Into the Light (a Lightkeeper Novel Book 1)

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Into the Light (a Lightkeeper Novel Book 1) Page 20

by Amy Manemann

  “Uh, maybe we should wait a few minutes or something. I did just eat. I’m sure there’s something about not walking through portals on a full stomach,” I protested, my mind racing through my training techniques. Calm my mind, reach for my light. Would I be able to do this with an enemy standing right in front of me?

  Evanore stepped towards me, her hands already raised. “Don’t be absurd. Now, be a good girl and hold still. This will only take a moment and won’t hurt a bit.”

  Calm your mind I chanted in my head, taking deep, even breaths as her hands settled on my shoulders. Her fingers dug cruelly into my shoulder blades, and I could feel the effects of her magic working over me as I fought to find my inner light, reaching for the shimmering glow just within my grasp…

  A blinding light flooded the room, sending me careening backwards. I braced myself for the bone jarring hit I knew was about to come, only to gasp when I was easily caught and embraced by a pair of strong arms.

  “Just couldn’t wait for me to start the fun, could you?” Lucian crooned in my ear.

  My eyes flew open in shock, the steely bands of his arms encircling my body instantly making me feel safe. I sagged against him in relief.

  “You were too slow. I had to start the ball rolling,” I managed, rewarded with one of his heart-stopping grins.

  Lucian lowered me to my feet, tucking me safely behind him as he turned to face Ronan. Evanore lay unconscious on the floor, the right side of her body completely singed. I knew I should have felt remorse for the devastation my powers had wrought, but I didn’t. And that scared me more than anything else.

  Ronan eyed us warily, his eyes locked on the Warlock standing in front of me, shielding my body with his. “Lucian, I was not aware you were so well acquainted with my daughter.”

  Lucian stiffened, jaw slacking in surprise. “Your daughter?”

  Ronan waved a hand through the air, amused he’d been able to surprise the Warlock. “Yes, Willa is my daughter, and if you don’t mind, we’re in the middle of a little family reunion.”

  I snorted in disbelief.

  Lucian merely grinned, having already gotten over his initial shock. “I don’t mind at all, but I believe Willa’s Guardian may have something to say about this little reunion of yours. Perhaps next time you deem to pay Willa a visit, you could give her a ring first. Her Guardian is a stickler about things like propriety.”

  I would have laughed if not for the thunderous look on Ronan’s face that made me cringe in fear. Lucian’s magic coiled around the both of us, anchoring me to him as he set a protection shield in place.

  “Malakai’s son, you are an Underworlder and therefore under my domain. You will hand over my daughter to me or there will be consequences. One's even my alliance with your father cannot undo,” Ronan warned.

  Lucian laughed incredulously. “My father would never agree to an alliance with you, Ronan. Our kingdoms have been at war for centuries.”

  Ronan slowly smiled, the chilling sight making me curl my fingers tightly into the back of Lucian’s shirt. “Your naivety proves your father’s distrust of you. Perhaps I'll doing him a favor by being rid of you altogether.”

  Lucian chuckled, unfazed. “Perhaps. If you actually stood a chance, old man.”

  Bright blue flames shot out of Lucian’s hands and slammed into Ronan, sending him crashing to the floor. I gasped in shock, my hand covering my mouth at the raw power I felt coursing through Lucian’s body. His power called to mine, and I could feel my power struggle to rise to the surface, eager to join the battle.

  Ronan wiped the corner of his bloodied mouth off on the sleeve of his coat, giving a brittle laugh. “Nice shot, Warlock, though not nearly as good as mine.”

  Lucian whirled around to wrap me in his arms as a fiery light engulfed us. I buried my face in Lucian’s chest, his body dipping and bending around mine as he tried to keep the light from reaching us. Finally, the fiery light receded and Lucian’s arms weakened around me, a weary smile tugging the corners of his mouth. Whatever Ronan had thrown at us had drained him, I could feel it.

  I glanced at Ronan over Lucian’s shoulder, noting with small relief that he appeared weakened as well, though not as much as Lucian. Straightening, Lucian slowly turned back towards Ronan, keeping his body firmly planted in front of mine.

