The Enchanted Canyon

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The Enchanted Canyon Page 2

by Honoré Morrow



  "I was sure, when I was eighteen, that if I could but give to the worlda picture of Boyhood, flagellated by the world's stupidity andbrutality, the world would heed. At thirty, I gave up thehope."--_Enoch's Diary_.

  No one could have been a less troublesome traveling companion thanNucky. He ate what was set before him, without comment. He sat forendless hours on the observation platform, smoking cigarettes, his keeneyes on the flying landscape. His blue Norfolk suit and his carefullychosen cap and linen restored a little of the adolescent look of whichthe flashy clothing of his own choosing had robbed him. No one glancedaskance at Mr. Seaton's protege or asked the lawyer idle questionsregarding him.

  And yet Nucky was very seldom out of John Seaton's thoughts: Over andover he tried to get the boy into conversation only to be checked by areply that was half sullen, half impertinent. Finally, the lawyer fellback on surmises. Was Nucky laying some deep scheme for mischief whenthey reached San Francisco? John had believed fully that he and Nuckywould be friends before Chicago was passed. But he had been mistaken.What in the world was he to do with the young gambler in San Francisco,that paradise of gamblers? He could employ a detective to dog Nucky,but that was to acknowledge defeat. If there were only some placealong the line where he could leave the boy, giving him a taste of outof door life, such as only the west knows!

  For a long time Seaton turned this idea over in his mind. The trainwas pulling out of Albuquerque when he had a sudden inspiration. Heknew Nucky too well by now to ask him for information or for anexpression of opinion. But that night, at dinner, he said, casually,

  "We're going to leave the main line, at Williams, Enoch, and go up tothe Grand Canyon. There's a guide at Bright Angel that I camped withtwo years ago. It's such bad weather that I don't suppose there'll bemany people up there and I telegraphed him this afternoon to give me aweek or so. I'm going to turn you over to him and I'll go on to theCoast. I'll pick you up on my way back."

  "All right," said Nucky, casually.

  Mr. Seaton ground his teeth with impatience and thought of what Jack'senthusiasm would have been over such a program. But he said nothingand strolled out to the observation car.

  It was raining and sleeting at Williams. They had to wait for hours inthe little station for the connecting train to the Canyon. It came in,finally, and Seaton and Nucky climbed aboard, the only visitors for theusually popular side trip. It was a wild and lonely run to theCanyon's rim. Nucky, sitting with his face pressed against the window,saw only vague forms of cactus and evergreens through the sleet which,as the grade rose steadily, changed to snow. It was mid-afternoon whenthey reached the rim. A porter led them at once into the hotel andafter they were established, Seaton went into Nucky's room. The boywas standing by the window, staring at the storm.

  "We can't see the Canyon from our windows," said John. "I took care ofthat! It isn't a thing you want staring at you day and night! Nucky,I want you to get your first look at the Canyon, alone. One alwaysshould. You'd better put on your coat and go out now before the stormgets any worse. Don't wander away. Stick to the view in front of thehotel. I'll be out in a half hour."

  Nucky pulled on his overcoat, picked up his cap and went out. A porterwas sweeping the walk before the main entrance.

  "Say, mister, I want to see the Canyon," said Nucky.

  "Nothin' to hinder. Yonder she lies, waiting for you, son!" jerkinghis thumb over his shoulder.

  Nucky looked in the direction indicated. Then he took a deep, shockedbreath. The snow flakes were falling into nothingness! A bitter windwas blowing but Nucky felt the sweat start to his forehead. Throughthe sifting snow flakes, disappearing before his gaze, he saw a void,silver gray, dim in outline, but none the less a void. The earth gapedto its center, naked, awful, before his horrified eyes. Yet, the sameurgent need to know the uttermost that forces one to the edge of theskyscraper forced Nucky to the rail. He clutched it. A great gust ofwind came up from the Canyon, clearing the view of snow for the moment,and Nucky saw down, down for a mile to the black ribbon of the Coloradobelow.

  "I can't stand it!" he muttered. "I can't stand it!" and turning, hebolted for the hotel. He stopped before the log fire in the lobby. Alittle group of men and women were sitting before the blaze, reading orchatting. One of the women looked up at the boy and smiled. It seemedimpossible to Nucky that human beings could be sitting so calmly, doingquite ordinary things, with that horror lying just a few feet away.For perhaps five minutes he struggled with his sense of panic, then hewent slowly out and forced himself to the railing again.

  While he had been indoors, it had ceased to storm and the view layclear and clean before him. Although there was a foot of level snow onthe rim, so vast were the ledges and benches below that the driftsserved only as high lights for their crimson and black and orange.Just beneath Nucky were tree tops, heavy laden with white. Far, farbelow were tiny shrubs that the porter said were trees and belowthese,--orderly strips of brilliant colors and still below, andbelow--! Nucky moistened his dry lips and once more bolted to thehotel.

  Just within the door, John Seaton met him.

  "Well, Enoch?"

  There was no coldness in Nucky's eyes now. They were the frightenedeyes of a child.

  "I can't stand that thing!" he panted. "I gotta get back to N' York,now!"

  Seaton looked at Nucky curiously. "For heaven's sake, Enoch! Where'syour nerve?"

  "What good would nerve do a guy lookin' at hell!" gasped Nucky.

  "Hell? Why the Canyon is one of the beautiful sights of the world!You're crazy, Enoch! Come out with me and look again."

  "Not on your life!" cried Nucky. "I'm going back to little old N'York."

  "It can't be done, my boy. There'll be no trains out of here for atleast twelve hours, because of the storm. And listen, Enoch! Nononsense! Remember that if you wander away from the hotel, you'relost. There are no trolleys in this neck of the woods, and notelephones and no police. Wait a moment, Enoch, there's Frank Allen,the guide."

  Seaton hailed a tall, rather heavily built man in corduroys and highlaced boots, who had lounged up to the cigar stand. As he approached,Nucky saw that he was middle aged, with a heavily tanned face out ofwhich the blue of his eyes shone conspicuously.

  "Here he is, Frank!" exclaimed Seaton. "Nucky, this is the man who isgoing to look out for you while I'm gone."

  "Well, young New York! What're you going to do with the Canyon?"Frank slapped the boy on the shoulder.

  Nucky grinned uncertainly. "I dunno!" he said.

  "Had a look at it?" demanded the guide.

  "Yes!" Nucky spoke with sudden firmness. "And I don't like it. Iwant to go back to New York."

  "Come on out with Frank and me and get used to it," suggested JohnSeaton.

  "I'm not going near it again," returned Nucky.

  Allen looked at the boy with deliberate interest. He noted the pastyskin, the hollow chest, the strong, unformed features, the thin lipsthat were trembling, despite the cigarette stained fingers that pressedagainst them.

  "Did you ever talk to Indians?" asked Allen, suddenly.

  "No," said Nucky.

  "Well, let's forget the Canyon and go over to the hogan, yonder. Isthat the best you two can do on shoes? I'm always sorry for youlady-like New Yorkers. Come over here a minute. I guess we can rentsome boots to fit you."

  "I'm going to write letters, Frank," said Seaton. "You and Enoch'llfind me over at one of the desks. Fit the boy out as you think best."

