The Soldati Prince

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The Soldati Prince Page 9

by Charlie Cochet

  Behind you!

  Riley didn't hesitate. He leaped out of the way, but not before the demon clawed at his arm.

  Riley! Khalon swiftly dispatched of the foul creature and rushed over to Riley, who sat up in the grass. He sucked in a sharp breath as he held on to his arm. Are you all right?

  "I'm fine. Just a scratch. It burns, though."

  Let me see.

  Riley held his arm out, his skin torn where the demon caught him. The small gash was quickly turning black around the edges. Khalon licked at it, the foul stench and burn enough to make his eyes water.

  "What are you doing?"

  Removing the poison. Hold still. Almost done. There.

  "Thanks." Riley smiled and gave Khalon a scratch behind his ear, causing him to purr. Why the blasted hell was he purring at a time like this? Riley's eyes went wide, a shadow casting over them.

  "Khalon!" Riley shoved Khalon off of him with a strength Khalon didn't know Riley possessed. Khalon went rolling. He jumped to his paws in time to see a demon slash at Riley, its claws catching him across his stomach and chest.

  Riley! No!

  Riley fell onto his back, spurting and coughing up blood, his hand covering his wounds as blood seeped through the shredded jerkin.

  Oh Gods no. Khalon's fury rose from within his very depths as he stood over Riley's broken and bleeding body. It was a primal rage he had never felt before, one that threatened to tear him apart from the inside out unless released. Khalon's roar shook the trees. His fur bristled and he called upon his Soldati power to free the rage demanding vengeance. A bright white ring of lightning burst from him with a deafening boom. It swept through the forest all around them, consuming and obliterating any darkness in sight and beyond, its force knocking over trees and shooting leaves in all directions. The demons screeched pitifully before bursting into ashes. Khalon destroyed them all.


  Riley's soft whisper caught his ear and Khalon quickly returned to human form. He pulled Riley into his arms and ran a trembling hand over his head.

  "Riley... I'm so sorry. I failed you. I promised you I would protect you, get you home, and I failed."

  "I'm sorry I couldn't be stronger for you. You deserve your warrior prince."

  Riley's words splintered Khalon's heart. "Don't say such things. You are strong, Riley. Strong and brave and kind." How could Khalon have been so blind?

  Riley smiled up at him, a tear running down his cheek. "Thank you. I just... want you to know that I was happy, happier than I've been in a really long time. You didn't ask for this, yet you gave me so much."

  Riley gasped for breath and Khalon gently shushed him. There was so much blood, and the demon poison would have spread too deep and too quickly for Ezra to stop with his healing. What good was all his kingly power if he couldn't save one human? No, not merely a human.

  His prince.

  Why did he fight so hard against what was right in front of him, what his heart had been trying desperately to tell him?

  "You must rest," Khalon said, placing a kiss to Riley's cheek. He held him close and let his head rest against Riley's. Soon he would be at peace. There would be no more roguish smiles or heartfelt laughter. No wonder coming from his captivating eyes and beautiful face. There was so much Khalon could have shown Riley. "Forgive me for my arrogance. You are far from frail. You are every bit worthy of the Soldati. If there is any unworthiness here, it is mine."

  Riley nuzzled his face against Khalon's, his hand on Khalon's chest. "There's nothing to forgive. I would've liked to spend more time with you." Riley's face grew ashen, his lips darkening. Khalon had been drawn to those lips not long ago when he held Riley in his arms. He'd cherish their stolen kisses for however long he had. His heart chastised him, telling him he was a fool for pushing Riley away. Their fate had been forged since the beginning. Khalon had waited centuries, and now his arrogance had robbed him of the chance at a life with Riley, no matter how short. Wasn't a few years of bliss with his human prince worth more than an eternity without him?

  "I...." A tear rolled down Riley's cheek. "I accept my position as Soldati prince."

  Khalon's eyes widened and his heart splintered. "Riley, no!" He kneeled there, motionless and aghast by what Riley had just done. How did he know?

  A shaky smile spread onto Riley's face. "I'm sorry, but I can't let them kill you, any of you, because of me. It's the only way."

  Tears blurred Khalon's vision. "Riley, what have you done? Your soul...."

