The secret life of Jodie book 2: Gifted

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The secret life of Jodie book 2: Gifted Page 3

by Amber Thompson

stared at me looking absolutely terrified. “OK. Your gift will help us and you’re my best friend. I love you Jodie!” She said to me. “I love you Mel!” I said back. These visions were becoming more and more creepy. They are completely accurate.

  As we left for school Mel was looking scared but excited. “So who were you in your vision?” She asked. I thought back. “A girl called Kim. I felt like a jailbird.” I replied. Mel leaped over a puddle. Then looked petrified. “Jodie. She’s really coming for me isn’t she?” She said. I had to nod. “But Mel my uncles coming in four days. He is going to teach me to control my gift.” I said to her. “That means that when I want to see something I can. Or I can search for things. It’s going to be fine!”

  The day past in a blur and the next thing I knew it was fifth period. Geography with Mr Henman. He was going on about America and the countries around and a lot about coco beans there. When it all started to fade away. My last thought before I went into my vision was please not here…

  Then I was at home near Christmas. Mel is there and we are all happy. Chatting and my mother was singing Christmas carols. My father was in a father Christmas hat and Tallulah was playing on the floor looking almost a year old. (But she is a vampire.) There are presents under the tree and Annie has a diamond ring on!

  Mel was shaking me. I awoke quickly as flash. Mr Henman stared at me. “Oh. So you think you can full asleep in my class Miss Smith?” He said. I looked up at him. “No sir.” I said. He folded his arms in my direction and said “How about a after school detention to ensure it does not happen again Miss Smith?” I sighed and got out my school notebook. “When sir?” I asked. He wrote my name on the board under Tuesday 25th October 2012. Then said “Never mind Jodie I can’t be bothered. Just don’t let it happen again OK?” I grinned at him and nodded.

  Me and Mel rushed to my house to tell my father. The minute we got in Me and Mel together dragged my father to the hallway. “Do you think you could hurry uncle Vincent up a bit?” I asked him. My father looked confused. “But why?” I sighed. “Father it happened in class.” I said. My father looked puzzled. “Good or bad child?” He asked. I stared remembering the vision. “It was the best I have ever had.” I said. “Oh father it was Christmas time! It was wonderful!” He grinned at that but then dashed to the phone.

  Me and Mel hugged. “You know something?” Said Mel. “Bring on Jelina! I’m not scared anymore!” I was laughing hysterically when my father came in. “Um. Well girls. I just am going to tell you that Jodie your Uncle Vincent will be here tomorrow now. As he seems to think that you are very gifted and I feel the same child!” I grinned widely like a Cheshire cat and said “Thanks father!” Then I and Mel ran upstairs to my room.

  “Can you believe this?” Exclaimed Mel when we got in. I looked at her. “What have you got to be excited about? You have a girl out trying to kill you, friend who is a gifted one and a pretty darn crap life yet you are grinning? Weirdo!” She grinned at me. Then stuck her tongue out and went cross eyed. “That’s me!” She said grinning. I smiled back. We are weirdo’s but hey!

  “Dinner!” Exclaimed my mother up to us, Matthew and Annie. As Annie starts to go down I call her in. “What’s up Sweetie?” She said. I grinned at her. “Are you and Matthew engaged?” I asked. She looked taken aback but grinned. “Well… maybe but… maybe not!” She said sweetly then she skipped off to dinner.

  Me, Mel and my father went out hunting for a quick snack. I hunted a huge grizzly bear. Mel the same. But my father got just a deer! “Waste!” I called to him. He stuck his tongue out and dashed off home. Me and Mel followed, talking as we went. Then I stopped. “Mel!” I called to her. She turned around. “It’s happening!” I cried. She dashed over to me and sat me down. Then everything faded away from me.

  I was in a car this time a bright red one. I had never seen this car before though. So I looked in the mirror. I was Kim again. “Kimmi! We will attack soon. How’s tomorrow night?” Jelina asked me/Kim. I find myself saying “Yes great idea. Melanie will not stand a chance against you Jelly!” Jelina looks pleased with that. “Ah Kimmi!” She says. “You know just how to please me! I am ever so glad I went to jail and then broke free with you!” I find myself smiling at that. “Where will we attack? Melanie’s or” I spit on the floor “Jodie’s.” I say. Jelina takes a moment to think about this then says “Melanie’s. Jodie’s father will not get in the way there.” Then she laughs deeply. “I can’t wait!” She finishes. I start applying some blackish, purplish lipstick and say “Trust me Jelly. She’s an absolute goner! Whoever tries to protect her now!”

