Saving Hope: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (Bloodmoon Series Book 2)

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Saving Hope: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (Bloodmoon Series Book 2) Page 1

by Briana Alisandra

  Saving Hope

  (Bloodmoon Series)

  By: Briana Alisandra

  © 2020 Briana Alisandra. All rights reserved.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1: Hope

  Chapter 2: Hope

  Chapter 3: Wyatt

  Chapter 4: Hope

  Chapter 5: Knight

  Chapter 6: Hope

  Chapter 7: Hope

  Chapter 8: Knight

  Chapter 9: Hope

  Chapter 10: Wyatt

  Chapter 11: Hope

  Chapter 12: Christian

  Chapter 13: Hope

  Chapter 14: Christian

  Chapter 15: Hope

  Chapter 16: Hope

  Chapter 17: Hope

  Chapter 18: Wyatt

  Chapter 19: Hope

  Chapter 20: Hope

  Chapter 21: Christian

  Chapter 22: Hope

  Chapter 23: Knight

  Chapter 24: Hope

  Chapter 25: Wyatt

  Chapter 26: Hope

  Chapter 27: Wyatt

  Chapter 28: Christian

  Chapter 29: Knight

  Chapter 30: Christian

  Chapter 31: Hope

  Chapter 32: Hope

  Chapter 33: Christian

  Chapter 34: Hope

  Chapter 35: Hope

  Chapter 36: Hope

  Chapter 37: Hope

  Chapter 38: Hope

  Chapter 39: Christian

  Chapter 40: Hope

  Chapter 41: Hope

  Chapter 42: Wyatt

  Chapter 43: Hope

  Chapter 44: Hope

  Chapter 45: Wyatt

  Chapter 46: Hope

  Chapter 47: Christian

  Chapter 48: Hope

  Chapter 49: Kane

  Chapter 1: Hope

  When I came to live in Salem Point, I never imagined my life would become what it had.

  I had friends and family now, but that wasn’t the unimaginable part. I’m not human. I’m a witch-werewolf hybrid and I have a lot of people coming after me. I spent the last three months training to use my powers. According to my aunt, I come from a very long line of powerful witches and I should possess great power.

  I think she’s nuts and that great power skips a generation. I was a terrible witch.

  It was infuriating. I was used to being good at things and so far, witchcraft was not one of those things.

  Someone was knocking on the front door. I was up in my room laying in bed. I know, lazy. But winter break was almost over and it was the first time in my life where I could have a normal break from school. Or as normal as normal gets for a witch-werewolf hybrid.

  I went downstairs and looked outside through the peephole of the door. It was Knight. Of course.

  We had been spending a lot of time together. Mostly as friends. I know he wanted to be more, and I wanted that too, but right now I wasn’t focused on romance. I was focused on becoming a kick ass hybrid, which was hard when I was surrounded by beautiful guys that I had a growing connection with.

  When I opened the door, Knight smiled and held up a video game cover. “Ready for a rematch?”

  “Ready to get your ass kicked again?”

  He laughed. “Not a chance Sinclair.”

  I let Knight in and locked the door behind him. We went into the living room where the TV and XBox were. Courtesies of Gemma. She went all out for Christmas. And when I say all out, I mean she completely went over the top and bought me everything she could possibly think of.

  It was amazing. It was my first good Christmas since my mother died. Nothing would ever be better than Christmas with Mom, but Gemma did her best to make our first Christmas together special. She succeeded. For that one day I completely forgot that there were monsters coming after me and I was basically a sitting duck.

  “Where’s your aunt?”

  “She had to work.”

  “That sucks. On New Years Eve?”

  “Yeah, she had off Christmas, so she had to take New Years Eve.”

  Yeah, I was spending my first New Years Eve in Salem Point at home playing video games with Knight. But I wasn’t complaining. I liked spending time with Knight. We were really close now.

