Into the Light (a Lightkeeper Novel Book 1)

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Into the Light (a Lightkeeper Novel Book 1) Page 16

by Amy Manemann

  “Sit down, Willa.” Evanore’s thundering voice startled me, and I instantly sat, too shocked to do anything else. “Now,” she continued in a quieter tone, “are you quite finished?”

  Mutely, I nodded.

  “Good. Do you realize what would have happened if the Council had discovered you are half Lightkeeper, half Wizard? Or what the Underworld could do with such knowledge? Not to mention you are part of the prophecy of three. You are, in fact, the most powerful Lightkeeper to ever have lived, Willa. Ronan recognized that, as did your mother, and they knew the dangers if he claimed you as his child. Once the word got out, you would have been hunted. It would have only been a matter of time before Ronan’s power weakened, rendering him incapable of further protecting his infant daughter. But, if he allowed you to grow into an adult without anyone ever having the knowledge of your powers, he knew you would stand a better chance at protecting yourself.”

  Her words softened my anger, filling me with shame. I ducked my head, unable to meet her somber gaze as sorrow filled me at the awful picture she painted. I couldn’t even begin to imagine the sacrifice it must have took for Ronan to do what he did, giving up my mother and me like that for the greater good. While I wanted to remain angry for him not having fought harder for our family, I realized I also couldn’t fault him for the heartbreaking path he had chosen.

  “Where is he now? Does he know I’m here?” I softly asked, raising my eyes to Evanore’s.

  Evanore smiled, nodding. “He resides in his kingdom in the Underworld and yes, I’m certain he is very aware you are here. When you said Lucian was the one to bring this to your attention I had thought Ronan sent him, though it would appear Lucian is working on a schedule of his own.”

  Braeden stiffened at the mention of Lucian’s name again, and he curled a protective arm around my shoulders. “Lucian is a menace. I intend on finding out exactly what he wants and make sure he leaves Willa alone.”

  “Did Aunt Sadie know all of this?” I used the question to divert Braeden’s attention from Lucian, though I hated the thought that Sadie had once again kept another secret from me.

  Evanore shook her head. “No, Sadie was not aware of these facts. Upon her return to the Light Council, Arianna never revealed your father’s name, only that he was no longer in this world. She did not lie. After she left him, your father remained in his kingdom in the Underworld and has not been seen in our world since.”

  Chapter 19

  I reached for the end of my braid, twisting the end nervously. This was a lot to take in, and my brain felt like it was on overdrive. He never left the Underworld again. I couldn’t fathom the heartbreak Ronan must have felt after losing both of us. I didn’t know much about Underworlders, but my heart twisted painfully at the thought of someone being denied a chance at love and happiness.

  “Does he ever see anyone?” Braeden stiffened beside me, already knowing where I was going with this.

  “Don’t even think about it, Willa,” he breathed, and I could hear the hard edge in his voice.

  “Don’t even think about what?” I angled my body towards his. “About seeing my father? Because if I get a chance to see him, that’s exactly what I’m going to.”

  It was Evanore who spoke, surprising me. “But you cannot go to the Underworld, Willa. It is far too dangerous. You are too close to gaining your full powers and the minute you stepped out of Council Headquarters, the dark forces would sense your presence. As it is, they are flocking to the city, drawn here by you. If it were made known that you were here, there would be no stopping them.”

  Just knowing there were Underworlder’s who had followed me to London gave me chills. “But you said they built the Light Council on sacred ground. They can’t come in here.”

  “It is true,” Evanore said slowly, “yet there are other ways to draw you out to them.”

  My eyes widened, flickering between Evanore and Braeden. “You think Lucian is trying to draw me out.”

  Evanore nodded. “It is a possibility. Lucian is a creature like no other. His father was a Warlock, his mother a Demigoddess. He, of course, inherited the more powerful bloodline of his father, though he does have his mother’s Demigoddess powers in him.”