  Not long after, Nucky trailed the guide through the lobby. He waswearing high laced boots, with a very self-conscious air. Onceoutside, in the glory of the westering sun, Frank took a deep breath.

  "Great air, boy! Get all you can of it into those flabby bellows ofyours. Before we go to the hogan, come over to the corral. My Tomhorse has got a saddle sore. A fool tourist rode him all day with afold in the blank
et as big as your fist."

  "Is he a bronco?" asked Nucky, with sudden animation.

  "He was a bronco. You easterners have the wrong idea. A bronco is aplains pony before he's broken. After he's busted he's a horse. See?"

  "Aw, you're dead wrong, Frank!" drawled a voice.

  Nucky looked up in astonishment to see a tall man, whose skin was arich bronze, offering a cigarette to the guide.

  "Dry up, Mike!" returned Frank with a grin. "What does a Navaho knowabout horses! Enoch, this is a sure enough Indian. Mike, let meintroduce Mr. Enoch Huntingdon of New York City."

  The Navaho nodded and smiled. "You look as if a little Canyon climbingwould do you good," said he. "I was looking at Tom horse, Frank. He'sin bad shape. How much did that tender-foot weigh that rode him?"

  "I don't know. I wasn't here the day they hired him out. I know thecuss would have weighed a good deal less if I'd been here when thatsaddle was taken off! Going down to-morrow with Miss Planer?"

  "Not unless some one breaks trail for us. Are you going to try it?"

  "Not unless my young friend here gets his nerve up. Want to try it,Enoch?"

  "Try what?" asked Nucky.

  "The trip down Bright Angel."

  "Not on your life!" cried Nucky.

  Both men laughed, the Indian moving off through the snow in thedirection of a dim building among the cedars, while Frank led on to thecorral fence. Fifteen or twenty horses and mules were moving about theenclosure. Allen crossed swiftly among them, with Nucky following,apprehensively, close behind him. Frank's horse was in the stable, butwhile he seemed to examine the sore spot on the animal's back, Frank'sreal attention was riveted on Nucky. The boy was obviously ill at easeand only half interested in the horse.

  "These are the lads that take us down the trail," said Allen finally,slapping a velvety black mule on the flank.

  "We can't trust the horses. A mule knows more in a minute than a horseknows all his life."

  "Will you go with me to take another look at it?" asked Nucky.

  An expression of understanding crossed Frank's weather-beaten face."Sure I will, boy! Let's walk up the rim a little and see if you cansteady your nerves."

  "I'd rather stay by the rail," replied Nucky, doggedly.

  "All right, old man! Don't take this thing too hard, you know! Afterall, it's only a crack in the earth."

  Nucky grinned feebly, and trudged steadily up to the rail. The sun wassetting and the Canyon was like the infinite glory of God. Untiring aswas his love for the view Allen preferred, this time, to watch thestrange young face beside him. Nucky's pallor was still intense inspite of the stinging wind. His deep set eyes were strained like achild's, listening to a not-to-be-understood explanation of somethingthat frightens him. For a full five minutes he gazed without speaking.Then the sun sank and the Canyon immediately was filled with gloom.Nucky's lips quivered. "I can't stand it!" he muttered again, "I can'tstand it!" and once more he bolted.

  This time he went directly to his room. Neither Allen nor Seatonattempted to follow him.

  "He is some queer kid!" said Frank, taking the cigar Seaton offeredhim. "He may be a born crook or he may not, but believe me, there'ssomething in him worth finding out about."

  "Just what I say!" agreed Seaton. "But don't be sure you're the onethat can unlock him. Mrs. Seaton couldn't and if she failed, any womanon earth would. And I still believe that a chap that's got any good inhim will open up to a good woman."

  "_His_ woman, man! _His_! Not to somebody else's woman." Allen'stone was impatient.

  "_His_ woman! Don't talk like a chump, Frank! Enoch's only fourteen."

  "Makes no difference. Your wife is an angel as I learned two yearsago, but she may not have Enoch's number, just the same. If I wereyou, I'd mooch up to the kid's room if he doesn't come down promptly tosupper. His nerves are in rotten shape and he oughtn't to be alone toolong."

  Seaton nodded, and shortly after seven he knocked softly on Nucky'sdoor. There was an inarticulate, "Come in!" Nucky was standing by thewindow in the dark room.

  "Supper's ready, old man. You'd better have it now and get to bedearly. Jumping from sea level to a mile in the air makes a chapsleepy. Are you washed up?"

  "I'm all ready," mumbled Nucky.

  He went to bed shortly after eight. Something forlorn and childishabout the boy's look as he said good night moved John Seaton to say,

  "Tell a bell boy to open the door between our rooms, will you, Enoch?"and he imagined that a relieved look flickered in Nucky's eyes.

  Seaton himself went to bed and to sleep early. He was wakened aboutmidnight by a soft sound from Nucky's room and he lay for a few momentslistening. Then he rose and turned on the light in his room, and inNucky's. The boy hastily jerked the covers over his head. Seatonpulled the extra blanket at the bed foot over his own shoulders, thenhe sat down on the edge of the bed and put his hand on Nucky's heavingback.

  "Don't you think, if it's bad enough to make you cry, that it's timeyou told a friend about it, Enoch?" he said, his voice a little husky.

  For a moment sobs strangled the boy's utterance entirely. Finally, hepulled the covers down but still keeping his head turned away, he said,

  "I want to go home!"

  "Home, Enoch? Where's your home?"

  "N' York's my home. This joint scares me."

  "Whom do you want to see in New York, Enoch?"

  "Anybody! Nobody! Even the police station'd look better'n that thing.I can feel it out there now, waitin' and listenin'!"

  Seaton stared blankly at the back of Nucky's head. His experiment wasnot turning out at all as he had planned. Jack often had puzzled himbut there had always been something to grasp with Jack. His own boyhad been such a good sport! A good sport! Suddenly Seaton cleared histhroat.

  "Enoch, among the men you know, what is the opinion of a squealer?"

  "We hate him," replied the boy, shortly.

  "And the other night when you were arrested, you were rather proud ofstanding up and taking your punishment without breaking down. If oneof the men arrested at that time had broken down, you'd all havedespised him, I suppose?"

  "Sure thing," agreed Nucky, turning his head ever so little toward theman.

  "Enoch, why are you breaking down now?"

  "Aw, what difference does it make?" demanded the boy. "You despise meanyhow!"

  "Oh!" ejaculated Seaton as a sudden light came to his groping mind."Oh, I see! What a chump you are, old man! Of course, I despise thekind of life you've led, but I blame Minetta Lane for that, not you.And I believe there is so much solid fine stuff in you that I'm givingyou this trip to show you that there are people and things outside ofMinetta Lane that are more worth a promising boy's time than gambling.But, you won't play the game. You are so vain and ignorant, you refuseto see over your nose."

  "I told you, you despised me," said Nucky, sullenly.

  The man smiled to himself. Suddenly he took the boy's hand in both hisown.

  "I suppose if Jack had been reared in Minetta Lane, he'd have been justas wrong in his ideas as you are. Look here, Enoch, I'll make abargain with you. I want you to try the Canyon for a week or so, untilI get back from the Coast. If, at the end of that time, you still wantMinetta Lane, I'll land you back there with fifty dollars in yourpocket, and you can go your own gait."