  I sat down with my legs crossed on the couch next to Knight while we waited for the game to load.

  “How’s training going?” he asked.

  “I burned another set of Gemma’s curtains.”

  “Don’t worry. You’ll get the hang of it.”

  “I don’t know. It seems like it’s getting worse.”

  I couldn’t get a handle on my magic. Gemma claimed it was because I was a first born and my magic was so powerful that it took a lot of time to learn to control it. Not to mention the whole werewolf thing that could be throwing things off. Personally, I think it was just that I was a shitty witch. I sucked at magic.

  “Hope, it’s been two months since you found out you’re a witch-werewolf hybrid. Cut yourself some slack.”

  I wish I could. But there wasn’t time for slack. The monsters coming after me weren’t going to give me time to learn how to protect myself from them. They wanted me dead.

  “Maybe after we’ve eliminated all the threats that are coming after me.”

  Knight pursed his lips. “So, never?”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “Mean.”

  He laughed. “Hope, you have people looking after you. Me, your aunt, Lexie and the girls, and three vampires.” He rolled his eyes at the vampire part. He still wasn’t a fan of Christian and Wyatt. But he knew I cared about them so he was civil with them. It was big of him, because I know he wanted to rip their throats out every time they came near me.

  “I know. I just don’t like feeling helpless. It’s not who I am.”

  “I know. You’re strong and a fighter. That’s why I know you’ll get the hang of your powers and be perfect.”

  I smiled at him. He was always so great with words. “Want to go for a jog in the morning?”

  One of our daily routines now.

  “I would, but I have a pack meeting with the other pack.”

  An awkward silence came over us. He was meeting with the other pack. Caleb’s pack. My pack.

  Knight sighed and sat closer to me. “You know, you could talk to Caleb.”

  “I don’t know if I’m ready for that.”

  I was grateful that Hayden didn’t tell Caleb about me. I know her reasons had nothing to do with me and everything to do with her. She didn’t want to ruin her perfect little family. Now she was avoiding me. But, she did confirm it. She managed to get a sample of Caleb’s DNA. Wyatt compelled a lab tech and I was officially a Wilson. It was totally fucked up that I was related to that girl.

  “I understand, and I would never pressure you, but if you’re worried about Caleb, he’s an okay guy. He’s always been nice to me. A little old fashioned with the whole pack rules, but most alphas are.”

  Caleb seemed nice. That wasn’t the problem. It was just so awkward. I wished my mom was here to be the buffer. I mean how do I just go up to the guy and say, ‘Hey, I’m pretty sure you’re my dad.’ This was not going to be easy. But eventually I would have to tell him the truth.

  “I’ll think about it.” That was a whole other can of worms that I was going to have to deal with eventually. But not any time soon.

  Kane chose a really bad time to take a vacation. It didn’t make any sense. He’d been following me around for years and now all of a sudden he’s gone. He said he wasn’t leaving until I was safe. And I w
as pretty sure I was never going to be safe.

  I just had this bad feeling that I couldn’t shake. I felt like there was danger on every corner and I was just waiting for the moment when they’d finally get me.

  This was my life now. I don’t think I was ever going to feel safe again. That thought scared the hell out of me.

  Chapter 2: Hope

  After my jog the next morning, I went home to take a shower and get changed. It was my last day of winter break and I wanted to spend the entirety of it chilling. Gemma made me agree to no training over the break. After today, it was back to high gears. I was going to get this witchcraft thing down, even if it killed me. It was definitely killing Gemma’s curtains, that was for sure.

  I went to the diner to get a coffee. Gemma was still sleeping at home and I didn’t want to risk waking her up with the smell of coffee.

  When I walked inside, Jade was just getting up from a table. She smiled at me. “Hope!”

  She threw her arms around me for a quick hug. Yeah, we did that now.

  “Hey, I haven’t seen you since Christmas. Where’ve you been?”

  “I’m sorry. I’ve been hanging out with Francesca.”

