Home > Other > LOVE ABOVE LAW > Page 9

by Alvarez, Sandy

  "Hey, man. How's it—"

  "Kai, I need a location," I call out Leyna's cell number hoping he can pinpoint its signal.

  "Give me a minute."




  "Phone says she's at 204 Sky Rd."

  Hanging up on Kai without giving an explanation, I reach across the console, grab my work phone, and place a direct call to the sheriff.

  "Sheriff Harrison."

  "Sheriff, this is Agent Taylor."

  "Make it quick, Taylor, I'm on my way out." I hear rustling then sirens ring out in the background.

  "I'm reporting shots fired at—," I rack my brain trying to remember the address Kai gave me over the phone. "204 Sky Rd." I have to swallow past the lump in my throat to finish my sentence. "I was on the phone with a potential victim as an intruder entered the residence."

  "Goddammit," the sheriff mutters under his breath. "Agent Taylor, that happens to be the location of the call I'm in the process of responding to now. Any more information you can give me at this time?"

  "I couldn't make out every word. From the sounds of it I believe the phone was left in another room of the home as everything took place, but I can tell you for certain there was more than one struggle and two shots fired," I inform him wishing this damn truck would move faster.

  "I'll pass that along. Taylor, I'm aware you were already on your way to the station for other reasons, but we have one hell of a snowstorm bearing down on us and the back roads are going to be hell to get through. I suggest you stay on all main roads coming into town. I'll update you on the situation once I know more." I don't take it personally when he disconnects the call. Sheriff Harrison can come off as a hard-nosed prick, but he runs a tight department and takes shit from no one; and I like that about him.

  The waiting is fucking killing me. The sound of the wiper blades become the only sound of time ticking by.

  I look at my time, then punch in Leyna's Location on the GPS. I'm still thirty minutes out from the Polson exit and then at least another twenty minutes before I can get to the other side of town. A lot can happen in that short span of time. "Hang in there, beautiful." The mass amount of snow falling has slowed me down. Needing to know something I tune the police scanner until I find Polson PD.

  "Lawrence, what's your location?"

  "Sky Rd. Ahead of EMS, Polson Medical ETA 10 minutes with the second victim."

  My stomach drops hearing the word victim. Instead of heading toward Sky Rd I head toward the local hospital.

  Flying into the parking lot of the hospital, my tires screech as I pull up to the patient drop off and leap out of the vehicle. The moment I burst through the emergency room doors I see Leyna's brother Gabriel along with a few other bikers standing beside him. "Where the hell is Leyna?" I roar bringing more attention to my presence. Rage builds the moment Leyna's brother steps in front of me. I square off with the motherfucker. I don't give two shits who he is. I'll walk through all these men to get to her if I have to.

  "What the fuck you doin' here askin' about my sister, Taylor? This is a family emergency, and you are not family. Get the fuck out of here," Gabriel growls.

  My nostrils flare, and I get in his face. "I was on the phone with your sister, motherfucker while that crazy son of a bitch terrorized them. I heard the whole goddamn thing play out." My fists clench at my sides with anger. "Where the fuck were you?" I challenge. "Now, either get out of my way or give me answers before we have a problem on our hands."

  I watch anger flare in his eyes. Truth is I don't care. How he feels means nothing to me at this moment. He can bring all he's got—even sick his buddies on me, but none of that would be enough to stop me from getting to Leyna.

  The moment I'm certain Leyna's brother and I are going to go toe to toe his men grab him, and three security guards step between us. Before any other words are said a female doctor steps through the double doors leading to the back calling Gabriel by name. The cocky motherfucker smirks as he shrugs off the hands holding him back and walks away.

  The guards remove the hold they have on me, and I glare at the bikers left standing in the waiting room who haven't taken their eyes off me. The older of the bunch says something to the others before they all walk off gathering together at the opposite side of the waiting room.

  At least an hour passes while waiting to hear news about Leyna when my phone rings. Looking at the screen, I quickly answer. "Hey, man."

