Saving Hope: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (Bloodmoon Series Book 2)

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Saving Hope: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (Bloodmoon Series Book 2) Page 9

by Briana Alisandra

  She continued looking around the cabin. I don’t know what she was doing here, but there was no way I was going to be entertaining her tonight or any other night.

  “Francesca, I’d like some peace and quiet. None of that is something you can provide me with your presence.”

  She smiled at that. “There used to be a time when my presence was all you wanted.”

  “Perhaps a century ago. I don’t go after people who don’t deserve it anymore.”

  She had a far away look in her eyes. I wanted to question her on it, but I bit my tongue. “Are you going to be rude or are you going to offer me a drink?”

  I rolled my eyes and grabbed the bottle of bourbon I’d already started. I offered it to her.

  “I’d prefer wine.”

  “And I’d prefer you leave.”

  She snarled at me and sat down on the couch. “I told you. I’m bored.” She took her coat off and revealed her bare chest to me. Her nipples were hard from the cold. She looked just as I remembered. Her body was one of the first things I fell in love with when we were together. Then her snarky attitude. That was before I found out she was a heartless opportunist.

  I won’t lie. I hardened at the sight of Francesca’s naked chest right in front of me. I could take her right now on this couch. All night. Over and over. But I wouldn’t.

  Not because I gave a damn about what she did to me. I’d have given in if it weren’t for the fact that she was trying to take Hope and use her to get her brother back.

  Hope meant more to me than some piece of ass that would be gone in the morning.

  I looked down at her with desire and moved over to her on the couch. I ran my hand up her abdomen and onto her breasts, squeezing her nipples between my fingertips. She let out a deep moan.

  The second she did, I took my hand from her chest. “Not going to happen.”

  I sat down on the chair opposite of the couch and opened a book. “Find someone else to fuck you. I won’t.”

  “You won’t?” She was surprised. “Really?”

  “I don’t put my penis in dirty places anymore.”

  She laughed and got up from the couch, her chest still exposed. “Then what are you doing chasing after Hope?”

  I glared up at her. “Watch it.”

  “You’d rather hump a dog than me? A born vampire from the Cassius family?”

  “Had I known Rex Cassius was your father I never would have been with you in the first place.”

  That family was bad news. I would have steered right past her.

  She stayed quiet and looked into my eyes. I think I hurt her feelings. I didn’t think she had any.

  She closed her coat and zipped it up before getting up and walking out. When she got to the door she opened it and turned around to stare at me angrily. “Fuck you Wyatt.”

  I laughed before she slammed the door behind her.

  I went back to my reading, trying desperately to get the image of Francesca’s breasts from my mind. I was still hard.

  When the door opened behind me, I sighed and rolled my eyes. “Francesca, it’s not going to happen. Find someone else to screw you, because I’m not touching you.”

  She stayed silent behind me. I groaned and got up. But when I turned around to face the person, it wasn’t Francesca. It was Caleb, and he wasn’t alone. He had two other men behind him. Wolves.

  One of them had a gun pointed at me.

  “I don’t know if you know this, but a gun won’t do much against me.”

  “It will if the bullets are laced with hawthorne,” Caleb said, right before the other man shot three bullets into my torso.


  I tried to make a quick exit, but he emptied the rest of the cartridge into my body. I still tried to crawl away. But the hawthorne was starting to take effect. It was flowing through my bloodstream and before I knew it, I was out.

  Chapter 26: Hope

  When I got back to the cabin I went upstairs to chill alone in my room for a while. Francesca wasn’t around, but I was still in no mood to be around everyone else. I couldn’t deal with their carrying on and drinking games. I just wasn’t in the mood. I felt guilty for having fun.

  Kane was suffering and I was doing shots. It was wrong.

  A gentle knock on my door dragged me from my thoughts. “Yes?”

  I knew who it was before he even opened the door. Knight.

  He smiled at me and closed the door behind him before coming to sit down next to me on the bed.