  I paused for a moment to try to remember a Francesca, but I was drawing a blank. “Francesca?”

  “Yeah, it turns out you’re not the new girl anymore. I can’t wait until you meet her. You’re going to love her. She’s starting at the high school tomorrow.”

  “That’s good. I don’t have to be ‘new girl’ anymore.” Some students actually had the audacity to still call me that. How hard was it to use my actual name? It was one syllable.


  “She must be great if she’s gotten Jade Summers to like her.” Jade wasn’t the most social person, which is why I was seriously surprised that she even knew this new girl before anyone else did.

  “Yeah, Francesca is really cool. I should go. I’m actually meeting her now.”

  “Oh, okay. We should hang out soon.”

  “Yeah, we totally will. I’ll see you in school tomorrow.”

  “Have fun with Francesca.”

  “Thanks girl.”

  Jade left and I went to place my order.

  I had to say, that was strange. I just thought it was odd how much Jade seemed to like this new girl all of a sudden. Maybe she liked her, liked her. She did seem to light up when she was talking about her.

  Good for Jade. It wasn’t like Lexie was available. She and Tegan were still making a go at things, which was stupid considering she was miserable with her. I don’t know what was up with that. Lexie must have loved her for her to keep trying so hard to make them work.

  If you’ve got to work that hard to make something work, it’s not worth it. But that’s just my opinion.

  I paid for my coffee and left the diner. I was going to meet up with Lexie at her house to chill for a while. Chill. I was able to chill now. It still felt weird rolling off my tongue.

  As I walked down the street, I could feel someone following me. I took a deep breath. “What do you want Wyatt?”

  He came beside me and grinned. “Excellent. You’re getting better at that.”

  “Or you just suck at sneaking up on people.”

  He made a face like I insulted him. We continued walking down the street together. Wyatt wasn’t so bad once you got to know him. He could be extremely annoying and dickish at times. A lot of the times, actually. But I think he had a good heart deep down. I saw how much he cared about his siblings, no matter how much he pretended not to.

  Wyatt and I had something in common. He didn’t like people seeing his emotions. Emotions came with a certain vulnerability. I felt vulnerable enough as it is. I guess Wyatt felt the same way.

  “Are you stalking me again?”

  “Again? I never stopped. I can’t keep you safe if I don’t know where you are at every second of the day.”

  “That’s creepy.”

  He shrugged. “I’m sure the vampires coming after you are creepier.”

  He had me there. It gave me chills just thinking about it. It didn’t help that there was no way to tell who was a vampire. At least not without throwing hawthorne water at them and that could be so embarrassing if they ended up just being a human.

  “It’s too bad you guys don’t burst into flames in the sunlight. It would be nice to at least feel safe in the daytime.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Ugh, you people believe everything you read and watch on TV.”

  Vampires weren’t at all like they were in pop culture. Sunlight didn’t kill them. It just weakened them. But feeding on a lot of blood usually helped alleviate that problem.

  “You and I should have dinner together some time. I can tell you all about what else isn’t true about vampires.”

  I smiled at him. “Wyatt, we’ve been over this. You can’t compel me, remember?”

  He grinned. “Hope Sinclair, I think that I don’t need to. I see the way you look at me. You want me.”

  I shook my head. Partially because it was partially true. I would be lying big time if I said I didn’t feel something for Wyatt. I didn’t before, but then after he saved me and bit me that night, things got complicated. Wyatt wasn’t the bad guy I thought he was. He was far from it.

  “You’re so pompous.”

  “That I am,” he agreed. “Where are you off to?”

  “Meeting with Lexie.”

  “Okay, I think that’s a safe place. I’ll walk you and then I have something to do.”

  “You don’t have to know where I am twenty-four-seven.”

  “Oh, but I do. How else will I keep you safe?”

