Shadow of the Summer Moon

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Shadow of the Summer Moon Page 31

by Amanda LeMay

  Filth? What? Did they drag me through the mud to the van?

  I looked down. My blouse and skirt were damp, but they weren’t dirty.

  “He will never touch you after this animal has soiled you.”

  My mother’s words rang in my head.

  Soiled? Filth? Freedom was more like it. If Gunner’s scent offended Rule, that was too damn bad. I smiled and started to shake my head, but even that slight motion had me grabbing the arm of the sectional. Gunner’s scent gave me strength and there was no way I would wash him off me.

  “No.” Not just no, but hell no. I didn’t plan on sticking around that long.

  “No, thank you, sire.” A tight-lipped smile flashed at me. “Manners.”

  “Unless it’s your goal to have me hurl on the carpet like a pup, we can discuss my manners after I vomit.” I smirked. “And by the way, if I’m soiled, it was caused from inbreeding.”

  I stopped in front of Blaze. He was larger than any other member of Rule’s pack, a physical feature he must have inherited from his mother’s side. Instead of keeping his hair short and perfectly styled as the other San Francisco males did, his wild, black hair hung long, partially covering the chiseled bone structure of his face. In the past, I’d wondered if he’d inherited his hard looks from his mother, because the only trait he inherited from Rule was his coal-black hair. His hooded, ice-blue eyes glared back at me. As usual, his stiff, expressionless face gave nothing away.

  “Hey, Blaze, are you going to stick around for the torture this time?”

  His icy baby blues softened...for a split second. I would’ve never seen it if I hadn’t been looking right at him. With his hard, piercing stare back in place, he raised his arm and pointed toward a set of double doors.

  One of the bedroom doors opened suddenly and the odor of sweat, sex, and sickening-sweet gardenias slapped me in the face like a thick, wet towel. Even though I didn’t want to, I looked. Then I couldn’t un-see it, either.

  To the right of the door, a naked female knelt on the bed, her back, bottom, and thighs streaked with red welts. A white zip-tie secured her bloody wrists in front of her. Her black hair clung to her sweat-covered face and for a moment, that nauseating gardenia fragrance drifted above the others.

  As one of the males cut the zip-tie with a small pocketknife, the female swung her head around, her eyes locked on mine.

  “What the...”

  Long, black trails of mascara ran down her flushed cheeks from her two-toned blue eyes. She sucked in a breath and shuddered.

  “Mother?” She didn’t speak, only stared at me as if she didn’t know who I was. “What...? Why...? Mother, are you...okay?” She blinked her eyes as a slow, satisfied smile spread across her face. She...liked this. Her gratification hung in the air. “What. The. Fuck?” I threw up my hands. My stomach roiled. “Don’t answer that.”

  I’m going to vomit and get the hell out of here.

  The bathroom was straight ahead on my left. I ran for it, slammed the door, and locked it behind me. The toilet appeared a mile away on the other side of the huge space. The farthest I made it into the room was the vanity basin, and since my stomach was empty, what came up was not much more than burning bile. After the spasms passed, I rinsed out my mouth, sipped a little water to get something in my stomach, washed my hands and face, then stared at my reflection.

  Since arriving in Comfort, something about me had changed. Something that didn’t have anything to do with my flushed cheeks and bloodshot eyes. Aside from my somewhat shorter hair and nails, the look of indifference I had fashioned and worn like a mask was nowhere to be found. It had disappeared, along with the fear I’d hidden away for the last three years or so. I wasn’t as strong as I should be, but I was a hell of a lot stronger than I was when I left San Francisco, both mentally and physically.

  This time, if I had to, I would stand and fight.

  I left the bathroom and went straight out to the living area without a sideways glance.

  “Feeling better?” Rule’s indigo eyes roamed slowly up and down my body, pausing at the small, bare strip of flesh between my skirt and blouse before moving up to lock on my braless breasts.

  “No.” Like you care. I pulled the waistband of my skirt up, then yanked my blouse down to cover that little strip—that sweet strip of skin that belonged to Gunner and no one else.

  “No, sire,” he stated with restrained patience.

