Sorcery & Sirens

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Sorcery & Sirens Page 13

by Iris Woodbury

  "To be honest, there's just not that much to tell, really. One minute I was at the renaissance faire, and the next thing I knew I was here. I remember wondering what Crystal was up to, so I went to look. That changing room was totally messed up ––the curtains just went on and on for like, forever."

  "Ain't that the truth," John said. "We came here to find you, that's how we got into this mess!"

  "I finally got through them," Stu continued, "and must have emerged on the other side of the faire, because I came out in some kind of forest. Anyway, almost the second I was out in the open, some dude in a funny blue tunic nabbed me from behind and marched me over to his horse. I thought it might be the faire police, and I was trespassing out of bounds or something stupid like that. Anyway, another man dressed just like him showed up. One held me, and the other pushed me to the ground."

  "Assholes!" Nic said.

  "I remember thinking then, wow, this was odd, since policemen push you face down and I was on my back, but a moment later they poured some luminous milky goop down my throat. Anyway, that's the last thing I remember. The next thing I knew, I was waking up in that weird room and seeing you guys. And now we're here." He glanced around the room, looking totally baffled. "So, what's going on, then?"

  "This is all my fault, I wish I had never gone into that changing room," Crystal groaned.

  "Like you could have known what was going to happen," Nic said.

  Crystal nodded but felt guilty all the same. She hardly knew where to begin, herself. "Well, we're not at the renn faire anymore, that's for sure."

  "Then, where are we? And why are we all dressed in white? What have they done with my pirate costume?"

  "That is your pirate costume," John said. “This place just turned it white."

  Stu examined his clothes again and shook his head. "Don't be funny."

  "He's not.” Nic pointed to her own outfit. "Take another look."

  Stu looked down, toyed with the altered fabric, then looked up, puzzled.

  "Stu, since you've been gone, a whole lot of crazy shit has been going on, I don't mind telling you," Crystal said. "But you're not going to believe me, I know that."

  “Crazy stuff, like what?" Stu asked.

  "Like your worst nightmare," John said.

  "Monsters and stuff," Nic said. “Bad ones.”

  "Yeah, right." Stu shook his head. "I'll believe that when I see it."

  "And you will, probably a lot sooner than you think. But for now, you're just going to have to take our words for it," Crystal said.

  Stu cocked his skeptically. "This is some kind of game, isn't it?"

  “Man, I wish it was, but it's not," John said. "We've been through hell since you last saw us, and it's not over yet."

  "Alright.” Stu turned to Crystal. "Let's pretend for a second I believe all this nonsense. So, tell me everything that happened to you from the moment you went into the changing room, to the moment when I woke up.”

  Once again Crystal told him everything about the acid monster, the giant sewer spider, the Jake who wasn't their Jake, and the Guardsmen. She didn't stop until she reached the part where the walls disintegrated in the palace, and they finally caught up with Ella and Stu.

  For a moment, he gaped at her incredulously. But then he burst out laughing.

  "Oh, come on, you're kidding me, right."

  "Man, I know this is hard to believe, but think," John said. "Back in the throne room, those wyvern, you must have seen them?"

  "I did. I thought they might be Komodo dragons or something, brought in for the faire. I've never seen one before. How was I supposed to know?"

  "Stu, you idiot! Komodo dragons are gigantic and deadly and untrainable," Nic said. "These wyverns are nasty pieces of work and the place is full of them. One of them bit Crystal."

  Stu jumped up comically, grabbed her hand and in a mock play-acting voice, cried, "Oh my God, are you okay? Where did he bite you?"

  Crystal lifted her skirts and turned her leg so he could see her ankle. There were angry, reddish abrasions where the thing's teeth had pierced her skin.

  Stu stopped mid-laugh and gazed at her wounds. "Oh shit, that looks nasty. Does it hurt?”

  "It didn't, but it’s beginning to now. It's throbbing."

  "You should maybe get that seen to before it turns septic."

  "Sure. I'll just pop down to ER and have them take a look at it, shall I? And oh, by the way? Their bite is venomous, it knocked me out for hours. Just like your milky goop, except not so much fun."

