Black Rayne Silent Screams

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Black Rayne Silent Screams Page 10

by Yvonne Nicolas

  A mixture of panic and anger boiled within her. “You let me outta here right

  now or I"ll tear this bitch down!”

  She grabbed the drapery, ripping and yanking on it. It was like fighting with

  the wind. During her struggle, she became tangled in the soft threads and soon

  found the more she fought the more trapped she became.

  Frustrated, she stopped moving within web and groaned, “This is bullshit,


  “Please, Sharayna…”

  The curtain released her and pushed her to her feet with a shove to her ass.

  While trying to regain balance, Rayne spun around to glare at him. His back was

  to her and his head was dipped. The flickers of light coming from the torches

  bounced off the shiny strands of his hair.

  “If you want to leave, I will not hold you.” The drapes separated.

  She rushed out of the creepy love nest, tripping clumsily in the sand.

  “But I will beseech you to stay. The mysteries of the world which has been

  hidden from you all your life are now before you. Please don"t leave without a



  Halted by the plea in his voice, she stopped and turned to stare at the back

  of his head. There was no way in hell she"d be able to walk away from this man.

  She sucked in a harsh breath. “Listen, I don"t…I don"t wanna leave either, it"s

  just…In this crazy twilight zone that is now my life, you"re the only one who makes

  sense, and you make me feel so…” She struggled for the right words. “Just don"t

  show those things in your mouth anymore, unless you want to give me a heart


  “I"ll try not to, but I can"t make any promises,” he murmured without

  turning to face her.

  Wringing her hands together, she hesitantly stepped back into his shelter.

  “This is crazy. You can"t be possible. Vampires don"t exist.”

  “Of course not, darling, not in the world you"ve been raised in.” He groaned

  and ran a hand through his hair then shook his head. “Why the water demons kept

  this a secret from you is baffling to me.”

  “Water what?”

  He shot a glance at her over shoulder. “I apologize. Whilst you were peering

  into my mind, I couldn"t help but take a glimpse in yours, which was foolish of me

  to do. Your demon is calling to me, the lovely vamptress that lives within you.

  When I linked with you, she latched on to me.” His face projected internal pain.

  “To deny her is…pure torture.”


  “A demon? Inside of me?” Her fists planted on her hips, she squinted at him

  incredulously. “You"re serious?”

  “Very much so.”

  She clucked her tongue. “Right when I thought you were the level headed

  one here…”

  He twisted on the bed and patted the spot she left empty. “You know what I

  say to be true.”

  Lowering her behind onto the edge of the platform, she kept steady eyes on

  his softened gaze. “Sounds redonkulous, man,” she snorted.

  A boyish grin flashed across his face. “In denial, are we? Tell me, gorgeous,

  how many throats have you kissed lately? Better yet, how many times have you

  envisioned your teeth sinking into your lover"s flesh?”

  The episode with Troy slammed into her mind. She ripped her eyes from his

  and gulped back a gasp. “So you"re telling me I"m a demon?” she whispered,

  looking down at her shaky hands. It all made sense now. The visions, the sleepless

  nights, all the times she thought her mind was playing tricks on her… “This can"t

  be―a demon? I was going to kill him?”

  “No, I don"t believe you were going to kill him. You were only seeking

  release, something you cannot gain without a bite, or…”


  “Or?” She whipped her head in his direction. “Or what? Please tell me,

  because this dry streak is getting old.”

  His eyes smiling seductively, he removed her hat. “The stroke of a demon


  His soft spoken words caressed her mind like a gentle touch. Against her

  will, her eyelids drifted shut. Her hair was drawn from beneath her shirt and

  released to flow down her back.

  “So beautiful. Such an intriguing color.”

  The pull of his hands gliding through her strands sent tiny orgasmic tingles

  flittering across her scalp. She found herself breathless, melting into his stroke. An

  arm curved around her waist and drew her back to his chest. His muscled thighs

  hugged either side of her hips. Heated wetness built between her legs and soaked

  into her panties. It felt like he was caressing her inner being, soothing her soul,

  kissing her pain, erasing her anxiety.

  Deep inside, she was scared as all get out, but to pull away from the

  sensation this man gave her was undoable. He had her locked.

  Swirling about within her heart was the feeling they were meant for one

  another, like he belonged to her.

  “I do belong to you, Angel. Can"t you feel it?”


  His lips ran along the rim of her earlobe as his fingers kneaded her scalp.

  Waves of delight washed into her in soft increments. She drew in ragged breaths,

  holding back the need to deliver the loud moan dangling in the back of her throat.

  The swipe of his tongue tagged the back of her ear and trailed down to the upper

  part of her neck. As her back arched and legs quivered, the walls of her pussy

  tightened, begging for release. Her hips began to move on their own accord in a

  slow rolling motion.