  “I thought Warlocks were all gross looking with long, misshapen hands and fingers. Lucian looked…,” my voice trailed off, my cheeks burning as I realized what I’d been about to say. Lucian was handsome, there wasn’t any other way to put it. I knew in my heart my loyalties were with Braeden, but I couldn’t ignore the fact that the handsome Warlock had turned my head.

  Evanore chuckled. “Lucian is quite handsome, which is the influence of his Demigoddess mother. You are correct, though. Warlocks typically have disfigured joints and unusual skin coloring. It is because of Lucian’s mother that he possesses such a beautiful face.”

  Braeden snorted, shifting in his seat. “Beautiful is a bit of a stretch, Evanore. Don’t you think?”

  I elbowed him in the ribs, biting back a smile.

  “Regardless,” Evanore continued, her knowing gaze holding mine, “he isn’t someone to trust until we know what he wants.”

  I shrugged. “Well, I have no clue there. He mainly talked about my mother and her involvement in the Alliance. I got the impression he wanted me to pick up the cause where my mother left off.”

  “I find that very interesting, considering Lucian’s father was against the Alliance from the start,” Evanore mused.

  I frowned, biting my lower lip. “Lucian. What’s his story, anyway?”

  “Lucian’s father, Malakai, was a high Warlock who ruled the Underworld with an iron fist.” Evanore folded her hands primly in her lap. “When your mother first approached him with the idea of an Alliance, he mocked her, stating it would never come to pass. He saw it as treason against their kind and made it well known how he would view those who accepted the alliance.”

  “But others did go along with the Alliance. Were they considered enemies of the Underworld then?” I pressed, curious. I’d only been looking at things from my mother’s point of view, not having considered the possibility that the Underworlders who went along with the Alliance would have been considered traitors by their own kind. It shouldn’t have surprised me, considering my own mother was labeled a traitor for her part in things.

  Evanore nodded. “Yes, but they viewed the Alliance as being for the greater good. Whether anyone will admit it, our two worlds are an equal balance of nature. Where you find good, you will always find an element of evil. It’s as the Goddess intended.”

  “The Goddess intended for there to be evil in the world? She didn’t think that one through very well,” I mumbled.

  Evanore eyed me sharply, her face pinched in disapproval. “Make no mistake, Willa. Everything the Goddess does is well thought out. You would do well to remember that.”

  Her scrutiny made me flinch, and I ducked my head under.

  “However,” she continued evenly, much to my relief, “I don’t understand what possible reason Lucian could have to go against his father’s rule to forge a new Alliance.”

  “My guess is he doesn’t truly want the Alliance, only the appearance of it. Lucian’s a loose cannon, always has been. He’s more than likely taken one of his schemes too far and has fallen out of daddy’s good graces. If he were to instigate a new Alliance only to turn around and crush it, he’d make daddy proud.”

  Braeden’s condescending tone set my teeth on edge. Just because Lucian was an Underworlder didn’t automatically mean he was one of the bad guys, did it?

  “Just because you don’t like the guy doesn’t mean you can just say stuff like that, Braeden. We don’t know what he wants. Innocent until proven guilty, remember? Or does that not apply to Underworlders?”

  His face went slack in hurt and surprise. Realizing what I’d just said, I gasped, covering my mouth with my hand. By the Goddess, what was I saying? I didn’t know anything about Lucian, and he could very well be the jerk Braeden painted him to
be. Still, it didn’t sit right to just bash the Warlock without just cause.

  “I apologize, Willa. I didn’t mean to offend you,” he said softly, his golden gaze holding mine.

  I sighed, covering his hand with mine. “I know. It’s just…my mother fought to forge an Alliance with the Underworlders and lost her life in the process. I can’t help but feel if she thought there were some in the Underworld worth taking that risk for, then perhaps there’s something more to be learned from such prejudices.”

  “Spoken like a true Devries.” Evanore beamed her approval. “Your mother would have been so proud to hear you say such words.”