  "I know," Riley murmured. "It's worth it."

  How could Riley subject his soul to an eternity of nothingness? Why? Riley's sacrifice spoke to the magnitude of his courage. Not wasting what little time remained, Khalon placed his lips to Riley's, though their previous warmth faded quickly and Riley went limp in his arms.

  "No, please," Khalon whispered, his face buried in Riley's neck. "Please don't go."

  As Riley departed from their world, so did Khalon's strength. The warm white light in his soul dimmed at the loss of his mate, as did his power. It would return shortly once the goddess of the dead, Thalna, claimed Riley's soul. Khalon had brought this upon them. In his damnable arrogance, he had sentenced Riley's beautiful, kind soul to limbo. "Forgive me." If only Riley could hear him, forgive him despite Khalon knowing he would never forgive himself for what he'd done.

  Rayner crouched down beside Khalon and wrapped his arm around him, his voice breaking with sorrow. "I failed you."

  "No." Khalon shook his head, his body wracked with shivers as the last of his Soldati strength left him. "I failed him."

  "Khalon King of the Soldati, why does your heart weep for this mortal man?"

  Khalon's head shot up. "Priestess."

  The priestess neared, her bare feet leaving trails of tiny flowers in the grass as she walked. Her dark skin was smooth as silk, her long midnight tresses untamed. Her golden eyes sparkled like the stars and her beauty was unrivaled by any other. She stopped beside him, reaching down to wipe his tearstained cheek with her thumb.

  "I allowed my self-importance to blind me, and my mate has paid the price with his life."

  "You believe the mark was placed in error. His soul will be claimed by the goddess Thalna and your strength returned. You shall be gifted another mate, one who is not unsuitable to a Soldati king."

  "He's not unsuitable," Khalon growled, then recalled to whom he was speaking. "I beg forgiveness." He drew a deep breath and released it slowly. Calming himself, he continued. "It's true, he is a human and perhaps not as strong as I, but that does not mean he is weak or unsuitable as a Soldati prince. He is strong of heart, courageous, and, heaven help me, as willful as any other I have known. He did not deserve this death. This is all my doing. Had I not passed unwarranted judgment upon him, he would still live." He lowered his head, wishing he could do something so the goddess would take his prince to the veil beyond and not leave his radiant soul to wander in the darkness of limbo. Riley deserved to bask in a light equal to his own.

  The priestess cupped his cheek and raised his head. He was taken aback by her warm smile. "Khalon King, there is purpose in all I do. What would you sacrifice to have your prince returned to you?"

  Khalon stared at her. "You would return him to me?" Was it too much to hope for?

  "For a price."

  Khalon didn't hesitate. "Anything."

  "Your Majesty," Adira interrupted cautiously. "Forgive me, but you must think about what you are saying. The loss is regrettable. Riley was most certainly a noble man, but you are our king. What if the price is too great?"

  Khalon swallowed hard. Adira was right. He had a responsibility bigger than himself, and he had known Riley for such a short time. Yet as he brushed Riley's hair from his brow, his long lashes resting against his pale cheeks, Khalon's heart spoke a truth he had attempted so callously to bury.

  "He is my prince." Khalon gave the priestess a decisive nod. "Do what you must, but please, return him to me."

The priestess stood and stepped back. She raised her arms, her eyes glowing white. "You shall have your Soldati prince, Khalon King, as was intended."

  A fierce wind swept through the trees, rushing out to surround Khalon and Riley, the noise drowning out the concerned cries from his friends. Khalon held Riley tight against him, watching as Riley's body illuminated from within. The Soldati markings around Khalon's arms moved and shifted while Riley's marks grew. What began as a few bands now traveled up his arm in a pattern matching Khalon's own markings. The color returned to Riley's skin and Khalon felt his strength returning to him, along with his power.

  Riley arched his back violently, opening his mouth as the white light burst free, disappearing into the sky high above them. With a groan his prince blinked his eyes open, and Khalon noted the gold spreading from the center of Riley's irises until his eyes turned bright amber. A lock of hair on his brow darkened to pitch black.


