Mr. Sin: Book One of the Sin Series

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Mr. Sin: Book One of the Sin Series Page 18

by S. J. Tilly

  With a sigh, I relax back into the warm body that’s half draped over me. Vincent hums in approval and nuzzles into my neck. He’s the big spoon to my little spoon, and even though he’s half asleep I can feel that part of him is wide awake.

  I’m debating between letting sleep reclaim me and pressing my ass back against his erection when my phone rings again.

  Proving he wasn’t as asleep as I thought, Vincent is up and reaching over me in a blink. Grabbing my phone off the nightstand.

  There’s a small amount of light seeping in from around the curtains so I can tell it's morning, but just barely. I can’t imagine who would be calling me this early.

  It hits me at the same time Vincent reads the caller ID.

  “Fuck.” He breathes out. “It’s your brother.”

  I close my eyes and hold my hand out for the phone. This is not going to be a fun conversation.

  “Hello, John.”

  My eyes snap open when I hear Vincent answer the phone.

  Oh, no.



  T he silence on the other end of the line only lasts for one heartbeat. “Vincent Mazzanti.” He says my name like it’s the most distasteful thing to ever come out of his mouth.

  I can’t blame him. “Special Agent Clark.”

  “So, you know who I am. And what I do.”

  I’ve seen his photograph, both from Sasha’s background check and from her apartment, and John’s voice is exactly how I imagined. Hard. Low. As serious as they come. If I were dirty, he’s the type of agent I would not want chasing me.

  “Yes.” I reply.

  “You are going to tell me everything you know about that piece of shit Randal Smith. I know it’s your fault that he went after Sasha. My Sasha. My fucking baby sister.”

  I grit my teeth at his use of my, but I know he’s right. He’s right about this being my fault. He’s right about Sasha being his. She is, just in a different way than how she’s mine.

  John’s voice gets colder. “And I promise you - if any harm comes to Sasha... A scratch. A bump. A single goddamn bruise. I will bury you. I’ll bury you so deep, with my bare fucking hands, that no one will ever find you. Do you understand?”

  “I understand.” My voice isn’t ice, it’s fire. Because I do understand. Because I’ll rip my own heart out if any harm comes to her.

  “Good. Now talk.”

  A glance at Sasha tells me that she can hear everything that John has said. And from the look in her eyes, I know she won’t be going back to sleep. I pull the phone away from my face and press a soft kiss to her parted lips.

  “Go make me some coffee, sweetheart.” I wink then slide out of the bed.

  She looks a little incredulous at my demand, which is exactly what I wanted. Plus, it will give her a task to focus on. And I have a feeling that my talk with John won’t be quick.



  W hat on earth could they still be talking about? I had Vincent’s dumb coffee ready 20 minutes ago. Then I paced around the kitchen. Then I tried to eavesdrop outside of Vincent’s office door. Tried being the keywork. He must’ve had that room soundproofed because I couldn’t make out a single word that was being said.

  With my second cup of coffee in hand, I give up and drop onto the couch. I don’t even have my phone to entertain me, since Vincent is using it to talk to John. About me. About what happened. About my safety.

  I groan and drop my head back against the cushion. I don’t know if I should laugh or cry. My brother’s overprotective nature was nearly intolerable before all this happened. Now? Now he’s going to be impossible. Between the two of them, I’ll never be allowed to do anything ever again.

  Hearing soft foot falls pad through the room, I lift my head in time to see Annie climb onto the couch with me.

  “Good morning.” I smile at her, with her bed hair and fuzzy yellow robe. “Sleep well?”

  Annie shrugs. Something passes over her face and I’m not sure if she’s still tired or if she wants to say something, so I stay quiet.

  When she opens her mouth, I’m not at all prepared. “I’m sorry about what happened to you. Uncle Randal is sick, and he needs help.”

  Her words take me so off guard I nearly drop my mug. “Oh, um…” I have no idea what to say. I thought she didn’t know about yesterday.

