Black Rayne Silent Screams

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Black Rayne Silent Screams Page 8

by Yvonne Nicolas


  caught off guard it didn"t have a chance to clear its mind before Demetri was able

  to gain the information he needed. At least she hoped so.

  “Did you get it?”

  “Yes. 28 different portals, so far.”

  “By the Gods…” She"d heard of several portals to other realms open at the

  same time, but 28… “Did you get the locations? Did you find out how to close


  “Yes. I acquired the locations, but unfortunately for us, we need a higher

  being to close them. The Queen is the key.”

  “Then we have to make damn sure she"s going to play for our side.”

  “Leave that to me.” Lowering his head to hers, he licked the blood from her

  face. A faint mewl seeped from her lips. She closed her eyes and snuggled closer to


  “If you ever do anything like that again without informing me first, I will kill you myself.

  Do you understand?”

  Words of affection from an emotional vampire. She smiled. “Yes lover.”

  He trailed his tongue down the side of her face and across her mouth. A

  pleasurable moan played in her throat as she parted her lips and invited him in.

  His tongue entered like a curious snake, twirling around hers, leaving the coppery


  taste of her blood lingering between her lips. His cock stiffened through his pants

  and wetness formed along her slit and seeped across the cleft of her thighs.

  A welcoming softness was suddenly beneath her. He had drifted her to the

  closed comfort of her bedroom.

  She opened her eyes and became caught in his beautiful gaze. The need to

  sexually release himself after a kill was ingrained in his vampire blood, and she

  was more than happy to feed this urgent desire, but as she stared at him, she

  realized his mind was not where it was supposed to be.

  “You are seducing my body, yet your thoughts are on someone else,” she

  uttered in a breathless whisper. “Has she stolen your heart from me?”

  His hard body went rigid, if only for a second, but his expression remained

  distracted. Their clothes melted away. The warm sensation of his naked skin

  brought about a grateful moan.

  “Whom do you speak of?” he asked, slipping between her splayed legs.

  “Don"t be coy, Demetri. You know whom I speak of. Your lust for her has

  made you careless.” Jealousy laced her words, but she couldn"t help it. She knew

  the woman wouldn"t be in his mind unless he allowed it. “You came to me with

  your domain locked shut, but the truth spills from your eyes. I see her…I see the

  faceless woman who haunts your mind—”


  His cock pushed deep and hard into her moist cavern, forcefully filling her

  to the maximum. She sunk her nails into his shoulder and swallowed back the

  scream dangling in her throat. A mixture of pain and pleasure shot through her

  core, compelling her body to climax on his first thrust.

  Consumed by embarrassment and fear, she looked up to see his eyes glazed

  in what looked to be amusement, but she knew better. A sliver of red rimmed his

  irises. She had said too much; spoken on his personal affairs without permission.

  “You are to hold your tongue on topics as such, Indigo, or I will be forced to

  snatch it from your mouth.” His threat came out in a seductive whisper, but was

  not to be taken lightly.

  “Forgive me for my foolishness. I can"t help but be a little jealous of your

  new lover.”

  Once this woman had fully captured his mind, his body would follow suit. It

  was only a matter of time. This woman had to be a master level priestess. It was

  the only creature strong enough to seize a Xsonri in seduction without being

  destroyed, but she couldn"t rely on assumptions. She had to find out who this

  woman was before it was too late.

  “Apology accepted.” With the thin line of red dissolving from his eyes, he

  slowly withdrew his length just to shove it back into her, bringing about another


  earth-shattering orgasm. A cry of passion leaked out of her in the form of a spell

  and shot to the ceiling like an explosion, lighting the room like a funhouse.

  She wrapped her limbs around him, submissively bared her throat and

  waited for his sweet bite. The desire to feel his incisors pierce her skin made her

  body shudder.

  Chuckling, he rubbed his nose across her neck, inhaling her scent, teasing

  her with the thought.

  “Stop playing, Demetri. You know what I want.”

  “You"ve lost too much blood and I don"t have the power to restore it.”

  “Come on baby, I can take it. Just give me a little nip. I, I need that sweet feeling so, badly

  right now. Please baby.”

  Ignoring her plea, he jutted into her inviting core, taking her body in a slow

  and steady pace. She hissed and moaned with each plunge as her mind was

  invaded and swept with erotic images of their union. The walls of her pussy

  stilled, and coursed into a fit of spasms.

  Just when she was about to hit another level of pleasure, he bristled. A

  shiver shot through him and emitted into her body.

  She gasped. This was no release. Something had jarred him.



  He drew up on his knees and stared ahead. Following his line of sight, she

  tilted her head back, but saw nothing but a blank, deep rose colored wall.

  “What do you see?” she asked, searching his eyes for an answer. “Is it her?”

  Hesitantly, she separated from him, leaving his still hard member glazed in

  her arousal. She moved off the bed and eyed at him. Never had she"d seen him so

  steady, immobile like a statue. With a shaky hand, she reached out to touch his

  shoulder. He was hard as granite—his slumber state.

