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Vowed Page 23

by N R Tucker

  Accepting the proffered hand, Rafael shook his head. “The sovereign needed my protection not at all. Neither does she need yours to deal with shifters. I simply removed a minor irritant, but she won the challenge on her own. Dimitriy attempted to deceive the sovereign with lies. His challenge was not in the shifter tradition. I will attest to that.”

  Serenity eyed the three dead, walked up to Rafael, and kissed him with a single-mindedness that was impressive. Rafael responded in kind.

  Kyan raised an eyebrow but didn’t speak.

  Sage snorted. “Get a room.”

  Serenity broke contact and looked over at her sister, her eyes twinkling in the moonlight. “Excellent suggestion, Sovereign. Raf, is your motorcycle road worthy?”

  He chuckled and walked over to his bike, grabbing his helmet along the way. Rafael pulled the bike upright. There were cosmetic scratches and dents, but the engine started. He handed Serenity his helmet. While she placed it on her head, and got comfortable on the bike, Rafael looked at Kyan, “I expected Tempest.”

  “She’s playing charades with the Sovereign’s Squire,” Kyan retorted.

  Rafael didn’t understand, but he didn’t care. He laughed, started the bike, and drove off after Serenity put her arms around his waist. She was finally right where he wanted her, almost.

  “Charades?” Sage asked.

  “Next time you give Joey an order to not speak of something, you might want to rethink your wording. He’s pretty good at charades, but Tempest was just about to enter his mind to figure out what was going on. Serenity ran into the room with the info from Rafael.”

  Yes, she would most definitely work on that. Sage opened a gate and led the way home.

  Since both Sage and Serenity had opened their gates under the shield of elementals, the AIB’s newly formed TAC (Tactical Aberrant Containment) team didn’t know they had missed a gate event until the rumors of a shifter insurrection were whispered around the world.

  Sage soon found that Rafael was right. Shifters, and other preternaturals, calmed down about Sage’s age once news of the fight and her kills were circulated. It saddened her that she had to kill to be accepted as the leader of her people. Sage had assumed the 21st century was more enlightened than that.


  Last night of solstice revelry, Ryan sighed and watched the activity. Lady Dawn was, once again, rushing around doing whatever tasks she was expected to do. Jarvious was again singing songs for those who wished to listen. Ryan was no longer interested in hearing songs of a bard’s interpretation of his actions after the previous evening when Jarvious sang The Ode to Decorum (the official title), although the fae asked for it under the title Shifter Courts the Lady. No names were used, but the players in the ballad were easily identified. No wonder Tempe didn’t like to hear the songs sung about her. If the songs sung about him were any indication, they were less than accurate. It was embarrassing that the fae assumed he had planned the entire evening, using Faun to attain Dawn. While that had been the result, it wasn’t a planned action like the song depicted. Ryan’s goal had been to not make a fool of himself in front of Dawn.

  Ryan’s eyes settled on Victoria. The geeks were with Victoria, discussing stuff he was sure he had never studied, and Ryan was thankful for that. At least Fred was happy, relaxing next to Victoria, secure in the knowledge that the other males and females around her wanted to talk science, not revelry.

  Next, Ryan watched Lady Snowbell lead Shawn away from the crowd around Jarvious. Obviously, so Shawn wouldn’t see Sara and Asp approaching from the tents. Perhaps he should warn Shawn that Lady Snowbell and Sara had become friends, or at least friendly in their shared desire to enjoy revelry. Ryan nodded to Murdoch. Without discussing it, they had divided up the area and were watching everyone from the Seen. Lady Windy approached Murdoch, and Ryan hid his grin. The two of them fell into a relaxed conversation. Ryan glanced up at Montore, who was once again feigning sleep on the hill.

  “Still guarding everyone?” Lady Dawn offered him a cup of the drink that reminded him of lemonade with some type of berry added.

  He took a sip and smiled, “It’s what I do. I guard, and you see to everyone’s comfort.”

  “Yes, but my duties are mostly done for the night. Are yours?”

  Ryan shook his head, “No. Perhaps we could sit on the hill overlooking the beach and enjoy a snack.”

