Sorcery & Sirens

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Sorcery & Sirens Page 22

by Iris Woodbury

  "Oh, I see.”

  "What will they do with us?" Nic asked. "When they're finished up doing whatever it is. They don’t need us anymore, not now they have the dagger, do they.“

  "I dread to think."

  They didn't have to wait long to find out. A Guardsman slipped out from inside the tent and gave the order to their senior guard.

  "Sergeant, the queen orders these otherworlders be incarcerated overnight. They are to be woken at dawn to witness the ritual."

  "What ritual is that?" Crystal asked.

  The Guardsman looked at her but didn't answer her question.

  "What have you done with John?" Nic asked.

  "He is well enough, and that is all you need to know."

  "Is he not coming with us?"

  "The queen has other plans for him tonight." Nic opened her mouth to speak but the Guardsman raised his hand. "Be silent. You will get your answers in the morning."

  They were marched to a tent directly behind the marquis. As they passed by it, they could see shadows behind the brightly lit canvas, but who was who, and which was John they couldn't tell.

  There were four cots inside their tent, and Nic fell in a heap on the first one. "I feel sick, and it's not even from all that sugar we just ate."

  They all chose a cot to drop on. "My brain is doing somersaults trying to come up with a plan," Crystal said, "but I've got nothing. It's not even as if we could overpower the Guardsmen and make a run."

  "Why not?" Stu asked.

  "And leave without John?" Nic said.

  "No one gets left behind. Stu wasn't, and John won't be, either." Crystal caught Jake's eye just as he averted his. I'm sorry my friend. She slipped down on the hard mattress and locked her hands behind her head. But there was no denying it, this time she was stumped.

  After a while, Stu jumped to his feet and stepped to the entrance of their tent. He lifted the canvas flap, and Crystal watched as he retreated three steps at the point of a sword.

  "Where do you think you're going?" said the burly Guardsman.

  "I need to pee!" Stu said. "Of course, I expect you to escort me to the trees at sword-point. Not that you have to. Do you think I would try to make a run for it and leave my ladies behind? Only a coward would do such a thing."

  The Guardsman's eyes spun like a washing machine as he tried to take this all in.

  "Stay put, and don't try anything funny again or I'll run you through."

  As soon as the Guardsman was gone, Stu flopped down on his cot. "Well, it was worth a try."

  Crystal smiled in spite of herself. "Yes. Anything is worth a try."

  In one respect she wished she were back in Somnia. At least there we would be able to sleep. I don't think anyone is going to get any rest tonight.

  Time passed slowly. No one said much. They were bystanders now, nothing more, waiting for something to happen that was out of their control. Crystal didn't want to be an unwilling spectator at a gruesome event, but she knew that's what it would likely amount to, in the end. She closed her eyes. I must prepare myself for whatever comes.

  The music had long stopped playing. And soon enough, the whole camp grew quiet. But for a while no one slept in their tent. All through the night, Crystal tossed and turned on her little bunk. Every now and then she heard a stifled sniff. Her heart ached for her friend. But there was nothing she could do.

  This is all my fault. If I hadn't discovered this stupid place. She hated thinking such dark thoughts, but welcome or not, the thoughts came to torment her.

  "Are you asleep?" Nic whispered through the darkness.

  "No. I keep wondering about John. Don't hate me for saying this, Nic, but he wanted to rule this place so bad. And now she's handing it to him on a plate. Maybe he's got what he wanted."

  "But you know it's not real. And John knows it, too. We can't give up on him."

  "I've no intention of it," Crystal said.

  Nic fell silent for a moment, then she said, "I've been torturing myself, over and over, imagining the two of them together."

  "I don't think she wants him that way."

  "Who knows what she wants? She's a figment of your imagination, not mine. Is there anything you know about her that can help us? Anything at all. Some secret desire you haven't talked about, that we might be able to exploit?"

  Crystal hadn't quite thought about it that way, but there was no denying, Nic was making sense. If there was any solution at all, it had to come from her mind. Though try as she might, no solution presented itself.

