Emerald Mountains (The Dream Traveler Series Book 2)

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Emerald Mountains (The Dream Traveler Series Book 2) Page 6

by Nicole Knight

  King Eduard had never had guests stay in the castle. Many of the rooms were in disrepair, as he did not wish the expense of up keeping with them. We had gone to a little trouble to fix them up for the families. While not all the rooms were filled, there are special rooms reserved for visitors.

  With everything that happened, those rooms weren’t fixed until two nights ago. I have been running around like a madwoman trying to lavishly decorate the rooms on a rather small budget. It was a great idea to stop collecting taxes for a year to earn the love of the Kingdom, but I don’t think Violet took into account all the resources the castle eats.

  I decorated the room in brilliant dark blue silks. I hope that his and her majesties would feel at home in the room. It was my little special project.

  Violet has been working extra hard with Beetie to learn all the traditions and expectations the Queen has to uphold and follow. I know it was draining Violet. She was like me, a lively spirit. She did not wish to be cooped up in the library all day when there was so much to discover here. At least I got to leave the castle to run errands. Violet wasn’t allowed to leave without at least two trained knights by her side. Her arrangements are per Axel’s orders.

  I was taste-testing meals for dinner tomorrow night when the most gorgeous man walked into the dining room. He was talking with Axel, and they seemed to be in good spirits. They stood with their backs against the far wall by the door. They were looking all around the room, pointing at exits and the royal table where Violet and our guests would sit.

  I looked back at the food in front of me, trying to look busy. Security wasn’t my area of expertise; it would be Axel’s. It was my job to make sure everything was perfect for when our guests arrived; it was Axel’s job to make sure they were safe.

  I felt a pair of eyes on me, and I looked up to see whose they were. I met the eyes of the handsome knight. He winked at me and turned up the side of his mouth in a half-smile. It was enough to almost make me sigh out loud.

  He had hair as black as night, a chiseled jawline and deep chocolate covered eyes. His face was supposed to be kept smooth, but I could see a five o’clock shadow forming on his face.

  I felt my face redden, and I looked back down at the food, tasting different samples.

  “Do you like any of them?” the chef asked me.

  She was sitting next to me, waiting for me to put the menu together. I should have done this yesterday, but I am only one person. She needed as much time to prepare as possible, and I was dragging this out.

  “Yes, I like these two dishes, but I am not very fond of this one. I heard that Queen Clarissa doesn’t eat meat, so I would keep that in mind. As for dessert, the most lavish chocolate cake you can create should suffice,” I said.

  “Thank you,” she said, writing down my suggestions. Then she quickly walked to the kitchen, where she would start preparing for tomorrow’s festivities.

  I stood up and excused myself from the room under the watchful eyes of the handsome knight.

  I had much running through my mind. I feel like I’m living in a home full of secrets, but maybe that’s because I have one of my own. There is something that I should have told Violet a long time ago but can’t bring myself to do. I don’t know how she would react, or if she would even want to know.

  I don’t want to risk our friendship over something so big. So I decide to be a coward, and not bring it up. If she finds out later down the road, then I can’t stop that, but for now, I’ll just let sleeping dogs lie.

  Look at me picking up some of the sayings that Violet brought here from Arlington. They have a lot of funny sayings that sometimes I don’t fully get.

  After leaving the dining room, I check in with Wisdom to see if we have any new leads on the spy behind our walls. When I learn nothing of value, I decide that I am out of tasks to do.

  Violet is ready, and Axel had nothing for me to do.

  So I decided to go find Star and Luna and see if they want to go frog hunting.



  “Alright Violet, the King, and Queen should be here at any moment, are you ready?” Trin asked me.

  “Not particularly, but it’s too late for that now, isn’t it?” I asked her.

  “I’m afraid it is,” she replied.

  “Well then, I am going to have to knock their socks off,” I told her with a smile.

  “Why would you want to knock their socks off? I don’t think they would take very kindly to that,” she said.

  “It’s an expression Trinity,” I told her.

  King Thanian likes the use of full names, so I needed to get used to calling her that during the duration of his stay.

  He has some weird quirks.

  “It means that I need to go impress them,” I explained.

  “Oh, I see,” she replied, nodding her head in understanding.

  “Well, let’s get you to your guests, shall we?” Trinity asked.

  “Lets,” I answered.

  She escorted me down the hall and the broad staircase. I stood in the grand foyer, directly in the center of the room. When the King and Queen arrived, I would be the first person they see.

  I had only been standing in the room a moment when the large doors to the front of the castle opened, and a richly dressed couple walked into the room.

  They were wearing beautiful blue silks paired with furs. It was a unique look, but they pulled it off well. Axel was standing beside them, looking relaxed, like they were just regular guests, not the King and Queen of another Kingdom.

  I had been briefed as to how to greet the couple, so I let my training kick in as I walked closer to them.

  “King Thanian, Queen Clarissa, it is so good to meet you,” I said.

  I bowed to both of them briefly.

  The couple bowed briefly in response.

  “Queen Violet,” the King loudly addressed me. He grabbed my hand gently and placed a kiss on the back of my hand.