  Stu frowned. "Okay. So, let's suppose for a second I'm buying all this bullcrap." His gaze swept around the room once more. "So, what do we do now?"

  "No idea. This is Ella's show, I guess. We all have to wait and see what she wants us to do."

  "Okay," Stu said. "Look, I don't know when you all ate last, but I'm totally starving. I hope there's food in this place."

  As if answering his very call, the door to their chamber opened and a girl and two boys came in carrying an array of food-filled platters. The girl was very beautiful, but she had odd, nondescript features that were instantly forgettable. They all had that same glazed look about them.

  The platters were covered in all sorts of delicious-looking meats, breads, pies and fruits, and the final platter had an assortment of drinks and candy.

  Stu's eyes grew to the size of saucers. "Are these all for me?"

  The moment he spoke, the glazed look left the young woman's face and she smiled pleasantly. "They are for all of you, but if it is not enough, we can bring more."

  A thought occurred to Crystal. She turned to one of the two young men carrying the drink tray. "Could I possibly have some tea?"

  Again, the strange look left the young man's face, and he smiled warmly. "Whatever you wish."

  "Well in that case, can someone do something about my ankle?" She twisted it around so the boy could take a better look at it.

  "Of course. I shall have a physician sent in right away."

  "Oh, goody."

  As soon as she was gone, John checked the door, but once again, it was locked. "Well, gotta try," he shrugged.

  Crystal turned to the others. "I think I've sorta figured out these crazy walkers."

  "Oh?" Nic said.

  "Yes. They just have to be engaged. I think they’re kinda asleep unless you talk to them. And when you do, they kinda wake up and become normal."

  John snorted. "Normal."

  "Well, you know what I mean."

  "Then why don't we just walk out of here?" Nic said. "I mean, if they're not switched on, as it were, who would stop us?"

  "Um, hello. Locked door.” John pointed at the door he’d just tried to open.

  "So, what's the point of it all?" Stu asked, as he stuffed his mouth with a huge beef and cheese baguette. "I mean, there has to be a reason for all this, right?" He chugged down a whole can of soda and popped the next one before any of the others could reply.

  "Jake told us Ella is hoping to find a replacement for herself, so she can step down from being queen. That's why we're here. I guess that's what the quest thing is about."

  "Why would she want to do that?" Stu asked. "I mean, if you're right and she is the queen of everything, why would she want to give all that up?"

  "We think she's bored," Crystal replied. "Or lonely. But we really don't know for sure."

  "Stupid plan, though," Nic said. "She can't make us fight each other."

  "I wonder how Jake is doing?" Crystal wondered.

  "What do we care?" John said. "It was his stupid fat mouth that got us into this mess in the first place."

  "I wonder how he was able to help us?" Nic mused, ignoring him. "I mean, if Ella has control over everyone, how was he able to betray her?"

  "Maybe she just controls the people in the city, I dunno," Crystal said. "Or she only controls people when she's actually thinking of them."

  "That might explain the mindless drones," Nic agreed.

  "Poor Jake," Cryst
al said. "Whatever happens, I wish he were here with us, now. After all he's done for us, I hate to think about what they might be doing to him in some crazy dungeon or something.”

  John picked up a meat pie, shrugged his shoulders, and took a huge bite. Once he swallowed, he licked his lips. "He can look after himself. He's a big boy. We should worry about ourselves."

  "Nice attitude," Nic said.

  "Whatever. You guys should eat, this stuff is awesome."

  Stu had already moved onto a turkey leg, and the two girls wandered over to the platters and plated up some food. Crystal chose a quarter of a sandwich. Her appetite was strangely diminished, given how little she had eaten, and she felt a little hot and feverish. She hoped this physician would show soon; she didn't want to alarm the others but inside she was freaking. She did not want to die in this stupid world.

  "Not eating?" Nic remarked.

  "I'm not very hungry. Still going strong on the food we ate in the box," she replied.

  Crystal sat down on a recliner and rested her head on the back support. The idea of sleep was appealing. She didn't think she could here, with all that was happening, but she wanted to, anyway.