  "Sorry, Nic. All I can say is maybe pray. Because I have no answers. Just a million questions. And even if something came to me now, how could it help John, in there? There's no way for us to communicate."

  They fell back into a hopeless silence. Wide-eyed and with no expectation of sleep, Crystal stared into the darkness. She was afraid of what the dawn would bring, and what would happen to them all tomorrow.

  "I don't have any ideas either," Jake said, his voice coming out of the dark.

  "Shaddup," Stu groaned.

  "Okay," Jake replied.

  Strange Guardsmen

  They were woken before first light. The hospitality of the night before was not matched, for they were given only a little bread, cheese, and milk for breakfast. Crystal swallowed a piece of dry, stale bread in silence. The boys sat on the end of their bunks, feasting quietly. Nic sat on the end of hers, but touched nothing at all. Her face was pale, and there were dark circles under her eyes.

  "You should eat," Stu said. “I know it’s hard, but we don't know what the day's gonna bring. You’ll need your strength.“

  "I'm not hungry," Nic said.

  "Eat anyway."

  "Leave me alone."

  Crystal shot Stu a You better do as she says look, to which he raised his eyebrows philosophically, but then didn't bother Nic again. Jake and Stu ate uncharacteristically slowly. Crystal was just sipping at some milk when two burly Guardsmen entered their tent.

  "You must come with us now."

  They stood either side of the entrance, so the prisoners had to pass in single file. Crystal got up last and followed her friends out to the open field. It broke her heart to see them shuffling along with their heads bowed and their shoulders slumped, the fight gone out of them all.

  The sunrise in Caducus was a thing to behold. It was just perfect. Crystal didn't think she had ever seen a more beautiful one in her life. The red and yellow rays of the sun turned the entire forest a bright, surreal, golden color. Yet she couldn't appreciate it. How could she, when their fates all hung in the balance?

  They had to pass several tents to reach the front of the marquis. As they turned the corner, they saw a huge platform had been erected in the area in front of the entrance. Odd. I heard no banging or construction noise last night. From the dazed looks on her companions' faces, she guessed they were thinking the same thought. The platform was enormous, almost covering half the clearing. Crystal gulped. This could only be a bad thing.

  There were steps, just a few feet away from the edge of the marquis, and they were marched in single file, up the stairs to the very top of the platform. When they reached the top, they realized the structure was a giant coliseum, with tiers upon tiers of seating, mostly filled by Ella's mysterious courtiers. They sat in almost ghost-like fashion, looking into the heart of the arena, but saying nothing, their blank faces soaking up the golden rays of the morning light.

  The center of the stage rotated, like a giant lazy-Susan. All along the static perimeter stood dressed Guardsman, facing the crowd, as if expecting some kind of frenzy.

  "Geez, they've got an army protecting Ella from us," Stu said.

  "Cowards," Nic added.

  "Be quiet," said the lead Guardsman. "The ceremony will be performed any second now."

  Sure enough, Ella and John both appeared in the middle of the arena, elevated on some kind of dais that came up through the ground. She was dressed in the most magnificent white robe. Even as far
away as she was, Crystal could see the shimmer of embedded jewelry, as it caught the morning sun. And beside her stood John, his face passive, just like one of the walkers, and Crystal caught the glimmer of something blue in his hand.

  "He's holding the dagger," Crystal whispered.

  "So I see," Stu said.

  They were led down to an enclosure and ushered inside. The Guardsmen stood on either side, blocking any chance they might have of escape.

  Nic looked up and down the densely populated rows. "Where exactly do you think we're gonna run to?"

  "Hold your tongue. Watch. The ceremony is about to begin," said the larger of the two.

  Crystal was just thinking there should be heralds, when ten walkers, dressed like 1940’s Errol-Flynn-movie extras from Robin Hood, popped up on the edge of the stage, blowing brass trumpets for about thirty seconds or so. At that moment, everyone in the arena came alive, and the place buzzed with animated chatters and cheers.

