The secret life of Jodie book 2: Gifted

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The secret life of Jodie book 2: Gifted Page 1

by Amber Thompson


  By Amber Thompson

  As I lay on my bed I couldn’t stop thinking about her. The girl I saw at lunch. It wasn’t right. The girl was so much like Jelina it was impossible. Burrup Burrup “Talk to me.” I said to my phone. “Hey Hey Hey!” Said my best friend Melanie as she walked through the door. I held up one finger to her. She nodded. “Hello?” I said to the phone again. It was silent until… “Hello Jodie.” Said a voice. I hung up before she could say the rest. Mel looked at me and grinned. “Was it the boyfriend again?” She said. I shook my head.

  Melanie stared at me. “No.” She said simply. “We both know she got locked up. Even if she did…” A scream broke our conversation and another. Both I and Mel ran downstairs faster than a human could and saw my mother. Gripping my father’s hand. “The baby.” He mouthed to us. We left.

  Buzz Buzz went my phone with a text from my brother Matthew. It read…

  YO! Jode,

  Me and Annie going to catch a movie! You coming?

  Matt x

  P.S: Heard mum had the baby! Can’t wait to meet him/her!

  I smiled at the message. I loved Annie. She was great. I loved Matthew as well. Matt and Annie are engaged. Well… at least I think they are. They have seemed more… together than they used to be. When me and Mel got to the cinema we saw Matthew and Annie holding each other’s hands and laughing. I smiled their way and they smiled back.

  “So…” I said. “What film are we seeing?” Matthew grinned at that. “Well…” He replied. “I was thinking…THE ATTACK OF THE VAMPIRES!” Annie looked terrified. Me and Mel exchanged a look. “But…” Annie said slowly. “What if it’s scary?” Matt kissed her. “I’ll be there for you, sweetheart!” He smiled. Annie smiled. I looked at my phone.

  Hey, you didn’t say Annie and Matthew were engaged!!! Mel Mel xxx

  I smiled at the phone and shrugged my shoulders at Mel. She grinned at said to Annie and Matt “So when you guys getting hitched?” Annie and Matthew laughed. “We’re not!” They said together. Then laughed again. We went into the film.

  As we walked out of the film I yawned. Then I gave Annie a hug and Matthew a wave. Matthew stopped me. “Not coming back with us then?” He said and grinned. I smiled back. “No. I’m going to Mel’s for the night.” I replied. Mel nodded. Matthew nodded and walked away with Annie.

  As soon as they were out of earshot I said to Mel “That was the worst vampire film I have ever seen!” She laughed really loud and nodded over and over again. “I KNOW!” She replied. Burrup Burrup. My phone again. “Hello?” I said into the phone. “Hey babe!” Said the phone back to me. “Marcus!” I exclaimed. Mel grinned at me and winked.

  Marcus Jacob Fox was my boyfriend. He was a vampire. Obviously. He had black hair and a muscly figure. He was from Starkville on the lower west side. He had an amazing accent.

  “Hey! I’m on my way to Mel’s. I assume your there? Or on the way?” He said. I laughed. He knew me so well. “On my way there!” I said into the phone. He laughed. “See you there then sweetheart!” He hung up. I swooned. Mel caught me and then laughed. “Marcus is perfect for you!” She said. I nodded.

  We were a few metres away from Mel’s when I saw her again. Her thick make up and beauty radiating from her. “Mel…” I whispered. She looked at me. “J-e-l-i-n-a M-a-r-s-h” I pointed to where I saw the girl before but she was gone. “But…” I said. “I saw her. I saw her I know it.” Mel stared at me in my violet eyes. “You need blood. You are hallucinating.” She said seriously. I nodded. She was probably right. Probably.

  I saw him. Taking in his perfect features was to easy. “Marcus!” I exclaimed and ran towards him. The boy turned around and opened his arms for a hug. I ran into his arms and he lifted me to the air. “It’s so good to see you Jodie!” He cried. I just hugged him. Smelling his sweet smell.

  “Ah! Young love!” Said Mel. Me and Marcus laughed and held each other’s hands. “Marcus? Are you staying tonight?” Mel asked. Marcus shook his head. “I’m supposed to be grounded. I broke free just for my Jodie.” He said. I looked him in his perfect golden eyes and said “Marcus…” “That is the sweetest thing EVER” Mel interrupted. Marcus grinned. “Better go! See you Jode.” He said and leaned down. But then ran off home. Mel looked shocked. Really, well and truly shocked. “Jodie Eliza Star Smith. That boy was about to kiss you!” She said. I smiled. “No he was not.”

