Home > Other > LOVE ABOVE LAW > Page 11

by Alvarez, Sandy

  Two weeks ago, I started going to the gym here in the building. Lex doesn't know this. I wait until he leaves for work every morning before going. I only do a steady walk on the treadmill, but I can already feel a difference in my energy level from two weeks ago. I'm usually an active person, and since I haven't gotten used to how cold it is here, I'm thankful for the gym. My plans for moving into my own apartment fell through too. One week before I was supposed to move in, the manager called me and said my apartment had been rented out. Turns out his niece needed a place to stay and he gave my apartment to her. I was beyond pissed. Thank God I got my deposit back. After my phone conversation with the apartment manager Lex jumped in and offered for me to stay with him for as long as I needed. I didn't miss the smug look on his face when he made the suggestion. I want to say he seemed almost thrilled I had lost out on the apartment.

  Once I've gathered the necessary ingredients from the refrigerator, I go about chopping the onion and peppers. Lex has been bringing home takeout almost every night since I moved in and although I have enjoyed tasting all Seattle has to offer, I miss cooking. I'm placing the onions in the pot on the stove when I hear the phone in Lex's office ring.

  Wiping my hands on the dish towel, I make my way into his office to answer. Just as I'm about to pick up the phone the ringing stops and the answering machine kicks in. A woman's voice fills the room. "Hi, Lex. I haven't stopped thinking about you since our run in the other week. I miss you, baby. Please call me." The line goes dead followed by a beep. My stomach sinks and my chest feels tight. I never considered if Lex was seeing anyone. I haven't even thought to ask. I'm sure he would have mentioned it by now if he was. Even though neither one of us has come out and acknowledged it, the past couple of months mine and Lex's relationship has shifted. Then again, I might be reading too much into his heated looks and lingering touches. I close my eyes and think about the way he stares at my lips like he wants to devour them right before he bypasses them, kissing my forehead instead. He does this every night before bed. Each time he does this, I gaze into his hazel eyes and will him to place his lips on mine. I want nothing more than to know what he tastes like. I lie in bed every night and wonder what's holding him back.

  I think I just got my answer.

  "What's going on?" His deep voice asks from behind me. Lost in thought, I didn't hear Lex come in. I say nothing. I fear my voice will give away the emotions currently clogging my throat. Lex comes to stand in front of me, his face serious as he scrutinizes my features. He looks at me as if he can read every thought in my head.

  Finally, I speak. "Nothing," my voice cracks betraying the fake bravado I was hoping for.

  "Nice try, beautiful. Now tell me what's got you looking like someone kicked you in the stomach."

  I plaster a fake smile on my face. "I'm fine. Come on, I'm going to go finish dinner," I say trying to slip past Lex where he's blocking the doorway to his office.

  Reaching out he gently grips my upper arm, halting me from leaving the room. "Not until you tell me the truth."

  I should have known he wasn't going to let this go. I'm a shit liar. I fidget with the dish towel in my hands then make the mistake of cutting my eyes over to the answering machine on his desk. Lex follows my line of sight. The flashing blue dot on the phone alerts him to the message he has waiting for him. Lex looks back at me, and I refuse to meet his eyes. I know in an instant he's put the pieces together. Letting go of my arm, he strides over to his desk and pushes the button on the answering machine. When a woman's voice fills the room once again, he snaps his head in my direction. Only this time his look of concern transforms to anger.

  "I wasn't snooping through your office. I promise. I heard the phone from the kitchen and was going to answer it. The machine picked up before I could. You never said your office was off limits. I'm sorry if I overstepped, " I quickly defend. I don't want Lex to think I go through his things when he's not home. I would never invade his privacy like that.

  When Lex hears the distress in my voice, he changes his tune. Taking three strides across the room, he stands in front of me. Cupping my face with his strong hands, he tilts my head back, and I peer up at him. "That phone call is not what you think."

  "It's none of my business who calls you, Lex."

  "Yeah, it is, Leyna. I don't want to go into details right now about who that was but know this, she's nobody." Lex says adamantly, and I nod. "I want to hear the words. Tell me you believe me."