  Answering my unasked question, she shrugs again. “I overhead grandma on the phone with dad before you guys got home. I hadn’t meant to listen, but when I heard grandma say Uncle Randal’s name, I just sort of froze. They never talk about him.” She takes a deep breath. “He tried to take me once.”

  I set my drink on the coffee table then turn to face Annie fully. “I’m sorry that happened to you. Do you want to tell me about it?”

  Annie gives me another shrug, this one smaller than the others, before she scoots a little closer and recounts the story. It’s the same story Vincent already told me. The facts are the same. But the details are less in Annie’s version, as she jumps through each moment quickly. Her emotions are under control, but hearing it is so much worse this time. It’s so much more heart wrenching coming from a child’s perspective.



  B uttoning my shirt, I enter the living room expecting to see Annie and Sasha in the kitchen. After my call with John, I figured I’d take a quick shower and the girls would entertain themselves. Not seeing them at the island, I turn and spot them on the couch. I’m about to call out when Annie’s words reach me.

  “He tried to take me once.”

  I freeze. Every muscle locking in place. My lungs refusing to fill.

  How… Is she talking about Randal? She must be. But why? Why is she telling Sasha this story?

  I nearly lose my footing, when for the second time in as many days my failures overwhelm me. How am I fucking up in such epic ways? This last series of events presses into my mind. The call from Angelo alerting me to a reported intruder at Sasha’s place. The feeling of utter uselessness and fear as I rushed to her apartment. The sight of Sasha huddled in the corner of her own home. Her tears. The call I had to make to my mother, telling her that Randal was back. That he was right fucking here, in my goddamn city. Telling my mom to keep Annie in her sight at all times. Telling my mom to keep this from Annie. I’ve done so much to keep Annie not just safe from Randal, but to keep his name away from her. Not wanting her to have this sort of reminder.

  After the kidnapping attempt, Annie went to therapy. We all did. But eventually she started doing better. No more nightmares. No more asking why he did it. And as the years passed, I made sure that his name was never said in her presence. It’s not like I thought she forgot about what happened but… I’m a fucking idiot. Of course, she didn’t forget. She was young when it happened but old enough to remember something like that. Old enough for it to affect her.

  And standing here, frozen at the edge of the room, I listen to Annie as she goes through her retelling of events. I listen, and while a little bit of me dies, the rest of me wars between blind rage and utter devastation. I let this happen. I let all of this happen.

  “I was scared but once I heard dad coming, I knew he’d save me. My dad was like a superhero. It was awesome.”

  “Is that right?” Sasha’s voice is a little raspy, but I can hear her smile.

  It’s that smile that snaps me out of my spiraling thoughts. If these two can smile right now, then I sure as hell can pull it together.

  Clearing my throat, I walk towards them. “What’s so hard to believe? I’m basically Batman.”

  The matching pair of rolling eyes that greet me has the fist around my heart unclenching. Just a bit.

  I lean down and kiss Annie’s messy hair. “Morning, Princess.”

  She gives me a sheepish look. “Don’t be mad at Sasha, she didn’t tell me about Uncle Randal breaking into her place. I overheard grandma when she was on the phone with you last night.

  I crouch down to her level. “I wouldn’t be mad at her even if she had told you. But I shouldn’t be surprised that you’re such a sneaky little butt.”

  Annie grins. “I get it from you.”

  My muscles relax a bit more.

  Sasha stands and places a hand on my shoulder. “I need to hop in the shower.” She looks at Annie. “In case you leave before I’m ready, I hope you have a nice day with your grandma. As for you, mister, your coffee is on the counter.” Sasha punctuates her statement with a flick to the back of my head, making Annie snort out a laugh.

  And just like that, my outlook for the day changes. My girls are okay. Truly okay.

  I pull Annie in for a hug.

  “Dad, are you mad at me?”

  “No, princess. I’m not mad at you. I’m upset that you had to think about it on your own all night. I wish you would’ve told me.” I breathe out a deep sigh and pull back so I can look my daughter in the eye. “And I should’ve told you. I just didn’t want you to worry about this.”

