Black Rayne Silent Screams

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Black Rayne Silent Screams Page 22

by Yvonne Nicolas

than her body could take at the time.

  “Don"t be greedy, Bri,” he crooned, plunging in a little deeper into her. “I

  don"t wanna hurt you.”

  Shit, he did hurt her, but the combination of the pleasure and pain was so

  sweet, she couldn"t tell which sensation dominated her body. It was confusing and

  delicious at the same time. She wanted more.

  Sliding her to the side of the dresser, he laid her back. He wrapped his arm

  around her leg then bent her other leg around his waist. He flexed his hips back

  and pulled out of her. Her dewy opening made a gushy, popping sound.


  An uncontainable groan of protest seeped from her lips as the pulsating

  walls of her core clutched for him.


  Eyes fixed on hers, he caressed her protruding clit with the pad of his

  thumb, easing the pain circling her channel. While his tantalizing touch worked

  magic between her thighs, his unwavering gaze changed colors right before her


  Or was she seeing things?

  Beaming at her through purple irises, he turned his head and kissed the side

  of her calf. “Touch yourself,” he ordered on a husky huff.

  Without hesitation, she pulled her tank top over her head and grazed her

  hands over her collarbone down to her breasts where she cupped them. His lips

  parted and his Adam"s apple bobbed. To heighten his arousal, she ran her fingers

  along her areola in a circular motion then pinched and plucked her nipples.

  From purple to orange, he watched her through hooded lids, pushing out

  breaths in heavy spurts.

  Brianna licked her lips and rolled her hips to increase his enticing touch. His

  muscles started to contract. A thick tear of luminous pre cum dropped from his

  stiff cock. Groaning, he jetted the crown of his shaft into her, still massaging her


  She sucked air sharply through her teeth and pushed her hips up to take in

  more of him. “Ooo shit, Sota!”


  To hold her still, he pressed his hand on the base of her belly and buried the

  full length of his shaft deep inside of her, then just as quickly, he pulled out.

  A wail of pleasure got caught in her throat. Her body convulsed with the

  need to cum as he continued to fondle her sensitive pearl. Again, he pushed deep

  into her just to withdraw her fulfillment.

  Every time he entered her, he knocked her stimulus up another notch,

  leaving her dangling on the edge of an orgasm. She wanted him to stop teasing her,

  but couldn"t get enough.

  “You like that?” he asked, his voice dripping with raw lust.

  “Oh yeah! Don"t stop!” she shouted, thrashing her head back and forth.

  Once more, he penetrated her with graceful force then commenced to pound

  her rapidly. Clamping his hand over her mouth, he pushed her leg back and

  grunted with each long stroke he delivered. A violent tsunami of head-spinning

  delight crashed into her. Her sheath clenched and her juices released to spew all

  over him. He removed his hand and muffled her cries with his mouth.

  The sound of her wet pussy milking his piston-like thrusts sifted

  throughout the room. He held her tighter and she dug her fingers into his hair. His

  cock pulsated to the same rhythm of her contracting walls. She swallowed his

  growls. He picked up speed, plunging her body, battering her core, causing the

  side of the dresser to slam into the wall repeatedly.


  Their session of unadulterated passion was now no secret. His fingers

  marked her hips, then he jutted into her one last time and unleashed his hot seed

  deep into her body.

  As their heart rates steadied, they absorbed each other"s exhausted breaths

  of release.

  “How much time does she need?” he asked, breathlessly kissing her face.

  “Bout twenty, thirty minutes, I think,” she slurred, wiping at the sweat on

  his forehead.

  He grinned against her lips. “Want to go at it again?”

  “Oh hells yeah.”


  Chapter Fourteen

  Eyes of A Wolf

  “Pull over, right over there at that restaurant.”

  Rayne pulled the royal African gown over her head, folded it and placed it at

  the end of the leather seat. She removed the decorative wrap from her hair and big

  bouncy curls fell over her shoulders. Ignoring the pair of eyes staring at her from

  the rear view mirror, she slipped on a pair of deep purple boots over her fitted blue


  She turned off her cell phone, shoved it in her pocket, and scooted closer to

  the door. Locking eyes with the driver, she adjusted the sleeves to the printed, silk

  baby doll blouse that hung tastefully off her shoulders. He scrambled out of the car

  and rushed around to open the door for her. She took his extended hand and slid

  on her Prada shades.

  “Would you like me to wait for you, Miss Piers?” the driver asked.

  Oh damn. Dumbfounded, she stared at him for a moment. She couldn"t tell

  him to leave because he"d pick up the phone and call Sota, but it"d be inconsiderate


  of her to tell him to stay when she had no intentions of stepping foot back into his

  car any time soon.

  “Uhm, I"m meeting a friend here, and I"m not sure how long we"ll be. So I"ll

  call you when I"m ready. Sounds good?” She didn"t really answer his question, but

  then again, she didn"t intend to.

  His brow crinkled in uncertainty, he nodded.