  “Thank you, though I’m nowhere near the woman my mother was. I just think there’s a lesson to learn in everything, especially where Lucian is concerned. He may be up to something, but I didn’t get the impression he meant me harm.”

  The last sentence I directed at Braeden, who blew out a sigh. “All right, so we’ll trust the Warlock. For now. But no more of this sneaking around in dreams. If he wishes to meet with us, it needs to be on common ground when I can be in attendance.”

  He would have no argument from me. “How are we supposed to do that? We’re in the Council, remember? Sacred ground.”

  He shrugged as if that was a moot point. “We’ll figure something out. In the meantime, Evanore, do you have a dream stone Willa can wear at night?”

  “I believe I have just the thing.” Rising from her seat, Evanore disappeared into the other room.

  I eyed Braeden quizzically. “What’s a dream stone?”

  “It’s a gem designed to protect your dreams from anyone entering them, namely Lucian. As long as you wear it when you sleep, no one can invade your dreams.”

  Evanore returned with a necklace, a beautiful violet stone attached to the end. “This was your mother’s dream stone. She entreated it to me to one day pass on to you.”

  I swallowed the tears that suddenly lodged in the back of my throat, tentatively taking the precious necklace from her. The purple gemstone winked up at me, the brilliance of the color sparkling in the soft light.

  “She knew what would happen, didn’t she?” Lifting my hands, I dropped the necklace over my head. The stone settled against my collarbone, the weight comforting.

  Eyes sad, Evanore nodded. “Yes, though she would have done nothing to change the course of her actions. She loved you and your father with every breath of her being and believed what she was doing would pave the way for a brighter future. She wasn’t wrong. Everyone deserves to find and keep their own happiness with whom ever they find it. Love is a rare thing to experience. It should be given a chance when found.”

  I turned to Braeden, finding him staring at me intently. My heart swelled as I lost myself in his golden gaze, knowing Evanore was right. Everyone deserved to find love and keep it, no matter what. While I didn’t fully understand my feelings for Braeden, I knew without a doubt that if anyone ever told me we couldn’t be together, it would devastate me.

  The week flew by amid a flurry of constant training and spending time with my new group of friends. To help speed up my training, everyone was pitching in a hand with different areas. Allora taught me the concept of how my powers could be used to dispel light when being attacked, while Delaney taught me hand to hand combat techniques. Ryland worked with me in the exercise room, honing muscles I never knew could ache, and Keeley taught me Bokator, an ancient Cambodian martial art form.

  Braeden helped with everything, patiently showing me the right movements when Keeley grew frustrated with my botched attempts, and lending a hand with Delaney’s hand to hand combat training. By the time Friday rolled around, I was exhausted, but pleased by my progress. I was a far cry from being able to race into battle, though I was confident I could ward off an attack should the need arise.

  Since receiving my mother’s necklace, Lucian had been absent in my dreams, though not far from my thoughts. I constantly thought of him, curious as to his true intentions and what he was really planning. Thoughts that weren’t so innocent also plagued me, like the memory of his strong arms around me, the smirk on his full lips, the secrets swimming in the depths of his sultry, silvery eyes... It was maddening to think this much about him, and I felt horribly guilty every time Braeden was near. If Braeden thought anything of my quietness, he kept it to himself.

  Despite Lucian invading my thoughts, my feelings for Braeden had grown stronger over the past week. I looked forward to waking up in his arms, seeing the way his eyes crinkled in the corners when he laughed, and feeling the hot press of his lips against mine. We hadn’t taken our relationship past more than kissing, which was a relief. Having never been in a relationship like this before, I knew I wasn’t ready for that final step, and like the gentleman he was, Braeden didn’t push the issue. It was as if he sensed my uncertainty and made it a point of letting me know he was okay with that.

  The approach of my birthday weighed heavily on me, and when I awoke early Friday morning, I felt the press of it on my shoulders. I had no idea what to expect other than Allora explaining I would be filled with light and have more power running through me than I’d ever experienced. It was both thrilling and terrifying at the same time.

