Emerald Mountains (The Dream Traveler Series Book 2)

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Emerald Mountains (The Dream Traveler Series Book 2) Page 12

by Nicole Knight

  I must also visit my new Kingdom, but that’s an entirely separate idea itself.

  “Adam, thank you. Please go see that my friends make it back to their homeland and their family to be buried where they belong. Notify me of when they will be taken; I wish to accompany them on their final journey,” I told him.

  “As you wish, my Queen.”

  He stood up and exited the room, and I got goosebumps at his words. They were never supposed to be words he would have to say to me. I opened the box, wondering what the Queen could have wanted to give me from her grave.

  In the box rests the tiara she first wore into the castle, with its beautiful jewels. There was also the teacup I would see her drink out of often. It had to have been her favorite for me to be receiving it as a final gift.

  The cup was tiffany blue, painted in intricate swirls; it was beautiful. At the bottom of the cup was painted, “Drink, relax, feel better.”

  I couldn’t hold it back anymore; sobs escaped my throat, and tears escaped from my eyes. Wisdom climbed onto the bed and wrapped his arms around me like a father might do for his daughter.

  It is funny that this man was more of a father to me than the one that was staying down the hall. Well, it isn’t funny, but for now, Wisdom is the only Dad I need, even if you have to add “Great Grand” to it.

  In his arms I let myself crumble, like a ship that’s been breached by waves too large and too powerful. I could feel myself sinking into an ocean of despair that I am not sure I can come back from.


  I’m not sure how long it took me to cry myself to sleep. After a while, I excused myself from my Great Grandfather’s arms.

  I was thankful he had been there for me. Aunt Beetie came in to check on me several times. She sat with me and held my hand while I clung for dear life.

  She and Wisdom had been my life rafts, saving me from completely drowning.

  At some point, I could feel my body aching from my severe sobbing fit. I had excused myself and told them I was going to try to sleep to see if I would feel better in the morning. They had suggested that it was a great idea.

  I crossed the castle from one side to the other, to reach my room. I thought about knocking on Axel’s door, but I didn’t have the energy. I needed to be completely and utterly alone. While I felt I completely fell apart with Wisdom, and at times Aunt Beetie, I knew myself. I know I am not done with this sinking, drowning feeling.

  I needed to be completely alone to fall apart and then pull myself back together. Axel would try to comfort me and keep me together, but that’s not what I need. I feel bad, as I’m sure he wants to see me. His girlfriend almost died today.

  I can only imagine the storm he feels, but I can’t bring myself to venture there, my storm feels worse. If that makes me selfish, then just stick it with the long list of my not redeeming qualities because I don’t care.

  I crept past his room in case he was there asleep. It was now the middle of the night, and I hoped he would be able to find some peace.

  When I got to my door, I found him camped out on the floor, and my heart broke a little, and then glued itself back together at the sight. He was camped out here so that he wouldn’t miss me when I finally left the hospital room.

  I knew I still couldn’t bear to have company yet, but I didn’t want to leave him like this. I tried to create a pillow and blanket for him, the same way I create any object, but I couldn’t do it.

  Why couldn’t I do it?

  Maybe I am just so exhausted that my magic and my body needs time to rest? Who knows, I’m not a doctor.

  I went into my room and found a spare blanket and pillow under the bed. I brought them out into the hall and covered Axel. I laid the pillow on his arm so he would have it if he woke up. I couldn’t chance waking him by placing the pillow under his head. He wouldn’t let me be alone, even if I ordered him to leave.

  When Axel looked a little more comfortable, I returned to my room.

  I looked around, so much had changed in the past couple of days; my room was virtually the same. Except now sat Clarissa’s crown and teacup on my dresser.

  I grabbed the crown from the dresser and brought it over to my bed. I sat with my back leaning against the headboard, and I brought my knees to my chin, with my arms wrapping around my legs. I held the crown in my hands and continued to weep silently.

  I cried myself to sleep again, wishing that no one else I cared for would die, and if they were going to, then I hoped I would die first. I wasn’t sure if I could ever go through this again and come out the other side ok.

  Many people I care about are in the line of fire because I didn’t agree to Kennan taking over and calling the shots under a sham marriage. If I had let him do so, would the King and Queen be alive right now? Would my friends and my family be safe right now, instead of living in terror?

  Then I realized I too am living in terror. My wine was poisoned. How am I supposed to eat or drink anything without being terrified that I may be poisoned again?

  Is my family safe? Will they be slowly picked off too?

  I needed to do something to protect us all, but what would that be? Hopefully, they will be safer when I leave the castle to bring the King and Queen home. Only time will tell.


  It's been a week since I was poisoned. I'm still a freaking nervous wreck all of the time when in the Morthlands.