  “You okay?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Okay. So, how are you really? This time the honest answer.”

  I smiled to myself. “You know me too well.”

  “I can’t help it. I feel what you feel.”

  I looked up at him. “Really?”

  “Sometimes. Mostly when your emotions are high and hard to control.”


  “Don’t be. I like being able to feel what you feel. It helps me to know when something’s bothering you. That way I can help you through it.”

  I sighed. “I don’t know if anyone can help me through what I’m feeling right now.”

  “You feel helpless. Like you can’t do anything to save the people you love and yourself. And you feel guilty that everyone else is risking their lives to protect you. But you shouldn’t Hope. You are not helpless. You’re a witch and a werewolf. And you are capable of tearing the vampires to shreds. That’s why they want you Hope. They’re afraid of you.”

  I never thought of it that way. They were afraid of me. Little did they know they had nothing to fear. I couldn’t even control my powers let alone tear any vampire to shreds. I wasn’t even technically a wolf yet. And I was afraid of becoming one.

  “They shouldn’t be. I don’t even want this Knight. I want a normal life. I don’t want to kill vampires. I’m not a threat to them.”

  “People fear what’s different. Apparently that even applies to vampires.”

  “I just wish my mom would have told me about all of this sooner. I wish she would have taught me witchcraft when I was little like what happened with her and Gemma.”

  “She probably wanted you to have a normal childhood.”

  I smiled at that. I did. Up until I was nine when she was ripped away from me. “Still, I can’t help but think that I would be more prepared if she’d told me. I feel like I’m playing catch up now, trying to become a strong witch.”

  “You are a strong witch. And, I was thinking of something and I wanted to run it by you.”

  He looked afraid to tell me what he wanted to say. He usually spoke so freely with me. We were completely comfortable with each other since we met. It was weird to see him so fearful of talking to me. “What is it?”

  “I’m of no use to you either. Not the way I am. I’m not a wolf yet Hope. And if I was I could protect you from any vampire that came near you. And if you were a wolf too, you wouldn’t even need my protection. You’re an alpha, which makes you stronger than most werewolves. We’re both alphas. If we turned, we wouldn’t have to look over our shoulders anymore.”

  “You want to activate your werewolf side.”

  “Yes. I want us both to.”

  “So then, that means you want to have sex. With me?”

  He laughed. “Don’t sound so shocked by it. Why wouldn’t I want to be with you?” He paused for a moment. “But only if you want to be with me too.”

  I hadn’t thought about it completely. Sex meant becoming a wolf, so I just thought of it as off the table for the moment. But if I was thinking about it in a normal, human kind of way, I think I was ready to have sex with Knight. I almost did the other day before Lexie interrupted us.

  I felt so connected to him. It only made sense for us to share the deepest connection possible that two people could share together.

  I held his hand in mine and smiled. I think I was blushing. “I do want to be with you. I’m just not sure if I’m ready to be a werewolf. I mean I just started
getting used to the idea. The actual shifting into a wolf is still something I have to wrap my head around and prepare for.”

  “I get it. I just think that life will be a little easier if we’re able to defend ourselves against the vampires. I hate not being at my strongest to protect you.” He paused. “But, I would never pressure you to do something you’re not ready for.”

  I knew he would never pressure me. I trusted Knight completely. This had nothing to do with him and everything to do with me.

  “I know.” I curled into his side. He wrapped his arm over me and hugged me tightly to his chest. “I’ll think about it.”

  “Okay. Hope, whatever you decide, I’ll back one hundred percent. I just want to be able to keep you safe.”

  Him and me both. I wanted to keep myself safe. I wanted to keep my friends and family safe.

  “Thank you, Knight.”

  “For what?”

  I closed my eyes and listened to the beating of his heart in his chest. I breathed in his smell and sighed. “Being you.”

  I could see the smile on his face even without looking up at him. “Anytime.”