  Through his thick hair, on the back of his neck, something caught her eye. It

  pulsated like a strobe light and shone bright gold. Her nervous pants echoed

  throughout the room as she brushed his mane over his shoulder to get a better


  A snake-like dragon symbol swirled aggressively. She scrambled back,

  clutching at her chest, almost tripping over her own foot. Heaving out staggering

  breaths, she inched closer, but not too close. She gaped at the mysterious animated

  imprint. The tail of the serpent extended between his shoulder blades and formed

  the shape of a dagger.

  He was possessed.

  Racked in panic, she rushed across the room and retrieved a piece of chalk.

  She dropped to the ground and drew a spell around the bed to release him from


  the trance. She had no idea how strong this priestess was, but she"d fight to keep

  him grounded.

  “Where are you, darling?” he whispered.

  Indigo stood to see him holding his arms out to the wall. He was giving in.

  The chalk dropped from her hand. She hurried over to him and cradled his

  face. “Demetri! Demetri! Stay with me! Don"t let her take you.”

  Just as the words left her mouth, bright gold melted over his irises. His eyes

  never turned that color.

  “Is, is she doing this to you? Please talk to me!”

  Suddenly, a melody entered her mind, followed by the sweet hum of a

  female"s voice. Wrinkling her brow, she stared into
Demetri"s golden eyes. This

  voice came from his psyche. It was her. Indigo slammed her lids shut and moved

  her palms up to his temples.

  The vision of a white lined aura gracefully strummed the keys of a piano.

  The combination of notes was hypnotic, alluring even. Through the music, a

  stream of power flowed through her palms.

  Panting, Indigo steadied her trembling limbs to go deeper into the vision,

  but this was as far as he"d allow her to go. Or was it this mysterious woman

  holding back her advance?

  “I can still hear the distant cry from your soul. Do you feel me, sweet lover?”


  The angelic coo of her voice made Indigo"s heart skip a beat.

  “I can still feel your hands from the darkness, binding me to you with a sweet caress. I"ll

  give into the devil"s embrace, for just a little taste?”

  The overwhelming flow of spiritual force lapped at hers, straining her

  energy, but she couldn"t let go. Her voice was too beautiful, her aura was too


  “Do you feel me, like I feel you? Tell me baby. I"m whispering your name. I"m kissing your


  “Please, my love. Tell me where you are,” Demetri beseeched desperately.

  “Can you see me? Open your eyes to me, and take in the light.” She paused and

  hummed along with the tune before calling out in a sultry whine, “Sweet lover, come

  to me.”

  A pair of hands grabbed Indigo"s wrists. She opened her eyes to see blood

  tears streaming down Demetri"s face. “I must go find her.”

  Before she could utter a word of protest, he abandoned his spot on the bed

  and melted through the wall in blinding speed.


  Chapter Five

  Musical Pain

  Miami, Florida

  Southside Studio

  Rayne pushed up from the bench and stepped away from the piano. Staring

  down at her trembling hands, she sucked in a deep breath. She felt distant,

  disconnected, not quite like herself.

  In an attempt to get a grip on reality, she squeezed her eyes shut and rubbed

  her temples. Gradually, it came back to her. The darkness. She called to him, and he

  answered. Jesus, the man answered!

  Either she had finally lost her mind, or he was for real.

  Ignoring her producer and manager"s odd stares from the other side of the

  studio"s window; she swiped her unshed tears with the sleeve of her shirt and took

  steps back until her back met the wall. She slid to the floor.

  Early this morning, before the sun could rise and kiss the sky, she sat on the

  floor of the hotel bathroom, holding a steak knife, prepared to slit her wrists. She"d


  just had another murderous vision and the victim"s face had been vividly clear in

  her mind.


  It"d been the one vision that would send her over the edge, but before the

  sharp ridges of the blade could sever the vein in her wrist, there he was.

  He stood on a beautiful plane of ocean blue— Demetri. He called out to her

  and offered his comfort when she no longer wanted to live.

  The whys and hows were no longer a factor. There was only the pressing need

  to be with him. The silky smoothness of his voice had drawn the knife from her

  hand and when she closed her eyes to give into the unknown her body filled his

  embrace. Nothing could compare to being held by him.

  She moaned at the memory of his distant touch. He made her drunk with

  passion when his arms enclosed her and his lips claimed hers. Even now as she

  thought back on the mind-numbing kiss, she could still taste him. God, he was

  pure ecstasy.

  “Uh, Rayne…”

  What she"d give to get another taste of those soft lips. She drew her lower

  lip between teeth and curled her fingers into her palms, fighting the urge to touch

  herself. Dammit, she"d never needed anyone as much as she needed to feel him at

  this very moment.


  “Hellooo, earth to Rayne.”