  Nucky for the first time turned and looked Seaton in the face."Honest?" he gasped.

  Seaton nodded.

  "Do I have to go down the Canyon?" asked Nucky.

  "You don't have to do anything except play straight, till I get back."

  "I--I guess I could stand it,"--the boy's eyes were a little pitiful intheir fear.

  "That isn't enough. I want your promise, Enoch!"

  Nucky stared into Seaton's steady eyes. "All right, I'll promise.And--and, Mr. Seaton, would you sit with me till I get to sleep?"

  Seaton nodded. Nucky had made no attempt to free his ha
nd from thekindly grasp that imprisoned it. He lay staring at the ceiling for along moment, then his eyelids fluttered, dropped, and he slept. He didnot stir when Seaton rose and went back to his own bed.

  It did not snow during the night and the train that had brought Nuckyand Mr. Seaton up announced itself as ready for the return trip toWilliams, immediately after breakfast. Nucky slept late and onlyopened his eyes when Frank Allen clumped into the room about nineo'clock.

  "Hello, New York! Haven't died, have you? Come on, we're going tobreak trail down the Canyon, you and I."

  "Not on your life!" Nucky roused at once and sat up in bed, his facevery pale under its thatch of dark red hair.

  "John Seaton turned you over to me. Said to tell you he thought youneeded the sleep more than you did to say good-by to him."

  "He told me last night," exclaimed Nucky; "that I didn't have to godown the Canyon."

  "And you don't, you poor sissy! You aren't afraid to get up and dress,are you?" Allen's grin took away part of the sting of his speech."Meet me in the lobby in twenty minutes, Enoch," and he turned on hisheel.

  Nucky was down in less than the time allotted. As he leaned againstthe office desk, waiting for the guide, the room clerk said, "So you'rethe kid that's afraid to go down the trail. Usually it's the oldladies that kick up about that. Most boys your age are crazy for thetrip."

  Nucky muttered something and moved away. In front of the fire thewoman who had smiled at him the day before, smiled again.

  "Afraid too, aren't you! They can't get me onto that trail, either."

  Nucky smiled feebly then looked about a little wildly for Frank Allen.When he espied the guide at the cigar-stand, he crossed to himhurriedly.

  "Say now, Mr. Allen, listen!"

  "I'm all ears, son!"

  "Now don't tell everybody I'm afraid of the trail!"

  "Oh, you're the kid!" exclaimed a bell boy. "Say, there was an oldlady here once that used to go out every morning and pray to the Lordto close the earth's gap, it made her so nervous! Why don't you trythat, kid? Maybe the Lord would take a suggestion from a New Yorker."

  Nucky rushed to the dining room. He was too angry and resentful to eatmuch. He drank two cups of coffee, however, and swallowed some toast.

  "Ain't you going to eat your eggs?" demanded the waitress. "What's thematter with you? Folks always stuff themselves, here. Say, don't letthe trail scare you. I was that way at first, but finally I got mynerve up and there's nothing to it. Say, let me give you some advice.There's only a few folks here now, so the guides and the hotel peoplehave got plenty of time on their hands. They're awful jokers andthey'll tease the life out of you, till you take the trip. You justget on a mule, this morning, and start. Every day you wait, you'llhate it more."

  Nucky's vanity had been deeply wounded. Greater than his fear, whichwas very great indeed, was Nucky's vanity. He gulped the second cup ofcoffee, then with the air of bravado which belonged to Marty the Dude,he sauntered up to the cigar stand where the guide still lounged.

  "All right, Frank," said Nucky. "I'm ready for Bright Angel when youare."

  The guide looked at the boy carefully. Two bright red spots wereburning in Nucky's cheeks. He was biting his lips, nervously. But hisblue eyes were hard and steady.

  "I'll be ready in half an hour, Enoch. Meet me at the corral. We'llcamp down below for a night or two if you hold out and I'll have tohave the grub put up. You go over to the store room yonder and get aflannel shirt and a pair of denim pants to pull on over those you'rewearing. Mr. Seaton left his camera for you. I put it on your bureau.Bring that along. Skip now!"

  Nucky's cheeks were still burning when he met Allen at the corral.Three mules, one a well loaded pack mule, the others saddled, werewaiting. Frank leaned against the bars.

  "Enoch," said the man, "there's no danger at all, if you let your mulealone. Don't try to guide him. He knows the trail perfectly. All youhave to do is to sit in the saddle and look up, not down! Remember,up, not down! I shall lead. You follow, on Spoons. Old Foolish Facebrings up the rear with the pack. Did you ever ride, before?"

  "I never touched a horse in my life," replied Nucky, trying to curb thechattering of his teeth.

  "You had better mount and ride round the road here, for a bit. Takethe reins, so. Stand facing the saddle, so. Now put this foot in thestirrup, seize the pommel, and swing the other leg over as you spring.That's the idea!"

  Nucky was awkward, but he landed in the saddle and found the otherstirrup, the mule standing fast as a mountain while he did so. Spoonsmoved off at Allen's bidding, and Nucky grasped at the pommel. Butonly for a moment.

  "Don't he shake any worse than this?" he cried.

  "No, but it's not so easy to stay in the saddle when the grade's steep.Pull on your right rein, Enoch, and bring old Spoons in behind me.Well done! We're off! See the bunch on the hotel steps! Guess youfooled 'em this time, New York!"

  Half a dozen people, including the clerk were standing on the steps,watching the little cavalcade. As the mules filed by, somebody beganto clap.

  "What's the excitement, Frank?" demanded Nucky.

  Frank turned in his saddle to smile at the boy. "Out in this countrywe admire physical nerve because we need a lot of it. And you'reshowing a good quality, old chap. Just sit easy now and when you wantme to stop, yell."

  Nucky was sitting very straight with his thin chest up, and he managedto maintain this posture as the trail turned down over the rim. Thenhe grasped the pommel in both hands.

  It was a wonderful trail, carved with infinite patience and ingenuityout of the canyon wall. To Allen it was as safe and easy as a flightof stairs. Nucky, trembling in the saddle would have felt quite ascomfortable standing on the topmost window ledge of the Flat Ironbuilding, in New York. And, to Nucky, there was no trail! Only anarrow, corkscrew shelf, deep banked with snow into which the mules settheir small feet gingerly. For many minutes, the boy saw only thistrackless ledge, and the sickening blue depths below.

  "I can never stand it!" he muttered. "I can never stand it! If thismule makes just one mis-step, I'm dead." He felt a little nauseated."I can never stand it! 'Twould have been better if I'd just let 'emtease me. Hey, Frank!"

  The guide looked back. The red spots were gone from Nucky's cheeks now.

  "We got to go back! I can't get away with it!" cried the boy.

  "It's impossible to turn here, Enoch! Look up, man! Look up! Andjust trust old Spoons! Are you cold? It was only eight above zero,when we left the top. But the snow'll disappear as we go down and whenwe reach the river it'll be summer. See that lone pine up on the rimto your right? They say an Indian girl jumped from the top of thatbecause she bore a cross-eyed baby. Look up, Enoch, as we round thiscurve and see that streak of red in the wall. An Indian giant bled todeath on the rim and his blood seeped through the solid rock to thispoint. Watch how the sky gets a deeper blue, the farther down we go.And now, Enoch look out, not down. You may come down Bright Angel athousand times and never see the colors you see to-day. The snowfallhas turned the world into a rainbow, by heck!"