  At home, I can relax somewhat, except for the survivor's guilt; that shit follows me everywhere.

  It takes everything I have just to leave my bed while in my apartment. Forcing myself to shower or eat, takes time and a lot of effort.

  Grandmother is out of the hospital, but it was decided that she couldn't stay at home by herself in the day time. It was with a heavy heart we decided to move her into Arlington Senior Citizen Center.

  I didn't like the place. Everything seemed so sterile and hospital-like. I felt so guilty leaving her here, but I have so much going on in the Morthlands, and Mom has to work. I hope Grandmother would be safe here. Who knew if Kennan would mess with my family here, but I couldn't take any chances.

  When Mom left the building, I informed the nursing staff that anyone visiting my Grandmother needed to be ID'ed. If they weren't myself or my mother, they needed to notify me immediately. I informed them we have a violent family member who may want to cause harm to her. They quickly nodded their heads in understanding. Their eyes were the size of saucers; no one wanted her murdered on their watch.

  I also asked the staff if they could call me on her next good day. I was going to bring her with me to Morthsoul for a night. She should experience it at least once more before she loses her memory for good. I owe her that. I would just have to up the anty on security and be with her at all times.

  "Do you want to meet my boyfriend?" Mom asked me while standing outside of the nursing home.

  "Now isn't a good time, Mom. I am worried about Grandmother, can't he wait?" I asked her.

  "No, I invited him over for dinner tonight. He said he would do anything to cheer me up, so he is bringing us dinner," she said.

  She sounded too cheerful for someone who just dumped her mom off at the nursing home. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

  Who is this woman, and what has she done with my mother?

  Mom should be crying after leaving my grandmother in this square box to live out her days, not smiling about a guy. Even Axel hasn't made me smile since the poisoning.

  Nothing has, and I'm not sure I'll ever smile again.

  I groaned as loud as I could. I wanted her to know this wasn't ok with me, not now.

  We went back to her house and waited for her boyfriend to arrive. After a while, the doorbell finally rang.

  "Violet, can you get that?" Mom called down the hall.

  "I am still trying to find something to wear."

  "Fine, but I'm still not happy!" I called back to her.

  "Didn't ask you to be!" she answered. />
  I walked down the stairs and straightened my shirt before swinging open the front door. Looking at the man's face, I wish I hadn't. I flashed back to when Wisdom asked me if I would recognize the man who poisoned me.

  I was sure I would, and I am right.

  In front of me stood the man who served me the poisoned wine. I suppressed the urge to scream. Instead, I handled it in a much better way. I stomped on his foot and slammed the door in his face.

  "Violet, what have you done?" Mom yelled at me, walking down the stairs.

  "That is no way to behave!"

  She rushed to the front door and opened it.

  "I am so sorry, Mark. I don't know what came over Violet. Please come in," she said, practically kissing his butt.

  I wanted to vomit.

  Would she still work so hard to apologize if she knew this man had poisoned me?

  I was forced to shake the man's hand. When we made eye contact, I almost electrocuted him. I was so angry; consequences be damned. He was a cold-blooded murder, and death is too kind a fate for him.

  There aren't enough words to describe the way I am feeling. I stood at the front door of the house that had been my home practically my whole life, and for the first time, I felt completely lost here.

  I felt angry, betrayed, humiliated, and scared. I felt afraid for my mom, as she was dating a murderer and had absolutely no idea. If I behaved poorly, I could see it would only push her closer to him. It was like a reversal of the teenage years. Except I was the parent, and my mom was the reckless teenager dating the bad boy.

  There was no easy path here, and no matter what I did or said, there would be heartbreak. Even if I stayed the whole night and pretended I didn't know exactly who he was or what he did, I would still be breaking my heart over and over.

  But I do what is best for Mom, even though it kills me inside. I always find myself doing what's best for everyone else. I took over a Kingdom I didn't want. I discovered family, who is now in danger because of me. I made friends, and now they are dead. When will things ever turn out ok?

  Clarissa and Thanian's murderer sat directly across from me at the dinner table. Mom seemed to be in oblivion as she had a one-way conversation with us. I kept staring at the man sitting in front of me, watching as he chewed. I didn't even touch my food.

  I learned my lesson the first time.

  Mom went to take her first bite, and I called out to her.

  "No, Mom," I said before I could stop myself.

  "What is wrong?" she asked.

  I couldn't think of a good enough excuse that would make sense to her. I couldn't tell her that her boyfriend was a cold-blooded murderer who had poisoned my two friends and me. She'd never believe me. Then I would be the one carted to the hospital for a mental break down, and I again would have pushed her closer to him.