  “I was thinking the same thing,” Lady Dawn smiled coyly and showed him what was in the basket.

  The next day the revelers departed back to their realms or the Seen. It was odd to exchange polite and formal goodbyes with the fae, but that was the way of things. Only during solstice revelry could the single fae behave as anyone could in the Seen.

  Ryan pressed a kiss to Lady Dawn’s hand and joined the others from the Seen on the platform. He opened a way, and they were gone.

  Chapter 43

  “Ryan, pay attention to my signals or your spell will hit me. I’m sure it is unnecessary to tell you that if you spell me, I shall become angry.” Kulvir glared at Ryan. “As to the elements, fire will never harm me, though impacting my body will change the trajectory of the fire. Wind and air could impact my flight pattern. Water, unless you send a lot, will have no impact on me. Pay attention.”

  “Sorry,” Ryan sighed. Riding a dragon and casting spells required concentration. There was a lot to consider. Not the least of which was the art of casting a spell in the correct direction when someone else controlled the direction and speed of the motion.

  They made another pass at the poor, unfortunate tree Kulvir had chosen as Ryan’s target today. Although, in an honest appraisal, it appeared that the tree fared better than the surrounding foliage. Ryan’s aim could have been better. Ryan leaned to the side for a better angle and promptly fell from Kulvir’s back.

  Ryan shifted into his eagle form before he hit the ground and flew back toward Kulvir. The dragon hovered in the sky and sported the same expression Tempe did when he failed during practice. Landing on Kulvir’s back, Ryan shifted and settled again. “Yeah, I know. Remain seated during battle.”

  “At least you know what you did wrong.” Kulvir prepared for another run at the tree.


  “See you guys in two weeks,” Victoria smiled as the fae filed out of the Northern Realm’s training facility. Training the fae was gratifying. They were prepared, and rarely did she have to repeat herself. It turned out Salix was right. He and the other fae in the training program were conversant in the hard sciences, and they had no trouble keeping up with her instruction. Sometimes their questions even required her to research the answers, just to make sure she was right. All in all, it was enjoyable to teach such dedicated students. Ryan had inspected the facility, and as long as Montore was with her, she didn’t need a host of guards. Better still, in an unexpected – according to Tempe – show of cooperation, the five realms agreed that they would attend studies together in the Northern Realm, cutting down the amount of travel Victoria had to do.

  During breaks, Montore would fly her, and sometimes Fred, over the Farseen landscape, and Victoria had nearly completed her map. Soon she would be able to track gates in the Farseen, with or without Destin’s cooperation.

  In the Farseen, only Fred and Montore guarded her. Ryan was around, but he frequently dropped her off with a waiting Montore and left to take care of some other business. It was interesting because Ryan typically returned with cuts and bruises he refused to discuss.

  Fred stuck his head in the door, “Come on, Ryan’s waiting at the gate platform.”

  “Don’t the fae still called it a way?” Victoria said as she grabbed her tablet.

  “They admitted defeat. As have we all. Everyone calls it a gate now.”

  She smiled, grabbed his arm, and headed for the gate platform. As was his custom, Montore walked with them.

  Chapter 44

  “Back to the Farseen already?” Ryan groused since he was alone with Tempe. “I’m clocking mo
re time there than at PAC HQ.”

  “It’s time for Star’s next visit to the Northern Realm.” Tempest leaned back and smiled, “You can stay here if you wish. I’ll be there, but it will be advantageous if you are a frequent visitor. A few members from the other realms will be visiting at least part of the time, including Lady Dawn. Apparently, the open exchange of science in the Northern Realm has opened up the borders, and there’s a lot more visiting among the unmated members of the court.”

  “I’m in.” Ryan watched Tempe chew her bottom lip and asked, “What are you concerned about?”

  “Lord Ellwood has shown great humility of late, especially with you and Joey. I suspect he’s up to something.”

  Ryan nodded. He had thought the same thing. “Do you suspect or know?”

  “I can’t read Father, even if I try. I’ve never been able to.”

  “Okay, we shall be ever vigilant,” he said, borrowing the phrase used by warriors in the Farseen.