  "Lex, what the fuck? What the hell is going on?" Kai questions. Shit. I left him hanging earlier. "Every damn thing. I'm in Polson's emergency room right now. Leyna was involved in an incident and shots were fired."

  Kai lets out a heavy breath. "Fuck. How is she?"

  "I haven't heard a damn—." That's when I notice Sheriff Harrison walk past me. "Kai, I gotta go," and shove my cell into my back pocket. "Sheriff," I yell as he's about to exit through the E.R doors.

  He turns at the sound of my voice. "Agent?" his forehead scrunches. "Why are you here? I was just on my way back to the station expecting to find you there." I follow him outside as he continues walking toward his patrol truck. "Listen," he rubs his hands together warming them from the blistering cold. "That girl who was rescued a few weeks ago—she was shot."

  I feel my knees go weak and swallow my emotions. "Did she make it?" I prepare myself for the worst.

  "The girl is in surgery now, but the doctors expect a full recovery. I'll have one of my officers down here tomorrow to hopefully get her statement."

  I release the breath I was holding. "The second shot?" I inquire.

  "The gunman. The homeowner managed to shoot him before he could kill them both. She's upstairs in labor and delivery." The sheriff opens his truck door. "It's colder than penguin shit out here. If you're looking for more information, you'll have to come down to the station." Realizing there isn't a thing I can do here but wait and knowing her family won't give up any answers, I decided to follow the Sheriff a few blocks away to the police department. "I'm right behind you."

  The sheriff used his pull and found out Leyna made it through surgery and is resting in ICU. Because of the law, they couldn't give out specific information when it came to her health and injuries but knowing she's going to be okay puts me at ease for now. Since regular visiting hours for non-family members were over two hours ago, I decide there is nothing more I can do today.

  The nearest hotel from the hospital happens to be directly across the street. As soon as I close the door behind me, I throw my coat across the foot of the queen-sized bed and glance out the window. It's still snowing outside.

  Grabbing the file I originally came back for, I stretch out in the bed and toe my shoes off before leaning back against the headboard. I open the manila envelope. Most of the paperwork looks to be old mail addressed to Santino himself from a couple of weeks after his death. Money transfers? I thumb through the rest of the statements. As far as I knew we seized all assets in his name. Someone is getting their hands on his money with a dead man's signature—so we have a problem.

  As hard as I try, I can't keep my mind clear enough to think about anyone else but Leyna. Sliding the papers back into the envelope, I set the file on the nightstand beside me and flip the switch on the lamp turning the light off. I lay here for I don't know how long until drifting off to sleep.

  * * *

  The next day, I'm showered and out the door before the sun comes up. Saying fuck it to scrapping snow and ice from the SUV, I walk across the road to the hospital in the cold. After finding out Leyna's room number I ride the elevator to the second floor, walk down the hall pass the nurses station and spot her name on the outside of the door the moment I turn the corner. Pausing, I knock.

  "Come in," Leyna's tired voice calls out. I push the handle down and walk into her room.

  She gasps. "Lex?"

  Fuck it feels good to put eyes on her. "Hey, beautiful."

  Adjusting, she pushes the button and raises the head of her bed. "What
are you doing here?"

  I take a seat next to her on the edge of her bed. "How are you feeling?"

  Confused, she answers. "I'm feeling better. Sore but I'm going to be okay." Grabbing her hand in mine, I look her over.

  "Lex," she grabs my attention and, my eyes lock with hers. "Why are you here?" she asks again.

  "For you."

  Leyna's eyes fill with emotion. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I feel so emotional right now," her eyes lift back to mine, "but, I'm happy you're here." She's quiet for a moment. "When did you get here?"

  "Yesterday," I tell her. Leyna thinks about that for a minute.

  "How did you get here so fast?"

  "I was already on my way to Polson—to see you," I confess.

  A faint knock on her door is followed by her brother walking in. "What the fuck is he doing here?" Gabriel's voice echoes as he storms toward us.

  My body becomes rigid and I place myself between him and Leyna. "If you have a problem you take it up with me asshole."

