Winter Love

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Winter Love Page 13

by Kennedy Fox

  “Really?” I asked, wondering when I’d ever taken a day off to play, in the snow or otherwise.

  The answer was… never.

  “Yeah, really,” Johnny said, moving closer and putting his hands on my hips. “Come on, Lily May. Play with me.”

  He was close enough that I had to tilt my head back to grin up at him and say, “That may be the best offer I’ve ever had.”

  Johnny dropped a kiss on my nose and said, “Great. What do you say we get ready and meet downstairs in like a half hour? Is that enough time?”

  “It’s perfect,” I replied, thinking if I was spending the day outside in snow there wouldn’t be much prep work. Just lots of layers and my hair up in a ponytail. “I’ll see you in a few.”

  I grabbed my phone and went to my room, going straight to my purse to get out my portable charger and plug my phone in before going into the bathroom and starting the shower. I hadn’t spent a lick of time in my room, so everything was still on top of the still made bed where I’d left it. I got out my toiletry bag and a change of clothes and went to get ready for a day of fun.

  Opting not to wash my hair made the shower a quick one, and I once again put on minimal makeup.

  Once I was layered up and ready, I grabbed my coat, phone, and charger and headed downstairs to meet Johnny. The good mood I was in had me singing softly as my feet hit the landing, and when I saw Marie and Merle in the foyer, I gave them each a sunny grin.

  “Good morning!”

  “Good morning,” Marie replied. “I hope you had a pleasant night’s sleep.”

  “I did, thank you. Are we too late for breakfast?” I asked, glancing around to see if Johnny had beaten me.

  If they thought it strange I was asking for the both of us, they were too discreet to let on.

  “Since you are our only guests, we saved breakfast for you. If you’d like to have a seat in the dining area, I can warm it up and bring it out.”

  “Perfect. Johnny will be down to join me in a few minutes, if you could prepare his as well. We’re going to go out and see what kind of activities Promise has to offer.”

  “That sounds wonderful,” Marie said. “I can give you some flyers about things to do in Promise if you’d like.”

  “Yes, please,” I replied, then went to pick out a table for breakfast.

  Chapter Eight


  I had to make a call to update my client, so by the time I made it downstairs, it was closer to forty minutes than thirty.

  I walked into the room we’d been in the night before and saw Lily May sitting at the table closest to the window talking to Marie.

  “Sorry to keep you waiting. I had to tell my guy why I won’t make it to Aspen today,” I said as I joined her. Turning to Marie, I offered her a, “Good morning.”

  “Morning,” she replied easily. “I’ll leave you to enjoy your breakfast. Just holler if you need anything.”

  “Wow, this is quite a spread,” I exclaimed as I took the seat opposite Lily May.

  “I know. Everything looks so good. I don’t know where to start.”

  “I think I’ll start with the waffle,” I said, picking up the syrup and giving it a generous pour.

  “You want some waffle with that syrup?” she joked.

  “Nope. I’m also gonna dip my sausage in the syrup, so if you can’t get on board, you may want to look away.”

  “Mmm, I love syrup with sausage, but first, I’m going to put some ketchup on my scrambled eggs, so if you have a weak stomach, maybe you should look away.”

  “You’re ruining perfectly good eggs,” I countered as she doused her eggs.

  She simply laughed and put a big forkful in her mouth.

  I grimaced as I cut into my waffle.

  “Marie gave me some info on the local tourism. They do have ice-skating and sledding, and tonight, they have a tree lighting ceremony.”

  “Terrific,” I said, biting back a moan when the sugary, buttery goodness hit my tongue. Once I swallowed, I pointed my fork at Lily May and added, “And I saw that another Christmas classic is airing tonight.”

  “Oh, like Charlie Brown or something?” she asked innocently.

  I scoffed and said, “No… Batman Returns.”

  Lily May gawked at me comically, before saying, “Okay, now you’re messing with me. I’ll give you Die Hard, but a comic book movie? I don’t think so.”

