Sorcery & Sirens

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Sorcery & Sirens Page 20

by Iris Woodbury

  John looked like she'd asked him to shoot his pet dog. His stroked the bite marks on his neck. Lily looked at him imploringly. She was drop-dead sexy when she turned on the siren. In a flash, John's irritation evaporated, and he stepped forward, hypnotized.

  "Okay, Lily, are you ready?"

  Nic's jaw dropped at the goofball look covering John's face. "Just keep away from his neck, okay Lily?"

  Crystal saw jealousy flash in Nic's eyes as John climbed overboard and Lily slipped carefully into his waiting arms. Lily's smile would have stopped an armada, and Nic bit her lip and frowned.

  "Don't worry," Crystal whispered. "I suspect John's not her type."

  "I don't think John cares what her type is right now," Nic argued.

  "It's only magic," Crystal said. "Don't sweat it. You know he only has eyes for you."

  "It's not his eyes, it's her fangs I'm worried about," Nic said testily. She half-smiled, but her eyes never left the two of them as they waded carefully across to the bank. "He's certainly taking his time getting her across."

  "Perhaps she weighs more than she looks?" Crystal said. "She's on a one-hundred percent protein diet after all."

  Nic laughed, more like herself again. "Ah well, here goes!" She jumped swiftly over the side, creating a big splash. I see she's not afraid of a little water. Crystal left next, and Empusa climbed down carefully behind her. "Crystal. Can I use your shoulder for support? My legs don't do so well in the mud."

  Crystal was surprised by the request, but didn't hesitate to help her, though she cranked her jugular as far from those fangs as possible.

  "Thank you," Empusa said, when they were safely across.

  "You're welcome."

  Relieved to be back on solid ground at last, Crystal dropped joyfully to the lush grass.

  "Just look at my sore thumbs," she said, holding them up to the warm sun.

  "Same here.” Nic dropped down to lie beside her. The two shared battle scars. "So what's the plan?" whispered Nic.

  "No plan exactly" Crystal replied, "other than to get as close to the curtains without handing over the dagger."

  "You're not giving it to her?" Nic said, surprised.

  "I suppose I'm going to have to, soon, but not just yet. I'd like to find out why it’s so special if we can. It might give her some power over us we don't expect."


  "Quite. So just keep stringing them both along with stories about the juicy Guardsmen, and I'll try and figure out something as we go."

  "Okie dokie."

  A large brown rabbit ran close by and over to the bank. Empusa looked at it for a moment, then followed it to the water's edge. Lily followed her, the two disappeared among the rushes. A moment later, they both returned, licking their lips. There was a faint smear of blood on Lily's right cheek.

  John, who had been sitting on the bank grinning like an idiot, unaware of anything going on behind him, suddenly looked like his old grumpy self again. "Did you just kill that rabbit? It's a river bank, not a blood bank."

  Empusa picked at something in her teeth. "Would you rather we ate something else? You perhaps?"

  "Umm, no. I'm good," he said.

  Nic jumped up and also wandered over to the bank. She soon returned with a very limp and flaccid looking rabbit. "No point wasting it," she said. "Might as well be pragmatic. Can you boys make up a fire, since I just did the hunter gatherer thing?"

  "One rabbit won't go far between all of us," John grumbled.

  "Well then. Lily and I can always get another." Empusa looked directly at John. "That is, unless you object?"

  This time John just shook his head.

  "I thought not."

  While Lily and Empusa disappeared near the rushes, the others set about foraging for dry twigs and leaves. There were plenty to be found, and they soon had a good fire going with five skinned rabbits nicely sizzling away on a makeshift spit. It was Empusa and Lily's turn to lie down on the grass under the shade of a tree. Crystal tried not to stare at their extended bellies, disproportionately bloated from a feast of rabbit blood.

  After rowing for hours, no food had ever tasted so good in their mouths.

  "Must suck to be a rabbit," Nic said. "Is there anything that won't eat one?"

  "Other rabbits," John said.

  She laughed. "I bet they're relieved about that."

  Stu was the first to rise, and wiping the grease from his face, he looked inland to where a huge forest loomed not too far away.

