Love Heals

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Love Heals Page 9

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “You get her wild, bro. Fuck, I won’t be able to walk by morning,” Corey said and fell back onto the bed as he just came in Charlie’s mouth. She was rocking her hips and thrusting over Aleck’s cock while Mavis was stroking into her asshole.

  Titus ran his hand along her back. “I’m next, woman. Get that ass ready,” he said and smacked her ass.

  “Fuck,” Mavis grunted and came. He pulled out, stumbled and Titus gripped his arm. “Easy, brother.”

  Corey couldn’t believe the smile that was on Mavis’s face. Charlie did that to him, to all of them. “Titus!” she hissed as Titus thrust into her asshole from behind as she rocked back and tilted upward. They were stroking into her as Mavis lay on the bed, leaned up against the pillows and watched.

  “Look at her body. At her breasts, while they fuck our woman good,” Corey said, and Aleck cursed. So did Titus.

  “Corey, what the fuck?” Titus complained and then came. Aleck followed, and Charlie moaned then fell against Aleck’s chest as both men caressed her skin. Titus got the washcloth and towel, and they helped to clean her up.

  “I think she passed out,” Mavis said, moving her hair from her cheek, smiling.

  They adjusted her body. Aleck lifted her up and placed her in the middle of the bed, her head on the pillow as they brought the sheet up over her body. Mavis and Corey took position on either side of her as Titus and Aleck stared at the sight.

  “She isn’t going to work tomorrow. No fucking way,” Corey said and smoothed the hair from her cheek.

  “She has work on a Sunday?” Mavis asked.

  “She goes in early to catch up on paperwork and things. At least that’s what she told me when I went by one Sunday and saw the lights on,” Titus said and squinted.

  “There will be a lot of things to adjust to for all of us,” Aleck said and walked out of the room. Corey knew they had concerns over Charlie, how she took chances, left herself open to get hurt by putting her heart first and always being willing to assist someone in need. There was going to be a fine line between what was acceptable in her profession, and what was acceptable in their eyes as their woman. He could just imagine the arguments.

  “She’s stubborn, and it will lead to arguments,” Mavis said.

  “But also back to bed. We’ll work it out, one thing at a time,” Titus said, and then he exited the room to go shower. They would take turns, but Corey would wait until she woke up and then they would shower together.

  Chapter 3

  Texas Ranger Alex Weathersen responded to the call of a fire in the state police barracks outside of Cherry Hill. Just as he pulled up, so did Texas Ranger Jeb Perkins. Fire trucks were on route and making the turn to come into the complex as several state troopers were coughing and sitting on the ground along with a couple of prisoners they had in the cells there.

  “What’s going on?” Alex asked one of the troopers as they hurried to see who needed assistance.

  “Some sort of smoke started by the side entrance and as we went to check things out, there was an explosion. These three were being transported this morning, and we don’t know about the others in the back holding cell because the smoke was so thick and the flames, too.”

  “Shit,” Jeb said, and the firefighters were on scene.

  “We need to secure this building. How many prisoners you have in there that are unaccounted for?” Alex asked as other police were looking around the back of the building.

  “Just those two men from Borders that attacked Titus and his deputies when they broke up the bar fight. They were going to be going before the judge in the morning. These three were pulled in for minor charges and awaiting bail.”

  Alex looked at Jeb.

  “The Jones brothers. I don’t like the direction this is headed in,” Alex said, and then he and Jeb went to go look for the two men as firefighters put out the flames. Once they got the all clear, they did a sweep of the place and didn’t find anything but a busted back door and some lock cutters.

  “Looks like they had help, and whoever helped them caused the fire as a distraction. We got two prisoners on the run and their assistant. Let's get this over the radio pronto,” Alex said, and they started radioing the information in and an all-points bulletin. Then Alex called Sheriff Mullen, while Jeb called Sheriff McCabe.

  “I really need to get to the office today. I know it’s Sunday, but there’s a lot of paperwork to do and notes to enter into the computer. It’s part of my routine,” Charlie told the men as they gathered in their kitchen. They all took showers, she got dressed, and they weren’t too happy about that.

  Mavis pulled her onto his lap. She wrapped her arm around his shoulder. He caressed her thigh and slid his palm up her waist to her breast to cup it then stroke her nipple with his thumb. “Mavis.”

  He pulled her snugger. “Hey, I own these,” he said and pressed his lips to hers as he dipped her. She grasped onto his arm. When he released her lips, he gave her a wink. “You aren’t going anywhere. Not until we make some more plans,” he told her and lifted her up. She fixed her top. She was shocked by his very possessive behavior and how he said her body belonged to him. She couldn’t help but to blush. To stare into his dark blue eyes, that chiseled face, scruff along his cheeks and felt her heart soar with excitement. She reached up and stroked his cheek and jaw and couldn’t even speak.