  Slowly, very slowly, Nucky turned his head and clinging to the pommel,he stared across the canyon. White of snow; sapphire of sky; black ofsharp cut shadow. Mountains rising from the canyon floor thrustscarlet and yellow heads across his line of vision. Close to his left,as the trail curved, a wall of purest rose color lifted from a bank ofsnow that was as blue as Allen's eyes. Beyond and beyond and everbeyond, the vast orderliness of the multi-colored canyon strata meltedinto delicate white clouds that now revealed, now concealed themountain tops.

  Nucky gazed and gazed, shuddering, yet enthralled. Another sharp twistin the trail and his knee scraped against the wall. He cried outsharply. Frank turned to look but he did not stop the mules.

  "Spoons thinks it's better to amputate your leg, once in a while thanto risk getting too close to the outer edge of the trail in all thissnow. He's
an old warrior, is Spoons! He could carry a grand pianodown this trail and never scrape the varnish. Look up, Enoch! We'llsoon reach a broad bench where I'll let you rest."

  "Don't you think I'll ever get off this brute till we reach bottom!"shuddered Nucky.

  The guide laughed and silence fell again. The mules moved as silentlythrough the snow as the mists across the mountain tops. In carefulgradation the trail zigzagged downward. The snow lessened in depthwith each foot of drop. The bitter cold began to give way to theincreasing warmth of the sun. Sensation crept back into Nucky's feetand hands. By a supreme effort for many moments he managed to fix hiseyes firmly on Frank's broad back, and though he could not give up hishold on the pommel, he sat a little straighter. Then, of a sudden,Spoons stopped in his tracks, and as suddenly a little avalanche ofsnow shot down the canyon wall, catching the mule's forelegs. Spoonspromptly threw himself inward, against the wall. Nucky gave a startledlook at the sickening depths below and when Frank turned in his saddle,Nucky had fainted, half clinging to Spoons' neck, half supportedagainst the wet, rocky wall.

  With infinite care, and astonishing speed, Frank slid from his mule andmade his way back to the motionless Spoons.

  "Always said you were more than human, old chap," said Allen, kickingthe snow away from the mule's fore legs. "Easy now! Don't lose yourpassenger!" The mule regained his balance and stepped carefullyforward out of the drift, while the guide, balanced perilously on theouter edge of the trail, kept a supporting hand on Nucky's shoulders.

  But there was no need of the flask Frank pulled from his pocket. Nuckyopened his eyes almost immediately. Whatever emotion Frank may havefelt, he kept to himself. "I told you Spoons was better than a lifeinsurance policy, Enoch."

  Enoch slowly pushed himself erect. He looked from Frank's quizzicaleyes to Spoons' twitching ears, then at his own shaking hands.

  "I fainted, didn't I?" he asked.

  Allen nodded, and something in the twist of the man's lips maddenedNucky. He burst forth wildly:

  "You think I'm a blank blank sissy! Well, maybe I am. But if New Yorkcouldn't scare me, this blank blank hole out here in this blank blankjumping off place can't. I'm going on down this trail and if I falland get killed, it's up to you and Mr. Seaton."

  "Good work, New York!" responded Allen briefly. He edged his waycarefully back to his mule and the cavalcade moved onward. Perhapsfive minutes afterward, as they left the snow line, the guide lookedback. Nucky was huddled in the saddle, his eyes closed tight, but histhin lips were drawn in a line that caused Allen to change his purpose.He did not speak as he had planned, but led the way on for a long halfhour, in silence, his eyes thoughtful.

  But Nucky did not keep his eyes closed long. The pull of horror, ofmystery, of grandeur was too great. And after the avalanche, hisconfidence in Spoons was established. He was little more than a childand under his bravado and his watchfulness there was a child'srecklessness. If he were to fall, at least he must see whither he wasto fall. He forced himself to look from time to time into the depthsbelow. The trail dropped steadily, while higher and higher soaredcanyon wall and mountain peak. It was still early when the trail metthe plateau on which lie the Indian gardens.

  Frank's mule suddenly quickened his stride as did Spoons. But Nucky,although he was weary and saddle sore had no intention of crying ahalt, now that the trail was level. His pulse began to subside andonce more he sat erect in the saddle. When the mules rushed forward tobury their noses in a cress-grown spring, he grinned at Frank.

  "Well, here I am, after all!"

  Frank grinned in return. "If I could put through a few more stuntslike this, you'd look almost like a boy, instead of a potato sprout.Get down and limber up."

  Nucky half scrambled, half fell off his mule. "Must be spring downhere," he cried, staring about at grass and cottonwood.

  "Just about. And it'll be summer when we reach the river."

  "That was some trail, wasn't it, Frank! Do many kids take it?"

  "Lots of 'em, but only with guides, and you were the worst case ofscared boy I've ever seen."

  Nucky flushed. "Well, you might give me credit for hanging to it, evenif I was scared."

  "I'll give you a lot of credit for that, old man. But if the averageNew York boy has nerves like yours, I'm glad many of them don't come tothe Canyon, that's all. Your nerves would disgrace a girl."

  "The guys I gamble with never complained of my lack of nerves," criedNucky, angrily.

  "Gambling! Thunder! What nerve does it take to stack the cardsagainst a dub? But this country out here, let me tell you, it takes aman to stand up to it."

  "And I've been through police raids too, and never squealed and I knowtwo gunmen and they say I'm as hard as steel."

  "They should have seen you with your arms around Spoons' neck, back upthe trail there," said Allen dryly. "Come! Mount again, Enoch! Iwant to have lunch at the river."

  Enoch was sullen as they started on but his sullenness did not lastlong. As his fear receded, his curiosity increased. He gazed abouthim with absorbed interest, and he began to bombard the guide withquestions in genuine boy fashion.

  "How far is it to the river? Do we have any steeper trails than theones we've been on, already? Did any one ever swim across the river?Was any one ever killed when he minded what the guide told him? Whatguys camp in the Indian gardens? How much does it cost? Did any oneever climb up the side of the Canyon, say like one yonder where itlooked like different colored stair steps going up? Did any one everfind gold in the canyon? How did they know it when they found it? DidFrank ever do any mining? What was placer mining?" And on and on,only the intermittently returning fear of the trail silencing him untilFrank ordered him to dismount in a narrow chasm within sight of theroaring, muddy Colorado.

  "One of the ways Seaton employed to persuade me to take care of you fora week was by telling me you were a very silent kid," added the guide.

  Nucky grinned sheepishly, and turned to stare wonderingly at the blackwalls that here closed in upon them breathlessly. Their lunch had beenprepared at the hotel. Frank fed the mules, then handed Nucky his boxlunch and proceeded to open his own.

  "Does it make you sore to have me ask you questions?" asked the boy.

  "No! I guess it's more natural for a kid than the sulks you've beenkeeping up with Seaton."

  "I'm not such a kid. I'm going on fifteen and I've earned my own waysince I was twelve. And I earn it with men, too." Nucky jerked hishead belligerently.

  Frank ate a hard boiled egg before speaking. Then, with one eyebrowraised, he grunted, "What'd you work at?"