  "Is that Jake's forest?"

  "I think so," Jake said, also standing up and looking.

  "Yes, it is," Empusa said. "I believe we have half a day's journey to get there. You'll be home in your world by bedtime, wood boy."

  "Really? So close" Nic said, thoughtfully. "I'm almost afraid to think about it."

  Crystal felt the same.

  After a short rest, Stu kicked out the fire and they all headed off toward the forest. He and Crystal trailed a little behind the others, and he took her by the hand. "Are you okay?"

  "I will be. I can hardly believe it. This nightmare is nearly over and we're almost home." She realized she was being a little premature, but she felt confident that with Empusa and Lily on their side, they had a very good chance of returning to their own world.

  Stu lowered his voice. "Um, when we get home, after a little while, after you've recovered... can we go out? Like, on a date?"

  She laughed. It felt good to think of normal things. "Sure. But Stu...."


  "Take me to a bloody renaissance fair on our first date and you're dead meat."

  He laughed. "So that's a yes, then?"

  "Sure. I was gonna ask you anyway. You know, when we got back. Once we were beyond the reach of monsters and sudden death. I thought it might be a bit more romantic that way."

  She pulled him to a dead stop and waited for the others to get a little further ahead.

  "Come here," Crystal said.

  "Okay, what’s up?" he said, moving in a little closer, waiting for her to whisper something new.

  "I want you to kiss me. Or do you have any more stupid questions?"

  Stu grasped both her hands and swung them in a small arc.

  "Ow my thumbs!" she cried.

  "Oops. Sorry." He loosened his grip a little. "No. I'm good," he grinned.

  "Could you maybe stop talking then?"

  "I'll try."

  His lips gently brushed hers, and he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, shielding their kiss from view, making things more private.

  A wolf-whistle from afar killed the moment. "Woo hoo, you two! Get it on!"

  Not private enough, it seemed.

  They fell apart and stood staring at each other. Then Stu grinned and took her hand. "Come on. More on this later. We'd better catch up."

  "I'll race you."

  The two broke into a trot and ran to join the others.

  "About time," Nic said.

  "Way to go, dude," said John. He playfully punched him on the shoulder, when something high-pitched whizzed past Crystal's ear. She looked up just as Empusa and Lily started to sprint for the woods.

  "What the...?"

  "Run!" Jake shouted. "Archers."

  Sure enough, about 300 yards away, a group of archers were assembling in a deadly row. "Oh shit!"

  Stu ran beside her, but his chivalry worried the hell out of her. He could totally get out of range if he wanted to. "Run, Stu, just run!"

  But he wouldn't leave her side as volley after volley whizzed by, some coming far too close for comfort, or thumped into the ground around them.


  What was that? Stu stumbled, but then he picked up his pace again, so she breathed a sigh of relief. Jake, John and Nic reached the cover of the trees first, Empusa and Lily were just behind, their progress impeded by Empusa limping, and at long last, Stu and Crystal felt the safety of the trunks as they brushed past them. Still, they couldn't afford to slacken their pace, and carried o
n over bracken and brush, jumping fallen limbs like hurdlers as they ran out of reach of the arrows.

  Somewhere ahead of them, Crystal heard the rush of more water.

  Empusa pointed in the direction of the sound. "This way, I have a plan!"

  Lily was signing frantically, but in her haste, Empusa didn't notice. Instead, she limped forward, as fast as she could go.

  Terrified, Crystal followed her blindly, not knowing what to fear the most––the arrows at their backs, or the vampires at their side.

  A Close Shave

  They ran and they ran, then came to an abrupt halt at a precipice. Crystal looked fearfully over the edge, and her legs almost gave way beneath her as she realized the height of the drop. She grabbed hold of Stu and he pulled her back so she could breathe again.

  "Jumping over a waterfall, that's your plan?" Nic said.

  "Plan? Are you nuts?" Empusa replied. "But we can't outrun them for long. They have horses. They could be here any second."

  Crystal peered carefully over the edge of the precipice. Her head began to spin. "No way. Sorry, I just can't do it. "

  "Then you must wait here and die. They are not coming to praise you for stealing their dagger."