  "I believe you, Lex." And I do. I believe he's telling the truth. Until he gives me a reason to doubt his word, I'll continue to trust him.

  Several intense seconds tick by, and the air in the room becomes thick. With my face still in the palms of his hands, I watch the pink tip of his tongue glide across his bottom lip. My breath hitches and I get lost in the intoxicating scent of his cologne, while I'm simultaneously hypnotized by the greenish-brown orbs boring into me. Without further hesitation, his lips make the slow agonizing trek toward mine. Reaching up, I clutch my hands onto his biceps. Just as his mouth is a breath away from mine, a voice behind us ruins the moment.

  The moment I have waited weeks for.

  "Are we going to eat anytime soon. I'm fucking starving out here."

  Stepping away from Lex, I shake myself out of my daze. He lets out an annoyed sigh and nails his friend Kai with an irritated look.

  "My bad, man. That was some shitty timing wasn't it," Kai smirks.

  "How are you doing, Kai?" I ask.

  "Kai was just leaving," Lex answers for him.

  "Lex don't be rude," I admonish. "I'm just about done with dinner. Would you like to stay and eat with us, Kai?"

  "Yes," he answers the same time Lex says, "no."

  "Two against one asshole. I'm staying," Kai gives us a cheeky smile.

  "Damn, Leyna. That was the best meal I've eaten in a long ass time," Kai stretches out in the chair across from the sofa I'm currently sitting on. "Any chance I can steal you away to come live with me?" he teases, and I can't help the giggle that escapes my mouth.

  "Never fucking happening," Lex cuts in; his face serious.

  "Alright, alright. Take it easy." Shaking my head at Lex and Kai's banter, I turn my attention back to the laptop resting on top of my legs. I made the decision today to start looking for a job. I'm scouring the websites of a few nearby restaurants and bars. Since I'll be starting school soon I'll need something I can work late afternoons and nights. Deborah mentioned the majority of students she knows work as waitresses and the tips are pretty decent. With my limited job experience, this is my best bet.

  "What are you looking at over there, Leyna?" Kai's nosy butt asks.

  "I'm looking for a job and filling out some online applications."

  "What the hell for?" this coming from Lex who's sitting at the other end of the sofa.

  "Because I need a job. I have money saved from working at Kings Construction, but what I have won't last forever."

  "You're about to start school. Won't a job get in the way of that?"

  "Lex, I don't start school for another four months. The jobs I'm applying for are night shifts anyway. Besides, I'm not about to sit around on my butt for four months. Also, I'll be moving out as soon as I find a place. You don't think my rent is going to pay itself, do you?" I give him a pointed look.

  Lex runs his hand down his unshaven face. He's clearly annoyed. At what I have no clue. "Leyna, you just went through a traumatic experience where you were shot and had surgery. The last thing you should be thinking about is a job. You should be resting and letting your body heal. And don't even get me started on your trips to the gym the last two weeks."

  "How the hell did you know about that?" I narrow my eyes at him.

  "This building has security cameras everywhere. Including the gym."

  "Let me guess. You have access to those cameras?" His silence is all the answer I need.

  Closing the top down on the laptop, I sigh. "Look. I know what I went through is a huge
deal. Believe me, but I'm telling you, I feel good. I'm getting stronger every day. I've followed all the doctor's instruction since leaving the hospital. I know my limits."

  "The owner of Rumors is a close friend of mine. He was telling me the other day he was looking to hire a couple of new waitresses," Kai informs.

  Lex jumps from his seat on the couch; the vein bulging in his forehead looks like it's about to burst. "Not a fucking chance. No way in hell is Leyna going to work at Rumors."

  "What the hell is wrong with Rumors?" Kia fires back offended.

  "I don't have a problem with Rumors. It's just not the place for Leyna."

  "Dare runs a tight ship, Lex, and you know that as well as I do. He respects and takes care of his staff. I've seen firsthand the respect is mutual." Cocking his head to the side, Kai studies his partner and smiles. "Why don't you admit the real reason you don't want Leyna working at Rumors?"