  We stayed like that the rest of the night until I drifted off to sleep in his arms.

  Chapter 27: Wyatt

  My entire body felt like it was on fire. It hurt to even take a deep breath. I didn’t even want to try to move. I knew it was going to be excruciatingly painful.

  When I opened my eyes, Caleb was staring at me. Fucking creep that he was.

  “What is this?” I said, my voice still sounding weak.

  “This is retribution.” He crossed his arms across his chest. “I’m writing a wrong and saving Salem Point at the same time.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “My daughter.”

  His daughter? Was he talking about Hope? Did he know about Hope?

  “I know it was either you or one of your siblings that attacked her.”

  Oh. It was his other daughter he was talking about. Hayden. “We didn’t touch her. She said so herself.”

  I looked down at my wrists. They were bound with ropes that were causing burns on my skin. They must have been soaked in hawthorne water.

  “I know you can’t compel my daughter, so I’m thinking one of you scared her into staying quiet.”

  I laughed bitterly and shot an angry look at him. “Have you met your daughter? The devil himself couldn’t scare Hayden into staying quiet.”

  “Don’t speak about my daughter. Don’t even think of her.”

  It was laughable really, considering all of the things I’ve thought about doing with his other daughter. If he only knew the dirty things that went through my mind about Hope. Or the fact that she was his daughter to begin with.

  “Trust me, I don’t think of Hayden at all.”

  He sat down in a chair on the opposite side of the room. “This isn’t just about Hayden.”

  “Then what is this about? Please, Caleb, enlighten me.”

  “This is about Salem Point. I am not going to let vampires plague my town.”

  “Your town?”

  “Yes. It’s my territory and soon the two packs will merge and the entire town will be under my control.”

  I grinned. “Don’t you mean Knight and Hayden’s control?”

  “Don’t speak of things you know nothing about. You’re not a part of wolf business. The other factions feel the same way. No one wants vampires in Salem Point. Especially ones like you Wyatt Hale.”

  “I’m hurt.” I laughed.

  “I’ve heard stories about you. The things you’ve done to women. You’re a monster. A monster that needs to be gotten rid of.”

  He wasn’t wrong. But in this instant, I was one of the only vampires protecting his daughter.

  “You have no idea what you’re doing dog. You think I’m the threat? I’m the only reason your precious town hasn’t been overtaken by them yet. You kill me and Salem Point will be vampire central. It’ll be just like New Orleans. You’ll have no power. Nothing.”

  I couldn’t tell him about Hope. It wasn’t my place. I knew telling him would betray her trust. I don’t know if she’d ever forgive me for that.

  “I’m going to call your bluff, Wyatt.” He got up and grabbed a gun. He went towards the front door. “Once we have your two other siblings, we’ll burn the cabin to the ground with you three in it.”


  It was one thing to threaten my life. I wouldn’t take them threatening my brother and sister’s life. Elizabeth wasn’t even a part of this. She was dragged into this whole mess by myself and Christian. She didn’t deserve to be burned to death. Neither did Christian. Me? Probably.

  Christian and Elizabeth did some bad things in their times as vampires, but they were good people at heart. I couldn’t let them get killed.

  “No! You leave them out of this you filthy dog!”

  “Sorry, Wyatt. This isn’t something I want. It’s something that must be done.”

  “I attacked your stupid daughter. It was me! They had nothing to do with it.”

  “I can’t guarantee that.”

  “Leave them out of this!”

  He left the cabin and shut the door behind him.

  “Caleb! Caleb!”

  I struggled against the ropes, but that just caused them to dig into my skin further, sending a fresh wave of hawthorne into my veins.

  It was no use. I was stuck here. I couldn’t even warn Christian and Elizabeth.

  There was only one way out of this. One person who could change Caleb’s mind. Hope.

  Chapter 28: Christian

  Hope smelled like the dog this morning. I know they slept together last night. But that was all they did. Slept. I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop. I couldn’t help that my hearing made it so easy to hear what was going on in there.

