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Fair Trade For Love: A Billionaire Bad Boy Romance

Page 8

by Weston Parker

  “I know.”

  Sophie met my gaze, and I quickly looked away. It was getting easier to talk to her, but harder to look at her. She was so much more beautiful than I first realized.

  “Amy said you don’t ride much,” Sophie said.

  I shrugged. “No time. Between work and everything, I just don’t get many chances.”

  “You should make more time,” Sophie said, not unkindly. “You’re so lucky to have them. I’d give anything for my own horses.”

  “You can ride them whenever you like,” I said. “As long as you’re here.”

  “Thank you.” Sophie smiled, and I forgot how to breathe. “What do you do for fun, then?”

  “I have a few motorcycles,” I said with a shrug. “I take them out from time to time.”

  “Motorcycles?” Sophie raised her eyebrows. “I cannot picture you on a bike.”

  “No?” I asked.

  “No.” Sophie laughed. “You’re just so…”

  “Uptight?” I asked, laughing with her.

  Sophie blushed. “Well, kind of.”

  “I can be,” I said, shrugging. “But I haven’t always been this way. I used to be a lot more fun.”

  “Oh?” Sophie raised her eyebrows again. This time, I got the distinct impression she was flirting with me. “How so?”

  “I won most of my bikes by racing,” I said. “It drove my parents insane. They hated that I put myself in that much danger, but I loved it. There’s nothing like it. It’s such a high.”

  “Take me on one,” Sophie said simply.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I’ve never been on a motorcycle,” she said.

  “We can fix that,” I said with a grin. “Anytime you want.”

  “What’s wrong with now?” Sophie asked.

  There was a glint in her eyes similar to the one I saw the other day when we argued about the Benson contract. She’d challenged me effortlessly, and now, she was doing it again.

  I grinned and got to my feet.

  “Let’s go,” I said, holding out my hand to her.

  She let me pull her up before we hurried over to the horses. On the way back, I told Sophie all about my bikes.

  “Which one will we take?” she asked.

  “You can pick,” I said.

  “Race you back?” Sophie asked once the stables came into view.

  I grinned and kicked Donna Lee gently. She galloped faster while Sophie and Gemma blew past us, Sophie laughing freely the whole way back.



  Gemma and I outran Andrew and Donna Lee effortlessly. I knew from Amy that Donna Lee was their oldest horse. She wasn’t yet too old to ride, but she wasn’t as spry as Gemma. We flew over the ground at lightning speed, not stopping until we reached the stables. I pulled up gently on Gemma’s reins, urging her to stop slowly so I wouldn’t fly over her head.

  “Whoa there,” Amy said, stepping out in front of Gemma. “Someone’s in a hurry.”

  I was still laughing from the ride. My hair had fallen out of my ponytail and was covering my face. I shook it back and grinned down at Amy.

  “That was amazing,” I said. “Gemma can fly.”

  “She’s young,” Amy said. “Definitely the fastest horse we have.”

  “I couldn’t tell,” I teased as I slid off the saddle and landed easily on my feet.

  Andrew and Donna Lee galloped up behind us. I turned to see Andrew hopping down with an easy smile on his face.

  “I guess you win,” he said with a shrug.

  “What can I say?” I asked. “I’m competitive.”

  “I can see that.” Andrew grinned wider.

  “I’ll take her, Mr. Hopper,” Amy said, reaching out for Donna Lee’s reins. Andrew handed them over without looking away from me.

  “You ready for our next ride?” he asked.

  “Absolutely.” I grinned and said a quick goodbye to Amy.

  Andrew led the way toward his garage. We didn’t go through the house. Instead, he escorted me around the courtyard, behind a large oak tree, and over a small foot bridge.

  “This property is huge,” I said, looking around me as we walked.

  “Nah.” Andrew shook his head. “We’re modest compared to our neighbors.”

  I just shook my head and continued looking around. The Hopper’s land was a beautiful sight to see. Everything around me was covered in a thick, luscious green. I’d never been much of an artist, but I found myself wishing I could paint the scene.