  "Good morning to you too, hermano." Leyna peers around my body. Placing her hand on my forearm, she gently guides me to step aside to have a clear view of her hot-headed brother.

  Ignoring me altogether, Gabriel begins to speak to his sister—in Spanish. I understand every word. I'm fluent in the Spanish language. It's one of few skills I mastered to become an FBI agent.

  "Eplícame porque esta pedazo de mierda aquí. Explain to me why this piece of shit is here?" he says to her.

  Leyna crosses her arms. "Este no es tú negocio, Gabriel Martinez. That is not your business, Gabriel Martinez."

  "Tú eres mi hermana. Tú eres mi negocio. You are my sister. You are my business," Gabriel yells.

  " Estas es mi vida. This is my life," Leyna's voice rises.

  I've heard enough. "Apártate hijo de puta. Back off motherfucker," I speak to him in Spanish stepping between them once more.

  "Fuck you, pig." Gabriel spits.

  "It's a good thing your sister is moving to Seattle; she doesn't belong here with the likes of you—she belongs with me."

  Leyna is taken aback with my mention of her leaving Polson.

  I don't regret a single fucking word.

  "What the fuck is he talking about?" Gabriel's attention shifts to his sister. Leyna opens her mouth but is at a loss for words. Gabriel glares in my direction. "You are not wanted here—leave," he growls at me.

  I'm sure he's used to people backing down, but I'm not that guy. I'm unfazed by his actions. I stand my ground. "I'm not going anywhere."



  I can't help noticing how Lex's body becomes rigid, and his stance seems to grow taller. It warms my heart that he feels the need to place himself between myself and Gabriel; like he wants to protect me. Only there is no need. Gabriel's bark is bigger than his bite; well when it comes to me anyway. My brother would never hurt me.

  This is not how I wanted Gabriel to find out about Seattle, but I can't say I'm not relieved either. I can't be angry with Lex for spilling the beans.

  "I suggest you lower your damn voice and calm your ass down," Lex squares off with Gabriel.

  "Mierda," I curse under my breath. Lex has just gone toe to toe with my brother; the Enforcer for The Kings of Retribution. No way is my brother going to take orders from a FED. In a flash, Gabriel clears the distance between the two. "I think you forget who the hell you're talkin' to," he sneers a breath away from the man he loathes. Lex shows not one ounce of fear or intimidation. Alexander Taylor's size is nothing to balk at, my brother may be slightly taller, but when it comes to size, Lex is in a league all his own. From his rippling arms that strain against his black t-shirt to his powerful thighs that wear jeans in a way that will make any woman's knees buckle. Make no mistake; Agent Taylor can handle his own.

  That's one of the things I like most about him. Lex wears his confidence like an armor. His refusing to back down to Gabriel shows what kind of man he is. The truth is, I'm a bit shocked by how protective Lex is acting right now. I'm especially shocked by the words he just said to my brother. Sure, we're friends, but this is the kind of behavior a man shows when he is more than just friends with a woman.

  A part of me has often wondered if Lex will second guess our involvement with each other. I've been waiting for the day he wakes up and realizes I come with more baggage than he's prepared to take on. No matter what happens in the future, my brother and his club will forever be a part of my life; they will always be my family. Any person who chooses to be in my life will have to accept that fact.

  Lex coming to Polson—fighting his way past my brother to be at my side while here in the hospital shows I mean something to him. He is not letting who my family is stand in the way of what we have.

  Shaking my thoughts away, I decide I've had all the testosterone I can stomach at the moment. "Gabe," I croak, but it's no use. My brother can't hear me past his own rage.

  Sensing the thin thread between them is about to snap, I muster all the strength I have in my body and shout. "Sufficient! enough!" The strain and pain in my voice cuts through the tension and the two arguing men in front of me abandon their standoff. I turn my attention to Gabriel. "I want Lex to stay—I want both of you to stay. But if the two of you can't put your egos or your differences on the back burner, I'm going to kick both your asses out of my room." I catch the look on my brother's face that says he's about to argue. When he opens his mouth, I hold up my hand, effectively cutting him off. "No." I stand firm. The look I give says my word is final.