  The door opened and another beautiful young girl came in. Crystal presumed this might be the physician, although she didn't look nearly old enough. She didn't ask who her patient was. Instead she immediately crossed to Crystal's chair and knelt beside her. She carried a small mortar and pestle containing a small amount of white goop.

  "This will take away the fever and pain," the girl said.

  She smeared most of the white goop around Crystal's ankle, then applied the remnants to the abrasions on her arms and face. The relief was instant. It felt like a thousand cold cucumber slices were laid on her entire body, and though this was no spa, she felt as relaxed as if it were. The warmth drained from her cheeks, leaving her in a perfect state of coolness.

  "Should I wash that off in a bit?"

  "No. Just leave it on and let it continue its work."

  "Okie dokie. Thank you."

  Once all the goop was applied, the girl rose and left as quietly as she had come.

  "How's that feel?" Nic asked.

  "Much better, as it happens. I think it's gonna be okay. Pass me another sandwich, please. I'm suddenly famished."

  This time, Stu, who was done stuffing his own face, did the honors. He handed her a plate of food, then sat on the edge of the chair beside her.

  "Thank you for coming back for me," he said.

  "Oh, no problem. It's not like we were going to leave you in this hell hole."

  "All the same. Thank you." He took her hand in his own, turning it to avoid the goop, and kissed the inside of her wrist.

  The others looked on, open-mouthed.

  She coughed. Crystal cleared her throat, embarrassed. "Not at all. Don't mention it."

  "There's something I always wanted to say...."

  Whatever it was, he was not given the chance to say it. From somewhere in the palace they heard a distant chiming noise, and though there were no windows, it dawned on Crystal at once that it was getting rather late.

  Stu's expression turned trance-like, like he'd been turned into one of Ella's walkers. Then just as his eyes drooped, Crystal was overcome with exhaustion herself. The time for sleep had come. She swooned, and the last thing she saw before losing consciousness, was all of her friends falling in a slump to the floor.

  Strange Magic

  At this point, Crystal barely batted an eyelash in surprise when they all woke at exactly the same time. In a world of surprises, this rated nowhere on the boy, was that unexpected totem pole.

  Nic stretched her arms and let out an enormous yawn. "You know, I don't think I've ever slept so soundly in my life."

  “Me too.” Crystal sat up, fully refreshed, ready to face the day. “I feel great. Like we’ve slept for hours in a comfy bed instead of this recliner thing.“

  "Was that the sleep enchantment thing?" Nic asked.

  "I think so," Crystal said. "I mean, sure, it had to be, right?"

  Nic nodded.

  "I feel great, too” John said. "Like I could take on the world."

  "Careful what you wish for," Stu said. "We don't yet know exactly what the fruit bat queen has in mind for us." He turned to Crystal and pointed to her foot. "How's the pain in your ankle?"

  Crystal, who was the only one who hadn't slept on the floor, spun round on her recliner and looked at the white goop still plastered on her body. It had hardened into a scratchy crust, and she brushed it away carefully with her right hand. Beneath it her skin looked better than perfect, there wasn't a blemish or a cut in sight.

  "Wow, would you look at that. It's like it never happened."

  The others crowded around her to take a look.

  John dipped his fingers in the powdery remnants. "You could make a fortune with that stuff back home," John said.

  Nic put her hand on Crystal's ankle. "It feels cool. Has your fever gone too?"


  "Well that's something," Nic agreed. "Sooooo, I wonder what bitch Queen Ella has conjured up for us today? Death by vampire? Dancing with werewolves? A fight to the death?"

  "You read too many junk novels," John said.

  "And wonderful they all are too," Nic countered. "Seriously though, I wonder what this quest is gonna be?"

  "Last time I was on a quest I was role-playing," Stu said. "I lost that one, too."

  "Would you want to win this one?" Crystal asked. "I mean, what if you had to stay in this stupid place, forever? I think I'd rather die."

  "I dunno, it's not so bad," Stu said. "Some of those girls looked pretty hot."