  I laughed. “Sire. Right. I guess, in a way, that’s true, Dad. Did you bring your torture toys along, or are you just going to have my brothers punish me to death?”

  Rule gave another one of his tight non-smiles as he walked past me to the bedroom door and opened it. “Three minutes.” He closed the door and strolled slowly over to the center of the sectional, sat, and crossed his legs in that elegant way of his. He motioned for me. “Come here, Simone, sit. It seems we have a misunderstanding.”

  Liar. This was no simple misunderstanding.

  I didn’t move. I wasn’t about to get trapped on a piece of furniture. Rule brushed at his silk trousers, plucked at the sharp crease. He didn’t look up as he spoke, just drummed his fingers on the adjoining cushions.

  “I don’t approve of the changes I see in you, Simone.”

  Truth. It didn’t matter because I didn’t care.

  I looked away, rolling my eyes to the ceiling, and sighed loudly. “Whatever.”

  A deep, rumbling growl seemed to fill the room. “Respect, child.” The words hissed between Rule’s suddenly extended fangs.

  “Respect? You tied me up, scarred me for life, forced me to watch while your sons, my brothers, tore a female apart and then left her sprawled on the floor to die from her injuries. I still smell her blood. I still hear her sobbing. I still hear her last heartbeat. You murdered her. Even if you didn’t use your own teeth, you killed her just the same.” He may have hurt me, burned his brand into my flesh, but...I was alive. I hated Rule more for killing that female than I did for what he had done to me. “Respect? You want me to show you respect? Fuck you.”

  My mother reacted to my cursing with a sudden, disapproving gasp. I knew the other wolves had entered the room as well, by the aroma of sweat and arousal they’d brought with them. I didn’t need to break eye contact with Rule to know what was going on around me. My senses were as wide open as possible, and somehow I knew where everyone was. I heard their breathing, their heartbeats, the rustle of clothing against skin, every small, fidgeting movement they made.

  Rule smoothed his hands down his silk suit and straightened his tie. Blaze moved with almost silent footsteps and took his place behind the sectional on Rule’s left. His weak side.

  Gunner is left handed. Brenin is always on his right.

  Rule glanced away, signaling someone with his eyes. My mother took her place a few feet from me, her wrists still red and bleeding from the zip tie. She’d dressed, but moved slowly, awkwardly, as if the fabric touching her skin caused her even more pain. All signs of what she had suffered, what she’d enjoyed, would heal within a couple of days.

  “Why did you run from me?” Rule’s smooth voice was as soft as the silk he wore. Soft and dangerous. He folded his arms across his chest and showed his impatience by asking me again. “Why did you run?”

  Stupid question. I sighed as I stared at him. Don’t answer. Don’t bother.

  Running away from this pack was the best thing I’d ever done. The only thing that kept me free of Rule and his twisted pack was knowing in my heart there were other wolves who truly cared about me. One of them loved me—with all my faults and all my scars.

  And if Rule sets his dogs on me, I’ll never see Gun again, because I won’t lie there and take my punishment—I’ll fight back.

  I glanced up at the ceiling and shook my head.

  “Do not force me to ask you again.”

  I looked into his dark blue eyes and held his gaze without flinching. “Everything you ever told us is a lie.”

My mother’s hand reached out toward me. “If you believe the lies Gunner Bodolf has most certainly told you, you are a fool.”


  “Don’t touch me. Just...don’t.” I threw her my own icy glare. “And you want to talk about lies? Seriously? How you have lied to me my entire life? Do you really want to talk about how Rule has twisted everything about us?” My mother’s bare, bloody wrists were proof of how twisted Rule was. “Tell me, Mother, did Rule force you into that zip-tie, or did you put it on yourself?”

  Her back went ramrod straight as her eyes flashed hatred. “I deserved every lash for my failure to rein in your wild side. If it is my pack leader’s pleasure to punish me, I will gladly submit and suffer it.”


  “That’s sick. You know that?” I glared at her as I shook my head in disbelief.

  “I love him!” she shouted as she took a step forward.