  If it was supposed to be entertaining, it failed miserably. Like commercials at a movie theater, Crystal sat there wishing they would cut to the chase and get on with it. Soon enough though, the heralds stood down, and Ella threw her arms high into the air. The arena at once fell silent.

  "My good people. For many glorious years I have ruled over you. It has been an honor, and a privilege, and I salute you all. But the time has come for change, and as our prophecy decrees, my place can only be taken by one of the otherworlders. Four such young people have crossed over into our realm, and as Caducus tradition dictates, the one most worthy among them takes my place today.

  "You all know the legend. There is but one way to pass out of this dream world, and to the place of eternal rest. My life can only be taken, when the blue dagger pierces my heart by the hand of a loved one. I welcome the chance to embrace that final sleep. Here, in front of all you witnesses, I hand over my life to King John. He will be a fair and just king, and you must all swear your allegiance to him at my death."

  She unhooked the lace of her robe, and with one quick movement, shuffled out of it, leaving her in nothing more than a simple white shift. She took a deep breath and threw her hands back up in the air.

  "John, kiss me, and then give me eternal rest."

  Nic's mouth fell open in horror as John stepped forward. Though he still appeared to be in a dream, it was clear to all he was going to kiss her. He joined her on the dais, and stroked her cheek affectionately, like he was about to dispatch the love of his life.

  "Jooooohn!" Nic screamed. But her plea went unnoticed. A moment later they embraced in front of the entire assembly. "What the hell are you doing?"

  "Silence." a Guardsman snarled, stepping in front of her and cutting off her view.

  They held each other for the longest time, and then at last, still stroking her face, John backed a little away. He bent down, picked up the regal robe she had just discarded, and put it on over his own shoulders. He then held the blue-gold dagger high in the air for all to see.

  The crowd gasped as one, while Crystal and Nic could only watch helplessly, unable to believe what they were seeing.

  The blade of the dagger glowed brightly in the sunshine. Crystal wanted to close her eyes but found she was unable to do so. John turned the blade in his hand, and put his left hand out flat, as if gauging the exact position of Ella's heart.

  And then they heard a terrible sound, like hammers thundering on wood, and turning, Crystal saw a host of Guardsmen streaming into the arena. Everyone shied out of the way of the advancing horses, and the previously tranquil walkers were screaming in mass frenzy. Looking back to the stage, she saw John still carried the blue dagger, but it had dropped loosely to his side while the fracas continued.

  In the meantime, the new riders drove forward to the front of the arena, they wore torn Guardsmen uniforms, but many had lost their helmets and looked disheveled, while others bore wounds that oddly enough didn't seem to affect them. A fierce battle ensued against the perimeter guards. Blades slashed left, right and center, and the whole place filled with the screams of the wounded, as riders tore into Guardsmen, both fighting to the death. Some of the attackers were pulled from their horses, and Crystal was amazed to see them retaliate by sinking their fangs into their enemies' necks!

  And then one rider broke free of the melee and galloped over to where John and Ella stood helplessly on the stage. The rider turned his sword and brought the hilt crashing down on John's head. The blue dagger fell to his feet, and though Ella ran for it, the rider dismounted and was quicker, and pushed her roughly aside. He secured the blade inside his belt, and then with a great heave, threw the unconscious John onto the back of his horse, leaving the queen to fend for herself in the melee.

  More riders clamored awkwardly to where Crystal and the others were sitting, and after a short scuffle, dispatched their guard to the world beyond. A rider loomed over her, his eyes blazing as he raised his sword above his head.

  Crystal closed her eyes, knowing this was the end, but she soon opened them again. Instead of being run through with a sword, as she'd half-expected them to do, the riders had turned and continued to join the battle over by the bottom of the arena.

  "What the hell are you waiting for? Run, you idiots!" shouted a familiar voice behind them.

  Crystal and the others turned around. There, just a few rows behind them, was Empusa. Her sword slashed this way and that, fighting off several Guardsmen as they lunged at her. She was drenched from head to toe in blood.

  "Head for the curtains, I will join you there as soon as I can," Empusa cried.

  "We can't leave without John!" Nic screamed, looking back toward the arena.