  I was biting my tongue so hard to keep myself from grabbing him by his throat. To even suggest Hope having sex with him to become werewolves made me see red. I was sure that activating their werewolf sides had nothing to do with it. If you asked me, it was just Knight’s teenage hormones on overdrive and he was trying to get Hope into bed with him.

  Hope wasn’t ready for her first transformation. It was going to be painful and grueling. I wasn’t sure I could take having to watch her go through so much pain. Not to mention, she was going to be a bit of a threat to me in wolf form, which is exactly what that canine wanted.

  The truth was I feared that once Hope activated her werewolf side she would grow to hate me. What if becoming a full werewolf made her hate vampires? What if it made her finally realize that I was the enemy and she wanted nothing to do with me?

  Having Hope and losing her was so much worse than never having her at all.

  I was sitting across from Jade, Hope, and the dog. Elizabeth was right next to me. The others were still asleep. They went to bed extremely late last night. Technically this morning. I heard Tegan puking her guts out around four.

  It wasn’t really fair of me to judge. I had my fair share of shots last night myself, but being a vampire I had a higher tolerance than most.

  I was surprised that Francesca wasn’t up yet. I thought for sure she wouldn’t let Hope have a moment to herself on this trip.

  “What about you Christian?” Knight said. “Would you like pancakes? You do eat food right?”

  My nostrils flared at the question. I had been around long enough for him to know the answer to the question. He was just being a dick.

  Hope glared at Knight and looked at Jade for a reaction. Jade’s eyebrows were furrowed. Nice going dog.

  “Oh, yeah, I’d love pancakes. I wolf those down like a dog.”

  He snarled at my words. Two could play it that game. I wasn’t going to have some mutt putting me down. I didn’t have a problem with werewolves. That was a given considering Hope was one. But, this werewolf was getting on my last nerve. He had no idea what I was capable of.

  “I personally don’t like dogs,” Elizabeth add

  I smiled to myself. My little sister knew how to piss just about anyone off. She would never tolerate anyone mocking her brothers.

  Jade laughed. “Who doesn’t like dogs?”

  “I’m just crazy and heartless like that,” she said. She looked directly at Knight. “Trust me Jade, you’d never want to make an enemy out of me.”

  “Noted,” Jade said. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to use the bathroom. Save me some pancakes.” She smiled at Hope. Hope smiled and nodded. She watched her walk out of the kitchen before turning back to glare at Knight and me.

  “Knock it off.”

  “He started it,” Knight said.

  “Are you out of your mind?” Elizabeth said. “In what world did my brother start it?”

  “Elizabeth.” I gave her a look to stop. I didn’t want to further agitate Hope. She was supposed to be having fun and getting her mind off of the terrible things happening in her life. Not refereeing fights between me and Knight.

  “I merely asked a question,” Knight said. “I was curious.”

  I rolled my eyes at his obvious attempt at an excuse. He knew very well that he was just being an asshole to me. Everyone at this table knew it, Hope included judging by the way she was looking at the werewolf.

  “Knight you know he eats food!” Hope said. “Now I am done with the vampire werewolf rivalry. It’s dated and stupid. Bigotted if you ask me. I hate bigots.”

  “I’m willing to be peaceful if he can be,” I said. I didn’t need to defend myself. I wasn’t the one with the problem. I could feel the hostility coming off of him. It was like he was peeing all over Hope and trying to dominate her. He wanted her all to himself. I could see it in the way that he looked at anyone else that went near her. Maybe it was some kind of a mate thing.

  I used to think Knight was an okay guy up until he started giving me death stares and peeing on Hope. Not literally of course, but it’s how I saw it.

  Knight scoffed and went to speak, but Hope shhed him. He looked at her taken back. “Hope, I…”

  “Shh! I mean it. Knock it off Knight.” She looked at him through pleading eyes. “For me, please, try to get along.”


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