  “I’m not worried. I have you to protect me.” The expression on her face is so pure, she means every word. “And now Sasha has you, too. I know you’ll keep her safe just like you did for me.”

  I pull her in for another hug. “I’m here if you want to talk about any of it. Or if you want to see Dr. Sallis again, we can do that.”

  Annie struggles against my hug. “Dad, I’m fine. For real. I’m not a little kid anymore.”

  “I know.” I squeeze once more before releasing her. “Now go get dressed; your grandma will be here any minute. She said you guys were going to be baking all day and that she’ll make that egg thing you like for breakfast.”

  Annie tips her head back and pretends to drool. “Mmmm.”

  I wiggle my fingers at her, like I’m getting ready to tickle her sides, and that has her squealing and scampering off towards her bedroom.

  I allow myself one minute of sitting in silent reflection, before heading to the kitchen to make protein shakes for Sasha and myself. We both could use the energy boost.



  T hankfully, when my mom shows up, Annie is ready to go. She reminds me three times to tell Sasha that she said goodbye. I don’t miss the beaming smile that my mom has every time Annie mentions Sasha. Mom wants me to settle down, and I’m sure she sees Sasha as an opportunity to make that happen. And since I’ve never brought a woman to eat dinner with my family before, I’m sure Mom sees it as a sign that things are getting serious between us.

  Of course, the angry claiming fuck, and the things I made her say to me, was far more telling regarding the seriousness of our relationship. But I won’t be sharing any of that with my mom.

  That memory from last night will be burned into my mind forever. Sasha’s fine ass in the air, marked red from my palm, her defiant mouth turning me on even as she flares my temper. The feel of her clenching around my bare cock. Fucking hell, I haven’t had sex without a condom in a long-ass time. I’m usually so careful, especially after the Annie surprise. But the need to claim Sasha as my own was too overwhelming. We should probably have a conversation about that. Because it’s absolutely going to happen again.

  Like a horny teen, I’m adjusting myself when a knock sounds on the front door. As always, Eric is right on time.

  At six foot three, he’s about my height. But the dude’s built for intimidation. I’m no slouch in the muscle department but Eric is stacked. He’s not quite Angelo sized, but no one is. Dressed in black tactical pants, black boots, and a black polo, he looks exactly like what he is. A giant bodyguard. The point isn’t for him to be hiding in the shadows. The point is for him to be seen. Sasha isn’t bait, and we don’t want Randal to think of her as an easy target.

  “Sir.” Eric greets me with a head nod.

  Eric is always strictly professional, and I’m betting that it will drive Sasha crazy.

  As if summoned by my thought, Sasha appears. I’m glad my back is to Eric because the sight of her has my dick twitching again. Sasha strolls down the hallway towards me like a goddamn wet dream. Her hair, still damp from my shower, is pulled back into a loose braid. She’s wearing a dark green dress that makes her hazel eyes shine even from across the room. She’s barefoot, and that detail alone has me clenching my teeth. She looks so at home here. So right. And without shoes, she’s even smaller. Even tinier compared to me. That difference makes me feel even more protective.

  Suddenly, as if thrust underwater, my throat closes. An uncomfortable emotion rolls through my body and even though it makes me want to curl in on myself, I can’t pull my eyes away from her. Her. My Sasha. My mind flashes to finding her yesterday, shaking in the corner. I can still feel her huddled against my chest, shaking with fear. Her tears staining my shirt. Silently sobbing into my arms. That uneasy emotion grows inside me, until it fills every inch of my soul. It’s hot. And familiar. And feels too intimate to acknowledge right now.

  Her eyes meet mine and a soft smile curls her lips. Warm and welcoming but a little bit timid.

  I could have lost her. I came so fucking close to losing her. It could have all been over, just like that.

  I don’t think, I just walk to her. Grabbing her face in my hands, I hold her still while I bring my mouth to hers. Her muscles tense for one heartbeat, before she leans into my touch, meeting my kiss. Matching my passion.