  "Cards and dice!" this very proudly.

  "You poor nut!" Frank's voice was a mixture of contempt andcompassion. Nucky immediately turned sulky and the meal was finishedin silence. When the last doughnut had been devoured, Frank stretchedhimself in the warm sand left among the rocks by the river at flood.

  "Must be eighty degrees down here," he yawned. "We'll rest for a halfhour, then we'll make the night camp. It's after two now and it willbe dark in this narrow rift by four."

  Nucky looked about him apprehensively. The Canyon here was little morethan a gorge whose walls rose sheer and menacing toward the narrowpatch of blue sky above. He could not make up his mind to lie down andrelax as Frank had done. All was too new and strange.

  "Are there snakes round here?" he demanded.

  Frank's grunt might have been either yes or no. Nucky glancedimpatiently at the guide's closed eyes, then he began to clamberaimlessly and languidly over the rocks to the river edge. At adistance of perhaps a hundred feet from Frank he stopped, looked at thebleak, blank wall of the river opposite, bit his nails and shudderingturned back. He crouched on a rock, near the guide, smoking onecigarette after another until Frank jumped to his feet.

  "Three o'clock, New York! Time to get ready for the night."

  "I don't want to stay in this hole all night!" protested Nucky, "Icoul
dn't sleep."

  "You'll like it. You've no idea how comfortable I'm going to make you.Now, your job is to gather drift wood and pile it on that flat toppedrock yonder. Keep piling till I tell you to quit. The nights are coldand I'll keep a little blaze going late, for you."

  "What's the idea?" demanded Nucky. "Why stay down here, like lostdogs, when there's a first class hotel back up there?"

  Frank sighed. "Well, the idea is this! A real he man likes camping inthe wilds better'n he likes anything on earth. Seaton thought maybesomewhere in that pindling carcass of yours there was the making of ahe man and that you'd like the experience. I promised him I'd try youout and I'm trying you, hang you for an ungrateful, cowardly cub."

  Nucky turned on his heel and began to pick up drift wood. He was inpoor physical trim but the pile, though it grew slowly, grew steadily.By the time Frank announced the camp ready, Nucky's fuel pile was ofreally imposing dimensions. And dusk was thickening in the gorge.

  Before a great flat faced rock that looked toward the river, was astretch of clean dry sand. Against this rock, the guide had placed arubber air-mattress and a plentiful supply of blankets. A smallfolding table stood before a rough stone fire place. A canvas shelterstretched vertically on two strips of driftwood, shut off the nightwind that was beginning to sweep through the Canyon. The mules weretethered close to the camp.

  "Where'd that mattress come from?" exclaimed Nucky.

  "Partly off old Funny Face's back and part out of a bicycle pump.Didn't want to risk your sickly bones on the ground until you harden upa bit. Pretty good pile of timber for an amateur, New York." Franklooked up from the fire he was kindling into Nucky's thin, tired face."Now, son, you sit down on the end of your bed and take it easy. I'man old hand at this game and before we've had our week together I'mbanking on you being glad to help me. But to-day you've had enough."

  "Thanks," mumbled Nucky, as he eagerly followed the guide's suggestions.

  The early supper tasted delicious to the boy although every muscle inhis body ached. Bacon and flap jacks, coffee and canned peaches hedevoured with more appetite than he ever had brought to ministrone andred wine. A queer and inexplicable sense of comfort and a desire totalk came over him after the meal was finished, the camp in order, andthe fire replenished.

  "This ain't so bad," he said. "I wish some of the guys that used tocome to Luigi's could see me now."

  "And who was Luigi?" asked Frank, lighting his pipe and stretchinghimself on a blanket before the fire.

  "He was the guy I lived with after my mother died. He ran a gamblingjoint, and we was fixing the place up for women, too, when we all gotpinched." This very boastfully.

  "Who were your folks, Enoch?"

  "Never heard of none of 'em. Luigi's a Dago. He wouldn't have been sobad if he didn't pinch the pennies so. Were you ever in New York,Frank?" This in a patronizing voice.

  "Born there," replied the guide.

  Nucky gasped with surprise. "How'd you ever happen to come out here?"

  "I can't live anywhere else because of chronic asthma. I don't knownow that I'd want to live anywhere else. I used to kick against thepricks, but you get more sense as you grow older--after it's too late."

  "I should think you'd rather be dead," said Nucky sincerely. "If Ithought I couldn't get back to MacDougal Street I'd want to die."

  "MacDougal Street and the dice, I suppose, eh? Enoch, you're on thewrong track and I know, because that's the track I tried myself. And Igot stung."

  "But--" began Nucky.

  "No but about it. It's the wrong track and you can't get to decency orhappiness or contentment on it. There's two things a man can nevermake anything real out of; cards or women."

  "I didn't want to make anything out of women. I want to get even with'em, blank blank 'em all," cried Nucky with sudden fury. And he burstinto an obscene tirade against the sex that utterly astonished theguide. He lay with his chin supported on his elbow, staring at theboy, at his thin, strongly marked features, and at the convulsiveworking of his throat as he talked.

  "Here! Dry up!" Frank cried at last. "I'll bet these canyon wallsnever looked down on such a rotten little cur as you are in all theirhistory. You gambling, indecent little gutter snipe, isn't there aclean spot in you?"

  "You were a gambler yourself!" shrieked Nucky.

  "Yes, sir, I know cards and I know women, and that's why I know justwhat a mess of carrion your lovely young soul is. Any kid that can seethe glory o' God that you've seen to-day and then sit down and talklike an overflowing sewer isn't fit to live. I didn't know that beforeI came out to this country, but I know it now. You get to bed. Idon't want to hear another word out of you to-night. Pull your bootsoff. That's all."

  Half resentful, half frightened, Nucky obeyed. For a while, withnerves and over-tired muscles twitching, he lay watching the fire.Then he fell asleep.

  It was about midnight when he awoke. He had kicked the blankets offand was cold. The fire was out but the full moon sailed high over thegorge. Frank, rolled in his blankets, his feet to the dead fire, sleptnoisily. Nucky sat up and pulled his blankets over him, but he did notlie down again. He sat staring at the wonder of the Canyon. For along half hour he was motionless save for the occasional moistening ofhis lips and turning of his head as he followed the unbelievablecontour of the distant silvered peaks. Then of a sudden he jumped fromhis bed and, stooping over Frank, shook him violently.

  "Wake up!" he cried. "Wake up! I gotta tell somebody or the Canyon'lldrive me crazy. I'll tell you why I'm bad. It's because my mother wasbad before me. She was Luigi's mistress. She was a bad lot. It wasborn in me."

  Frank sat up, instantly on the alert. "How old were you when shedied?" he demanded.

  "Six," replied Nucky.

  "Shucks! you don't know anything about it, then! Who told you she wasbad?"

  "Luigi! I guess he'd know, wouldn't he?"

  "Maybe he did and maybe he didn't. At any rate, I wouldn't take theoath on his deathbed of a fellow who ran a joint like Luigi's andtaught a kid what he's taught you. He told you that, of course, tokeep a hold on you."

  "But she lived with him. I remember that myself."

  "I can't help that. I'll bet you my next year's pay, she wasn't yourmother!"

  "Not my mother?" Nucky drew himself up with a long breath. "Certainlyshe was my mother."