  "John's down there, somewhere!"

  "Leave him to me," Empusa shouted. "I shall bring him to you! Now go!"

  Crystal grabbed hold of Nic who was still rooted to the spot. "Come on. We have to trust her! She'll find him, I'm sure of it."

  Nic shook her head frantically, but Crystal forced her forward. If they lingered much longer, they might all be taken. At last Nic conceded, and together they ran as fast as their legs would carry them, pushing past the fallen, desperate to get out of there. Crystal held her breath from the benches all the way to the top of the arena, and her feet seemed to find supernatural speed as they pummeled down the steps into the clearing.

  There was no plan; she had no idea where to go, but the four just made a beeline for the trees. She refused to look back until they were deep into the woods, putting as much distance as they could between themselves and the arena. Her last thought as they left the fighting behind was that Empusa would be true to her word, and would return John to them, alive and unharmed.

  The Sacred Dagger of Caducus

  "Wait, we have to stop!" Nic cried. They all stopped running, and Nic bent over panting, barely able to catch her breath.

  "Were we followed?" Crystal asked.

  Stu looked back behind them. "I don't think so. Everyone was in a massive panic. It won't be hard for them to figure out where we are, but I think we're safe for now."

  "I can't believe that just happened!" Crystal said.

  Stu, still weakened by his wound, sat down on a fallen trunk. "Neither can I, but way to go, Empusa!"

  "Yes, way to go," Crystal agreed.

  Only Nic looked troubled. “Hell, I can't believe we left John back there.”

  "Trust Empusa––she said she would help him," Crystal said.

  “Jeez, she's a vampire!" Nic cried. "Last time she was alone with him she sucked his blood!"

  "Well I think we can trust her. She came back for us, didn't she? Why would she lie to us now?“

  "For us? Or the dagger?" Nic asked.

  "Oh hell, don't even think that," Crystal said. But a part of her wondered if Nic was right. “But if she doesn’t return soon, we’ll go back for him, okay?”

  Nic straightened up and looked deep into the woods, as if trying to see beyond them, back to the arena. She wore a pained, anxious look, and Crystal
couldn't think of anything to say that might help.

  Crystal turned to Jake. "Empusa said to meet us back at the curtain. Can you find it from here?"

  Jake took a moment to take in his surroundings. "Yes. Yes, I think so."

  She glanced at Nic. "Are you ready to get going again?"

  Nic nodded but looked anxiously over her shoulder.

  "He'll be with Empusa, trust her, please,” Crystal said.

  "I guess we'll have to now," Nic said, but she didn't sound convinced.

  They continued at a brisk pace, always watchful for Guardsmen, but also anxious to join the others as soon as possible. After a while, Jake's steps became more confident and determined, he was now certain of the way, and they all held their breath again as they prayed for no more diversions.

  The sun was hot this morning, and they were soon a mass of sweat and anxiety. And then Jake's pace slowed, and he bid them all wait while he pointed cautiously ahead. "Just beyond those trees, we will be at the hill by the curtain. There could be more Guardsmen waiting to ambush us, so be careful."

  "We have to wait for Empusa and Lily," Nic said. "We can’t go forward without them."

  They all agreed.

  "Well, we can't just sit here in the open, we'd be sitting ducks if one of those twerps showed up. Crystal looked all around. There was a dense mass of bushes a few feet away, nearer to where the hill was. "I say we make that spot there a bit denser and hang out under cover for a bit. We’ll be out of sight but we’ll be able to see if anyone approaches.”

  "Good plan," Stu said.


  They all set about gathering as much loose brush as possible and put it over the bushes, making it a small hideaway. There was a small opening, and they all crawled inside. They could see for some distance, and sat in silence, praying that Empusa and Lily would soon return, and hopefully to bring their adventure to an end.

  It was strange. Last time they were here the place was crawling with Guardsmen, but this time, the birds were chirping happily, and there was no sound other than the natural song of the forest. Crystal's heart was breaking to see her friend so upset, so together they kept constant vigil, alert to every sound and change, their hearts pounding in unison as they huddled close together.


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