  "What... what happened?" Riley frowned before turning his face to the priestess and giving a start. He clung to Khalon, making him smile. How good it was to have Riley in his arms so full of life again.

  "It's all right, Riley. May I present the great priestess."

  The priestess smiled kindly. "Welcome, Soldati prince."

  Riley looked puzzled. "I don't understand. I... died. Didn't I?"

  "Your king has made a great sacrifice to have you returned to him. I have granted you life and your true form. That of immortal Soldati."

  Riley's eyes widened. "You mean like a tiger-shifting Soldati?" His jaw went slack. "Wait, did you say immortal?"

  The priestess laughed softly. "You were always a Soldati, young Riley. Your true form would have been revealed once your king claimed you. I simply sped up the process. All that you have been, what you will become, shall be revealed to you in time. This is your destiny, Riley Murrough."

  Riley's troubled gaze landed on Khalon. "What did you sacrifice?"

  They all turned their attention to the priestess who addressed Khalon, her tone gentle and void of ill will.

  "A Soldati King must never deem himself worthier than those whom he protects. Your arrogance and pride have led you to this. Yet you are of kind heart and have ruled your kingdom with fairness and goodness. Your sacrifice is thus, Khalon King. Every full moon you shall live your life as a mortal man, unable to shift and susceptible to wounds, pain, and the frailty you so feared."

  "What?" Rayner shook his head in disbelief. "But--"

  "I accept," Khalon stated firmly.

  "Your Majesty, if the demons were to discover this--" Adira began, her protest cut short when Khalon held up a hand for silence. He bowed his head to the priestess.

  "Thank you for your kindness and mercy. I shall do everything within my power to be worthy of you and those I have been blessed to share my life with."

  The priestess put a hand to his head. "I know you will."

  With that she disappeared, leaving behind the scent of blossoms and a night sky filled with dazzling stars. Each full moon would leave him vulnerable as never before, but that hardly meant he would be weak. He would simply need to exercise caution on those days. Besides, he had his warrior heart and his prince to guide him as he discovered his human strength.

  Khalon stood, bringing Riley up with him. Taking hold of his hand, he pressed it to his lips for a kiss. His happiness bubbled up and he threw his arms around Riley, lifting him off his feet as he hugged him. Riley's laughter was a blessing and the most wonderful sound Khalon had ever heard. He placed Riley back on his feet and smiled lovingly at him. Near him his warriors lowered themselves on bended knee and placed their fists over their hearts. The four of them spoke in unison.

  "We honor you, Prince Riley Murrough of the Soldati, and eternally pledge our blades, our hearts, and our fidelity to you."

  Riley swallowed hard. "Thank you." He moved his bright amber eyes back to Khalon. "I'm sorry. I don't know what to do."

  Khalon kissed his cheek, Riley's scent filling his senses. His desire and call to claim Riley threatened to overwhelm him, but he maintained a firm grip. Now was not the time. "Let us return home. There is much to discuss." Riley appeared uncertain. "What troubles you? If you fear leaving your former life behind, know you are free to visit the human world whenever you wish. You are my mate, Riley, not my prisoner." Was it possible...? Khalon swallowed hard and forced himself to speak the words. "If your happiness lies elsewhere and not at my side, I will honor your wish. You have only to speak it."

  Riley stood on his toes and kissed Khalon, the taste of him awakening something deep inside him. He pulled Riley against him, deepening their kiss as the fire spread through them. Khalon could feel the heat coursing through Riley, whose desire for Khalon, his need, was as fierce as Khalon's, answering any misgivings Khalon possessed on whether Riley wished to remain at his side as his mate. Riley's soft moan sent a shiver through Khalon and he slipped his knee between Riley's legs, pressing up against Riley's hardening length.

  A distinct clearing of the throat brought their passion to a screeching halt. Khalon pulled abruptly away, his face heated and undoubtedly as red as it felt. "I, um, forgive me," he said, sounding breathless. Goddess above, what was the matter with him? Behaving like some fledgling Soldati.

  Rayner gave him a wicked look. "Perhaps we should return to the castle. We'll sneak you in the servants' entrance so that you might make it to your bedchamber without incident."