  Wanting more. Needing more. I pull our bodies flush. Her warmth soothing my roiling soul. With a swipe of my tongue, she’s opening to me. A soft moan leaving her throat. Her hands clawing at my chest. And somehow her need for me has me calming. Knowing that she’s just as deep in this as I am, comforts me.

  I pull back, placing a kiss on the tip of her nose.

  Liking her off guard, I smile. “Sasha, I’d like to introduce you to Eric.”

  Her eyes widen and she tries to step back. I don’t let her. This didn’t start as a power flex, but I need to make it crystal fucking clear to Eric how much this woman means to me. He’s been with me long enough to know that my inner circle is the most important thing in the world to me. And Sasha is a part of that inner circle now.

  I turn us so we’re facing Eric together. “Eric, this is Sasha. Protect her with your life.”



  I watch Eric over the top of my monitor. He hasn’t said much of anything all day. He doesn’t even play on his phone. He just sits there. Or stands there. Or stands outside my office door. The man is imposing and intense and professional to a fault.

  He greeted me this morning by calling me ma’am. Wtf. Vincent just grinned. Idiots. All of them.

  And now, here in my new office, I can hardly concentrate with this silent man-boulder breathing in the corner. I would’ve put up a fight about moving my office to the executive floor, but I know a losing battle when I see one. Not to mention that there’s no way Eric would’ve fit in my old office. He’s built like one of those professional wrestlers that you see on TV, only he has the haircut and demeanor of a Marine.

  Plus, if I’d stayed in my office downstairs, everyone would have been talking about the sudden appearance of the giant by the end of the day. At least up here Eric isn’t the only musclehead, so he doesn’t stick out like a sword in the spoon drawer. Angelo, the only man I know bigger than Eric, is in the office next to mine. And I’ve seen several other security types walking the floor, so Eric fits in fine. Of course I don’t know what the cover story is for me moving offices, so I’m still probably a part of the rumor mill. Ugh, what a mess.

  I glare at Eric like this is all his fault.

  “Is there a problem, ma’am?”

  I nearly yelp, not expecting him to talk since he wasn’t looking my way.

  “No…” I drag the word out. “How’d you know I was looking at you?”

  “I see everything.”

  I don’t even know what to do with his deadpan delivery. “Right.” I tap my nails on m
y desktop. “Any chance I can get you to stop calling me ma’am?”

  “Not likely.”

  I groan and lean back in my seat. “It makes me feel so old.”

  “It shouldn’t. I’m six years older than you are.”

  “How do you know how old I am?” I ask.

  “I know everything.” He pauses. “Ma’am.”

  This cheeky bastard. “You’re fucking with me, aren’t you?”

  Eric finally glances at me. “Not likely.”

  “Keep it up and I’m going to give your personal number to my brother.” I threaten. “Have fun fielding his check-in calls all day long.”

  Eric gives me a bored look. “I’ve already spoken with Special Agent Clark. He’s aware of my protocols. But I’d be happy to call him if you’d like to confirm.”

  I should be outraged at this new detail, but instead I have to bite my lips to keep from smiling.

  My phone interrupts us and I spend the next half an hour going over details of the press release for Marie’s House with one of the guys on my team. It’s a little weird to talk like this, since they’re just a few floors below me, but with my new very conspicuous tag-a-long I figured over-the-phone was best. I’ll have to deal with my new situation soon, but not today. Not. Freaking. Today.

  Wrapping up my notes, I email them over to Vincent.

  I’m having some major second thoughts about this event now that we know Randal is nearby. But Vincent and I have discussed it, and it’s still the best plan we have.

  I inhale slowly through my nose, hoping Eric won’t notice. Just thinking Randal’s name has me wanting to shudder. I only saw him for half a second before I ran, so I didn’t get a really good look at him, but it was enough. Enough to have a vague image of a slender blonde man haunting the edges of my mind.

  Eric is on his feet, stepping to the door, before I even register movement on the other side of the glass.


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