  Knowing sleep would evade me and not wanting to disturb Braeden, I quietly slipped out from under the covers, gathered the clothing I’d laid out the night and headed into the bathroom. The hot steam from the shower helped to clear the cobwebs in my mind, and by the time I emerged, my skin was a nice shade of pink.

  Briskly drying off, I hung up the towel to dry before slipping on my clothes, which comprised my usual attire of comfortable yoga pants and a bright blue t-shirt. I’d found the non-restrictive clothing to be useful during training, the stretchy material allowing my body to move fluidly when need be.

  Opening the bathroom door, I flipped off the light and entered the main room, drawing up short at seeing Braeden sitting up in bed, a blanket pooled around his bare waist. Warmth spread to my cheeks at his half naked state, very well aware of the fact that he wore only a pair of pajama pants under the spare blanket. He still insisted on sleeping on top of the covers while I slept underneath, though he had stolen a blanket from his room to sleep under. His hair was in wild disarray, giving him a deliciously rumpled appearance. A smile cracked the corners of his mouth upon seeing me, and when he opened his arms, I didn’t hesitate to fold myself into them.

  He nuzzled the top of my wet head. “Mmm…you smell good.”

  I laughed, tilting my face to press a light kiss on his lips.

  “That’s what happens when you shower,” I informed him sweetly, drawing back with a smile.

  His grin deepened, making his eyes crinkle and a dimple appear in one cheek. My heart expanded.

  “Huh. I never would have guessed it.” He tucked a wet strand of hair behind my ear. “What has you up so bright and early, love? Training doesn’t start for another few hours.”

  “I couldn’t sleep so I thought I’d get moving earlier, maybe get some extra training in. We only have today.” I dropped my gaze, not wanting him to see my worry.

  Braeden tucked a finger under my chin, raising my gaze back to his. “You’ll be ready for whatever tomorrow brings, Willa. I promise you that. And I’ll be right here with you.”

  I sighed, chewing my lower lip. “I know. I just can’t help but wonder if I’m really prepared. I mean, what if my powers come and I set the Council on fire?”

  “Then they’d have an awful interesting insurance claim to file.” He laughed softly, tracing a long finger down the side of my cheek. “Don’t worry, Willa. You’re ready. Everything will go fine, and you’ll be perfect.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Easy for you to say. You’re not the one getting flame thrower capabilities.”

  “You can’t throw fire, just light,” he interjected, to which I stuck out my tongue.

  “Whatever, you know what I mean. I’m serious, Braeden. What will happen if my powers come, and I can’t control th

  Braeden eyed me for a beat then shifted on the bed, carefully dropping my feet to the floor before pushing us both up to stand. My eyes traveled the delicious length of his bare torso, taking in the well-defined muscles and abs lining his chest and stomach. Biting my lower lip, I forced my gaze up to meet his.

  “I had planned on cutting your training early today so I could show you something, but now is as good a time as any.”

  "A good time as any for what?"

  "If I told you, then it won't be a surprise." He winked, backpedaling towards the bathroom. "You'll have to wait and see."

  The bathroom door slid shut and I dropped on the edge of the bed to wait. A surprise? How in the world did he find the time to put one together? Whatever it was, I hoped it involved less and more downtime, because I got the feeling that after tomorrow, downtime was going to be in short commodity.

  Chapter 20

  “Do you remember when I taught you how to find your inner light?”

  We were standing in the middle of a beautiful garden, facing each other. Like the pool-room, the room was magic and filled with a meadow of beautiful flowers that stretched as far as the eye could see. A bright blue sky hung overhead, thick fluffy clouds drifting on an errant breeze. The whole atmosphere was so peaceful I felt instantly at ease the minute we stepped through the doorway which was probably good since I had no clue what Braeden had up his sleeve.

  "Yes."I nodded. “Just relax, and let my mind go.”

  “Right. This exercise is the same, only instead of searching for your inner light, I want you to find my magic.”

  I arched an eyebrow, skeptical. “And how am I supposed to do that, exactly?”


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