  Two days later, Star’s personal guards – Landon, Phoenix, and Brandi – formed a semi-circle around her, as once again Lord Ellwood welcomed them to the Northern Realm for two weeks of parties and posturing.

  After greeting his daughter and granddaughter, Ellwood turned to Ryan, “I have been informed you command both the Patron’s Sword and Kulvir now.”

  “The Patron’s Sword chose me, and I believe it would be more accurate to say Kulvir is training me. I don’t command him.”

  Laughing, Ellwood turned to walk down the hallway, saying, “Lady Saffron, escort the shifters to their rooms.”

  Saffron’s bohemian skirt swished as she walked down the hallway, discussing the events scheduled for this visit. Eventually, she said, “Lady Yunnan is currently residing in the family tree houses as a long-term guest of the Forest Lord. I didn’t think you would mind.”

  “Why?” It was unusual for any realm lord to house a guest long term. Star noticed movement down the hallway. Yunnan came into view. She walked by a window and the light shined on her face, Star exclaimed, “What happened?”

  “I’ll let Lady Yunnan explain.” Saffron bowed and added, “As always, the green star on your itinerary is mandatory.”

  Lady Yunnan bowed to the shifters in a blatant attempt to hide her black eye.

  Ryan stepped forward. “Permit me to carry your basket, Lady Yunnan.”

  Yunnan stepped back, clutching it tightly. “There is no need. Excuse me.” She hurried past them and entered her rooms.

  “Stay here.” Star ignored her guards’ protests and knocked on Yunnan’s door. There was no answer, so she opened the door and barged into the room.

  Brandi followed Star in and shut the door. She gave both ladies an apologetic shrug and stayed by the door.

  “Lady Star, there’s no reason for you to concern yourself,” Yunnan said, emptying her basket of fruit.

  “No need! You’re bruised. Who did this?”

  “It matters not. Lord Ellwood has offered me a place of safety.

  “Yunnan, what happened? I’m not leaving until you explain.” Star sat down and selected a fruit from the basket. She took a bite and focused on her fruit. Hiding behind court manners was a standard way to keep another fae out of one’s business. They were better friends than that. Star finished chewing and looked up at her friend. “Are you going to sit or not?”

  Yunnan looked over at Brandi who crossed her arms in front of her chest.

  “Enough. You know Brandi keeps our secrets. What happened?”

  “Unhappy with the results of the havoc he caused, Spruce blamed me for not doing as Father ordered. He met me in the woods as I returned from a visit with Styrax’s grandmother. I think he would have killed me if Acer and Salix hadn’t come upon us.” She dropped into a chair and hid her face with her hands, and admitted, “I don’t know what to do. I can never return home. Ascan invited me to his home, but he has enough problems with his enemies questioning everything he does now.”

  “What about Styrax’ grandmother? You’ve stayed with her before.”

  “I sent Styrax away. I can’t bring my family’s shame into his.”

  “This is ridiculous. Everyone knows you and Ascan had nothing to do with stealing the sword or using it to try and trick me.”

  “Perhaps, but it’s an excellent way to detract someone. I won’t do that to Styrax’s family. Lord Ellwood and Lady Saffron have been kind, more so than I deserve, but I need to leave the Northern Realm. I just don’t know where to go. No other realm would allow me to visit now.”

  “Do you know that no other realm will have you or are you assuming?” Brandi asked, speaking for the first time. Both ladies looked at the guard. Brandi’s lips turned up into a smile. “Legitimate question. I spent years running from my family, certain my half-vampire status would cause them harm. Don’t see any reason for you to do that. Your brother might need to hide in shame, you don’t.”

  “Well said.” Star turned back to Yunnan, “Stay for the two weeks I’m here. And then maybe you could visit me in the Seen for a while.

  “I will not allow my family’s shame to harm my friends.”

  “Quit being so morally superior. It’s irritating.” As Star stood to leave, she added, “You will attend tonight’s repast and sit at my table.”

  “Is that a command? Are you ordering me to the feasting hall tonight?”

  “If it has to be, yes.” Star marched out of her friend’s room.