  And that was the truth again. At least, she believed she loved Rule.

  “That’s not love! That’s some kind of creepy, disgusting father-worship. Incest, Mother. What Rule has done is incest. It’s sickening and revolting. Just the thought that his blood runs through my veins makes me nauseous. True, good males do not have sex with their children and their children’s children!”

  “Incest is a human condition. Our pack blood must stay pure!” Her voice shot up a couple of octaves.

  “You are so full of shit!” I shouted back. “Rule brainwashed us. Made us believe our wolf side is a curse. It’s not a curse. It’s not a condition. He lied, and kept us secluded to control us.”

  “If you hadn’t run, you would’ve learned the truth from his own mouth!”

  “Enough!” Rule barked. “I have been summoned to attend a tribunal tonight. Your disgraceful behavior has put my honor in question. You have put me in an awkward position. I will not have others dictate how I may rule my pack. I’ve been charged with torture and murder. You will deny these charges in front of the tribunal.” Rule looked around the room and gave a short nod.

  My mother and the two other males either unbuttoned or pulled their clothing aside to expose their branded chests. Everyone except Blaze. I raised my eyebrows in question as I stared at him.

  “What? Too embarrassed to show your allegiance?”

  Rule smiled and stroked his hand across his square chin. “When Blaze takes my place as Alpha, he’ll create his own brand, though I must say, it will be a very, very long time before I step down.” His dark eyes locked on mine. “When the time comes, I will choose a permanent mate. It was my personal desire you would enjoy this honor.”

  Right. No way. That was never going to happen.

  “I’d rather be punished to death.”

  My brain registered the threat before I saw the movement, but I didn’t get out of the way fast enough. My head rocked to the side. My cheek stung where Rule had slapped me. My eyes watered from the sudden pain, but I refused to cry.

  A growl traveled up from somewhere deep in my gut. “You motherfucking bastard! And I mean that literally.”

  Rule’s hand flew out again. This time, I was ready, and jerked out of the way, far enough to feel only the breeze created by his hand passing my cheek.

  I barked out a laugh and said, “Fool me once—”

  Rule struck like lightning. His hand gripped my throat. His dark blue eyes melted into lifeless, black holes. I grabbed his wrist with both hands, tried to pull his hand away. My stomach knotted and rolled again as if I’d swallowed some hideous poison.

  “Shame. On. You.” His exposed fangs made his words sound off—like a small child with a heavy lisp. “You will not mock me.” His fingers tightened. “I will...I will...”

  “Don’t. Fucking. Care.” My own fangs brushed against my lips as I growled through clenched teeth.

  He squeezed tighter. His fingers gripped the back of my neck, his thumb clamped down, cutting off my airway. Black spots swam in my vision as I struggled to breathe.

  “Rule, if you harm her,” Blaze growled from right beside me. “Nothing and no one will save you from the tribunal, much less those who have granted her sanctuary.”

  My fangs dug into my bottom lip as my fingers dug into his arm.

  “Let. Go.” The words barely made a sound. His grip eased, but he didn’t release me. I coughed as I sucked in a breath.

  “Rule,” my mother pleaded. “Please don’t hurt her. They will kill you.”

  She didn’t beg for me, she cared nothing about me. She begged for her Alpha, her father, her lover. I wanted to throw up again.

  Between Rule and Blaze growling at each other and my mother’s pathetic whimpering, someone’s phone beeped.

  “Rule.” Blaze spoke as he laid his hand on Rule’s forearm. “They’re here. A male and a female. They’re on their way up.”

  Rule released me with a shove, then backed away several steps. I bent over, gulped air into my lungs, swallowed, and tried not to wince at the pain. I straightened my back and glared into his dark eyes.

  Don’t show fear. Stay angry.

  Rule looked away first and seemed to compose himself. “Just as I expected, though they have arrived sooner than I believed they would.” Rule took a step forward as he locked his eyes on mine. “I made no attempt to hide.” His voice was sharp as he tugged his suit jacket down into place against his narrow hips. “Simone. Do you understand what is at stake here?”

  Yes, I understood. My life is at stake here.