  "How long, Leyna? How long has this," Gabriel nods toward Lex, "been going on?" The betrayal I hear in my brother's voice is almost too much to bare. I knew this moment was coming. I chose to keep Lex in my life. Now I must suffer the consequences. "Since the beginning." I don't sugar coat the truth. "I'm sorry I kept my involvement with Lex from you, but I am not sorry he's my friend."

  "He's not your friend, Leyna. The man is just using you; using you to get to the club. You're just too naïve to see it. Tell me, Leyna. How much information has he weaseled out of you?"

  Just as Lex goes to take a step toward Gabriel, I reach out and grab hold of his arm. I know Lex wants to defend me; defend the truth of our friendship, but what he'll come to realize about me, is I don't need anyone to come to my defense. When my brother sees me slowly raise my tired, weak body from the hospital bed, he knows the tongue lashing that's coming his way.

  "Leyna, you're going to hurt yourself," Lex protests. I give him a look, then turn my attention away from him toward my brother. "I love you, Hermano. I love you with everything I am, but don't you ever talk to me like that again. I am not stupid. If I at any time thought Lex was using me, I would have cut all ties. Contrary to what you think of me, I would never betray you in such a way, and for you to come in here after the hell I've endured and accuse me of betraying you—betraying the club—it's unacceptable. So, let me tell you how things are going to be. Lex is going to be in my life whether you like it or not, and yes, I am moving to Seattle."

  "What, for him?" Gabriel spits.

  "No!" I scream and pound my fist into the hospital bed beside me. "I'm going to Seattle for me, Gabriel. It's for me. I'm leaving Polson and moving because I can't breathe here. I'm drowning, Gabriel," I cry. "I want things out of life. I want to go back to school. I want to teach. I want to find my own way."

  "You can go to school here, Leyna."

  "I've already been accepted into Seattle University."

  "What?" Gabriel asks.

  "Lex has been helping me. I've been accepted, and I've received a grant that will cover the entire cost of my tuition."

  Gabriel stands in front of me stunned and hurt by my news. I wait a beat for him to say something—anything, only he doesn't. With one last look between Lex and me, my brother turns his back and walks out of the hospital room. The soft click of the door shutting feels like a knife to my heart. Every ounce of strength I conjured up has left my body, and I crumple. Thank
fully Lex is there to catch me before I fall.

  I wake in my hospital bed some hours later. I'm not sure of the time, but I can see through the window in my room that it's dark outside. With the glow of the TV lighting the room, I notice Lex has fallen asleep in the chair beside the bed. I take a moment to study him. I look at his muscular, tattooed arms crossed over his broad chest. I notice how his usually hard, serious face has relaxed making him look younger. I trail my eyes down his jean covered legs stretched out in front of him, crossed at the ankles. I lay here, drinking in every inch of Alexander Taylor.

  My eyes make their way from his booted feet back up his thighs. I stop and linger on the huge, very noticeable bulge of his crotch. Once I'm able to tear my attention away from his dick and back up to his handsome face, I freeze. Lex is awake, staring back at me with his heated hazel eyes.

  I can't breathe.

  I've been busted ogling his dick. I hear Lex chuckle.


  This is awkward.

  I can feel my lungs begin to burn from lack of oxygen.

  "Breathe, baby," Lex commands, his tone husky. I take in some much-needed air, but it does nothing to alleviate my embarrassment. The grin Lex rewards me with confirms my suspicions. Luckily, he takes pity on me and doesn't call me out. He does, however, reach down with his right hand and adjusts himself.

  Deciding to abandon the current awkward situation, I ask, "what time is it?"

  Lex peers down at his watch. "Just after midnight."

  "Has my brother been back since I fell asleep?" Lex doesn't have to open his mouth to answer, the look on his face says it all.

  "Give your brother some time, beautiful. He's had a lot of shit dumped on his head in the past twenty-four hours. He'll come around."

  "I know he will. I can't get the look he had on his face out of my head. I hurt him, Lex. Keeping secrets is not something we do."


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