  As we neared the garage, my palms began to sweat. I suddenly realized what I’d already agreed to. I’d never been on a motorcycle. I hadn’t so much as ridden a bicycle in years. Fear gripped my stomach and squeezed mercilessly.

  “Oh boy,” I said when we stepped inside the garage.

  Andrew owned more than a few motorcycles. At first glance, I counted seven, but I was certain there were more tucked away in some back corner.

  “I know, it’s excessive,” Andrew said. “Dad wanted me to get rid of them, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it.”

  “I don’t blame you,” I said. I walked over to the closest bike. It was bright yellow and gorgeous. I ran my hands over the metal and turned to Andrew with a wicked grin. “Let’s take this one.”

  “Are you sure?” Andrew asked. “Don’t you want to check out the rest first?”

  “I wouldn’t know what to look for,” I said. “Let’s just go before I change my mind.”

  “Chickening out already?” Andrew asked.

  “Never.” I glared at him, making him laugh.

  His laugh filled my ears and warmed my chest. In that moment, I forgot all about my fears. Laughter transformed Andrew in a way nothing else did. I thought his smile was wonderful when it spread across his face, but that laugh was enough to make butterflies appear in my stomach. They fluttered around, making my cheeks blush and my head spin with confusion.

  When I first saw Andrew, I knew he was an attractive man. There was no denying it. Still, his horrible attitude was enough of a turn off to detract from everything else about him. Now, I wasn’t so sure. He no longer seemed like the horribly spoiled, unkind man I’d met just a few days ago. He was kinder now. Gentle. Soft.

  “Let’s do this,” Andrew said.

  He grinned at me and nodded toward the bike. I took a deep breath and moved out of the way. Andrew climbed on the bike, grabbing a helmet off the handlebars. He turned around and handed the helmet to me with another grin.

  “What about you?” I asked as I fastened the helmet strap under my chin.

  “I never wear helmets,” he said with a shrug. “Just doesn’t feel right.”

  “That’s moronic,” I said boldly. “You could kill yourself.”

  “I wore them when I raced, but this is just a leisurely ride,” Andrew said. “No need to worry.”

  I rolled my eyes but didn’t argue. If Andrew wanted to risk his life, then so be it. It wasn’t my job to force him into anything.

  “You ready?” he asked.

  I nodded and kicked my leg over the bike. My hands gripped Andrew’s waist as I adjusted myself on the seat behind him. He moved slightly forward to give me more room, but I slid forward right along with him. My arms circled around to his front, my hands finding each other just in front of his belly button.

  “Hold on tight,” Andrew said. I thought I could hear amusement in his voice.

  I gripped him tighter while he kicked the engine to life. The roar filled the garage quickly, echoing through my ears and making me wince with nerves.

  “You okay back there?” Andrew called.

  “I’m fine!” I called back, though I felt anything but.

  He kicked the bike into gear and just like that, we were off. The bike jerked forward, and I squealed. I couldn’t hear Andrew laugh, but I felt his stomach shake.

  We sped out of the garage and down the long driveway. Andrew glanced to the right before zooming out onto the road. I kept my eyes wide as
we flew down the asphalt, but my heart was racing faster than ever before. My grip on Andrew’s waist was vice-like. I was embarrassed at first, but the faster Andrew drove, the more justified I felt.

  “This is leisurely?” I yelled over the roar of the wind.

  Andrew laughed again, this time loud enough for me to hear. He slowed down slightly, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

  “You’re fine,” he called out to me. “I promise.”

  His reassurance didn’t calm me at first. I felt my entire body tremble with nerves. But as he turned down a back road, I felt myself relax. The bike slowed down even more, and suddenly, I could see why Andrew loved this so much.

  The wind whipped through my hair, making it blow out from beneath the helmet. My eyes were watering, but I kept them open, staring straight ahead at the long open road. My arms loosened around Andrew’s waist. I felt safer. More calm. It was as if the ride was slowly helping me embrace my own personal freedom. I’d never felt anything like it.

