Into the Light (a Lightkeeper Novel Book 1)

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Into the Light (a Lightkeeper Novel Book 1) Page 14

by Amy Manemann

  I stared at her in awe, my mind humming.

  “Well, holy crap, Braeden went and fell in love. Huh. I never thought I’d see the day,” Keeley remarked, finishing her glass of wine and setting it down on the nightstand.

  A dreamy looked passed over Allora’s face. “Even the impossible becomes possible when it involves love.”

  “Hold up here, ladies. Braeden and I haven’t known each other long enough to rule in the love factor. There are a lot of things we don’t even know about one another,” I interjected loudly.

  Keeley snorted. “I’ll say there is.”

  I didn’t miss the warning look Allora shot her, which made me both curious and uneasy.

  “What?” I asked, drawing Allora’s gaze to mine.

  Keeley threw her legs off the side of the bed, rising to her feet. “She’ll find out anyway, Allora. It might as well come from us.”

  “Perhaps this is a subject better left for Braeden to explain.” Allora lips flattened in a thin line.

  Keeley waved her hand through the air as if that were a moot point. “I’ve known Braeden since we were kids. We grew up together. If anyone can tell it right, it would be me.”

  I threw my legs over the side of the bed, getting comfortable. “And what exactly would that be, Keeley?”

  “Realize Braeden is like an older brother to me, Willa. He’s always been there to protect me, and I for him, even though I’m not a Guardian like he, Delaney and Ryland are. He was the one who pushed for me to be allowed to train as a Huntress. If it weren’t for Braeden, I never would have been given the chance,” Keeley began.

  “A Huntress?” I asked, puzzled.

  “A Huntress is like a Guardian, only in female form. Only those selected by the Light Council may train to fight the Underworlders. Braeden petitioned on behalf of Keeley, though it was she who earned her place,” Allora explained softly.

  “Anyway,” Keeley continued, pausing until she had our full attention. “I feel it’s only fair for you to know that Braeden’s dated. A lot. He never dated anyone seriously, and as far as I know it was mostly all time spent between the sheets, then goodbye come morning. Or so I’ve heard.”

  I bit the inside of my cheek, digesting the information. I’d known from our brief conversations Braeden had dated. I hadn’t even considered the possibility of what experience he might have in the bedroom department. This was a moment of truth. I knew I didn’t have it in me to walk away from him, especially considering everything I had laying in front of me, yet did that mean I needed to just be okay with it and let the past be in the past? Having no experience with relationships, I had no clue.

  A fist came down on the door of Keeley’s room, making us all jump.

  “Took him long enough,” Keeley grumbled, heading towards the door.

  I didn’t have time to decipher what she meant before Braeden pushed the door open and stalked into the room. His golden gaze zeroed in on me and instantly softened, the hard plains of his face gentling.

  “I hate to break up your little party,” his eyes cut to the empty glasses of wine on the nightstand, “but I wondered if I might speak with Willa. Alone.”

  Allora rose from her seat, cupping Keeley’s elbow and pulling her towards the door.

  “Honesty is always the best policy,” she sweetly said before pulling a protesting Keeley out the door, shutting it behind them.

  Braeden turned towards me, a myriad of emotions flitting across his face. “How much do you hate me right now?”

  I jerked at the question, startled. “Why would you think I hate you?”

  “Because I wasn’t honest with you, because of everything I’ve done in my past, because Goddess knows I’d love to erase every wrong decision I’ve ever made if it makes you have faith in me again.”

  I rose to stand in front of him, tentatively reaching up to touch his cheek. I wanted nothing more than to ease the pained expression on his face, and in that moment, I knew. I knew this man had somehow slid into my heart and taken up permanent residence there. I knew I would never look at another man the same way I looked at Braeden. And I knew that the past didn’t matter, that all that mattered was the here and now.

  “I’ll always have faith in you, Braeden, even when you’re an idiot. And I don’t think I could ever hate you. You might make me angry enough to want to spit, but I don’t think I could ever hate you.”