  I just hated being watched all of the time. I was already on edge. Feeling like I had zero privacy made it even worse. But I understood that it was necessary and I was grateful that I had so many people trying to protect me. I couldn’t imagine if I had to go through all of this alone. I would definitely be either captured or dead by now. Which reminded me.

  “Hey, I wanted to ask you something.”

  “Ask away.”

  “You still haven’t heard anything on Kane?”

  “Nope. Hopefully the guy left town for good.”

  I rolled my eyes. Wyatt didn’t like Kane. They had some kind of fight that he wouldn’t give me details about. “If you hear from him, you’ll let me know, right?”

  “Of course, Hope.” He placed his hand over his heart. “I swear it with every beat of my heart.”

  “Does your heart even beat?”


  “So then that doesn’t mean much.”

  Slick vampire.

  “Hope, I promise that if I hear from Kane, you will be the first to know.”

  He seemed sincere, but Wyatt was a good actor. I could never really tell for sure if he was lying.

  I hoped he was telling the truth. I was worried about Kane. I didn’t want anything to happen to the people I cared about. Kane was now included in those people.

  Chapter 3: Wyatt

  I had no idea where that asshole was. But I got the feeling that daddy dearest wasn’t happy with him. He hadn’t made contact since he got there.

  He would have still checked in to see how Hope was doing. I didn’t like the guy one bit, but I could tell he cared about Hope.

  I couldn’t tell Hope any of that. I hadn’t known her long, but I knew her well enough to know she was going to want to go rescue him. She’s dumb like that. And when I say dumb, I mean honorable and all that crap. Like Christian. What was wrong with these people?

  Life is all about survival. Don’t be the hero. That’s how you get yourself killed. Even vampires have a ticking clock. I’d rather not do anything to speed mine up. But looking after Hope was making my clock tick louder and louder.

  There was no way I was going to risk her going after Kane. Especially not when it would mean going after her to protect her from herself.

  These vampires were different. The born ones. They were strong. A lot s
tronger than me and that was extremely hard for me to admit.

  I walked into the morgue of Salem Point Medical Center. Gemma asked me to meet her down here. Creepy, if you ask me. And I was a vampire.

  “What was so important that you would ask me to meet you here?” I flashed a smile at the witch. “Do you have a crush on me? Most women do, it’s okay.”

  Gemma glared at me and put her arm out at me.

  I brought my hand to my heart and fell to the ground. This was one of the worst pains I’d ever experienced in my life. It was worse than death. It felt like she was reaching into my chest and squeezing the life out of my heart.

  “What the hell. It was a fucking joke!”

  She walked towards me. She didn’t let up. “Are you killing people now?”

  I was struggling to speak. The pain was getting worse. “I didn’t kill anyone you crazy witch.”

  She stared down at me and finally stopped. She walked away towards a metal door on the wall.

  “Thanks for helping me up, psychopath.”

  “I’m the psychopath? Really Wyatt?” She opened the door and pulled out a slab with a body on it. Or rather, two halves of a body. The head was separated from the rest of it.

  I tilted my head and looked at Gemma in question. “A friend of yours?”

  “This person was drained of blood and then decapitated. At least you’re cleaning up after yourself.”

  “No, hey this was not me.”

  Whoever fed on this human didn’t want to risk him waking up a vampire. Could be a purist that didn’t believe in turning people.

  “And why should I believe you?”

  “Because I’m not an idiot. If I kill someone, I don’t leave a body to be found.”

  She seemed bothered by my words. If that bothered her I better not give her the details of how many people I killed through the years. She might rethink letting me protect her niece.

  “One of your siblings?”

  I looked down at the corpse. It was a man and I didn’t recognize him so he must not have been from town. Or he was new to town. “No. Christian’s a bunny eater.” I rolled my eyes. “And Elizabeth doesn’t usually kill her victims. She doesn’t like the mess. And she wouldn’t kill anyone in Salem Point because she wants to stay here. Do you know who he is?”


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