  “Is that all you’ve got, Wizard? I have to tell you, after years of having heard about you and all your awesome powers, I’m a bit disappointed,” Lucian tossed out with a gloating grin.

  I gasped, smacking him in the back at his brazenness. His body was shaking with the exertion it took to hold our fragile shield in place, and he was egging my father into a fight? Was he trying to get us both killed?

  To my relief, the door to the portal room flew open with a blast, and bodies poured inside, Braeden at the lead. Giving me a quick glance over to ensure I was all right, he positioned himself in front of Lucian, flanked by Ryland and Delaney. Keeley took up post at my side, sliding an arm around my waist in comfort, while Allora put herself front and center of the entire group. Her magic whirled around her like crackling electricity, making the hairs on my arms stand on end. You had to love it when the cavalry included a powerful, pissed off, White Witch.

  “Ronan Vale, you are not welcome here. I would ask that you leave these premises at once,” Allora said in a thundering voice that shook the walls of the frozen room.

  “Evanore too,” I added, quickly explaining, “She's the reason the Underworlder's were able to breach the Council. She's working with Ronan.”

  That news didn't sit well, and all eyes swung to Evanore, who was just beginning to come around with a moan of pain.

  Ronan’s lips twisted into a sneer. “Do you think you’re strong enough to take me on then, Witch?”

  Allora arched an eyebrow. “At your strongest, no, but I can feel your weakened powers even from here. You know as well as I that you would not best me in this match.”

  Ronan’s hands tightened into fists, and I waited on bated breath, wondering if he would attempt the murderous thoughts shining in his emerald eyes. Seeing a losing battle, his hands slowly loosened, and he moved to assist Evanore. He really was too weak to fight Allora, I realized, giddy with relief. We all watched while Ronan lifted Evanore’s burned body into his arms before turning to the shimmering portal wall behind him. He hesitated before stepping inside, glancing back at me. “This isn’t over, Willa. Just like your mother, you will come to me. Until then, I’ll just have to appease myself with your Light Sister’s powers.”

  And just like that, he disappeared through the portal, taking with him any dreams I once harbored of having a loving father.

  “He has Addison and Riley,” I said in a bare whisper, the certainty of it like a fist to the gut. Tipping my head back, I closed my eyes, the burn of unshed tears pricking the back of my eyelids. Ronan’s parting words hadn’t weren't a cheap shot. The arrogance in his tone had been too confident and self-assured, that even though beaten for the moment, he knew he still held the winning hand.

  Allora sealed the portal door while Lucian lowered his shields, his hands shaking slightly from the amount of power he’d used. My heart pinched when he turned to face me, and I could see the sheen of sweat glistening on his forehead, despite the freezing temperatures of the room.

  “Are you all right?” I asked, worried.

  He grinned, giving a wink. I noticed his grin lacked its usual cocky luster. “Nothing a little TLC won’t cure.”

  Before I could question him further Braeden drew me into his arms, his hands and eyes roaming over me for any signs of injury. Wearily, I collapsed against him, the adrenaline that had been keeping me standing upright finally beginning to fade.

  “Are you hurt anywhere?” he asked, hands framing either side of my face.

  I shook my head. “I’m fine, just a few bruises here and there. If it hadn’t been for Lucian, I’d be a whole lot worse right now.”

  Braeden frowned, turning towards th
e Warlock. Lucian had moved to lean wearily against the wall, fatigue still lining his face.

  “Tonight seems to be your night for rescue parties, Lucian. Care to explain how twice now you seemed to be in the right place at the right time?”

  Lucian gave a small lift of his shoulder, looking indifferent. “Unlike you, Golden Boy, I’m plugged into the Underworld gossip and know when things are going down.”

  “You knew the Council was being invaded tonight?” Delaney’s voice was tight in quiet anger.

  “Not until it was too late to warn you. I came as soon as I discovered the truth, and by then you were already engaged in battle.”

  “How were you able to find Willa?” Braeden asked, bringing Lucian’s gaze back to his.