  Andrew drove us up and down back roads, making sure to drive at a speed that kept me comfortable. Whenever he took a turn too quickly, he could feel my body tense behind him, and immediately, he slowed down until I adjusted. His kindness was subtle, but it made me hold onto him tighter and just enjoy the moment.

  “You ready for a break?” Andrew called back to me.

  “Sure!” I said.

  He pulled over into a small clearing and shut off the engine. Andrew climbed off first, holding out his hand to help me. I took it gratefully, knowing my legs would be unsteady once they hit the ground.

  “Whoa,” Andrew said when I stumbled. “You okay?”

  “I’m fine.” I laughed. “That was so much fun.”

  “Did you like it?” he asked, smiling softly.

  “I loved it!” I said, and I meant it. No amount of fear could detract from the adrenaline rush I felt coursing through my veins.

  “Good.” Andrew grinned. “I was a little worried.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  Andrew motioned toward the grass, and we both sat down to rest. I leaned back on my hands and let the afternoon sun warm my face. The weather hadn’t yet turned cold, but the light breeze in the air felt amazing.

  “You seemed nervous at first,” Andrew said. “I thought for sure you were going to ask me to stop.”

  “Nah.” I shook my head. “That was awesome.”

  Andrew smirked playfully. “But you were a little scared, right?”

  “Maybe a little.” I laughed. “I’ve never done that before! It’s a new feeling.”

  “It is unlike anything else,” Andrew said with a nod. “That’s why I love it so much. It’s pure freedom.”

  “That’s exactly how I felt,” I said thoughtfully. “Almost like flying. Not that I would know.”

  “Well, no one knows.” Andrew chuckled.

  “I mean, I’ve never been on a plane,” I said. “Not once.”

  “What?” Andrew blinked. “How is that possible?”

  I shrugged. “I told you, I haven’t traveled much.”

  “Where have you been?” Andrew asked.

  “Maine,” I said. “I’ve been all over Maine.”

  “And?” Andrew pressed.

  “That’s it.” I shrugged. “I’ve never left the state.”

  Andrew’s wide-eyed amazement made my cheeks flush. My lack of experience was a sore subject. I was embarrassed, but for some reason, I kept talking.

  “I guess I’ve been pretty sheltered,” I said. “I hate that about myself. Honestly, I would give anything to travel around the world. To see things I’ve never seen before. To try authentic food from other countries. Or, hell, even just another state.”

  “Why haven’t you?” Andrew asked.

  “I don’t know.” I looked down, unable to hold Andrew’s gaze. “First, I was too young. My parents would travel, but I always stayed with family or friends. Then, I had so many activities at school that there just wasn’t time. By the time I graduated high school, I moved straight on to college. Then, I got my degree and started working.”

  “And now?” Andrew asked.

  I glanced at him. He was watching me with his unique eyes, one blue and one green, searching my face for something he hadn’t yet found. I couldn’t remember the last time someone looked at me with such genuine curiosity. My embarrassment grew stronger, but I pushed myself forward.

  “Maybe it’s fear?” I said. “Or just routine? I don’t know. I always tell myself that I haven’t had the opportunity, but I know that’s just an excuse. Eventually, we all have to make our own opportunities.”

  “So, do it,” Andrew said firmly. “Make your own opportunity and go.”

  “Where?” I asked, laughing softly.

  Andrew shrugged. “Anywhere. Everywhere. Wherever you want.”

  He was right, and I knew it. I nodded and looked up at the sky, imagining all the places I could go.

  “My dream was always France,” I said quietly. “France sounds amazing, doesn’t it?”

  “I’ve only ever been to Paris,” Andrew said. “And it was just okay.”

  I snorted. “This from the guy who’s traveled to every continent.”

  “Not true,” Andrew said defensively. “I haven’t been to Antarctica yet.”

  We both erupted into a fit of laughter. It was ridiculous after all. Andrew spent his whole life flitting around the world, and me? I’d never stepped so much as a toe over the state line.

  “I’ll change it,” I said, speaking more to myself than to Andrew. “I will.”