  Star finished dressing and tracked Yunnan down. Star, along with her consort, her guards, and her friend, walked toward the feasting hall. Yunnan was unhappy, and Star was irritated. They reached the public area of the residence to find Styrax’s grandmother, Lady Lindera, in front of the hall of battles. An unusually high number of fae, and not just the unmated ones, milled around the pillars depicting battles fought by the lords of the Northern Realm.

  Yunnan turned to Star, “Did you plan this?”


  Yunnan’s voice dropped to a whisper. “Why is she here? She never comes to court.”

  Star shrugged.

  The grandmother of Salix and Styrax moved to stand before them. Lady Lindera eyed the new arrivals. “Lady Yunnan, why have you sent Styrax away? Is he no longer acceptable to you? When last you visited my home, the two of you seemed to enjoy each other very much indeed. What did my grandson do?”

  “He did nothing, Lady Lindera.” Yunnan curtsied to hide her blush.

  “He must have done something. Come, you will stay with me, and I am sure we can work this out.” The females, who had giggled when Lindera first spoke, grew quiet when the invite was extended.

  “No, Lady Lindera, I cannot impose.”

  Lady Saffron and Salix joined them in the hall. Salix had Styrax by the arm and pushed him to his left so that Styrax would be closest to Yunnan.

  “Are you saying you prefer life in the court to the amusement of my holdings?” Lindera stared in surprise. Turning to Saffron, she asked, “Have you ever heard of such a thing?”

  “No, Lady Lindera. Your holdings are by far the more enjoyable, much less pomp with a lot more amusement to be had, especially if your grandsons are in attendance. However, it occurs to me that Lady Yunnan is attempting to spare you any hurt her visit might cause.” Saffron lowered her voice and still managed to make it carry as she added, “Perhaps she is concerned by her family’s current stain.”

  Lindera turned a confused face to Yunnan. “Is this true?” Yunnan, red-faced, nodded. Lindera went off into a peal of laughter. “Oh, my dear, if only those who had no fools in their family were allowed in my house, I would never have visitors. My own brother thought to mate Lady Tempest or Lady Temperance – I don’t remember which – and I can assure you, he never managed to secure so much as a dance with either. Come to think of it, I was never sure who trounced him so badly that he moved to the Western Realm. ’Tis a lovely thing someone did. He spoke vows with a lady who is far too good for
him, and they are happy together. Males are ever doing foolishness for some female, but most eventually grow past such silliness.”

  “But, my brother…”

  “Lady Yunnan, your brother is a fool, but he has yet to see one hundred years. Perhaps he will grow out of it. Is this the only reason you rejected Styrax?”

  “Of course, why else would I?” Yunnan asked in surprise.

  “Then, my dear, Styrax will remain at the court’s pleasure for the next two weeks. When Lady Star returns to the Seen, Styrax will escort you to my home for an extended visit. Now that that’s settled, I suspect Styrax will wish to join you at Lady Star’s table.” Lindera walked toward the feasting hall.

  Those who had waited throughout the columns followed, most disappointed that the meeting had not been more entertaining.

  Styrax placed a hand on Yunnan’s chin and raised her head to look at her black eye. “Who did this to you?”

  Yunnan lowered her eyes. “It matters not.”

  “Aye, it matters. I will…”

  “No,” Joey laid a hand on Styrax’s shoulder. “No blood feud. Much better to run into the offender away from court.”

  “Excellent advice,” Ridge murmured as he walked by. “It distresses me to observe that male shifters are becoming better at court maneuvering than the males born and raised in this court.”

  Liron watched from the obscurity of the shadows, pleased that things worked out for Yunnan and Styrax. He was also delighted that Ridge’s comment would make an excellent song.

  Chapter 45

  During Star’s visit, while most of the court slept, Ryan left his quarters every morning before the sun rose to continue training with Kulvir. Kulvir seemed pleased with their progress, but Ryan was unsure casting spells while riding. His command of the elements came naturally astride the dragon, and he no longer feared he would fall off when Kulvir dipped and rolled through the sky. This day’s training had been better than most and Ryan sported a satisfied smile. He and Kulvir had created a saddle and, to check it out, they were on a test flight. As Kulvir flew near the Northern Realm residence, Ryan said, “We’re getting awful close.”


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