  Empusa went to jump, but glancing back at Lily, saw the siren was rooted to the spot.

  "Shit, I'm sorry baby, I forgot," Empusa said.

  "What?" Nic said.

  "The water. She can’t jump!“ Empusa looked desperate now. "We'll have to find another way. You guys should jump thought. We'll take care of this, our way."

  "We won't leave you," Crystal said.

  "Very noble, but my friend, you really have no choice. And don't think this changes our bargain. Believe me, we will catch up with you soon. Leave the fighting to us."

  As she spoke, she withdrew a strangely marked blade from her cloak, and turned to face the Guardsmen. They could all hear the drumming of hooves, increasing in volume as their pursuers came closer.

  "Go, fools, you don't have a choice!" Empusa screamed.

  She was right. Jake, Nic and John stepped up to the edge. They all took a deep breath.

  "You have to do it, Crystal!" Nic said. "Come on! One, two, three... Oh my Gooooooood!" The three jumped together.

  Three loud splashes could be heard from below and Stu looked over the edge. "They made it. They just bobbed up. Come on, Crystal, hold my hand. We'll jump together."

  Before she had a chance to argue, Crystal felt a tug, Stu winced, and he pulled her with him over the edge. A moment later they were flying through the air, and then splash!

  The world closed around her head in a massive echo chamber. Shit it's so frigging cold! As soon as her downward momentum slowed, she kicked with all her might to the surface.

  Whoosh! She couldn't get the air in her lungs quick enough. Thank God the water was deep enough! As soon as her senses recovered, she searched for the others. Stu was a few feet away, flinging the water from his hair, and wiping the snot from his nose. She twisted round, and saw Jake, John and Nic crawling out of the water by some low rocks. They'd been carried some way downstream by the tide. Good. It was too far for the arrows to reach them, so they were safe if only for a while. She kicked against the stream and swam in their direction. Stu swam directly behind her, and a moment later they were all panting on the flat rocks, drying out in the sun.

  "Thank God it's a warm day," John said.

  "Thank God we got away safe.” Nic was grinning from ear to ear, still high on the adrenalin.

  "What a rush!" Crystal turned her head to Stu, expecting him to say something next. He was lying on the rock beside her, but he was white as a ghost, and trembling. And the water that was draining out of his clothes was red.

  "Jesus Stu, did you hit a rock or something?"

  "No. One of the arrows grazed my shoulder. It's on my back, so I can't see how bad I'm hit."

  She scrambled beside him. "Turn over."

  He shifted carefully, and she saw the arrow had ripped through his shirt and left a deep gush along the top of his shoulder blade. The wound was cleaned by the water, though she could see a little sediment from the stream embedded in the cut. Her hand hovered over the tear, but she was afraid to touch it in case it caused him more pain. "That needs stitches, I think. We've got to get you to a doctor."

  "Fine. Call the ER. I'm sure they'll have an ambulance here in no time," he said, trying to force a laugh.

  "Not funny." She turned to Jake. "Do you recognize this place? Any idea how far we have left to travel?"

  Jake shook his head. "Sorry, I didn't even know this place existed."

  Crystal ripped the sleeve off Stu's shirt and and pressed it to the wound. Stu inhaled sharply through his teeth. "We've got to stop the bleeding. All I can do is make some kind of a sling, but you've got to get up. We have to keep moving. The Guardsmen might know another way down."

  Stu struggled to his feet; his arm now supported in the make-shift sling. He was still deathly pale, and Crystal was worried sick.

  "Come, let's go," Stu said.

  "If you're ready.” Crystal hoped, rather than believed he’d be okay.

  "As I'll ever be."

  They all set off at a fair pace, aware the Guardsmen could catch up with them any time. Crystal looked back. She could see nothing at the top of the waterfall, and if there was any action up there, the sound was drowned out by the cascade of the water as it gushed over the edge.

  Thank you, Empusa and Lily. May the gods watch over you and keep you safe. She turned and caught up with the others.

  "Any idea what direction we're going at least?" Nic asked.