  "Rayner!" Khalon scolded, his face going up in flames. Beside him Riley groaned and buried his face in Khalon's jerkin as the others giggled like children.

  "Do you wish to get on with your discussion in private without the realm seeking to celebrate the union of you and your prince?" Rayner asked innocently, his intent anything but. "Or shall we announce your arrival and begin the festivities? It will be at least a week before you get to any... discussing. And then there's the coronation, the reception, the--"

  "I get it," Khalon huffed. "Stop discussing our"--he made finger quotes--"discussion."

  Rayner threw his head back and laughed. He turned and walked off to the sounds of Khalon cursing him. Adira and Ezra followed, chortling along. Khalon turned to Riley, who looked up at him with a bright smile.

  "I think I'm going to like it here."

  Chapter Eleven

  RILEY WAS wrong. He didn't like it here. He loved it.

  Riley arched his back and let out a low moan. It was taking everything he had to keep himself in control. With his newfound strength and power, he had no idea what could happen if he wasn't careful. Unfortunately control was difficult with Khalon's hard naked body pressing him into the mattress. Not that Riley was complaining.

  "I find those little sounds you make very pleasing," Khalon purred before trailing kisses up Riley's torso. He roamed his strong hands over Riley's body, over his stomach, down his thighs, and in between his legs. Khalon took his sweet time as he explored every curve, every patch of skin, as if he were mapping Riley, committing every inch of him to memory. With every touch he followed up with a taste, then a kiss. It was driving Riley absolutely crazy.

  Riley had no idea what came next. They somehow managed to sneak into the castle, but not without some sleight of hand from Rayner and the others. Apparently the whole realm wanted to meet its new Soldati prince. As much as Riley wanted to oblige, neither he nor Khalon could stand to wait any longer. Every second Khalon didn't lay claim to Riley became torturous. Their bodies were drawn to each other, a magnetic pull that caused Riley's body to physically ache with his need to have Khalon inside him. It was kind of scary.

  "Are you sure this is what you want? That I'm what you want?" Riley asked, his toes curling and his breath hitching when Khalon found Riley's entrance with a lubed finger. "I know the priestess said this is who I really am, that I've always been a Soldati prince, but I don't feel all that different. I mean, I feel stronger and there's this weird, pulsing, warm glow inside me that I can't explain, but I'm still me.

  "And I would not wish you to be any different." Khalon nipped at Riley's neck. "We shall face this new adventure together, guiding each other. I know you might be"--he pushed a finger inside Riley, causing him to cry out in surprise--"overwhelmed."

  "Bastard," Riley huffed.

  Khalon chuckled and continued to stretch Riley. "But all will be well. I will be here with you at your side. Once I have claimed you, our bond will grow stronger. More of your true self will be revealed. Whatever happens"--Khalon's tone softened and he placed a kiss to Riley's lips--"we are one."

  Riley slipped his arms around Khalon's neck, unable to believe this was all happening. Yet somehow it felt right. He had no idea what being a Soldati prince entailed, but he trusted Khalon. With a shuddered sigh, Riley closed his eyes and gave himself over, spreading his knees farther apart. Khalon settled in between them and lined himself up. Riley braced himself. He slipped his fingers down to Khalon's shoulders and held on tight as Khalon stretched him. He dug his fingers into his lover's skin. For all of Khalon's strength and ferocity, he was also very gentle. Soon the pain and burn gave way to sweet pleasure and Riley groaned, a soft gasp escaping him as Khalon began to move.


  "I love the sound of my name falling from your lips," Khalon murmured, taking hold of Riley's wrist. He brought it to his lips for a kiss before moving it to the bed and lacing their fingers together. He lowered himself carefully and Riley moved his other hand to the bed so Khalon could take hold of that one as well. "You're so beautiful."

  Riley looked away, embarrassed. "I'm not."

  "You are, and I will spend my immortal life showing you how beautiful and good you are. The Soldati Realm is fortunate to have you, Riley, as am I."

  Had this happened back home, Riley would have thought he'd gone crazy. It was too soon to feel this strongly about the man in his arms, yet it felt as if Khalon had always been with him. If the mark had been with Riley since birth, simply hidden, then what about his connection to Khalon?

  "My prince?"


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