  Frank uncovered some embers from the ashes and threw on wood. "I'llbet she wasn't your mother," he repeated firmly. "Seaton told me thatthat policeman friend of yours said she might and might not be yourmother. Seaton and the policeman both think she wasn't, and I'm with'em."

  "But why? Why?" cried Nucky in an agony of impatience.

  "For the simple reason that a fellow with a face like your's doesn'thave a bad mother."

  In the light of the leaping flames Nucky's face fell. "Aw, what yougiving us! Sob stuff?"

  "I'm telling you something that's as true as God. You can't see Him ortalk to Him, but you know He made this Canyon, don't you?"

  Nucky nodded quickly.

  "All right, then I'm telling you, every line of your face and head saysyou didn't come of a breed like the woman that lived with Luigi. I'llbet if you show you have any decent promise, Seaton will clear thatpoint up. A good detective could do it."

  "I never thought of such a thing," muttered Nucky. He continued tostare at Frank, his pale boy's face tense with conflicting hope andfear. The guide picked up his blanket, but Nucky cried out:

  "Don't go to sleep for a minute, please! I can't stand it alone inthis moonlight. I never thought such thoughts in my life as I havedown here, about God and who I am and what a human being is. I tellyou, I'm going crazy."

  Frank nodded, and began to fill his pipe. "Sit down close to the fire,son. That's what the Canyon does to anybody that's thin skinned. Iwent through it too. I tell you, Nucky, this life here in the Canyonand the thoughts you think here, are the only real things
. New Yorkand all that, is just the outer shell of living. Understand me?"

  The boy nodded, his eyes fixed on Frank's with pitiful eagerness.

  "It's clean out here. This country isn't all messed up with men andwomen's badness. Everybody starts even and with a clean slate. Lordknows, I was a worthless bunch when I struck here, fifteen years ago.I'd been expelled from Yale in my senior year for gambling. I'd runthrough the money my father'd left me. I'd gotten into a woman scrapeand I'd alienated every member of my family. Just why I thought a deckof cards was worth all that, I can't tell you. But I did. Then I camedown here to see what the Canyon could do for my asthma and it curedthat, and by the Eternal, it cured my soul, too. Now listen to me,son! You go back and lie down and put yourself to sleep thinking aboutyour real mother. Boys are apt to take their general build from theirmothers, so she was probably a big woman, not pretty, but with anintellectual face full of character. Go on, now, Enoch! You need therest and we've got a full day to-morrow."

  Nucky passed his hand unsteadily over his eyes, but rose without aword, and Frank tucked him into his blankets, then sat quietly waitingby the fire. It was not long before deep breaths that werepathetically near to sobs told the guide that Nucky was asleep. Thenhe rolled himself in his own blankets. The moon passed the Canyon walland utter darkness enwrapped the Canyon and the river which murmuredharshly as it ran.

  Nucky wakened the next morning to the smell of coffee. He sat up andeyed Frank soberly.

  "Hello, New York! This is the Grand Canyon!" Frank grinned as helifted the coffee pot from the fire.

  Nucky grinned in response. Shortly after, when he sat down to hisbreakfast the grin had disappeared, but with it had gone the look ofsullenness that had seemed habitual.

  "Frank," said Nucky, when breakfast was over, "do you care if I talk toyou some more about--you know--you know what you said last night? Inever talked about it to any one but Luigi, and it makes me feelbetter."

  "Sure, go ahead!" said Frank.

  "My mother--" began Nucky.

  "You mean Luigi's wife," corrected the guide.

  "Luigi's wife was crazy about me. She loved me just as much as anymother could. Luigi's always been jealous about it. That's why hetreated me so rotten."

  "Bad women can be just as fond of kids as good women," was Frank'scomment. "What did she look like? Can you remember?"

  "I don't know whether I remember it or if it's just what folks told me.She had dark blue eyes and dark auburn hair. Luigi said she wasItalian."

  "If she was, she was North Italian," mused the guide. "Did any oneever give you any hints about your father?"

  A slow, painful red crept over Nucky's pale face. "I never asked butonce. Maybe you can guess what Luigi said."

  "If Luigi were in this part of the country," growled Allen, "I'd lead alynching party to call on him." He paused, eying Nucky's boyish faceclosely, then he asked, "Did you love your mother?"

  "I suppose I did. But Luigi kept at me so that now I hate her and allother women. Mrs. Seaton seemed kind of nice, but I suppose she islike the rest of 'em."

  "Don't you think it! And did you know that Seaton thinks you werekidnapped?"

  Nucky drew a quick breath and the guide went on, "I think so too. Younever belonged to an Italian. I can't tell you just why I feel socertain. But I'd take my oath you are of New England stock. JohnSeaton is a first-class lawyer. As I said to you last night, if youshow some decent spirit, he'd try to clear the matter up for you."

  Nucky's blue eyes were as eager and as wistful as a little child's.His thin, mobile lips quivered. "I never thought of such a thing,Frank!"

  "Well, you'd better think of it! Now then, you clean up these dishesfor me while I attend to the stock. I want to be off in a half hour."

  During the remainder of that very strenuous day, Nucky did not referagain to the matter so near his heart. He was quiet, but no longersullen, and he was boyishly interested in the wonders of the Canyon.The sun was setting when they at last reached the rim. For an hourNucky had not spoken. When Allen had turned in the saddle to look atthe boy, Nucky had nodded and smiled, then returned to his absorbedwatching of the lights and shadows in the Canyon.

  They dismounted at the corral. "Now, old man," said Frank, "I want youto go in and tuck away a big supper, take a hot bath and go to bed.To-morrow we'll ride along the rim just long enough to fight off theworst of the saddle stiffness."

  "All right!" Nucky nodded. "I'm half dead, that's a fact. But I'vegot to tell the clerk and the bell boy a thing or two before I doanything."

  "Go to it!" Frank laughed, as he followed the mules through the gate.

  Nucky did not open his eyes until nine o'clock the next morning. Whenhe had finished breakfast, he found the guide waiting for him in thelobby.

  "Hello, Frank!" he shouted. "Come on! Let's start!"

  All that day, prowling through the snow after Allen, Nucky might havebeen any happy boy of fourteen. It was only when Frank again left himat dusk that his face lengthened.

  "Can't I be with you this evening, Frank?" he asked.

  Frank shook his head. "I've got to be with my wife and little girl."

  "But why can't I--" Nucky hesitated as he caught the look in Frank'sface. "You'll never forget what I said about women, I suppose!"

  "Why should I forget it?" demanded Allen.

  The sullen note returned to Nucky's voice. "I wouldn't harm 'em!"

  "No, I'll bet you wouldn't!" returned Allen succinctly.

  Nucky turned to stare into the Canyon. It seemed to the guide that itwas a full five minutes that the boy gazed into the drifting depthsbefore he turned with a smile that was as ingenuous as it was wistful.

  "Frank, I guess I made an awful dirty fool of myself! I--I can't like'em, but I'll take your word that lots of 'em are good. And nobodywill ever hear me sling mud at 'em again, so help me God--and theCanyon!"

  Frank silently held out his hand and Nucky grasped it. Then the guidesaid, "You'd better go to bed again as soon as you've eaten yoursupper. By to-morrow you'll be feeling like a short trip down BrightAngel. Good-night, old top!"