  Before he could say anything else, she spun on her heel and strutted into the


  Yeah, Brianna was right. This was a half-ass plan, but since she didn"t have

  time to think of anything else, this half-ass plan had to work.

  The petite hostess grabbed a clip board and smiled as Rayne approached

  her. The welcoming expression vanished from her face, giving way to a look of

  shock, then the pad slid from her hands. “No freakin" way…”

  Rayne rushed forward and caught it before it hit the floor then placed her

  finger to her lips. “I need to be taken through the restaurant, without a scene and

  then out the back door. Could you do that for me?” she whispered, handing the

  wide-eyed hostess the clip board.

  “Yes, yes, of course, Miss Piers,” the hostess answered quickly. “This way.”

  Rayne followed the girl through the restaurant and made sure to keep her

  eyes straight ahead. There were quiet murmurs and gasps from those who


  recognized her, but thankfully no one shouted out her name or made an attempt to

  approach her. The clamor of dishes and the aroma of herbs and spices assaulted

  her senses as they made their way through the kitchen.

  “Here we go,” the hostess said once they arrived at the rear door.

  “What"s your name?”

  The girl"s whole face lit up with excitement. “Rita.”

  Rayne pulled her into a tight hug. “Thanks, Rita. I won"t forget this.” She

  opened the steel door leading to a narrow alleyway.

  “Wait, maybe I can help you. Where are you trying to go?”

  “I think I"ll keep that lil" tid bit of info to myself,” she said over her shoulder.

  “Thanks again for your help.”

  “If you"re trying to ditch your driver, this
is not the smartest way to go.”

  Rayne turned and pinned her with a baffled stare.

  “Sorry,” Rita giggled with shrug of her shoulders. “Had to state the obvious.

  The shades are not a good cover up and you"ll have to walk on the outskirts of the

  building to get the other side. People are gonna notice you no matter how fast you

  walk. If you tell me exactly where you need to go, I"ll take you there and no one

  will see you, promise.”

  Rayne raked the young woman, who could easily pass for a model, with an

  appraising gaze. Stylishly, her short blonde hair framed her round face. Her thin


  lips twisted into sly smirk and her perfectly plucked brows arched at her scrutiny.

  That was when Rayne noticed it—the luminous aura surrounding her petite


  Could this woman be like the soldiers from last night?

  She pushed her shades on top of her head and planted a hand on her hip.

  “A"ight, I"m trying to get to club Night Stalkers.”

  Rita"s brows raised in surprise. “Wow. Never saw you as the type to hang

  out at that kind of club.”

  “What kinda club are you talking about?”

  Smiling, Rita took her hands. “You"ll see. This is gonna feel a little strange.”

  Suddenly, the alley blurred. Strips of newspapers and debris wafted up off

  the ground, swirled around them then disappeared. Rayne blinked then they were

  standing in an elevator.

  “What the—whooaa!” Rayne stumbled back against the wall of the


  “Yeah, it"s kinda trippy on the first go „round, but that"s the worst of it. Next

  time, you won"t even feel it.”

  Amazed and slightly disoriented, she stared at Rita with her mouth gaped

  open. “What the hell…?”


  “Oh, I"m a drifter, or transporter, which ever you prefer,” Rita confessed

  with a soft grin.

  “A drifter?”

  She remembered Demetri had mentioned drifters when he"d explained the

  cloud, but she never thought she"d actually run into one. That was, without a

  doubt, the coolest ability to have. Jump from one place to the other with the

  thought… This girl would be handy after a concert.

  “You are gonna so love this place. It"s awesome and everybody who comes to

  this club is soo hot. O.M.G., I swear, if you"re ugly you can"t get in.” Her face

  flushed with excitement. “I go broke every week partying in this place, but it is

  totally worth it. The dance floor is on the sixth level.” She pressed the sixth button

  and the elevator began to move. “VIP on the seventh, casino on the eighth,

  swingers club and strip joint on the ninth and the private club on the tenth.”

  “Wow. Is there anything this place doesn"t cater to?” Rayne murmured,

  watching the LCD above the elevator doors change to the number four.

  Rita laughed. “No, I think all bases are covered. There"s a parking garage on

  the first floor, but I have no idea what"s on the floors in between one and six.

  Considering all of the sexy people that come here, I can only imagine what that

  space is used for.” She grinned sheepishly. “He surely knew what he was doing

  when he hooked this place up.”



  “Maurisio Bithanos. He owns this whole building. In fact, he owns all of the

  buildings on this street. Word is he came out of nowhere years ago with cases of

  cash and bought up all of this property,” she explained, throwing her hands


  “Seriously?” Sounded like Demetri"s brother was money-making gangster.

  “So uhm, do you know how I can get in touch with him, or do you know if he"ll be

  in the club today?”

  Rita tilted her head and gave her a puzzled look.

  “It"s just that I called and nobody can tell me when he"s gonna be there. They

  won"t tell me if he"s in town and they won"t give up a contact number either.”

