Aloha Rodeo

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Aloha Rodeo Page 18

by David Wolman


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  Adams, John, 22

  African Americans, 144, 149–51, 181

  Alameda, 165, 205, 207

  Alexandrovich, Alexei, 98

  Alien and Sedition Acts, 21–22

  Alta California, 7–8, 24, 35

  Angier, Frederick, 63–64, 66, 67

  animal cruelty, 73, 192

  Army, U.S., 69, 97

  Astor, John Jacob, 19

  Battle of Little Big Horn, 105

  Battle of Warbonnet Creek, 105

  bear hunts, 37

  Beef Bonanza, The; or, How to Get Rich on the Plains (Brisbin), 58

  Bell, Alexander Graham, 58

  Bird, Isabella Lucy, 81–82, 85–86, 130

  bison, 54–55, 98, 100

  Brenchley, Julius, 79–80

  Brisbin, James, 58

  Britain, 3, 8–9, 11–17, 42–43

  bronco riding, 66–67, 71–73, 146–48, 155, 185–87, 199–201

  buffalo, 54–55, 98, 100

  Buffalo Bill’s Wild West, 50, 99–100, 105–106, 146, 155–56

  bulldogging, 151–52, 181

  Bureau of Indian Affairs, 106

  Butler, Frank, 146

  Calamity Jane, 54

  California, 35, 39, 51

  Carter, A. W., 132, 134, 135, 138

  Carver, F. W., 191

  Carver, Lorena, 191

  Cassidy, Butch, 49–50n, 66

  Castle, William R., 104

  cattle in Hawaii, 7–9, 14–20, 23–28, 33–34, 35, 37, 41, 43, 46–47, 218–19

  cattle drives, 88–90

  effects on environment, 95–96

  herding into the ocean, 90–92, 160

  hunting of, 28–30, 33–34, 35, 39–41, 78–81, 86–88, 94–95, 116–20

  see also ranches, ranching

  cattle in U.S., 57–58, 60–62, 66

  cattle drives, 56–57, 64, 150

  cattle-roping contests, 155, 164, 182, 185–90, 193–95, 198, 201–204

  widespread deaths in 1886–1887, 59–60

  Champion, Nate, 60–61

  Charlton, Richard, 41–43

  Cheyenne, Wyo., 50–62, 66, 176–77, 190–92, 205

  as Holy City of the Cow, 58, 66

  as Magic City of the Plains, 53, 58

  race relations in, 151

  Cheyenne Club, 58–59

  Cheyenne Daily Sun-Leader, 66–67, 72–73, 107, 151, 188, 198–99, 210

  Cheyenne Frontier Days, 1–2, 4, 49–50, 110–12, 141–44, 152–53, 164, 176–80, 185–95, 197–204, 210–11

  Archie Ka‘au‘a at, 2, 4, 164–65, 182–83, 187, 192–95, 198–99, 201–203, 205–13

  bronco riding at, 185–87, 199–201

  Buffalo Bill’s Wild West at, 50, 105–106

  Eben Low at, 141, 159

  experimentation with events at, 110–11

  first (1897), 67–74

  Horn at, 112

  Ikua Purdy at, 1, 2, 4, 164–65, 182–83, 187, 192, 193, 195, 198–99, 201–204, 205–13, 215