  When Nucky came out of the hotel door the next morning, Frank, with acavalcade of mules, was waiting for him. But he was not alone. Seatedon a small mule was a little girl of five or six.

  "Enoch," said Frank, "this is my daughter, Diana. She is going downthe trail with us."

  Nucky gravely doffed his hat, and the little girl laughed, showing twofront teeth missing and a charming dimple.

  "You've got red hair!" she cried.

  Nucky grunted, and mounted his mule.

  "Diana will ride directly behind me," said Frank. "You follow her,Enoch."

  "Can that kid go all the way to the river?" demanded Nucky.

  "She's been there a good many times," replied Frank, looking proudly athis little daughter.

  She was not an especially pretty child, but had Nucky been a judge offeminine charms he would have realized that Diana gave promise of abeautiful womanhood. Her chestnut hair hung in thick curls on hershoulders. Her eyes were large and a clear hazel. Her skin, thoughtanned, was peculiarly fine in texture. But the greatest promise ofher future beauty lay in a sweetness of expression in eye and lip thatwas extraordinary in so young a child. For the rest, she was thin andstraight and wore a boy's corduroy suit.

  Diana feared the trail no more than Nucky feared MacDougal Street. Shewas deeply interested in Nucky, turning and twisting constantly in hersaddle to look at him.

  "Do you like your mule, Enoch? He's a very nice mule."

  "Yes, but don't turn round or you'll fall."

  "How can I talk if I don't turn round? Do you like little girls?"

  "I don't know any little girls. Turn round, Diana!"

  "But you know me!"

  "I won't know you long if you don't sit still in that saddle, Miss."

  "Do you like me, Enoch?"

  Nucky groaned. "F
rank, if Diana don't quit twisting, I'll fall myself,even if she don't!"

  "Don't bother Enoch, daughter!"

  "I'm not bothering Enoch, Daddy. I'm making conversation. I like him,even if he has red hair."

  Nucky sighed, and tried to turn the trend of the small girl's ideas.

  "I'll bet you don't know what kind of stone that is yonder where thegiant dripped blood."

  "There isn't any giant's blood!" exclaimed Diana scornfully. "That isjust red quartz!"

  "Oh, and what's the layer next to it?" demanded Nucky skeptically.

  "That's black basalt," answered the little girl. Then, leaning far outof the saddle to point to the depths below, "and that--"

  "Frank!" shouted Nucky. "Diana is bound to fall! I just can't standlooking at her."

  This time Frank spoke sternly. "Diana, don't turn to look at Enochagain!" and the little girl obeyed.

  Had Nucky been other than he was, he might have been amused and not alittle charmed by Diana's housewifely ways when they made camp thatafternoon. She helped to kindle the fire and to unpack the provisions.She lent a hand at arranging the beds and set the table, all with eagerdocility and intelligence. But Nucky, after doing the chores Frank sethim, wandered off to a seat that commanded a wide view of the trail,where he remained in silent contemplation of the wonders before himuntil called to supper.

  He was silent during the meal, giving no heed to Diana's small attemptsat conversation, and wandered early to his blankets. In the morning,however, he was all boy again, even attempting once or twice to teaseDiana, in a boy's offhand manner. That small person, however, hadbecome conscious of the fact that Enoch was not interested in her, andshe had withdrawn into herself with a pride and self-control that washighly amusing to her father. Nor did she unbend during the day.

  The return trip was made with but one untoward incident. This occurredafter they had reached the snow line. Much of the snow had thawed andby late afternoon there was ice on the trail. Frank led the way verygingerly and the mules often stopped of their own accord, while theguide roughened the path for them with the axe. In spite of this care,as they rounded one last upper curve, Diana's mule slipped, and it wasonly Diana's lightning quickness in dismounting and the mule's skill inthrowing himself inward that saved them both.

  Diana did not utter a sound, but Nucky gave a hoarse oath and, beforeFrank could accomplish it, Nucky had dismounted, had rushed up thetrail and stood holding Diana in his lank, boyish arms, while the muleregained his foothold.

  "Now look here, Frank, Diana rides either in your lap or mine!" saidNucky shortly, his face twitching.

  Frank raised his eyebrows at the boy's tone. "Set her down, Enoch!We'll all walk to the top. It's only a short distance, and the ice isgetting pretty bad."

  Nucky obediently set the little girl on her feet, and Diana tossed hercurls and followed her father without a word. And Frank, as he led theprocession, wore a puzzled grin on his genial face.

  * * * * * *

  Exactly ten days after Nucky's first trip down Bright Angel trail, JohnSeaton descended somewhat wearily from the Pullman that had landed himonce more at the Canyon's rim. He had telegraphed the time of hisarrival and Nucky ran up to meet him.

  "Hello, Mr. Seaton!" he said.

  Seaton's jaw dropped. "What on earth--?" Then he grinned.

  Nucky was wearing high laced boots, a blue flannel shirt, gauntletgloves and a huge sombrero.

  "Some outfit, Enoch! Been down Bright Angel yet?"

  "Three times," replied the boy, with elaborate carelessness. "Say, Mr.Seaton, can't we stay one more day and you take the trip with us?"

  "I think I can arrange it." Seaton was trying not to look at the boytoo sharply. "I'll be as sore as a dog, for I haven't been in a saddlesince I was out here before. But Bright Angel's worth it."

  "Sore!" Nucky laughed. "Say, Mr. Seaton, I just don't try to sit downany more!"

  They had reached the hotel desk now and as Seaton signed the registerthe clerk said, with a wink:

  "If you'll leave young Huntingdon behind, we'll take him on as a guide,Mr. Seaton."

  Nucky tossed his head. "Huh! and you might get a worse guide than me,too. Frank says I got the real makings in me and I'll bet Frank knowsmore about guiding than any white in these parts. Navaho Mike told meso. And Navaho Mike says he knows I could make money out here even atfourteen."

  "How, Enoch?" asked Seaton, as they followed the bell boy upstairs. Hewas not looking at Nucky, for fear he would show surprise. "How? atcards?"

  "Aw, no! Placer mining! It don't cost much to outfit and there'smillions going to waste in the Colorado! Millions! Frank and Mike sayso. You skip, Billy,"--this to the bell boy,--"I'm Mr. Seaton's bellhop."

  The boy pocketed the tip Nucky handed him, and closed the door afterhimself. Nucky opened Seaton's suitcase.

  "Shall I unpack for you?" he asked.

  "No, thanks, I shan't need anything but my toilet case, for I'm goingto get into an outfit like yours, barring the hat and gloves."

  "Ain't it a pippin!" giving the hat an admiring glance. "Frank gave itto me. He has two, and I rented the things for you, Mr. Seaton. Herethey are," opening the closet door. "Shall I help you with 'em? Willyou take a ride along the rim now? Shall I get the horses? Now? I'llbe waiting for you at the main entrance with the best pony in thebunch."

  He slammed out of the room. John Seaton scratched his head after hehad shaken it several times, and made himself ready for his ride.Frank rapped on the door before he had finished and came in, smiling.

  "Well, I understand you're to be taken riding!" he said.

  "For the love of heaven, Frank, what have you done to the boy?"