  A smug smile turned up the corner of Lucian’s mouth. “When I placed her shields, I connected our minds on the off chance she might need future assistance. Or in case she just wanted to chat.”

  I bit my lower lip, cheeks burning. Braeden shot an incredulous look first at me, then at Lucian, understanding dawning.

  “You son of a…,” he snarled, flying across the room to wrap his hands around Lucian’s neck.

  Ryland cut him off at the pass, wrapping a beefy arm around Braeden’s neck and jerking him tight against his chest. “Hold up there, Brae. He not only saved Willa, but our butts back in the ballroom. Let’s not tear him limb from limb just yet.”

  Braeden snarled, anger making his nostrils flare. “Like hell I won’t. You had no right to invade her mind like that, Warlock. I’ll see you pay for that.”

  Lucian laughed. “I didn’t exactly get the impression she minded all that much.”

  “Only because I had no choice.” I gritted my teeth, shooting him a glare. “Ryland’s right, though. If it hadn’t been for our mind connection Lucian wouldn’t have been able to find me in time.”

  “And all the merrier for the Warlock saving the day.” Lucian twirled his hands in the air grandly. “I do have to say, hanging around you White Lighters is getting exhausting.”

  “Don’t be an ass,” I snapped, arching an eyebrow when he stupidly grinned.

  Braeden shrugged out of Ryland’s hold, eyes shooting daggers at Lucian as he returned to my side. “This is far from over, Lucian.”

  Lucian nodded, looking thoughtful. “I don’t doubt it.”

  I barely paid either any attention, the dull throb of my heartbeat pulsing in my veins, making me feel languid and sluggish. The adrenaline was definitely wearing off.

  Keeley snorted, giving a large eye roll. “If you boys are done with your pissing match, I think I should remind you the Council isn’t fully secure. We need to evacuate to a safe house as quickly as possible.”

  Braeden’s face sobered, and he turned to Allora. “Are you able to reopen the portal?”

  She nodded. “Of course. Give me a few minutes, and we’ll be ready to go.”

  Voices swirled around me as everyone made plans to leave. I barely listened, feeling strangely unattached and distant from the rest of the group. My body felt as though it were floating, a disorienting feeling considering I was still standing. I thought I was anyway. I glanced down to make certain my feet were rooted to the floor, a giggle escaping. Yup, still standing.

  “Willa?” Braeden’s concerned voice floated to me over the sea of voices, and I lifted my heavy head, the movement making everything in the room spin.

  “Too…heavy…,” I mumbled, swaying unsteadily on my feet.

  My body pitched forward, and Braeden swept me into his arms just as a burst of white light exploded in my sluggish mind. The last thing I remembered before a blinding pain wracked my body was a scream ripping from my throat.

  Chapter 24

  I awoke with a start, a scream strangling the back of my throat. The blinding light in the room forced my eyes immediately shut, and I whimpered as a burning pain coursed through every inch of my body. By the Goddess, was I burning from the inside out? I gritted my teeth to keep from crying aloud.

  “You are safe, Willa. All will be well.” The feel of a gentle hand touched my forehead, momentarily soothing the burning pain.

  “I don’t know what to do.” I gasped in agony, biting my lower lip.

  “You must rest, Willa. This will pass,” the voice reassured me.

  Unable to bear the pain any longer, I welcomed the abyss of sleep as unconsciousness once again took over.

  When I awoke a second time, it wasn’t to a light blinding my eyes, and the burning pain had lessened to just a slightly uncomfortable feeling. I sat up slowly in the white feather bed I lay in, studying my surroundings. I didn't know where I was, but judging by the all-white room, I didn't get the impression I was still at the Council.

  “You have awakened. How do you feel?” a voice spoke from beside me, startling me from my reverie.

  I jerked my gaze towards the voice but found only empty space, a white wall void of anything. “Who…who are you?”

  Soft laughter responded, the sound washing over me in gentle waves.

  “Perhaps it would be better if I showed you.”