  “You look absolutely lovely. I love what you have done with the castle. I heard that under Eduard’s rule, it was such a bore. I’m glad it is in your lovely hands,” he said.

  “Why, thank you, Thanian,” I told him.

  Now that we had addressed each other by our titles once, we could just go on a first name basis if I felt our conversation was going well enough. He complimented me, so I thought we were in the clear.

  “Queen Violet, I must say, that crown looks beautiful upon that hair of yours. It is breath-taking,” Clarissa cooed.

  She held her hands out wide, requesting a hug.

  They were so lovely, why was I so worried about this meeting?

  “You look so much like the great Queen Victoria,” she whispered in my ear during our embrace.

  “Thank you, you look beautiful as well,” I complimented her. She quickly blushed.

  I took a step back to address them both. Some of their guards had begun to crowd into the room with their bags.

  “I know you have had a long few days of travel; I can have my advisor Trinity show you to your room,” I offered.

  “We have a special dinner planned tonight in your honor. We can get down to business tomorrow if you would like,” I told them.

  “If you don’t mind, I think it would be best if we got down to business sooner rather than later,” the King said.

  Interesting, I wasn’t expecting this. I was hoping to have tonight to rehearse with Trin and Axel.

  “That is quite alright,” I told him. “I will have Trinity escort your guards to your room so they can set down your things.”

  “Thank you, dear,” the King said.

  King Thanian looked to be in his mid-forties, and his wife seemed to be in her late thirties. They were both beautiful, with their blonde hair and blue eyes. Thanian was clean-shaven, and Clarissa’s blue eyeshadow set off her eyes. It was like looking into the ocean. I was informed that the area up north is frigid and doesn’t see much sun. Because of this, there wasn’t much diversity in t
he appearances of the Kingdom’s citizens.

  Morthsoul saw constant light, so the skin of most citizens tended to be on the darker side. There are citizens the color of a deep tan, and others with skin the color of coffee.

  The King and Queen followed me up the stairs with Axel and a few trusted guards behind us. Trinity stayed back to guide the entourage that came with the King and Queen to their room.

  I had seen the room that Trinity designed for the couple. I must say that it is quite beautiful, and I am a little jealous that it is that grand. I would love to steal it for myself. Trin has yet to let me down; I knew that she was someone I could count on. I still might not have this ‘seeing’ ability under control, but I was glad for it, or else I might not have Trin as my advisor.

  Once outside the library, I stopped to talk to Axel.

  “Sir Axel, can you please have a few of your most trusted knights in the tunnel that borders the library, I want to make sure that what we have to discuss is kept private,” I told him.

  “Right away, your Majesty,” he replied.

  Axel spoke to one of the knights who had followed us up the stairs. The knight nodded once and then walked back down the stairs.

  “Please follow me,” I spoke to the King and Queen.

  We walked into the lavish library. I had several nicer chairs moved in here in anticipation of this conversation tomorrow.

  “Please have a seat,” I directed them.

  They sat down in the two chairs that sat side by side. I gracefully sat down in the chair directly in front of them.

  “Thank you again for having us, Violet. This meeting comes at a strange time for us, you see,” the King spoke.

  I heard a faint knocking on the door; Axel opened it, just a sliver, and spoke with someone. He shut the door again and nodded once in my direction. The trusted knights were in the tunnel; it was safe to have the meeting.

  “What do you mean?” I asked Thanian.

  “Well, you see, I know that you promised your kingdom peace. We have a problem and hope you can help us find a solution. How familiar are you with Tate?” Thanian asked.

  “I am all too familiar with them,” I answered and rolled my eyes. Not proper of me, but I couldn’t help but express my irritation.

  “I hope I am not assuming incorrectly, but you don’t sound like you are fond of the Kingdom,” Thanian pressed.

  “You are not incorrect in your assumptions,” I answered.

  Were they having issues with Tate? Did they come here planning to ask for the same thing I invited them here to ask?

  “We have had a problem with Princess Samantha of Tate’s royal family. You see, she has threatened us for several moons now. We have been unsure of how to proceed. We felt we couldn’t trust any of the other Kingdoms to help us, including the Morthlands. However, that reason was for Eduard; he would sell his loyalty to the highest bidder. I had a hopeful feeling about you. I know you promised peace and prosperity to your Kingdom, but we came here hoping you could help us achieve that same promise for our Kingdom,” the King said.

  Oh my god, this was almost too good to be true. I had worked myself up over this for two weeks. Trying to figure out the best way to impress the couple, and beg for their help in a way that wasn’t beneath a Queen, and here they were practically doing the same thing.

  “Yes, Thanian, I did promise that to my Kingdom. You may wonder why I have invited you here, and you might be pleasantly surprised to hear that I was about to ask you for something very similar. Although I have only met Princess Samantha recently, it is her younger brother Prince Kennan who I have had issues with,” I informed them.

  They both looked at each other, and I could see them silently communicating. They were relieved.

  “Prince Kennan has demanded that I bond with him and unite our Kingdoms if I do not do so, he has promised war. I had invited you here to ask if there were any way I could interest you in allying with the Morthlands in a possible future war,” I told them.