  "Me? Nothing! It was the Canyon. Let me tell you about that firsttrip." And he told rapidly but in detail, the story of Nucky's firsttwo days in the Canyon.

  Seaton listened with an absorbed interest. "Has he spoken of hismother to you since?" he asked, when Frank had finished.

  "No, and he probably never will again. Do you think you can clear thematter up for him?"

  "I'll certainly try! Do you like the boy, Frank?"

  "Yes, I do. I think he's got the real makings in him. Better leavehim out here with me, Seaton."

  Seaton's face fell. "I--I hoped he'd want to stick by me. But thedecision is up to the boy. If he wants to stay out here, I'll raise noobjections."

  "I'm sure it would be better for him," said Frank. "Gambling is apersistent disease. He's got years of struggle ahead of him, no matterwhere he goes."

  "I know that, of course. Well, we'll take the trip down the trailto-morrow before we try to make any decisions. I must go along now.He's waiting for me."

  "Better put cotton in one ear," suggested Allen, with a smile.

  The ride was a long and pleasant one. John Seaton gave secondary heedto the shifting grandeur of the views, for he was engrossed by hisendeavor to replace the sullen, unboyish Nucky he had known with thisvoluble, high strung and entirely adolescent person who bumped alongthe trail regardless of weariness or the hour.

  The trip down Bright Angel the next day was an unqualified success.They took old Funny Face and camped for the night. After supper, Frankmuttered an excuse and wandered off toward the mules, leaving Nucky andSeaton by the fire.

  "Frank thinks you ought to stay out here with him, Enoch," said Seaton.

  "What did you say to him when he told you that?" asked Nucky eagerly.

  "I said I hoped you'd go back to New York with me, but that thedecision was up to you."

  Nucky said nothing for the moment. Seaton watched the fire glow on theboy's strong face. When Nucky looked up at his friend, his eyes wereembarrassed and a little miserable.

  "Did Frank tell you about our talk down here?"

  Seaton nodded.

  "Do you know?" the boy's voice trembled with eagerness. "Was she mymother?"

  "Foley thinks not. He say
s she spoke with an accent he thought wasItalian. When I get back to New York I'll do what I can to clear thematter up for you. Queer, isn't it, that human beings crave to knoweven the worst about their breed."

  "I got to know! I got to know! Mr. Seaton, I ran away from Luigi onetime. I guess I was about eight. I wanted to live in the country.And I got as far as Central Park before they found me. He got thepolice on my trail right off. And when he had me back in Minetta Lane,first he licked me and then he told me how bad my mother was, and hesaid if folks knew it, they'd spit on me and throw me out of school,and that I was lower than any low dog. And he told me if I did exactlywhat he said he'd never let any one know, but if I didn't he'd go overand tell Miss Brannigan. She was a teacher I was awful fond of, andhe'd tell the police, and he'd tell all the kids. And after that hewas always telling me awful low things about my mother--"

  Seaton interrupted firmly. "Not your mother. Call her Luigi's wife."

  Nucky moistened his lips. "Luigi's wife. And it used to drive mecrazy. And he told me all women was like that only some less and someworse. Mr. Seaton, is that true?"

  "Enoch, it's a contemptible, unspeakable lie! The majority of womenare pure and sweet as no man can hope to be. I'd like to kill Luigi,blast his soul!"

  "Maybe you don't know!" persisted Nucky.

  "I know! And what's more, when we get back to New York, I'll prove itto you. The world is full of clean, honest, kindly people, Enoch.I'll prove it to you, old man, if you'll give me the chance."

  "But if she was my mother, how can I help being rotten?"

  "Look here, Enoch, a fellow might have the rottenest mother androttenest father on earth, but the Lord will start the fellow out witha clean slate, just the same. Folks aren't born bad. You can'tinherit your parents' badness. You could inherit their weak wills, forinstance, and if you live in Minetta Lane where there's only badnessabout you, your weak will wouldn't let you stand out against thebadness. But you can't inherit evil. If that were possible, humanitywould have degenerated to utter brutality long ago. And, Enoch, youhaven't inherited even a weak will. You're as obstinate as old FunnyFace!"

  "Then you think--" faltered the boy.

  "I don't think! I know that you come of fine, upstanding stock! Andit's about time you moved out of Minetta Lane and gave your good blooda chance!"

  Enoch's lips quivered, and he turned his head toward the fire. Seatonwaited, patiently. After a while he said, "Enoch, the most importantthing in a man's life is his philosophy. What do you think life isfor? By what principles do you think a man ought to be guided? Do youthink that the underlying purpose of life is dog eat dog, every man forhimself, by whatever method? That's your gambler's philosophy. Or doyou think we're put here to make life better than we found it? Thatwas Abraham Lincoln's philosophy. Before you decide for the GrandCanyon or for New York, you ought to discover your philosophy. Do yousee what I'm driving at?"

  "Yes," said Nucky, "and I don't have to wait to discover it, for I'vedone that this week. I want to go into politics so I can clean outMinetta Lane."

  Seaton looked at the lad keenly. "Good work, Nucky, old man!"

  The boy spoke quickly. "Don't call me Nucky! I'm Enoch, from now on!"

  "From now on, where?" asked Frank, strolling into the firelight.

  "New York!" replied Enoch. "I'd rather stay here, but I got to goback."

  "Mr. Seaton, have you been using bribery?" Frank was half laughing,half serious.

  "Well, nothing as attractive as guiding on Bright Angel trail!"exclaimed John.

  "And that's the only job I was ever offered I really wanted!" criedEnoch ruefully.

  The men both laughed, and suddenly the boy joined them, laughing longand a little hysterically. "O gee!" he said at last, "I feel as freeand light as air! I got to take a run up and down the sand," and amoment later they heard his whistle above the endless rushing of theColorado.

  "Ideas are important things," said Seaton, thoughtfully. "Such a oneas that beast Luigi has planted in Enoch's mind can warp his entirelife. He evidently is of a morbidly sensitive temperament, proud to afault, high strung and introspective. Until some one can prove to himthat his mother was not a harlot, he'll never be entirely normal. Andit's been my observation that one of the most fundamentally weakeningthings for a boy's character is his not being able to respect hisfather or mother. Luigi caught Enoch when his mind was like modelingclay."

  "Do you think you can clear the matter up?" asked Frank.

  "I'll try my utmost. It's going to be hard, for Foley's no fool, andhe's done a lot of work on it with no results. If I don't settle thematter, Enoch is going to be hag-ridden by Minetta Lane all his life.I know of a chap who was lame for twenty years because when he wasabout ten, he had a series of extraordinarily vivid dreams portraying acurious accident that he was not able to distinguish from actualhappenings. It was not until he was a man and had accidentally come incontact with a psychologist who analyzed the thing down to facts forhim that he was cured. I could cite you a hundred cases like thiswhere the crippling was mental as well as physical. And nothing but anabsolute and tangible proof of the falsity of the idea will make acure. Some day there are going to be doctors who will handle nothingbut ideas."

  "The boy's worth saving!" Frank lighted his pipe thoughtfully."There's a power of will there for good or evil that can't be ignored.And I have faith in any one the Canyon gets a real grip on. It surehas got this boy. I never saw a more marked case."

  The lawyer nodded and both men sat smoking, their eyes on the distantrim.




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