  She could feel him. She could feel his tongue flicking at her clit as if his head

  was between her legs. The sensation was bizarre, yet out of this world stimulating.

  “Oh God, what are you doing to me?” she whimpered.

  Biting down her lower lip, she squeezed her thighs together, straining her

  inner muscles to do so. The pleasure intensified. He nipped at her earlobe. Panting,

  she grabbed onto his thigh and braced against the oncoming storm. Her sheath

  clutched, her hips jerked, then her flood gates opened. She threw her head back on

  his shoulder and wailed out her incredible release.

  “Oh yeeah, baby, that"s it!”

  Ripples of the powerful orgasm sparked throughout her body relentlessly.

  She squirmed. Her drenched panties squelched against her still leaking slit.

  Suffering the pulses of a spasming aftermath, she tried to push away from him. The

  sensation he gave her overwhelmed to her senses. She attempted to speak, but


  could only manage to murmur incoherently. It felt like she was having a damn

  seizer. He hugged her jittery body against him until her convulsions subsided.

  “Damn boy,” she finally breathed out. “I can"t believe you just made me—I"ve

  never felt anything like that before.”

  All this time she thought the idea of an orgasm was lost her, but he offered

  one up with ease, without even going beneath her clothes. He was definitely a bad


  “It"s all right, my darling,” he whispered into her ear. “It"s all right to seek

  pleasure in the devil"s embrace.”

  She bristled.

  “My dark power has made me out to be the devil in your mind, but I assure

  you I am not.” He settled against the head of the bed,
pulling her with him. “I

  remember lying in my chambers during the daylight hours listening to your angelic

  voice. You would sing for hours. It was pure torture to hear your pain through

  your words and not be able to help you. I tried to call out to you many, many

  times, but was never able to grasp onto your spirit long enough to link with you,

  but when you came to me this morning…” He paused and ran his fingers along her

  hairline. “I thought I was dreaming. I"ve wanted to hold you for so long.”


  “Wow, that"s deep. But the truth is, I"m right there with you. I needed you to

  hold me like this,” she confessed, rubbing her palm over the back of his hand,

  which lay securely across her belly.

  He twisted his wrist and intertwined his fingers within hers. It was odd

  how all of the fear and pain she felt fell away from her. He made everything feel all


  “I don"t understand this, Demetri. How could I be a demon? I mean, I"m not

  the type of broad who"s in church every Sunday, but I make it when I can. And I

  know it doesn"t seem like it, but I pray, a lot. I"ve been baptized and everything.

  There"s no way I"d be able to do those things if I were a demon.”

  “Sharayna, not all demons are like the creatures that have haunted your

  mind. They are not created equal to your being. The type of demon you are was not

  spawned in the fires of hell. From what I gather, your father, or mother was born a

  demon vampire, a Xsonri, as were you. That does not make you evil.”

  “This is too twisted to believe. A demon vampire?” she muttered. “I feel like

  this screws up my changes to get into heaven.”

  His lips smiled against her temple. “I wouldn"t say that.”

  A shudder zipped down her and she shivered. “What about you? Were you

  born a…Xsonri?”


  He sighed. “No. I was turned by a demon vampire, one from the demon


  “If you were turned, why is your skin so warm, and, and why do you feel so

  alive. You have a heartbeat. I feel it against my back. This kinda goes against the

  laws of being a vampire, right?”

  The sound of the waves washing ashore severed the silence that suddenly

  fell over them.

  “Uh, I say something wrong?”

  “No sweetheart, I"m just thinking of the best way to explain this to you.

  When regular vampires are created, at the moment of death, their souls are

  extracted from their human vessels and that"s when the demon enters. Without

  the soul, the vessel is officially dead, which is why the skin and body is cold. In my

  case, I didn"t die when I was turned. I was drained to the point of death, but was

  not delivered to the afterlife. If my sire would have killed me, he wouldn"t have

  been able to pass his immortality onto me.”

  She turned around to look into his face. “So, you"re not really dead, just

  kinda sorta. Does that mean you still have your soul?” A hint of excitement laced in

  her words.

  “You seem so hopeful for me, Angel. How touching.” Smiling, he shook his

  head. “Although disconnected from my vessel, my soul is still connected to my


  being, per say. Confusing, yes, I know. I guess another way to explain this is, I feel

  my spirit, but it is lost to me. Neither heaven, nor hell has claimed it.”

  “Oh okay, I get it. Your soul is a fugitive.”

  A glimmer of amusement shone from his unnatural eyes. “Yes. That"s a way

  to put it. You see, my soul is what harbors my force. If I were a regular vampire, my

  inner demon would be the source of my power, but it is not so. My demon is just

  the source of my blood lust, and it"s the same for you. Over the decades, I have

  learned to control him, but lately…” He paused and grunted. “He"s been besting


  “Blood and lust?” she murmured, trying to make sense of what he was telling


  “Blood lust. One in the same. You cannot have one without the other,

  especially in your case. You are shifting slowly, darling. You will need both to

  sustain your sanity.”