  Lex scoffs, but before their argument about my life goes any further, I cut in. "Excuse me, but the last time I checked, what I do is not up to either one of you." I turn to Kai. "Can I get your friend's number? I want to check out this club."

  "I'll do you one better. I'll call him myself and put in a good word along with your number." Kai then turns to Lex. "Dare is a good guy. I would never suggest she work at Rumors otherwise and you know that." The look on Lex's face says he's still not pleased with his friend. Feeling frustrated, I gather my laptop and head to my room. "I'm turning in for the night. I'll see you guys later."

  The moment I walk into the bedroom, my cell phone rings. Strolling over to the dresser, I pick up my phone and see it's Alba calling.


  "Hi, Leyna. Long time no talk."

  "I know. I'm sorry. I've been a little busy. How is everyone? How's baby Gabe?"

  "Gabe is great. He's getting bigger every day. He's going to be big like his Papi." She chuckles, and I can hear the adoration in her voice.

  "Si. I'm sure he is. Speaking of, how is mi hermano?"

  "Gabriel is good. He's falling right into the dad role."

  I close my eyes and try to hold back my emotions. My brother still won't take my calls or answer my texts. Alba and I are silent for a moment before she continues. "Well, the reason I called was because I need a favor. As you know Gabriel and I are getting married in two weeks. I've decided I want to recite my vows to him in Spanish. Can you teach me?"

  "Of course."

  "Oh, good. You're a lifesaver, Leyna."

  Over the next few minutes, Alba and I iron out the details for her to Facetime me every day. We end the call with the promise to talk the next day to begin her first lesson. A smile takes over my face when I think about my brother getting married. I couldn't be happier for him. It makes me sad he refuses to do the same for me.

  Later that night I'm lying in bed, and I begin to think about the whirlwind my life has become. I'm a firm believer God never places more on our shoulders than what we are capable of handling. I'd say my limits have been tested to the max lately, but those same circumstances are what has brought me here. Am I one hundred percent happy? No. My brother not speaking to me is a big part of that, but I can say this, I know with everything I am, I'm headed in the right direction.



  I damn near spill scolding coffee down the front of my shirt when Leyna comes walking into the kitchen. This is the first time I have ever seen her dressed up. She has her hair up in a high ponytail today and minimal makeup on her face. She's wearing a form-fitted long-sleeved sweater dress, along with a pair of black suede high heeled boots. "What the hell is that?"

  Looking around, Leyna scans the room. "What?" Then notices my eyes roam her body. "Do I have something on me?" She twists and turns her body trying to look on the backside of her dress and runs her hands over it. I stand there like a dipshit—speechless as she carries on with her inspection. I can't stop staring at her.

  Lifting her eyes back to mine, she waits for me to respond. When I don't, she shrugs, then turns and reaches into the cabinet behind her. I continue to admire her body. Following the path of her spine, my eyes settle on her ass where the fabric of her dress has tightened across it. The moment she faces me again, I take in the curves of her breasts, and the amount of cleavage on display

  "What is wrong?" Leyna says sounding flustered.

  "That," I state, my eyes meet hers before dipping down again gesturing to what she's wearing.

  She looks down at herself then back at me. "Boobs? I'm assuming you've noticed them before. They're kinda hard to miss," she laughs advancing around me reaching for the pot of coffee behind me.

  That sassy mouth of hers. Stepping to the side, I face her as she stirs a scoop of sugar into her coffee. My eyes drop to her red lips and thoughts of having them wrapped around my cock cloud my brain for a second before they fall back to her breasts. "I've noticed, beautiful; so will everyone else in that dress," I grump trying to make my point. No way in hell is she leaving this apartment.


  Jealousy is a motherfucker.

  "I can't control others thoughts, Lex." Leyna sips her coffee and her eyes settle on mine before dropping them briefly. I know the moment her gaze lands on my cock by her sharp intake of breath. There is no way I can hide the effect she has on me. Just as fast, her eyes rise to meet mine again.