  Braeden let out a pent up breath, cupping his hand around mine. “I’m sorry about my past. I can’t change the things I’ve done, but I can promise you’ll never question my motives where you’re concerned.”

  “And what exactly are your motives?” I slid my hand out from under his, needing the distance to think clearly. Despite wanting to do nothing more than fling myself into his arms and curl into his warmth, this was a conversation we needed to have. I knew I was long gone where Braeden was concerned, and despite Allora stating otherwise, I needed to know where Braeden stood. Was I just a passing fancy to him, the next girl on his list? Or was he only feeling this way because he knew once I came into my powers there would be no going back? I needed to know, preferably before my birthday on Saturday.

  Braeden’s empty hand flexed before dropping to his side.

  “Honestly? I want to protect you, to cherish you, and to make sure you’re never left needing anything.” He eyed the distance between us forlornly.

  “Because you’re my Guardian,” I stated, holding my breath while I awaited his answer.

  He shook his head, eyes glinting with fierce determination. “No, because I want to. I know you think my feelings are only a result of our tie together, but I can assure you they’re not. I’ve never felt this way about another person, and it began the day I walked into your Aunt’s shop. You stole the breath from my lungs and I knew, in that moment, I would never be the same without you.”

  Tears pricked the backs of my eyes at his proclamation, his words stirring my heart. Unable to wait another minute, I flung myself into his arms, wrapping my arms tightly around his waist while snuggling into the warmth of his body. His arms instantly went around me, holding me close as he buried his nose in my hair.

  “What happens now?” I mumbled against his chest, tipping my head back to find his golden gaze.

  He smiled, wiggling his eyebrows. “We kiss and make up?”

  I laughed, standing on tiptoe to press my lips to his. His arms tightened around me, his lips whispering across mine in a slow, seductive movement that left me warm and tingly from head to toe.

  I was breathless by the time we pulled apart, and I was thankful for the steadiness of his arms around me. “Does this mean we had our first fight? Because I didn’t much care for it.”

  He frowned, pressing a soft kiss to my brow. “I didn’t much care for it either, though it was my fault for not having told you the truth. I should have told you everything from the start.”

  “Told me everything, as in there’s more you haven’t told me?” I arched an eyebrow.

  He grinned. “Nope, I believe you’re completely filled in on all my devious ways.”

  “I highly doubt it,” Keeley announced, gliding back into the room with Allora in tow.

  “Glad to see all is well in here. Does this mean girl time is over for the evening?” Allora asked, looking sad.

  “If it’s all right with Willa, I think I’ll go hang out with Del and Ry for a bit and do some manly things and all that,” Braeden said, glancing at me. I smiled, nodding.

  “Please do. I’d hate to think we left idiot one and idiot two on their own for the evening. Goddess knows the trouble they’d get in to.” Keeley rolled her eyes in exaggeration.

  “I hate to be the party pooper, but I’m kind of tired.” I stifled a yawn behind my hand. All these late nights were really starting to wear on me. “I think I’ll probably head back to my room for the night.”

  Keeley pouted. “Aww, really? We didn’t even get to the part where we painted each other’s toenails and told our darkest s

  I laughed. “Something to look forward to the next time.”

  “I’ll take you back to your room,” Braeden offered, sliding an arm across my shoulders and steering me towards the door.

  “Good night, Willa. Sweet dreams,” Allora called behind us, elbowing a grumbling Keeley in the ribs.

  “Yeah, see you tomorrow,” Keeley added, rubbing her side and shooting Allora a glare.

  I waved as Braeden pulled me out the door, somewhat relieved at having escaped the secret telling session.

  Braeden’s arm slipped from my shoulders to curl about my waist. “Don’t let anything Keeley says upset you, Willa. Being a Huntress, she’s used to being around men and can be abrasive. She speaks her mind without first thinking about what’s coming out of her mouth.”

  “Keeley is…interesting, but in a good way.” I shrugged, a smile tugging my lips. “I like her. And despite her bluster, she seems pretty protective of you, Delaney and Ryland.”