  We finally got to Mel’s front door and were greeted by her mother with fresh blood. I drank thirstily. Mel took her time drink it though. Mel looked at her phone and then grinned. I looked at her, puzzled. She looked up at me and said “Don’t worry. Just Jack being silly.” I snatched the phone and read the message. I nodded. “OK.” I said simply to her.

  As we walked up to Mel’s room she said to me. “Jodie. Why are you so cautious?” I looked right at her. “Jelina Marsh tried to kill you. I know she is out of jail. I have to protect you Mel.” I said slowly. Mel shook her head deeply. “Jodie Eliza Star Smith. I’m serious. I can protect myself. I really need you to understand that. We are the same age. But you are starting to treat me like you little sister. Please. If you are my best friend you will just back off now. My phone is my privacy as is Jack. I need a private life Jodie. I’m sorry about that.” She shouted at me. I stared at Mel and shouted, as I ran down the stairs away from her, “I am really sorry I want to protect you Mel! I am terribly sorry for thinking that best friends don’t keep secrets!” As I finally got to the door Mel screamed at me. “Jodie! You’re acting like a bloody jealous boyfriend!” I ran out.

  The minute I got home I ran up to my room. I burst into tears (Yes Vampires can cry) and called Marcus. He picked up instantly and said “Hey baby what’s up?” I cried down the phone at him. “Hey, hey!” He said softly. “Can you come over?” I blubbered at him. “Give me two minutes!” He said.

  A minute and a half later there was a knock at my bedroom door. “Come in!” I blubbered. My mother walked in holding a vampire baby in her arms. I sighed. “Hey honey! Meet Tallulah! Your beautiful baby sister!” She said. I smiled faintly. “Mother, she is really very pretty but I and Mel have had the biggest fight ever and I really can’t cope at the moment! I am waiting for Marcus but he still hasn’t come and it’s been ten minutes now!” I said to her. She looked crestfallen but nodded and left.

  Four minutes after that another knock at my bedroom door came. “Come in!” I sighed. This better be Marcus. “Jodie?” My father’s voice came through the door. “Hello father.” I said. My father came through the door and into my bedroom. “Jodie, my sweet child, I know life is hard for you. But there was no need what so ever to be rude to your mother who has just given birth to a beautiful vampire baby like that!” My father exclaimed at me. I just buried my face in my pillow. He soon left my bedroom.

  Ten minutes after that another knock came to my door. “What?” I shouted. This obviously wasn’t Marcus. “Hey sis!” Matthew said through the door. “What?” I repeated. He came through the door looking hurt. “Just wondered if you were ok?” He said quietly. I buried my face in my hands. “I’m sorry! Yes I’m fine! Still waiting for Marcus” I said. Matthew looked at me for a while then said “Alright Jode. If you say so. See ya later!” He left.

  Five minutes after that yet another bang on my door came. By now I had given up all hope on Marcus coming so I said “Yeah?” Anastasia came through the door. “Hey sweetie!” She exclaimed slowly. My face brightened, it was good to see a friendly face. “Hey Annie!” I cried. She came over to me and sat on my bed. Then she grabbed a tissue and started slowly rubbing my smudged make up off me. “Oh sweetie! You look terrible! Tell me all about it!
” So I did. I told her about me and Mel’s fight, Marcus never showing up when I needed him and everyone knocking on my door. Annie looked at me. “Sweetie. Marcus seems like a bad boyfriend. Sorry. As for Mel, she is really lovely! She and you will sort it out! I’ll stay in your room tonight OK? You and I can have a nice girly chat!” She said as she tapped the tissue on my nose. “All better!” Then she left to get her things.

  When she returned she had a sleeping bag, a duvet (It is winter after all), a pillow and a bag of clothes. We talked until about two o’clock in the morning then Annie fell asleep. As for me I thought about Marcus and how he never came. Then just as I was about to drop off to sleep I heard the front door open. I ran downstairs and saw Marcus. Staggering about. He came over, grabbed me and kissed me. He stank of booze. I pulled away from him and said “Marcus your drunk. How many beers have you had?” He stared at me and said “None.” Most people think vampires can’t get drunk but they can. We can eat/drink human food/drink too. We just prefer blood. Matthew was made by my father having one too many.

  Then Marcus did something that made me feel faint. He got down on one knee and said “Jodie Eliza Star Smith, I know we are only fifteen but will you marry me next year?

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