  Seconds later, a shimmering white light glowed in the center of the room, the distinct outline of a person illuminated in the sheer brilliance of the glowing light. I shielded my eyes, unable to stand the burn of the light touching them, yet unable to look away, until the light slowly faded and a woman stepped into view.

  Her dark hair fell to her waist in waves, swirling gently around curved hips as she walked towards me. Her lips were curled upward in a smile, a smile filled with such love and tenderness it made my heart ache. I would know her anywhere, having stared at her picture a million times throughout the years, and a lump formed in my throat when her emerald eyes fell upon mine.

  “Mom?” I rasped, hardly able to believe this was true. Had I died? Was I in heaven?

  Her smile widened, and she nodded, moving to sit next to me on the bed. She gently smoothed strands of hair from my face, the tenderness in her touch making my heart constrict painfully in my chest.

  “Am I dead?” I asked softly, touching her hand to assure myself she was real and sitting next to me.

  Arianna laughed, shaking her head. “You have not died, my love. You are in the Light.”

  “I’m not sure what that means, exactly.”

  “Your powers have come upon you, and your body is regenerating. While you regenerate, your spirit goes into the Light for safekeeping until it is ready to rejoin your body,” she explained.

  “And the pain?”

  “It is a painful process, I’m afraid.” She winced, as if remembering things long past. “Even with your spirit in the Light you will feel the painful effects of the light regenerating your body. It will not last long.”

  Well, at least that was good news. “I don’t understand. How are you here?”

  She smiled. “When a Lightkeeper passes, their spirit reenters the light. Though their earthly form is no longer there, their light spirit will live for eternity.”

  I swallowed, my mind trying to absorb her words. “So, this is like a Lightkeeper Heaven, then?”

  She laughed, eyes sparkling with amusement. “Your sense of humor never fails to amuse me, Willa. The Light Realm is a part of what humans call Heaven. It is our job to assist those into the light when their time comes.”

  “Wait a minute, you can see me down on Earth?”

  “Yes.” She touched my cheek, sighing softly. “I’ve followed you from the moment my spirit returned to the Light. Sadie has done a wonderful job raising you, as I knew she would. You have turned into a remarkable young woman, Willa.”

  I flushed under the praise. “Um, thanks. What happens now?”

  How much time do we have together? That was the question I really wanted to ask, but I couldn’t force the words past my lips. A sad smile crossed her face, and I knew, without asking, she knew my thoughts.

  “Oh Willa, I would give anything in this world to spend precious time with you, but our time grow
s short, and there is much I must tell you.”

  Her eyes begged me to understand, and I swallowed the lump in my throat, nodding. I understood, even if I didn’t want to. “What do I need to know?”

  Arianna smiled, her eyes lit with approval. “That’s my girl. First things first, your father is not a man to trust. I trusted him once and thought I was in love with him, but he is a great deceiver. By the time I discovered the extent of his deceit it was too late, and my life blood was bound eternally with his.”

  “He kidnapped you,” I stated flatly.

  “Yes, and no. I went willingly with him when he first came for me, believing his words of love as truth. It wasn’t until we arrived in the Underworld that I realized his true intentions, and by then it was too late for me to return. The binding spell had already been performed, and my soul would never be rid of his.” Her eyes grew dim, sadness taking over.

  My heart ached for the woman my mother had been, so young and thinking herself in love, only to have the fairy tale ripped apart by the monster that is my father. I touched her hand, reveling in the softness of her skin beneath my fingertips. “I’m so sorry, Mom.”

  She smiled, the light chasing away the demons lurking. “For every evil in this world there is good. You are that good, Willa. You were my shining light, the one thing that gave me hope when I thought none existed. If it weren’t for you, I would have given into Ronan’s darkness long before my light went out.” She cleared her throat, swallowing against unsaid emotions. “But I digress, and there is more you need to know. When you awaken, your power will fill you. Do not be afraid of it, Willa. You must embrace it. It is a part of who you are, and you'll find it easier to call upon it at whim.”

  “I’m not sure I understand.”

  “When you were training to find your light, you were seeking your inner source, the inner sanctuary. Now that your power has been unleashed, you need only to feel it running through your veins to call it to yourself.”


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