  Braeden’s smile tightened, his face growing thoughtful. “That's not surprising. We were here in Guardian training when Keeley was first brought to the Council after Underworlder's murdered her parents.”

  I gasped, a hand flying to my lips. “That’s horrible. How old was she?”

  “Six. Since she had no living relatives, and the Council had many unsuccessful attempts at placing her in a foster home, she ended up here with us. We’ve been a small family ever since.”

  I smiled, liking how that sounded. “No wonder she’s the way she is. You boys broke her.”

  Braeden chuckled. “Keeley has always had a mind of her own. When we were doing our training, she would insist on being part of the group. She was damn good at it too, which is why I pushed for her to begin Huntress training when she turned sixteen. It’s all the life she’s ever known, and something she’s very good at.”

  The admiration in his voice was unmistakable, and I yearned for the closeness of their tight-knit group. “How did Delaney and Ryland come into the picture? Same as you?”

  Braeden shrugged. “More or less. Delaney came from Sussex. The youngest of four brothers, who were all Guardian’s before him, it came as no surprise when the Council called upon him to begin Guardian training.”

  We had reached the inner room where Ella sat behind her desk, eyes focused on the computer screen in front of her. The click of fingers on a keyboard filled the silence as we left the pink hall, and though her eyes never wavered from the computer screen, I wasn’t fooled into thinking she didn’t know we were there.

  “Ryland is a bit of a different story,” Braeden continued as we turned into the blue hallway. “An only child, his father raised him in New York until the Council came for him. He’s street smart, cocky as hell, and knows what he’s doing. Most of the time.”

  Yeah, that definitely sounded like the man I’d met tonight. “How long have you all been with the Council?”

  “Guardians are brought to Council when they turn ten, so fourteen years for me, and twelve for Ryland and Delaney.” Braeden drew to a stop outside the door to my room, turning to draw me into the circle of his arms.

  I chewed my lower lip, absorbing the information. That made Braeden twenty-four years old, and maturity wise, light years ahead of most guys his age.

  “I can take you inside, tuck you into bed if you’d like.” He nuzzled my cheek, and I smiled, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

  “I’ll be fine. Go, have fun with your friends. I’ll see you later.” I turned my head for one more quick kiss before pulling away.

  He frowned, keeping a hold of my hand. “You’re sure? I’m happy to ditch the guys if you aren’t comfortable being by yourself.”

  Inwardly, I cringed at the reminder of my meltdown, though was careful to keep my face neutral. I didn't want him to blow off his friends because he worried I would fall apart. We were safe within these walls, there was no reason to keep him glued to my side twenty-four-seven.

  “I’ll be fine,” I promised, squeezing his hand.

  “Sleep tight, Willa. I’ll return after the chest beating is done.” He leaned in for a lingering kiss before drawing back. Before I changed my mind, I slipped inside my room and closed the door behind me. I leaned against the door, listening until I could hear his footsteps recede in the hallway before drawing in a shaky breath. Left alone in the room's stillness, too late I was regretting my decision to send him away. Turning down the comforter of the bed, I settled in for what looked to be a long night of restless sleep.

  Chapter 17

  I rolled over in bed, my subconscious drifting in and out of a restless sleep. My hand slid along the edge of the sheet beneath me, gliding across the silky covers. Silky covers? My bed didn’t have silky covers. With a frown, I sat up with a jerk. I stared around me in a daze, taking in the massive canopied bed I lay in. A bed I most definitely did not lie down on to go to sleep in. This isn’t my room, I thought, absorbing the deep reds and browns surrounding me. What happened to my room? Shakily, I threw my legs over the side of the bed, dropping bare feet to a thickly carpeted floor. A glance at my pajamas revealed I was still wearing the pink ones I’d borrowed from Keeley the night before. But how had I gone from falling asleep in my bed to winding up here?

  A thick, terrycloth robe lay across the end of the bed, the soft material inviting against the cold chill in the room. Picking it up, I slid my arms into the sleeves, cinching the belt tightly at my waist. I opened the door to the bedroom, sparing a cautious peek into the hall. It was empty save for the massive oil paintings hanging on the walls and the antique furniture lining the hall. Taking a deep breath, I stepped into the hall, closing the door behind me.