  "Well," Jake said. "I always follow the path of the sun. It's not exact, but it has never failed me yet."

  John grabbed Jake and slammed him against a tree. "Never mind following the sun, do you know the way to the goddamn curtains, Wood Boy?" John shouted.

  "That's enough!" Nic said. "Leave him alone, he's trying his best!"

  John pushed him one more time into the bark for good measure, but then let him go.

  Jake glared at him, but rewarded Nic's intervention with a smile.

  John scoffed, but seemingly conscious of Nic's scrutiny, he walked away and kept his thoughts to himself.

  For the first time Crystal noticed a glow about Nic that had intensified every hour she'd been in Caducus. Until now, she had never realized how truly beautiful her friend was. And it wasn't just a physical beauty; it was like a magnetic aura, that appealed to everyone around her. Especially the boys. Odd. The old Crystal would have been jealous as sin at all the attention her friend was getting. But the new Crystal just smiled, grateful to have Nic as a friend.

  They walked for what felt like hours, following the path of the stream. They kept up such a brisk pace, their clothes soon dried in the heat of the sun. Every so often, Crystal checked Stu's shoulder, but though the bleeding abated, it did not fully stop. At long last, Stu raised his hand. "Enough. Sorry everyone. I need to stop."

  "That's okay," Nic said. "I don't think they're following us anyway."

  Stu planted himself on the middle of a fallen trunk and put his hand to his head.

  Crystal sat beside him, the rough bark scratching against her sun-burnt skin. "How are you feeling?"

  "Been better."

  "You think you can make it a little further?" she asked.

  "I'm gonna damn well try. I'm just tired right now. I don't know how much blood I lost but it feels like a lot. How do I look?"

  "Pretty cute."

  "Well then, what are you worried about?" he smirked, though his eyes betrayed his pain.

  "Oh, just a sec!" Crystal jumped up and was soon rummaging about in some foliage. She soon returned with some lush green leafy things. "It's called Goldenseal. I just need to put it over your cut."

  "Oh, I remember that from biology," Nic.

  "What does it do?" asked Stu.

  Crystal removed his sling and opened the leaves out flat. "It's kind of like nature's a
nswer to Clorox. Sort of an antiseptic wipe." She rubbed it against the open wound.

  "Ow. That stings."

  "Yes, but it'll help reduce the chance of infection and will stop your blood loss."

  "I never knew you were a girl guide."

  "I wasn't," Crystal smiled. “I was a Brownie. Now stop whining and take it like a man."


  The wound certainly looked better after she finished cleaning it. "Are you ready to move on now?"

  "Yes. I think so. I need something to eat and drink though." He pushed himself up and they all walked to the water's edge and drank as much as they needed.

  It seemed an age since their feast of rabbits, and Jake and Nic busied themselves foraging for nuts, berries and any fruit they recognized along the way. Crystal watched over Stu, who was still awfully pale. John walked a little apart, not talking at all.

  There was still no sign of the Guardsmen, and Crystal allowed herself at last to hope––they were going to make it back after all.

  Jake handed her a big, red apple. Crystal turned it over in her hand suspiciously, remembering what happened the last time someone handed her one in his place.

  "Oh, give it here," Jake sake. He took it from her hand and took a big chunk out of the side of it. "See? I didn't die!"

  Crystal laughed and took a cautious bite herself. It was delicious. "Thank you, though I would kill for a Big Mac and cheese with a strawberry milkshake right now."

  "Oh God, French-fries," Nic said. "You're making me drool."

  "When we get back, I promise to buy you a bucket of the things," John said.

  Nic grinned. “Make it Chick-Fil-A and you got a date."

  John looked over to Jake, a triumphant look on his face. But Jake was staring hard at a tree and didn't seem to notice.

  "Are you okay, Jake?"

  "I think... I think I know where I am."

  "Really?" Nic said. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree.

  "Yes, I'm pretty sure. We're not too far from the entrance to your world. We're approaching a bit more from the west than I imagined, but yes, I'm pretty sure I'm right."

  "Hallelujah," John said.

  "Woot!" Nic followed.

  "So how far exactly?" Crystal asked.


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