  “Sanity?” She snickered. “Have you met me? Boy, you just don"t know how

  far gone I am, do ya?” She glanced down at his chest. “So, since you are still

  connected to your soul, your heart still beats?”

  “No, my love, my heart stopped beating a very long time ago. It is more than

  an organ that pumps the blood through the body. It is the source of emotion and I


  was detached from all emotion when I was turned. No love. No hate. Only death

  and darkness. If the heart is not used then it will stop beating.”

  She placed a shaky hand over his chest. “Then why is it beating now?”

  The sexy smile that curled his lips made her heart skip a beat. “Because I"m

  using it,” he crooned, placing his hand over hers. “You"ve given me this heartbeat.

  My heart was still until your presence brought it to life.”

  Heat flushed her face. She curled her fingers into her palms and gnawed on

  her lower lip to hide her flattered smile. “Aren"t you a sweet talker?”

  His brow wiggled jestingly. “I only speak the truth.”

  “Wow, I can"t believe I almost walked away from you.”

  “You wouldn"t have gotten very far.” He pressed his fingers to her temples.

  For a split second her vision went black, and mind went numb.

  “No more sleepless nights. No more thoughts of suicide. The demons will

  never taunt your domain again. My sweet angel, your mind will no longer be

  subjected to torment. You are not alone, and will never be, now that I am at your

  side. All that I ask is that you accept me.” He stroked the ball of her chin. “Yes, I

  am shadowed by the darkness, and will be for eternity, but I need you, Angel. I

  need you to keep me whole.”


  Rayne was breathless, shuddering under his hooded beam. “Damn baby,

  right when I think needing you is so wrong, you take me to this place where it

  don"t even matter.”

  Intoxicated by his scent, she lunged into his arms and attacked his mouth

  with feverish passion. The top part of the chaise fell back. He gasped, but returned

  every ounce of her hunger. His hands curved around her hips and slipped beneath

  her shirt to the bare skin of her waist. A wave of heat rolled through her limbs. His

  winding oral member delved between her lips and danced with hers. The velvety

  lust he caressed her with had every nerve in her body twittering with desire. He

  squeezed her tightly and slowed the kiss, forcing her to take his pace.

  It was maddening and delightful at the same time.

  His hardened length throbbed hard against the base of her belly, and good

  Gawd, baby boy was blessed! She wriggled and writhed against him, ripping at his

  vest and shirt.

  She kicked off her Tims, shimmied out of her jeans then straddled his hips.

  “God, I want you so bad,” she moaned, yanking her shirt over her head. “I"ve never

  wanted anybody as much as I want you right now.”

  In nothing but her panties and bra, she looked down at the beautiful

  creature lying beneath her. The smooth chiseled chest peeking up at her made her

  mouth water. His eyes shone brighter than t
he moon above.


  “You look so damn delicious.”

  Chuckling, he stroked her thigh and torso, leaving ribbons of rapturous

  delight in the wake of his touch. “Spoken like a true vamptress.”

  Oddly, his words didn"t bother her. She felt the truth of it, felt it in her very


  He ran his hands around her waist and down her back, beneath her panties,

  groaning with each inch, then handled her ass cheeks with need. Sizzling heat

  emitted from his biting grip. He shifted her hips back and forth, dragging her

  engorged clit along the length of his pulsating shaft. Mewling, she undulated with

  his pace, rubbing her hands across his arms. She reveled in excitement at the taut

  muscles that resided beneath the light fabric.

  “Oh my Jesus, that"s so good,” she moaned breathlessly, taking his mouth


  She pushed her tongue deep into his hot orifice; prodding his mouth at the

  same torturous rhythm he drove her hips. His throaty groan became hers. He

  rolled his groin up into her, heightening her insane bout of pleasure.

  Her pussy contracted and fluttered with his sensual assault. The sudden

  milky climax rushed through her like a waterfall. Her body arched. She threw her

  head back in rapture and he buried his face between her aching breasts, lapping at


  the sensitive flesh of cleft. Grounding her hips against his bulking erection, she

  cupped the back of his head.

  A familiar urge sat within the depths of her heady desire. As her body

  temperature rose the craving surfaced. She began to tremble. Her top and bottom

  gums throbbed with urgency, along with tattoo across her back.

  Then in a flash she grabbed his hair, yanked his head back and attacked his


  Yielding to her uncontainable demand, he grasped her head to urge her on.

  Her teeth branded his skin, filling her with so must bliss, her body erupted. She

  jerked in his embrace, shrieking in satisfaction without releasing him. Soon the

  need to taste the liquid that rushed through his arteries made it hard to breathe.

  “Harder,” he groaned, bucking his trapped anaconda against her leaking slit.

  As requested, she added pressure, but couldn"t break his tough skin. Tears


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