  “Not sure if I can help you with that. I don"t know what time he shows up or

  even if he shows up every day, but I do know if he finds out you"re here, you"ll most

  likely see him. He has a drifter working for him, so even if he"s in Vegas, he"ll be

  here in blink of an eye. And girl let me tell you, Maurisio is soo freaking hot,

  ohhh—like, he is Adonis in living form.” Her lids briefly closed and she shuddered

  in ecstasy. “God, I hope he does come in today so you can see what I"m talking


  Rita smoothed her hands over her sleek hairdo. “I wish I could join you, but

  I have to get back to work, so I can blow my whole paycheck in here on Friday.


  Get my groove on, ya know. Don"t let me slip out of your memory, Miss Sharayna

  Piers aka Rayne. Come back and visit me, have dinner even. I"m sure my manager

  would be thrilled to have you. Oh, and before I leave, can I just say, you are extra

  hot in person, and your hair so rocks. See ya.”

  Just as the elevator arrived on the sixth floor, Rita vanished.

  Blasting hip-hop music invaded the small space when the doors slid open.

  Two bulky men waited on either side of the opening when she stepped off. Staring

  at her wide-eyed, they stayed glued to their positions, but acknowledged her with


  Unlike Rita, a deep blue glow shimmered around their massive frames.

  Returning their gesture, she quickly moved past them.

  From the sixth floor, she looked up and could see the seventh and eighth

  level. Blocked off by glass railings and black marble columns, the two floors

  rotated at a snail"s pace. The retro design of the huge dance club was invigorating

  and classy, but beneath the beauty it held an eerie appeal.

  It was the people that gave it that appeal.

  They danced and conversed along the lounge areas that circled the

  perimeter of the dance floor, dressed beautifully in the latest fashions. Rita was

  right. Everyone she looked at was definitely eye candy.


  It was crazy the place was packed like it was Friday or Saturday midnight

  when it was Wednesday afternoon. Obviously, none of these people had day jobs.

  Ignoring the numerous stares, Rayne kept her head down and headed

  straight for the bar. The bass backbeat of the music pulsated through her as the

  dancing bodies parted like the red sea to allow her to walk through. Glowing eyes

  flashed in unison with the multicolored lights that lit up the dance floor. The

  surreal and scary realization that the glowing eyes belonged to those who were

  probably not human didn"t slow her advance.

  Freaked out or not, she wasn"t about to leave until she talked to Maurisio.

  The bartender, whose nametag read Casey, slid a silver-rimmed martini

  glass before her. Winking at her, he retrieved a flask from beneath the bar. Along

  with the vodka martini mix, he poured some scarlet liquid into the glass.

  What the hell kind of martini was that?

  “Enjoy, Mrs. Bithanos.”

  Before she could open her mouth, he trotted down the bar.

  “Mrs. Bithanos?” She looked past the glowing eyes that stared at her to the

  bartender. “Yo, I didn"t order this!”

  Grinning, bartender Casey straight ignored her.

  She brought her gaze to the drink. The crimson additive swirled about in
/>   alcohol then blended with it. Hesitant to partake of the unfamiliar, she swallowed


  hard and tried to look away, but couldn"t. It held her in a trance. She couldn"t

  outright drink blood in public, but damn, she wanted just a little sip.

  “No one would blame you for tasting it.” A soft feminine voice intruded into

  her private struggle. “It is in your nature.”

  With a raised brow, Rayne peered to her right. A woman daintily perched

  on the bar stool next to her sipped on a deep blue martini. Her unnaturally pale

  skin, accented by the snug fit of her black dress was uncanny. Long, dark blue hair

  curled past her waist, matching her piercing blue eyes.

  “It won"t kill you to take a swig,” the woman coaxed.

  Rayne glanced past the woman then to her left. Everyone watched her and

  seemed a bit too anxious for her to take her first sip. This was too much damn


  “Naw, I"m good.” She pushed the drink forward. “I didn"t even order this.”

  “You didn"t have to. The blood hunger is screaming from your eyes.”

  Rayne cocked her head. “I"m sorry, who are you?”

  “Oh, I"m nobody special in here,” she laughed gleefully. “My name is Imrie. I

  heard Casey call you Mrs. Bithanos. Are you related to the owner?”

  “No. I mean, not really. It"s complicated. I"m still trying to figure out how the

  bartender knew, or assumed he could call me Mrs. Bithanos.” It"s not like Demetri

  put a ring on her finger or anything.


  A quirky smile twisted her lips. “Oh child, you act clueless, but the evidence

  is there. Your lover"s scent is all over you and from the smell of things, you"re his

  for the taking. The title is justified.”

  “His for the taking? What the hell…You can smell my personal business?”

  “Darling, you are in a club full of shifters. They all can smell your personal

  business.” Imrie gestured toward the dance floor with the flip of her wrist. “And you

  being in heat doesn"t make matters any better.”

  Bewildered, Rayne looked out to the crowd of shifters and gasped. Along

  with the blue auras, she sensed the base animal of every person who glanced her


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