  “Jody wody?” Said Mel and shook me. I bolted awake. “She is coming unbelievably soon. She is going to attack your house so we will take all the vampires that we know and our willing to help us there OK?” I said slowly. Mel nodded. I looked at her quizzically. “Your parents would let you?” I asked. She nodded. I shrugged and ran back to the house to tell my father.

  As soon as I told my father he rang up Mel’s mother and father to explain the situation to them. Surprisingly they were very understanding and agreed to let us stay there every night until the attack ends. Starting the next day. Then they asked to speak to Mel. Of course my father handed over the phone in an instant.

  Mel’s parents spoke to Mel for about two hours explaining their part of the situation. Then about half an hour saying that they loved her and they will fight beside her against Jelina or anybody else who dare threaten their daughter. Then Mel spent about twenty minutes saying how much she loved them. Then she finally returned the phone to my father who spent a further hour discussing the important details the adults have to deal with. Half an hour after that we went to Bed. Because it was the last day of school the next day.

  We crashed the very minute our heads hit the pillows. It had been a very long day. I didn’t have a single vision that whole night. Just plain old dreams. Which was good. Midnight came and Mel awoke and then woke me up and said “Do you have any idea how short our school terms are?” I laughed and said “I know it’s a bit abnormal!” We then laughed ourselves back to sleep.

  I woke up again about five o’clock in the morning because a large bang came from the living room. Obviously ran downstairs to see… My uncle Vincent smiling away. “Hello Jodie!” He exclaimed. I laughed but then quickly said “Ssh!” He grinned and said “So young Jodie, you have a gift. This is most unusual so I will have to teach you the basics of seeing the future. Have you, by any chance, been somebody else during some of your visions? Child” I thought back about being Kim and seeing Jelina. “Yes Uncle. I have become a girl called Kim.” I said to him. He stares a moment then looks dead at me. “Jodie do you know what this means?” He said, hardly being able to contain his excitement, “It means that you are one of the most gifted people I know child!” I stared at him for a good two minutes. ‘Me…That Gifted. Really?’ I thought. “Ok.” I said to him. “Teach me.”

  He nodded. “Alright” He said as he did. “But it will not be easy, Jodie.” I nodded. Then I thought back far enough to remember those days as a five year old seeing my visions. “Yes Uncle. But I am ready.” I said. Then got out a note pad as I did so I saw my uncle stiffen. “There is not much time Jodie. Are you ready to learn how to control when you see your visions?” He said to me. I stared at him. “Are you mad? It five o’clock in the morning!” I said back. He smiled. “Jodie, this girl is coming. Sooner than you believe. We must start now!” He said. I just nodded.

  “Ok. Step One: Relax.” My Uncle said. I relaxed in my chair. “Second: Think of the happiest moments you can.” I thought of all my family and Mel at Christmas. “Third: Search your mind and you will see, my child.” I searched deeply and then it faded…

  “Ha-ha!” Mel says. I am in her house. “Jelina totally got it!” I say. Mel nods and nods. “I KNOW!!!!!” She says. But then it fades.

  “I saw! Uncle Vincent I saw!” I said the moment I was back to reality. My uncle nodded and then said “Yes ch
ild. But now we need to do faze two! How to stop it happening during class or during a hunt.” I nodded. “To stop it happening during a time where it cannot happen all you need to do is keep your mind busy and it will most likely leave you alone.” He said. I nodded. “But Jodie.” He said. “One rule. You cannot change the future after you have seen it. EVEN if a loved one dies.” I had to nod.

  “Fine. Go back to bed.” My uncle said. So I did. Even though I only had about two hours sleep until I had to get up for school. When I awoke I had to wake Mel for school. “One day Mel! One day!” I said to wake her. Mel looked annoyed. “Wake me up. Why don’t ya!” Said Mel. “I was enjoying that thanks!” I laughed but then dragged her out bed. “Don’t you want to know what my Uncle Vincent said?” I said. “Fine! Tell me everything!” Mel said.

  So I dragged her out of bed and went to the bathroom to get changed. “OK.” I said as we left. “I will tell you know.” I told her everything that my uncle had told me. “OH WOW!” Said Mel. “Can you have a vision now?” I sighed. Then I relaxed, thought off the nicest thought ever and searched. Reality faded.

  I was eating a horse. Mel

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