  “Obviously, your mother failed to instill loyalty to the pack in your upbringing. I will not allow any offspring you and I produce to be poisoned by your mother’s failure.”

  “What?” I croaked. “You honestly think that, knowing you’re my own father, I would ever, ever have offspring with you?” I stood shaking my head in disbelief as I continued to rub my throat. “You’re insane. Seriously, seriously out of your mind. Do you have any idea what you’ve done to me? Not only will I never carry your incestuous spawn, I will never be able to carry any other male’s offspring, either!” And, oh, that hurt most of all. “Your line ends now.”

  A strange sort of grief flowed through my body. I blinked back tears for the offspring I would never have—children I would never share with Gunner. I dropped my hand from my throat and sucked in a shuddering breath.

  The familiar scents hit my nose before the knock on the door. Neeta and...Brenin? It was probably a very good thing Gunner wasn’t with them: there was no way I could hide the handprint burning like acid around my throat or the red swelling on my cheek from his slap.

  Rule nodded and one of the males moved toward door to let them in.

  Where is Gunner? Why didn’t he come for me?


  BLAZE’S FACE FROZE. His pale blue eyes went wide, and locked on the door. His heartbeat pounded so loudly in the quiet room I wondered why everyone wasn’t staring at him. Didn’t they hear it? Did no one else notice how Blaze’s sudden anxiety filled the room?

  It must have been hell being Rule Arawn’s Second, especially now with the tribunal breathing down their necks and all the laws Rule had broken by sending out his minions to slaughter cattle in Comfort territory, and then have two other males kidnap me from Gunner’s home.

  How could Blaze stand by and do nothing, when he had to know what Rule was doing was dangerously wrong?

  And he was aware of the brandings. Still...he seemed surprised to hear that my branding was not voluntary.

  Neeta came through the door, her pure white hair glowing like an angelic light. Without even a glance my way, her eyes locked on Rule.

  I understood why Neeta had come. She was a peacemaker, and focusing all her attention on the Alpha in the room paid him the respect he didn’t deserve, but was entitled to, all the same. Even though I wanted to run to Neeta’s side, I stayed where I was, afraid that anything I might say or do would jeopardize whatever plan she had in mind.

  Brenin’s alert eyes flicked from one point to another. He st
ayed one step behind and to the right of his mother, as if he was ready to grab her and pull her out of harm’s way if he needed to. He carefully set his stance, leaned his head down slightly while he continued to survey the room. Finally, his eyes connected with mine for a second before they drifted over my swollen cheek and down my bruised neck. His nostrils flared as his eyes widened a fraction. I still felt Rule’s hand at my throat like another brand on my body. Brenin’s jaw clenched for a moment before he made a visible effort to relax.

  Rule’s Alpha power seeped out into the room with his quiet words. “Neeta, it has been far too long since I’ve looked upon your beauty.”

  Surprised, I glanced back and forth between Rule and Neeta.

  They knew each other? Not just knew of each other, they’d met before. And from the way Rule looked at her, they shared something in the past.

  Neeta’s slow and seductive smile changed her already beautiful features into something exquisite. Her pupils dilated to encompass most of her soft gray irises, giving her a flirtatious appearance. “December seventeenth, nineteen-nineteen. I remember the day as if it were yesterday.”

  The years clicked in my head. They’d met well before she had mated with Gunner.

  “That long ago? I am horrible with dates. Time passes so differently for us, does it not?”

  “Yes, it does,” Neeta replied sweetly. “We grow older and wiser and learn to forgive ourselves for mistakes made in the past.”

  Rule’s face softened as he gazed at her. “We also learn to regret those mistakes,” he said quietly.

  Neeta’s head gave a slight nod, as if she understood. I hoped she did, because I had no idea what was going on between them. Still, I’d seen her relaxed and I’d seen her tense, but the way she held herself now—her slightly parted lips, the way she breathed through her mouth, over her tongue, every exhale a slow sigh, the way her spicy, floral scent filled the room—it was as if she were giving off...mating signals. Though she didn’t take her eyes from Rule, her entire body seemed drawn to another male in the room.


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