  "And they'd be one hundred percent at your beck and call," John winked. "I mean come on, you gotta find that pretty sexy."

  "It just so happens I do not," Crystal said. "You realize none of this is real, right? I mean, come on? A place where you never get old. Forever seventeen."

  "And it's so empty," Nic added. "Really John, you're teasing right? The women would be like shop mannequins. Tell me you're not serious about wanting to stay here."

  John smiled but took the Fifth on that one.

  "So, how long do you think Ella's been here, then?" Crystal asked.

  "I dunno, maybe forever," Nic replied.

  "That's a hell of a long time to be seventeen. Would she go back to the real world, you think? What do you think will happen to her if she stands down? I mean, where did she even come from?“

  "I dunno," Nic said. "Maybe she just disappears to nothing. Or crumbles up like a mummy...."

  "Or eats brains like a zombie," Stu laughed.

  John sighed impatiently and walked over to the door. "Look, we can play this guessing game all day long, but the fact is, we know nothing about any of this. For instance, we don't even know if this door is still locked."

  He put his hand on the door knob and twisted it. It opened immediately. "See? I rest my case."

  He took a step out of the door, then seemed to fall. "Christ almighty!" He caught himself, holding onto the door knob for dear life. The others ran over to see what had happened. They saw quick enough. The room they were in was no longer just off the hallway. Instead they seemed to be suspended high in the air, so high the palace floor below them was lost in its shadows. "Help me, help me! Dammit, get me back up there before I fall!”

  Crystal's head began to spin, and her legs gave way. She backed up to the nearest wall and clung to it for dear life. Fortunately, Nic and Stu weren't so bothered by heights, and they lunged forward and grabbed hold of John's wrist.

  "I've got you bud," Stu cried, through gritted teeth.

  "For the love of God, don't drop me!" John shouted.

  “You’ll be alright, we've got you!" Nic said. "Come on, one, two, three, pull!"

  Nic and Stu made a mighty heave, and together they hauled him back to safety.

  Once inside, it was John's legs that gave way beneath him and he dropped to his knees.<
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  "Close that damned door!" Nic said. "Look at him. He's as white as a ghost! Give the poor guy some air, I think he's in shock."

  "Well, who wouldn't be," Stu said. He looked back at Crystal, who was now getting back to her feet. "You okay too?"

  "Yes, sorry. Vertigo thing. Don't worry about me. Look after John."

  John recovered quickly, and now looked angry and embarrassed. "What the...? There was a hallway there before––you all saw it."

  "Yup, we did. More strange magic at work I suppose." Crystal glanced at Stu. "You believe us now?"

  "Totally. Geez dude, that was a freaky ride, you okay?"

  "No. I almost shit myself. What do you think?"

  "Man, I'da done the same."

  "Me too," Nic said.

  "Now what do we do?” John asked.

  "Well, I guess if they just wanted us dead, they'd have done that already," Crystal said. "I'm thinking they've just done this so we don't try to escape. So, keep calm, and let’s just wait this out."

  "Ask for breakfast," Nic suggested. "They always show up when you do."

  And so, they did. No sooner had she said the words than the three platter-carriers appeared at the door. They brought with them all sorts of muffins and sausages, eggs, cereal and juice. They all gaped, bewildered.

  John looked skeptically at the door. "Alright, so where did these guys come from?" Very carefully he opened it again and peered cautiously outside. "And there's the hall back. What kind of magic is this?"

  "Maybe it's just an illusion?" Nic said.

  "An illusion you can fall through? I think not. My legs were dangling in mid-air! I know what I felt."

  "Can you tell us about the room?" Stu said. He was talking to the oddly pretty girl, and as soon as he spoke, her eyes illuminated, and she smiled warmly.

  "No, I'm afraid not. Any questions you have must be addressed to Queen Ella and her alone. Those are our instructions." She smiled sweetly again, and having given the information he desired, returned to her habitual trance-like state.

  "Does that include asking about the quest?" Nic prompted.

  She turned on again. It was quite uncanny to watch. "It means all questions. Have a nice day."


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