  “No, seriously. It’s like Christmas threw up on it, that’s how jolly it is,” I informed her.

  “Well, I guess I’ll have to see for myself,” she said, giving me a coy look.

  Yes, just what I was hoping she’d say.

  “It’s a date,” I told her, picking up a piece of toast slathered with grape jelly and eating it with relish.

  We finished breakfast, both of us cleaning our plates, and then went in search of Marie to find out where to put our dirty dishes.

  “Leave them for me. It’s what I’m here for,” she told us. “Go… enjoy the snow.”

  “Ready to freeze your butt off?” I asked Lily May.

  “You betcha,” she replied enthusiastically, and I thought I’d never seen anything more adorable or fetching.

  “Lead the way,” I said, opening the door and holding it for her to do just that.

  We started with sledding and were able to choose the size of hills we raced each other down. We laughed more in that hour than I’d laughed in my entire life, and I’m happy to say I beat her, six to four.

  “Skating is next, but let’s stop at the cocoa stand and get a drink first,” Lily May said.

  When I took her hand in mine, she looked up at me sweetly and didn’t say a word.

  Once we had our hot cocoa, we made our way to the rink set up in the middle of a square in front of the town hall.

  “I’m guessing that’s the tree they’re going to light,” I said, pointing at the largest Christmas tree I’d ever seen standing between the town hall and the rink.

  “I’d bet you’re right. It’s gorgeous.”

  “So are you,” I said, leaning down to steal a kiss.

  I’d been stealing kisses all day. Lily May didn’t seem to mind. In fact, she’d stolen a few herself.

  “You’re the sweetest man I’ve ever known,” she said, her blue eyes seeming to twinkle like sunlight reflecting off water.

  “You must not know many men.”

  “Stop,” Lily May said, placing her hand on my cheek. “You don’t have to pretend with me. So far I haven’t seen a side to you I haven’t liked. The sweet guy, the dangerous guy, the creative guy… they’re all pretty great.”

  “The dangerous guy?” I asked teasingly.

  “Yeah, when I first saw you sitting in the diner, I thought you looked dangerous.”

  “Hmm, well, I hate to shatter that illusion, but I have something to admit…”

  “What’s that?” she asked, sounding suddenly nervous.

  I realized she probably worried I had a girlfriend, or worse, a wife, and I probably should have phrased it differently. After all, we were still getting to know each other.

  Wanting to ease her worry, I said quickly, “I don’t know how to ice-skate.”

  “Oh,” she said, relief crossing her features. “Well, are you sure you want to do it? I’ve only skated a couple of times, and it can be pretty difficult. It’s not like roller-skating. We could always skip the skate and go build a snowman.”

  After looking out onto the ice and envisioning myself struggling and most likely falling on my ass, I said, “Let’s go find a carrot.”

  Chapter Nine


  The day had been absolutely magical. Honestly, the best I’d had since I’d played the Grand Ole Opry.

  Sure, I’d spent most of the day with a red nose and frozen fingers but taking a day to just play had been inspiring. I’d been writing frantically in my notebook ever since I’d gotten out of my hot shower.

  I was about to go over to Johnny’s room for pi
zza, wine, and Batman Returns, but I wanted to make sure I jotted everything down before I forgot.

  I checked the time, and since I was eager to see him again, I decided to bring my notebook with me, just in case, as I was sure he would understand. Glancing at my reflection one last time, I found myself a bit nervous about the pajama choice I’d made.

  We’d agreed to wash up and get comfortable for the movie, but I’m not sure the floor-length blue satin nightgown with matching robe was what Johnny was expecting.

  I gave my hair one last fluff, told the girl in the mirror she was a sexy, confident woman, and held an excited breath as I opened my door, crossed the hall, and knocked.

  The look on his face when he opened the door had laughter bubbling in my throat, but it quickly died when his gaze tracked down the length of my body and his eyes became heated.

  Wow, that was a good look.