  Unfurled, her hands roamed over the front of her thighs as his soothing

  voice entered her mind, yet again. “My eyes are open, my love. I am seeking your light. Please

  tell me where to find you.”

  His pleading croon ignited a raging fire deep within her core. Her clit

  throbbed painfully for release. Whimpering, she stuck her hands between her

  trembling thighs and pressed hard against the surface of her jeans.

  “Miami, Southside studio,” she whispered. “Please, I need you.”

  “Uhm, Rayne, you do know we can see you, right?”

  She snatched her hand from her crotch and shot to her feet. Reluctantly, she

  looked through the window. Red-faced with bashful eyes, her manager, Paul

  stared at her, while the producer, Johnny struggled to hide his mannish grin.

  Aww hell! Heat flushed her face.

  “I mean, I can sit here all night and watch this—”

  “Shaddup Johnny,” she grumbled, pushing through the door to exit the

  sound room. She plopped down on the couch next Sota, who was stretched out,

  his hands clasped behind his head and ankles crossed.

  “Carrie called yet?” She knew the answer would be no, but was it wrong for

  her to hope?


  Sota reached in his pocket, retrieved her cell phone and gave it to her. She"d

  gotten numerous calls, but none from Carrie. She"d filled the woman"s voice mail

  and probably her text inbox too, but still hadn"t heard from her? No. This wasn"t

  like Carrie. Grudge or not, she"d never flat out ignore her after this many calls.

  Please, God…

  “Think she lost her phone?” The grief was clear in her tone.

  Sadness shone from Sota"s eyes as his lips curved into one of those phony

  smiles. “It"s possible. Give her time, baby girl. She"ll call.”

  No she wouldn"t, and he knew it. Squeezing her eyes shut, she fought back

  tears. “You sure? „Cause I"m not.”

  “Rayne…” Sighing, Paul turned from the control board and eyed her oddly.

  “Let"s talk about this song. The lyrics are kind of dark, don"t you think? Besides,

  this is a far cry from your usual tone. What"s this about?”

  “I dunno, just thought I"d do something different,” she mumbled, settling

  back against the plush upholstery.

  “Personally, I think it"s a hit.” Johnny spun in the chair to rest his arm on top

  of his mocha-toned bald head. “I gotta baby-making groove that"ll jive nicely with

  this one.”

  She conjured a small smile. “Thanks John—”


  “No, wait a minute.” Paul shot glances between them. “This would fly as a

  musical mishap if I hadn"t known you throughout your whole musical career

  Rayne. I know you write and sing from your soul—exactly what you"re feeling.

  You"re going to have to explain to me what we just heard in that booth.”

  “Chill out, Paul. What you heard in the booth was musical brilliance. I

  promise you this"ll be a chart breaker. It shows her diversity, her ability to take it

  there. So what she took a trip to the dark side. Don"t act like you ain"t been there

  before. It"s fresh, a new flavor and it"s about time for her to step outside the box.”

  “No way, John! What I just heard was damn near satanic. Hands from the

darkness? The devil"s embrace? The media are going to leap on this in a negative

  way and you know it…”

  While Paul was focused on Johnny, Rayne retrieved a valium from her

  pocket and slipped it in her mouth.

  Paul whipped his attention her way and leveled his finger at her. “Hey, I saw

  that! What"d you just take?”

  Johnny sucked his teeth and quirked a brow. “Maan, you trip over the

  dumbest shit. May I remind you that Rayne"s not a lil" girl anymore? She"s a grown

  ass woman, and if she wants to change the pace, or even pop a pill or two, we

  should just support her and go with the flow. As long as she"s still making hits and

  rocking it on stage, all is good.”


  Paul thrust his palm out, gesturing for silence and zoned in on her.

  “Sharayna, I"m not your manager right now, I"m your friend.” Confusion rested

  behind his soft green eyes as he rustled his brunette hair. “This song, the way

  you"ve been acting lately…Tell me what"s going on with you, because I"m getting


  She reached back, bundled her hair up in a ponytail then stuffed it beneath

  her lightweight hooded Yankees shirt. Paul"s unwavering stare remained locked on

  her. Huffing, she pulled the hood over her head and looked away from him.

  “I uh…” She paused for a moment then abruptly stood. “Know what, I think

  I"m gonna go for a walk. I need to get up outta here.”

  Prepared to follow her out, Sota stood and grabbed his hat.

  “Solo,” Rayne added, fumbling through her bag for her Yankee cap and I-

  pod. “I know you mean well big papi, but I really need to do some soul searching

  and I wanna be by myself to do it.”

  “You know I can"t let you do that,” Sota grumbled.

  “Darn right he can"t let you do that,” Paul added, staring at her wide eyed.

  “Rayne I understand you"re going through something right now, most likely

  something that none of us understands. Maybe the pressure of this life is getting to

  you…I"m not sure, but taking a walk in the streets of Miami, or anywhere for that


  matter on your own is not a good idea. You"ll be mobbed by your fans if you walk


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