since last weekend.”

  She’s really having a conversation with herself because I’m so not going there.

  “Maybe we’ll see him this weekend. I’m glad I’m working. I won’t miss him,” she adds with a giggle.

  Callum and I exchange a knowing glance.

  “Aren’t you going to unzip the pouch to find out who it’s from?” Virginia presses.

  “Don’t you have anything better to do than to rush me? Like, put more donuts behind the glass cases?”

  “I’m just curious,” she shrugs.

  “If I were you, I’d take my curious self back to the kitchen,” I tell her.

  “Oh, these are from someone special,” she says like a five-year-old.

  “Kitchen,” I point.

  She smiles at me, her grin spreading across her face.

  “Go!” I order, shooing her off.

  She scurries away.

  Callum shakes his head. I simply roll my eyes. She has an uncanny sense when it comes to Holt’s deliveries.

  Once Virginia is back in the kitchen, I turn my attention to the spectacular bouquet of flowers. I grab the little white envelope, rip it open and pull out a small card from it. I squeal inside at the first word.


  What a night!

  Thanks for riding it out with me. ;-)

  These are white oriental casa blanca lilies. I’m told they stand for beauty, class and style. All qualities that fit you to a T.

  I couldn’t find flowers that stand for, ‘I’d love to tie you up again.’ So these will have to do.

  Today is crazy. I’ll swing by tomorrow to return your necklace.


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