  “Hey,” I said softly. After a quick glimpse down the hall, I asked, “Can I come in?”

  Johnny’s eyes flew to mine, and he silently stepped aside.

  When I walked in, I saw the pizza and wine had already been set up. He had the pizza, plates, and napkins set up picnic style on the bed with the wine and glasses on the side table next to it.

  See… totally sweet.

  “What time does the movie start?” I asked.

  “What?” came the response from behind me.

  I turned to see Johnny’s attention was still on my attire.

  “The movie?” I prompted with a laugh.

  “Oh, uh… opening credits are probably rolling now.”

  He crossed to pick up the remote and turned on the TV. While he did that, I took the opportunity to take in his still damp hair, bare feet, and biceps, which were showcased beautifully in the white tank top he was wearing.

  My pulse quickened, and this time, I had to ask him to repeat what he’d said.

  “I’m sorry?” I asked when he called my name, obviously not for the first time.

  “I just said it’s started and asked if you wanted to sit,” Johnny said, obviously trying not to grin.

  “Oh, yes… I’m starved,” I lied. I wasn’t hungry. My nerves were going haywire, along with my pulse, the butterflies in my stomach, and my girl parts… I said what I said.

  I’d never considered myself an overly sexual person. I’d had sex and enjoyed it but had never felt this kind of anticipation. I was finding it hard to think of anything other than peeling off that tank top and seeing what was underneath.

  Still, I couldn’t just attack him like a hungry bobcat, so I sat gingerly on the bed, picked up a slice of pizza, and turned my attention to the television.

  “You picked up the wrong slice,” Johnny said, his voice full of laughter.

  “Huh?” I asked, looking down at the pizza I was about to bite.

  It was a supreme with everything on it… not what I’d asked him to order. I glanced at the open box and saw that half of the pizza was the supreme and the other half was just pepperoni, olives, and pepperoncini’s, which was what I told him I liked on my pizza.

  “Oh,” I said, putting the slice back and picking up one from my side. “That was nice of you… thanks.”

  “You’re welcome,” he said, no longer able to hold back his grin. “You seem a little… distracted.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him, and said, “Nope.” Then I took a big bite and looked back at the movie.

  I finished the one slice and took a couple of sips of my wine, but that was all I could choke down. Once the picnic was removed, and we were both leaning back against the headrest once again, with our entire bodies on the bed… next to each other… I couldn’t focus on anything else.

  If Batman had suddenly grown fangs and started biting people, I wouldn’t have even noticed.

  I was too aware of the heat coming off his skin, of his scent dancing around me, of the way I just knew we’d catch fire once we touched. I wanted to initiate things, I truly did, but I found myself frozen in place.

  What if he didn’t feel the same and rejected me? I think I’d die on the spot.

  I took a deep breath and turned toward him, and suddenly, he was there.

  Lips on mine, hands in my hair, making everything I’d been hoping for a reality.

  We both shifted so I was lying back on the bed with his body partially covering mine. His hands and lips were everywhere… my hands and lips were everywhere. My heart was pounding, and I could feel his matching tempo.

  “You’re so beautiful. Amazing. Sweet.”

  Johnny was murmuring these compliments between heated kisses, causing my already swooning heart to dive deeper.

  “Snowflakes and country songs,” he whispered. “They’ll always make me think of you.”

  Those wonderful words had me taking over and strong-arming him onto his back so I could whip off my robe and straddle his hips.

  “God, you’re the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen,” I said, awestruck by the sight of him and the fact he was mine for the taking.

  I lowered my face and kissed him with everything I had, lyrics swirling in my head as all my feelings heightened with the realization that Johnny was the man I’d been waiting for and I hadn’t even known it.

  His was the other half of my heart.

  Chapter Ten


  A soft knock sounded on the door, and I quickly got out of bed so I could answer it before Lily May was woken up.