  "You can't go out in that." The words leave my mouth the moment I think them.

  "First of all, my body my rules, so I'll wear what I want. I don't care what others think. Second, my interview with Dare is this morning. I'm not showing up wearing a pair of your sweatpants and a t-shirt. I want and need this job, Lex."

  Fuck. I forgot about the damn interview. The entire idea of her looking into this job at Rumors pisses me off. I know Dare runs his club with an iron fist and I know the security staff well enough to know they will look out for her as much as they do the other employees, but my issue lies with the men I've witnessed getting a little too hands-on from time to time. Regardless of staff taking control and handling all these situations I can't stomach the thought of anyone putting their hands on my woman.

  Reaching out, I snag Leyna by the waist. Setting her cup on the counter she willingly follows my lead. My hand settles low on the small of her back pulling her body flush against mine. Her hands come up grasping my forearms. I look down at her gorgeous face. "I don't like the idea of other men having the same thoughts I do. The mere notion of any asshole imagining you in their bed or having their hands on what's mine infuriates me." Leyna's lips part and her breasts rise and fall against me as her breathing picks up with my confession

  The moment is interrupted when my fucking cell rings, vibrating against the granite countertop. Several times I've come close to kissing her. I'm doing my best to give her time—give her space to breathe after everything she's been through because I don't want her to feel like I'm rushing her. All these thoughts have a chance to surface, stopping me from going further. "You should answer that," her hands fall to her sides. "I need to finish getting ready anyway. I don't want to be late for my interview," Leyna pulls away. Reluctantly I release my hold on her letting my hand slowly fall from her body.

  Frustrated, I snatch my cell and answer the call. "Taylor," I bark watching Leyna walk off.

  "Lex, I need you and Kai to head on in. Got a call about a homicide," Kurt states.

  "Why isn't local taking care of it?" I ask him as I shrug on my jacket.

  "Because the body was discovered on government property," Kurt explains.

  Shit. "I'll pass it on to Kai."

  "I'm sending you the address now. Meet me there," he hangs up.

  I shoot a quick text to Kai.

  Me: Meet me here.

  161 East St. Clair

  Kai: Got it

  Picking up my wallet, I shove both it and my cell into my pockets before calling out to Leyna who has taken her coffee and disappeared into her bedroom. "Leyna, I'll take you to Rumors." I walk in the dire
ction of the bedroom stopping when she appears in the hallway with her head cocked slightly to one side as she pins earrings on.

  "You go ahead. It's only a few blocks from here, and since the weather is nice today I might walk. Besides, I still have another hour before my interview, and I want to eat some of that breakfast you cooked this morning." Leyna brushes by, the smell of roses fill my senses.

  Leyna walking alone anywhere in Seattle worries me. With those feelings, I march into my office and dig in my desk drawer for the couple of items I picked up the other day. Leyna is sitting at the table with her plate and begins to eat the breakfast I prepared for her when I come back out. "Here." In my hand, I hold out a small taser and a can of pepper spray. "I want you to keep these in your bag." She sits there and listens as I instruct her on how to use them.

  "Would having these things help ease your paranoia?"

  "It's a good start," I tell her. Standing there I wait until she slips them in her bag hanging on the back of her seat. "I've got to go." Bending, I kiss her forehead. "Let me know the moment you walk inside Rumors, and the moment you get home."


  Before I can climb into my car, my phone rings. Slipping it from my pocket, I answer without glancing at the name across the screen. "Hello." For a second the line is silent.

  "Lex." The second my ex's voice speaks, my mood shifts. Immediately I think about the message she left the other night on the answering machine.

  "April, I'm not even sure how you got your hands on my personal number and why you are calling me, but this shit needs to stop," I fume. Sticking my key into the ignition, I start my car.

  "Lex, baby, please give me a chance to explain," April pleads.

  "What is there to explain, April? It's been years. We both have moved on."

  "Why do you hate me so much?" Her voice lacks genuine emotion.


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