  Jack Low at, 2, 164–65, 182–83, 187–89, 193, 198–99, 204, 205–13

  Kaepernick at, 145–46, 148–49

  McPhee at, 155–57

  Native Americans at, 105–106, 142–43

  Pickett at, 149–52, 181

  Roosevelt at, 141–42, 154

  second (1898), 101, 104–105

  Steamboat at, 153–54, 179, 199–200, 210

  steer roping at, 185–90, 193–95, 198, 201–204

  wolf roping at, 192

  women bronco fighters at, 147–48

  Chicago, World’s Columbian Exposition in, 109

  China, 18–19, 23, 82, 82n

  Chinese immigrants, 173–74

  Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 174–76

  Civil War, 52, 53, 56, 65, 98

  Clark, Hugh, 193, 201–204, 208

  Cody, Isaac, 97–98

  Cody, Mary, 97

  Cody, William Frederick “Buffalo Bill,” 2, 50, 97–101, 130, 164, 191, 211

  birth of, 97

  Buffalo Bill’s Wild West, 50, 99–100, 105–106, 146, 155–56

  buffalo hunting of, 98

  Native Americans and, 97, 99, 100, 105–107

  Colorado Humane Society, 73

  Columbus, Christopher, 11, 52

  Cook, James, 11–15, 19, 22

  Cortés, Hernán, 7

  Cowboy Carnival, 137–40

  cowboys, 3, 39, 96

  African American, 149–50

  and cattle deaths during 1886–1887, 59–60

  cattle drives and, 56–57

  Hawaiian, see paniolo

  rodeos and, see rodeos

  in Spanish Mexico, 36–37

  vaqueros, 35–39, 56, 64, 88, 122, 172

  cowgirls, 146–49

  Cuba, 3, 104, 156

  Custer, Elizabeth, 100

  Custer, George Armstrong, 98–100, 105, 142

  Daily Sun-Leader, 50

  Dallas Morning News, 136

  Danks, Clayton, 142, 154–55, 186, 187, 199–201, 210, 211

  Danks, Marie, 192

  Deer Trail, Colo., 64

  Denver, Colo., 54, 64, 66, 69, 74

  Denver Post, 153, 192

  Denver Times, 155, 178

  Dickerson, Pete, 189–90, 193, 201–204, 211

  dime novels, 99

  Discovery, HMS, 7–8, 13, 16

  divorce laws, 145

  Dodge, John, 154–55

  Dog Soldiers, 105

  Dole, Sanford B., 103, 133–36

  Dole Food, 133n

  Donner Pass, 173

  Douglas, David, 30–31

  Duarte, Myron, 219

  Du Pont, Samuel Francis, 45

  Englishwoman in America, The (Bird), 81

  Fields, Stagecoach Mary, 150–51

  Follis, Charles, 181

  Ford, Barney, 151

  Fort Russell, 54, 69, 151

  Fourth of July, 64–65, 66, 131–32

  France, 12

  French, William, 33

  frontier, 68, 101, 144

  Frontier Days (Cheyenne, Wyo.), see Cheyenne Frontier Days

  Frontier Days Rodeo (Prescott, Ariz.), 65

  Front Range of the Rockies, 4

  fur trade, 19, 36n, 109n

  Gans, Joe, 181

  Gardenshire, Emilnie, 64–65

  Guam, 3

  Gurney, Ned, 30–31

  hānai, 133

  haole, 83, 133

  Hardy, A. H., 185–86

  Harper’s Magazine, 37

  Harper’s Weekly, 144

  Harrison, Benjamin, 102


  adoption in, 133

  Britain and, 3, 8–9, 11–17, 42–43

  cattle in, see cattle in Hawaii

  cultural identity of, 3, 11, 44, 165, 212

  diseases in, 101n, 175

  first known contact with outside world, 11–12

  first people on, 11

  flora and fauna of, 10–11

  horses in, 38, 85–86, 130

  immigrants in, 82–83, 131

  increase in ships arriving in, 26

  isolation of, 3, 10

  land and property ownership in, 40–44

  landscape of, 9–10, 14, 24

  Mauna Kea in, see Mauna Kea

  Mauna Loa in, 9, 79

  missionaries in, 26, 32, 33, 44, 212

  monarchy in, 2, 28, 33–34, 35, 41–43, 45, 103, 104, 109, 117, 133

  paniolo in, see paniolo

  sandalwood trade of, 18–19, 26, 28

  as Sandwich Islands, 8, 12, 14

  size of, 9

  sugar industry in, 82–83, 85

  U.S. and, 17, 28, 44–45

  U.S. annexation of, 2–3, 46, 101–104, 107–108, 131, 133, 136, 164, 165, 212

>   vaqueros in, 35–39

  volcanoes of, 9–10

  voting rights in, 102

  Waimea, see Waimea

  water sources in, 89

  World’s Columbian Exposition exhibit on, 109

  Hawaiian cowboys:

  fur trade workers as, 36n

  see also paniolo

  Hawaiian Jockey Club, 130

  Hawaiian music, 197–98

  Hawaiian Star, 92, 209, 212

  Hawaii Pineapple Company, 133n

  Hell on Wheels, 52

  Hickok, Wild Bill, 54

  Hilo, 82, 85, 131, 163

  Holliday, Doc, 54

  Honolulu Advertiser, 138, 140, 214

  Horn, Tom, 112–13

  horses, 38, 70

  breaking of, 122

  bronco riding, 66–67, 71–73, 146–48, 155, 185–87

  in herding cattle into the ocean, 91

  racing of, 70, 71, 130

  riding of, 85–86, 130

  Steamboat, 153–54, 179, 199–200, 210

  hula dancing, 109, 198

  imperialism, 3, 28, 43, 212, 218

  of Britain, 8–9, 12, 14, 15

  of U.S., 22, 101–102, 104

  ‘Iolani Palace, 102, 104

  Iosepa, Utah, 174–75

  Irwin, C.B., 155, 179–80, 193, 205

  Japan, 82, 83

  Jefferson, Thomas, 22

  Johnson, Britt, 150n

  Johnson, Jack, 181

  Johnson County War, 60–61

  Jones, Al, 150

  Jones, Bill, 72–73

  Jones, John Coffin, 41–42

  Ka‘au‘a, Archie, 138, 140, 163–64, 205, 206, 208, 212

  arrival in U.S. for Frontier Days, 170–76, 179–80, 182

  on cattle hunt, 116, 118

  death of, 214

  at Frontier Days, 2, 4, 164–65, 182–83, 187, 192–95, 198–99, 202–203, 205–13

  Kaepernick, Bertha, 145–46, 148–49

  Kahanamoku, Duke, 181

  Kamehameha I, King, 8, 13, 15–19, 27, 28, 32n, 41, 77–78, 124, 135

  Parker and, 26–27

  Kamehameha II, King, 32n

  Kamehameha III, King, 32, 32n, 33, 35, 36n, 42, 43, 45, 46

  Kamehameha IV, King, 46

  Kamehameha Day, 130, 214

  Kapahu, Jennie, 109

  Kapi‘olani Park, 129, 138, 139, 161

  Kauaihilo, Harriet Keonaonalaulani Purdy, 191n

  Kekuku, Joseph, 197, 198

  Keli‘ilike, Makai, 162, 163

  Kipikane, Rachel, 27

  Kūhiō, Jonah, 207, 209–10

  Lahaina, 33, 82

  lassos, 36–37, 86, 87, 160

  leprosy, 175

  Leslie’s, 111

  Lewis and Clark Expedition, 11, 54

  Lili‘uokalani, Queen, 102, 103, 108, 161, 197

  Lincoln, Abraham, 52

  Lindsay, George, 163

  Louisiana Purchase, 22

  Love, Nat, 150

  Low, Clorinda, 133

  Low, Eben, 93–96, 115–21, 123–27, 132–39, 141–43, 155–57, 159, 160, 163–65, 185, 187, 206–208, 213–15, 221

  accident and loss of hand, 119–20, 125–27, 132, 135, 188, 214, 220

  death of, 214–15

  at Frontier Days, 141, 159

  rodeos and carnivals organized by, 137–40, 159–63

  Roosevelt and, 136–37

  schemes and businesses of, 135–36

  Low, Elizabeth “Lizzie,” 132–36, 143

  Low, Emily, 170, 171, 174, 179, 197, 205

  Low, Jack, 134–35, 205, 212

  arrival in U.S. for Frontier Days, 170–76, 179–80, 182

  on cattle hunt, 116–18, 120, 126

  death of, 214

  at Frontier Days, 2, 164–65, 182–83, 187–89, 193, 198–99, 204, 205–13

  Lua o Milu, 125

  Lyman, Clarence, 204

  MacPhee, Angus, 4, 155–57, 159–64, 187, 212–14

  MacPhee, Della, 162

  MacPhee, Inez, 162

  Makalena, George, 108

  Mānā, 47–48, 77, 121, 125, 126

  Manifest Destiny, 22, 46, 101, 104

  Marín, Francisco de Paula, 25

  Mauna Kea, 9, 24, 25, 31, 37, 40, 78, 83, 93–94, 115, 125, 131, 35, 172, 173, 213, 217, 220