  He stared at her, caressed her thigh to her ass, and she leaned closer, held him by his cheeks and pressed her lips to his. She pecked at them, absorbed the feel of their combined softness and firmness that was masculine and appealing. Her heart raced as thoughts went through her mind about missing something so simple like a man’s lips pressed against hers. Sitting on a man’s lap, his hard, muscular thighs, or the feel of strong arms embracing her, the scent of cologne, the feelings of safety. She thought of Tavern, and immediately the night he struck her. She pulled back. He gripped her tight.

  “Charlie?” Mavis questioned. She stroked his arm, brought his hand to her lips and kissed his knuckles. He squinted at her.

  “I should get going.”

  He shook his head.

  She squinted. “What were you just thinking?” Aleck asked, sitting beside them, he reached over and caressed her bare shoulder, then her chin making her look at him.

  “Nothing. Nothing at all,” she whispered. Her voice cracked.

  “Does it have to do with your fiancé, your ex?” Titus asked all serious. She looked at him as he stood behind Mavis, and Corey was there, too. Once again, they surrounded her, and she felt the walls fall down, the fear lessen.

  “Talk to us. He’s the reason why you held back and wouldn’t trust us. Tell us what happened?” Mavis asked and took her hand and brought it to his lips to kiss her knuckles.

  “Nothing to talk about, really. He betrayed me. I trusted him, loved him, had no idea he was capable of such things.”

  “How did he betray you?” Titus asked. He had this tone, this demeanor just like his brothers and it meant business. Like they were orders, and everyone would comply. It was sexy and intimidating, but she didn’t fear it like she used to. Perhaps making love to them so many times she lost count had something to do with it.

  “Come on, baby, tell us,” Corey said to her.

  “I was in love with him. We were engaged, I think you know that.”

  They nodded but they looked jealous, and she didn’t want them to feel that way. She looked away. “It doesn’t matter.”

  “Hey, it matters. Let's get this out in the open and put it away forever. We’re your men now. Your lovers, your guardians, no one else matters, the past doesn’t matter,” Aleck said to her.

  “Then why does it still hurt to think about it, about what he did, how he betrayed the trust, the love I gave to him?”

  “Because you loved fully, and he obviously didn’t,” Titus stated.

  “What about the problems I didn’t know about? The issues he had from the PTSD I didn’t know he had,” she asked, and Mavis tightened

  “What happened? What did he do?”

  “Promised me he would never hurt me. That we would get married, have children, be happy and do traditional things married couples do. That he would love me and cherish the fact that he was the only man I had ever been with. That he would never…never.” She looked at them then at Titus and Mavis. “Strike me.”

  “He hit you?” Mavis asked.

  “He was your one and only lover, ever? I mean until us last night,” Corey asked. Mavis’s hold tightened, and he caressed her thigh.

  “Yes. He yelled at me for no reason, smacked me across the face, hard. I cried and told him to get out. He came at me and shoved me into the counter. He struck me again, and I fell to the floor and cried as he kicked me and then walked away.”

  “Jesus Christ,” Aleck said and ran his hand along his jaw.

  “Did you call the police? Call your brothers?” Titus asked.

  She shook her head. “I was embarrassed, humiliated, and Culter, Chase, and Fox were still active duty and on a mission or whatever, and Kane being the sheriff would lock Tavern up, or do worse. I thought Tavern could kill me, and I really wanted to work things out because I loved him so much. Then he acted like it didn’t happen, even as he pulled me into his arms and kissed me good-bye before he left for another tour of duty. Then Kane saw me. He was fuming mad, and I got the call. Not the officers coming to the door to tell me my fiancé died in combat, but a phone call. He had me listed as the first to notify, not that we were engaged, but just the first to notify and they said he killed himself.”

  “Holy shit,” Mavis whispered.

  The tears fell, and she wiped her eyes and looked at him and then Aleck. “I’m sorry I assumed that you and Aleck might have PTSD and that you could hurt me like Tavern did. That I wouldn’t see the signs or be able to help you like I’ve helped others.”

  “This is why you went overseas, went to that base in the middle of danger, and why you risk your safety sometimes to help these men? You feel guilty?” Titus asked.

  “I used to. It had been my motivation for the last year or so, but then I guess I became so numb to anything I would want for myself, so against letting my guard down and falling in love or even just having sex to have it, that it was no longer my motivation.”

  “You thought we could hurt you like that, just because we’re soldiers, because we have PTSD?” Aleck asked her.