  Andrew smiled. “I know.”

  We spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing in that clearing. By the time we were ready to head back, the sun was beginning to set. Andrew parked the motorcycle in the garage, and we walked slowly inside the mansion. It had been the perfect day, and as we stood in front of the staircase, I found myself wishing it could last a little longer.

  “Thank you for today,” I said. “It was fun.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Andrew said.

  His smile was warm, but I felt awkward as we continued to stand there. I didn’t want to say goodnight, but there wasn’t anything else left to say.

  “See you in the morning,” I said.

  “Yeah,” Andrew said, nodding slowly. “See you then.”

  I turned and climbed the first few steps, turning around to smile at him before I kept walking. Part of me wished he would follow me and stay close by my side until we reached my bedroom. I hoped he would slip inside just before I shut the door, blocking out the rest of the world. I wished for another hour with him. Another few minutes.

  He didn’t follow. He simply stood at the bottom of the staircase, watching me with gentle eyes until I rounded the corner and disappeared down the hallway.



  That night, I slept better than I had in weeks. After spending the whole day with Sophie, I was relaxed. My entire body was less tense. My mind was clear. When I laid down, I fell asleep almost instantly. It wasn’t until the following morning that regret began to creep in. I could still see Sophie’s face from the night before as she stood at the bottom of the staircase. Her emerald green eyes were locked on my face, and a thousand silent thoughts flew between us.

  More than anything, I wanted to follow her upstairs. I longed to slip inside her bedroom and act on the desires that overwhelmed me. Instead, I forced myself to walk away. My feet felt like lead, but I kept moving until I reached my own room. I disappeared behind the door, pulling it softly closed behind me. My head was spinning with the possibility of what could have been, but I went to sleep without dwelling on it. As the sun rose the next morning, so did my confusion.

  Did Sophie want me to follow her? Was that look in her eyes the same desire I felt? Was she, like me, suddenly hoping to spend more time together? These questions and more flooded my brain as I got dressed for the day. Thankfully, it was the weekend and I could afford to be distracted.
I let myself think about Sophie on and off all morning, her face sliding in and out of my mind with ease.

  “Can I get you anything, Mr. Andrew?” Liam asked when I stepped into the kitchen.

  “No.” I shook my head. “I’m just going to grab some coffee.”

  “Will you be working today?” Liam asked.

  “Always,” I mumbled and filled my usual mug.

  Without another word to Liam, I hurried down the hall to my office. With the door firmly closed behind me, I could allow my thoughts to return to Sophie. I closed my eyes and saw her face, her hair, her body. She was more enticing than anyone I’d ever met.

  When I first laid eyes on her, I knew she was attractive. It was impossible to miss. But after spending an entire day with her, my attraction was stronger than ever. I could no longer ignore the pull I felt for her. That tug in my stomach telling me to go for it was so powerful that it almost forced me to my feet.

  I fought it. Hard. With a shake of my head, my eyes flew open. I rolled my chair closer to my desk and got to work. No matter how much I wanted to give in to my feelings, I knew I couldn’t. Sophie Newman came from a family that could not be trusted. I wanted to believe she was nothing like her father. Everything about her proved she wasn’t, but I couldn’t let myself trust her. Not completely.

  There was still a part of me that believed Sophie was sent to my house on a mission from Rick. I couldn’t help but wonder if this entire situation was orchestrated by Rick as a way to rob me. It sounded insane, even to me, but the thought still spun its way through my mind every time I thought about being with Sophie.

  How could I let myself kiss her? How could I possibly allow myself the chance to be with her when I still didn’t know her true motivations? What if I was wrong about her? What if I fell for her, hard and fast, only to find that she was using me?

  My fears were greater than anything else. When I heard a soft knock on my office door, I knew it was her. Before I even made my way across the office, I could feel her presence. She was right there, on the other side of the door.

  I put my hand on the doorknob and then froze. We hadn’t seen each other since the night before. Then, the tension between us was so strong, I felt it in every inch of my body. I didn’t know if I could handle being near her again this soon.


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