  Mauna Loa, 9, 79

  McKinley, William, 141

  measles, 101n

  Menzies, Archibald, 16, 17

  Mexican-American War, 36–37

  missionaries, 26, 32, 33, 44, 212

  Molokai, 175

  Mormons, 174–76

  Morris, Esther Hobart, 144–45

  Mulhall, Lucille, 147

  Native Americans, 2, 3, 51–54, 56, 66, 106–107, 142–43

  in Buffalo Bill’s Wild West, 99, 100, 105–106

  Cody and, 97, 99, 100, 105–107

  at Frontier Days, 105–106, 142–43

  on reservations, 105, 106

  U.S. Army and, 97

  Newlands Resolution, 101

  New Spain, 7, 38, 64

  New York World, 147

  Nicholson, Lillie, 192

  Oakley, Annie, 2, 99, 100, 146–47

  Old Glory Blowout, 65

  Olmsted, Francis Allyn, 37, 39, 87

  Olympic Games, 63, 181

  Oregon Trail, 69

  Overland Limited, 171–75, 205

  Pacific Commercial Advertiser, 160, 206, 213

  Paka, Iolai “July” Kealoha, 197–98

  Paka, “Toots,” 197–98

  paniolo, 2, 3, 39, 48, 81, 83–96, 122, 136, 188–89, 217–22

  in Buffalo Bill’s Wild West, 107–108

  bullock hunting by, 86–88

  on cattle drives, 88–90

  cattle herded into ocean by, 90–92, 160

  clothing of, 86

  language and, 84

  lassos of, 86, 87

  pansy symbol of, 77n

  ranches and, 83–85

  in riding and roping contests, 130–32

  temperament of, 160

  and U.S. annexation of Hawaii, 103

  water sources and, 89

  see also Ka‘au‘a, Archie; Low, Jack; Purdy, Ikua

  Paniolo Parade, 220

  pansies, 77

  Parker, Ann, 21

  Parker, George, 103

  Parker, John, Jr., 121

  Parker, John Palmer, 21–30, 33, 40–41, 43, 77, 93, 124, 134, 217

  death of, 48

  Kamehameha and, 26–27

  Purdy and, 40

  Parker, Mary, 47n

  Parker, Sam (grandson of John Palmer Parker), 91–92, 102, 121, 134–35

  Parker, Samuel (father of John Palmer Parker), 21

  Parker family, 77, 121

  Mānā residence of, 47–48, 77, 121, 125, 126

  Parker Ranch, 47–48, 78, 93, 103, 117, 121–22, 131, 132, 137, 159, 163, 212, 214, 217

  dispute over control of, 134–35, 138

  Parker Ranch Center, 220

  Paulet, George, 42–43

  Pershing, John “Black Jack,” 151

  Philippines, 3, 104, 156

  Pickett, Bill, 149–52, 181

  Pierce, Franklin, 46

  Polynesia, 3, 11

  Portugal, 82

  Potter, Paulus, 59

  Prescott, Ariz., 65

  Puerto Rico, 3, 104

  Purdy, George, 78

  Purdy, Harry, 78

  Purdy, Ikua, 77–78, 92, 103, 121–24, 138–40, 156, 159, 160, 162, 163, 205–208, 212–13, 215, 220

  arrival in U.S. for Frontier Days, 170–76, 179–80, 182

  birth of, 77

  on cattle hunt, 116, 118

  death of, 215

  Eben Low and, 115–17, 120, 124–25, 127

  at Frontier Days, 1, 2, 4, 164–65, 182–83, 187, 192, 193, 195, 198–99, 201–204, 205–13, 215

  women and, 122

  Purdy, Jack, 30, 40, 77–81, 94, 96, 217

  Purdy, James, 78,
92, 94, 95

  Purdy, John, 78

  Pu‘uwa‘awa‘a, 134, 135, 137

  race and racism, 3, 131, 143, 149, 151, 173–74, 180–81

  railroads, 63–64, 66, 178

  Overland Limited, 171–75, 205

  Transcontinental Railroad, 52, 173

  Union Pacific Railroad, 63, 69

  ranches, ranching, 35, 37–39, 40, 58, 64, 83–85, 95, 96, 103, 121, 136, 218–19

  Parker Ranch, see Parker Ranch

  Reeves, Bass, 150n

  Richards, William, 49

  Richardson, Warren, 148

  riding and roping contests, 130–32, 164, 182

  at Frontier Days, 185–90, 193–95, 198, 201–204

  rules for, 139–40

  see also rodeos

  rodeos, 3, 4, 9, 38, 63–67, 96, 132, 219

  African Americans in, 150

  bronco riding in, 66–67, 71–72, 146–48, 155

  cattle-roping contests in, 155, 164, 182

  Cowboy Carnival, 137–40

  Cheyenne Frontier Days, see Cheyenne Frontier Days

  Eben Low’s organizing of, 137–40, 159–63

  first organized, 64–65

  Frontier Days Rodeo in Prescott, 65

  po‘o wai u, 219

  at Swan ranch, 66

  women in, 146, 147

  see also Wild West shows

  Rogers, Will, 147

  Roosevelt, Theodore “Teddy,” 2, 101, 136–37, 147, 156, 177, 209–10

  at Frontier Days, 141–42, 154

  Rough Riders, 156

  Sacramento, Calif., 172–73

  Salt Lake City, Utah, 174–75

  sandalwood, 18–19, 26, 28

  San Francisco, Calif., 169–71

  San Francisco Call, 170, 173

  Sandwich, John Montagu, 4th Earl of, 12

  Sandwich Islands, 8, 12, 14

  Scouts of the Prairie, The; or, Red Deviltry As It Is, 98

  Seamen’s Hospital, 33

  Searchers, The, 150n

  sharks, 91–92

  “Shy Ann,” 111

  Sierra Nevada, 173

  Skull Valley, Utah, 174–75

  slavery, 97–98, 149

  smallpox, 101n

  Smith, Joseph, 174

  Smith, Joseph F., 174

  Solano, 172

  Spain, 3, 7–8, 12

  Spanish-American War, 100–101, 104, 169

  Springfield, Ill., 180–81

  Stanford, Leland, 52

  Stanley, Dick, 186–87, 199–201, 210–11

  Starr, Bert, 177

  Steamboat, 153–54, 179, 199–200, 210

  Stevens, John L., 102

  Stone, E. W., 164

  sugar, 82–83, 85

  Sun Yat-sen, 82n

  Sutter, John, 172

  Swan Land and Cattle Company, 66


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