  “It was my own fears. The fear of falling in love with you guys only for you to betray me like Tavern had, or worse because you’re older that maybe you might cheat on me, or just use me, I guess. My own insecurities, and it’s crazy because here I am helping clients to feel more confident and to get over the vulnerability of risks they face in relationships after retiring from the military, yet I wasn’t taking my own advice. Until right before I left.”

  “What do you mean right before you left?” Mavis asked her.

  “When I saw you guys out. The two of you just got back, were retiring and making the final arrangements. The way you all looked at me, and how deeply I felt the attraction, I knew I needed to take my own advice and take a chance.”

  “So why the hell did you blow us off when you got back? Why did you tell me you thought of me as a great friend?” Titus asked.

  “I felt guilty.”

  “Why?” Aleck asked her.

  “Because she almost slept with that fucking guy Donovan,” Corey said and stared at her with his hands on his hips.

  Mavis cupped her cheek and neck. “She didn’t though. She figured out in that moment that she wanted us. Was going to accept us into her life, into her bed and become our woman. She just got cold feet,” he said to her, then kissed her softly on the lips. She in return hugged him tight, wrapped her arms around his neck and felt relieved to have told them the truth, and was ready to move on with her life with them as her men.

  Titus reached out to take Charlie’s hand. He pulled her up off of Mavis’s lap and stared down at her. She wasn’t wearing her heeled boots yet and looked so feminine and sexy standing here between them. “Arms up,” he ordered. Her eyes widened.

  “Titus, I—”

  “Arms up.” He repeated the order. She slowly raised her arms up, and Mavis and Corey began to push her skirt down as he lifted her top from the hem and up over her head and arms. Even in the lace strapless bra, her large breasts bounced. Mavis slid his palm along her belly then right over her mound.

  “Mavis,” she said and started to lower her arms but then her bra fell from her body, and Aleck pulled her arms behind her back and pressed up against her.

  “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” Titus asked and reached out and caressed her jaw, holding it firmly before he kissed her lips gingerly. She moaned into his mouth and swayed, and he knew that Mavis and Aleck were getting her ready. Titus released his hold and then traced along her throat, over her nipple, and she hissed. A glance down and Mavis was stroking her pussy.

  “She is wet and ready, Sheriff. Let’s take her right here in the kitchen,” Mavis said, then pulled fingers from her cunt and licked his lips as he stood up and undid his pants. Titus pulled off his shirt and stepped from his pants.

  “I got the lube right here,” Corey said, coming from the pantry.

  “You have that in your pantry?” she asked, shocked.

  “Honey, after you returned, and I promised you that things were changing, and our patience was gone, I went out and bought several tubes. In fact, we all have them in our trucks, and in every Goddamn room in the house. All for you.” He gripped her hips, turned her around, spanked her ass and pressed her over the kitchen table.

  “Damn, man. I get her ass next,” Mavis said, and Titus slipped lube to his fingers and slowly inserted them into her asshole. She panted and pushed back against his fingers. “Aleck,” Titus ordered.

  “Got it.” Aleck moved underneath her, made it so that her breasts barely touched the table and she had to put her hands on the table for support. Mavis covered one of her hands, and Corey covered the other one. They all had a hold on her. “She is leaking like a faucet,” Aleck said.

  “Oh,” she gasped and lifted up, but they had her restrained.

  “What is Aleck doing to you?” Titus whispered against her ear, and he pushed up against her back and stroked her asshole with his fingers. He ran his palm up and down her back to her neck, and she shivered.

  “I can’t take it. Oh God, please. I need to touch you, too.”

  “No can do, sweetness. You need to learn that we’re in charge,” Mavis said and nipped her shoulder, then slid his palm under her to cup her breast.

  “Oh. My. God,” she exclaimed and rocked back and forth over Aleck and Titus’s fingers. Corey cupped her other breast, and Titus smiled. He gave her no warning as he pulled his fingers out and replaced them with his cock. He slid right into her well-lubricated ass, and she moaned and moved forward only to gasp and press back.

  “Finger that cunt good, bro. We’ll need her nice and wet for this,” Corey said to Aleck, and she moaned, and Titus was pretty sure they were tugging on her nipples. He thrust into her faster and faster. The sight of his brothers all participating in loving their woman was a complete turn on. He wouldn’t last. Despite the many times they took her, Charlie’s body was perfection and then some as he held her hips and thrust over and over again, then came.

  “Oh!” she cried out. He shook then spanked her ass.

  “Next,” Titus said, and Mavis moved into position. Stepped from his pants, held her hips, slid his palm up her spine to under her gorgeous blond hair, gripped a handful and thrust right into her asshole.

  “Heaven. Our woman is heaven,” he stated and began to rock his hips, and stroke into her asshole from behind.


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