  I’d talked to Marie the night before and arranged for our breakfast to be delivered to my room rather than held in the kitchen for us like yesterday. Not that I was being presumptuous or anything. Of course, I’d hoped the evening would end the way it had, but I hadn’t expected it to.

  “Hey,” I said in greeting as I opened the door. “Thanks for this.”

  “It’s no problem at all,” Marie replied, a knowing smile on her lips.

  She started to push the cart inside the room, but with a glance over my shoulder, I saw Lily May starting to wake, so I said, “I’ll take it,” and brought it the rest of the way in.

  “What’s all this?” Lily May asked, the satin strap of her nightgown slipping down her shoulder as she sat up in bed.

  She was a vision.

  Blonde hair tumbling around her shoulders, blue eyes soft with sleep, and her lips swollen from the kisses we’d shared throughout the night.

  She was half siren, half angel, and one-hundred percent everything I’d ever wanted but didn’t think I deserved.

  “Breakfast,” I replied as I pushed the cart right up to the side of the bed.

  “Mmm, coffee,” she moaned as I lifted the carafe and started to pour.

  The sounds she made did wonderful things to my body, but I kept myself in check as I finished pouring and lifted the domes off the plates.

  Taking in the French toast, bacon, scrambled eggs, toast, and homemade jam had my stomach growling in response.

  “Wow, if I lived with Marie full-time, I’d gain a hundred pounds,” Lily May joked as she took in all the food.

  “Yeah, but it would be worth it.”

  Lily May grinned up at me. “You’re right. It totally would.” She picked up a piece of bacon and moaned again.

  “If you don’t stop moaning, you’re breakfast is gonna get cold,” I warned.

  “Is that a threat or a promise?” she asked, eyes twinkling.

  I loved her like this… sweet, teasing, and sexy as hell.

  “Come with me to Aspen,” I said suddenly, the words tumbling out of their own accord.

  Lily May blinked, and asked, “What?”

  I could tell she was surprised. Hell, I was too, but it felt right.

  “You’re on vacation, right?” When she nodded, I pressed on. “We can turn in your rental and drive up the rest of the way together. Once we drop off the car at my client’s, we’ll book a room or, better yet, rent a place. We can have more snow days and spend Christmas together.”

  “And then? After Christmas?” she
asked. “What are you suggesting, Johnny? What are you looking for?”

  “After Christmas? New Year’s, then Valentine’s Day, Easter, Fourth of July, hell… Flag Day. I want to see where this can go. I know the odds may be against us, what with you being famous and touring and doing everything you do for your career. And me owning my own shop and living in a nowhere college town. But I’m willing to do whatever I can to make this work. Because now that I’ve gotten a taste of life with you, I can’t go back to a lackluster existence.”

  Lily May’s eyes widened as my speech went on until it seemed her eyes had taken over her face. When they filled, I prayed it was with happy tears and not I’m about to break Johnny’s heart tears.

  “What do you think?” I asked after a few torturous seconds of silence.

  “I’d love to go to Aspen with you,” she said finally. “I don’t think you understand the amount of scrutiny and paparazzi that comes along with being with me, but I’ll do my best to keep you out of it.”

  “We can worry about that when the time comes,” I assured her. “There are no skeletons in my closet.”

  “I’m not worried about that. I’m more concerned for your privacy and the privacy of your friends and family, and your business…”

  “I can handle it.”

  “I know you can,” Lily May said, her face blooming with the same happiness I felt in my gut. “I can have someone pick up the rental and take it back, and I can also get us a house in Aspen for Christmas. How long do you want to stay?”

  No longer able to stand not touching her, I moved to sit next to her on the bed and gathered her in my arms.

  “Looks like you’re going to be handy to have around,” I joked into her hair.

  She pulled back and smiled up at me.

  “You have no idea…”

  “I look forward to finding out. And to meeting your father and hearing you sing live… to learning everything there is to know about you.”

  “Me too,” she replied, resting her hand on my cheek.

  “Well, all except the singing live part,” I quipped happily. “No one needs to hear me do that.”


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