  The sound of soft music reached my ears the minute I stepped into the hallway, beckoning me to the right. I followed the sound, my bare feet soundless on the plush carpet beneath them. At the end of the hall I reached a polished marbled floor that stretched to a railing. The railing lined the edge of the floor before it dropped to encase a circular staircase leading to a grand room below. The soft music was louder here, and I stepped up to the railing, tentatively touching the cold metal to peer into the large room below.

  A man sat on a piano bench in front of a grand piano, his eyes closed and handsome face intent on the music pouring from his fingertips as they flew across the piano keys. I listened to the melodious sounds while studying the handsome stranger’s face. Aristocratic features, high cheekbones and a full set of lips curved into a sensual smile, as if he knew a secret I did not. He had wavy dark hair that fell to his ears, the ends curling ever so slightly and bobbing with movement as he swayed to the music. I couldn’t seem to drag my gaze away from him, something about his face so achingly familiar…

  “Good evening, Willa.” His deep voice startled me from my reverie, and when his eyes opened to meet mine, the mesmerizing silvery gaze caused the breath to catch in the back of my throat.

  “H-How do you know my name?” I stammered, feeling my face heat.

  He smiled, the sensual movement curving his lips fully upwards and sending a curious flutter through my stomach. In one fluid movement, he rose from the bench and began to mount the staircase, his silvery gaze never once wavering from mine.

  “I know all there is to know about you, Willa Devries. I’ve waited a long time for you to come to me.” He drew to a stop in front of me, and I swallowed, noticing he was even more handsome up close. My body quivered at his nearness. Braeden, my mind desperately thought. Where is Braeden? He was going to flip when he found me gone.

  “I don’t understand. How did I get here?” I managed a deep, slow breath to calm my rapidly beating heart.

  “You’re only here as long as your mind allows it. In truth, you are still slumbering in your bed.” He tilted his head to the side, eyeing me curiously.

  Relief flooded me. “You mean I’m still asleep? This is just a dream?” If this was just a dream, I’d wake up soon and Braeden would be right there. Everything would be fine.

/>   The man chuckled, the musical sound pleasing to my ears. “Yes, and no. Yes, you are asleep, but this is more than just a dream. You are in the dream realm I created.”

  My stomach tightened uneasily, not liking the sound of that. “And just who are you?”

  “Forgive me for being remiss. My name is Lucian.” He swept my hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to the back of it. The hot press of his lips against my skin sent a crackle of heat rushing through my veins, and I gasped, quickly jerking my hand from his grasp.

  “And what are you, exactly?” I added, deftly trying to ignore the way my skin still tingled from the touch of his lips.

  “I’m a Warlock, Willa.”

  My eyes widened in horror, and I took a receding step away from him.

  “You’re an Underworlder.” Chest tight with anxiety, I took another stumbling step backwards, dodging his hand when he reached towards me.

  “I gather by your reaction you have a rather poor perception of Underworlders.” He watched in amusement as I side-stepped his hand and headed towards the staircase.

  I hurried down them, having no clue where I was going but smart enough to know I needed to get away from him. Fast.

  “My perception is based on what I’ve seen your kind do, so, yes, I suppose it is a rather poor perception,” I threw over my shoulder, jerking to an abrupt halt when my gaze collided with the spot where he’d just been standing. And now wasn’t.

  “Not all Underworlders are the same, Willa. You shouldn’t classify us all in the same category without knowing the full details.” Lucian's voice came from behind me and with a gasp, I spun around. My foot slipped on the step and I teetered, ready to topple down the rest of the staircase. Before I could fall, his strong arms wrapped around me, and I was pulled into his embrace. My heart hammering wildly, I tilted my head back to stare up at him, losing myself in the mesmerizing swirls of his silvery gaze. That face, those eyes…

  “I know you,” I said in a bare whisper, finally piecing together where I’d seen him before. “You were in my vision.” He was the mysterious face in the scarves I’d seen that day at Sadie’s shop. But how, or why?


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