  “Well, then it sounds like we will be able to help each other,” Clarissa answered. “We came here prepared to beg as well,” she said with a laugh at the end.

  With her laugh, I could feel the tension drain out of the room. I was amongst friends now.

  “There is no need to beg,” I told her. “I would be glad to announce an alliance between two Kingdoms that were once so friendly,” I said.

  “What do you mean?” Thanian asked.

  “You see, I thought we were alone in this. I had heard that Eduard extended you several invitations to join him in a meeting. You never took him up on his offer. Then Queen Victoria’s diary found itself in my hands. I try to ask myself what my great grandmother would do in a time like this. Then I found the answer in her diary. You see, I opened to an entry describing her joy at hearing of your birth, Thanian. She was announced as your godmother. I knew at once that there had been an alliance between our two great Kingdoms, and I hoped there could be one once again,” I explained.

  “That is true, my mother Goddess rest her soul, and Queen Victoria were once great friends,” Thanian confirmed.

  “Then let’s agree to continue the friendship between two great Kingdom’s,” I announced.

  “Agreed,” the King and Queen said in unison.

  “We also have another strange proposition for you, Violet,” Clarissa stated in a more reserved tone.

  She had intrigued me.

  “Please share,” I encouraged her.

  “You see, we are without an heir, with you being unbonded, you are without an heir as well. I would like to propose that should something happen to Thanian and me that you take over our kingdom and run it as your own. I have had a bad feeling about Samantha. I no longer feel safe, awake, or asleep and feel she may make an attempt on our life at some point. I don’t want to see our kingdom crumble in her hands. We would be willing to do the same for you if you so wished.”

  That was a hell of a proposition. But to be honest, it made complete sense. The Smarts were not above murder to get what they want. I could see that clearly.

  I only hesitated a moment before responding to her proposition.

  “I agree to step in and rule your kingdom proudly should the worst happen, but let’s do all we can to prevent that. I, too, would like you to do the same for me if my own family does not wish to step up to fill the role. I will leave that decision to my Great Aunt Beetie, Victoria’s daughter. If she decides she does not wish to take the crown, please step into my shoes, and promise them protection here in the castle.”

  The King and Queen looked at each other and looked back at me and then nodded.

  “May I suggest that make this official now? We were looking over our shoulder the whole trip fearful of coming across an assassination attempt from Tate. We really want to safeguard our kingdom. It means everything to us. We are regretful we are unable to bring an heir into the world, but unfortunately, it wasn’t meant to be. We have been watching you closely, and you have already done wonderful things for your kingdom. We have no doubt you would do the same for Ubrem Glacies.

  They really must be scared of the Smarts to leave their Kingdom in the hands of an eighteen year old.

  They even felt they had to butter me up to help them. Was I underestimating Kennan and Samantha?

  “Of course,” I answered.

  I requested Wisdom’s presence in the library. He helped us draft the official decrees, of an alliance between Urbem Glacies and the Morthlands. The proclamation also announced the next heir’s to our Kingdoms.

  He informed us that an agreement like this was unprecedented. None of the Kingdoms had ever merged before. Should this agreement be triggered by one of our deaths, history would be made, and the other three kingdoms may seek retributions. We understood the possible repercussions, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

  When it was official, I provided a copy of the documents to file away for safekeeping, while the King and Queen provided a copy to their advis
or, who had come to witness the documents.

  I gave a sigh of relief. I took care of something that weighed on me heavily. What happens next? We will team up and declare war on Tate and Corone. After all of this time of internally freaking out, I could rest easy.

  Axel spoke up from the door, “Your Majesty, sorry to interrupt, but Trinity has informed me that dinner is almost ready.”

  “Well then, your Majesties,” I said, “let’s agree to continue this celebration at dinner. I must retire to my room before dinner to change; Sir Axel will escort you to your chambers. I hope you like it. Trinity worked so hard to make sure you would feel at home.” I bowed to the King and Queen and exited the room.

  Once the door was closed behind me, I let out a massive sigh of relief.

  Trinity was there, and she followed me to my room, where I hastily changed. She pinned my hair up into an elegant up-do that allowed several curls to hang down and frame my face. Beetie was also there to remind me one more time of dinner etiquette.

  Thirty minutes later, I was standing outside the doors to our large dining room. It had been completely redone to show the history of the Morthlands. A local painter had come in and painted a large mural behind my seat at the head table. It depicted the formation of their world, and what the first King is thought to look like. It slowly transitions into a map depicting the split of the mother Kingdom into five smaller ones.

  While there are other unexplored parts of this world, the five Kingdoms have not studied them.

  Then there is a painting of my great grandmother, the first of three women the prophecy predicted. I suppose one day when I am dead and gone, my face will be painted there too. Above all of that is the night sky filled with pretty blues pinks and purples. Lots of stars and planets were painted all over. I was told that this represented the Goddess that looks down on them. The same Goddess I am reincarnated from.

  King Thanian and Queen Clarissa were standing behind me. They wouldn’t enter the room at the same time as me. They would be announced a moment later for their own entrance.


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