  "Never mind, I thought I saw a fly on your food," I told her.

  "Well a little bug never hurt anybody," she said, trying to be cute.

  "A little poison did," I mumbled under my breath. I looked back at Mark, he smiled, acknowledging that he heard what I said. He flashed his gold tooth with his smile.

  Everything about this man screamed "EVIL!" to me. A million little red flags were waving, how did Mom miss them?

  I tried to think logically for a moment, to understand my situation. Did he know who I was here before he poisoned me in Morthsoul? Did he encourage Mom to go through her attic to try to get ahold of the emerald necklace? Was he hired by the Smart's, or did he have his own motives?

  Were his feelings for Mom even real? One look at him answered my question. No, they weren't. This was all a game, but I wasn't sure what his goal was. Get rid of me, or get ahold of my necklace, or manipulate me?

  After dinner, I wanted to excuse myself to my old room, but I refrained. I didn't trust anything about this man. Now that he had been in this house, there was no telling what he would do when Mom wasn't looking.

  Would he steal a copy of her house key, or place secret cameras around the house? Could he try to spend the night and kill Mom in her sleep?

  Luckily he didn't stay too long after dinner. As soon as he was out the door, Mom turned a switch and yelled like I had never heard before.

  "What the hell is wrong with you?" she asked me in a rage.

  "He is Mom. Doesn't something in your gut tell you there is something wrong about this guy?" I asked her, matching her volume.

  "There is nothing wrong with him," she shouted back at me.

  "Then you don't have as much of the Winslow's brains as I thought," I told her calmly. I let what I said sink in for a moment as I walked out the front door.

  The conversation was over.


  Back in Morthsoul, I spent most of my time locked up in my bedroom while Trin and Adam made the arrangements for me to accompany the King and Queen back to their home. While there, I would have a coronation ceremony making me the new Queen. I would then spend a few days learning about the Kingdom before returning home to lock myself away again.

  When I woke back up in the castle, in my room alone, I knew I had to bring myself to leave and tell the others about my Mom's boyfriend. Just thinking about it sent me into a blind rage. I can only imagine how unhinged Axel will become once I tell him.

  I walked into the library, where everyone was camped out. I had a feeling they were talking about me. I could swear I felt my ears burning, and when I walked into the room, they all looked up and stopped talking.

  I guess I should get used to it. I'm a Queen; I'm always going to be talked about.

  I should do this quick and just rip it off like a Band-Aid.

  "I just saw the man who poisoned me, back in Arlington."

  "What?!" Axel shouted. "Are you ok, did he do anything to you?" he jumped up from his seat to inspect me closer.

  "You mean, besides dating my mom and entering my family's house to scare me? No, he didn't do anything else except smile. He brought dinner too, but I obviously didn't touch that."

  I looked over at my father, who was also in the room. He was oddly silent. Yes, he and Mom weren't together anymore, but he loved her at one point. I thought he should know.

  "I think he is hiding in Arlington now, where no one else can touch him," I said.

  "This is so frustrating," Axel yelled.

  I would have expected him to punch something by now. Maybe he deserves more credit.

  Axel kicked his chair over and then brought his fist down hard on the table.

  I spoke too soon, I guess.

  "At least he isn't trying to kill you," I mumbled.

  "You are right; he isn't trying to kill me. If he was, I could handle that. He'd be dead before he could bat an eyelash at me. On the other hand, you are so trusting that even knowing what he did to you, you still let him into your home." Axel sighed.

  The sigh was a bad sign; it sounded like giving up.

  "I'm trusting because I try to be a good person. I had no reason not to trust him when he served me the wine. I slammed the door in his face at my house when I answered the door. However, my mom let him in. I kept him within my sight at all times. I'm doing the best I can here. I would have killed him if my Mom weren't standing a foot away, and you know exactly how I feel about killing," I said, trying to manage the volume of my voice.

  "Axel," Wisdom said. "I don't think Violet needs to listen to this right now. We are causing more stress and problems than solutions."

  "Thank you," I said to him.

  He really gets me.

  He just nodded in return.

  "I am going to get ahold of another emerald, and when I do, I am coming with you to Arlington."

  "Getting ahold of one might be easier than you might think."

  Now he was really going to be mad; I have been withholding some for a while now.


  “Remind me to be mad at you later,” Axel said, waking up in the bed next to me in my apartment.

  “Right, won
’t do,” I said.

  I still felt so torn up inside, and carried so much guilt and worry on my back, that I will look like Quazimotto soon. I struggled to sit up, feeling that weight.

  Then it hit me, Axel is really here, on Earth for the first time.

  “Alright, show me your Mom’s boyfriend,” Axel demanded, while still looking around.

  “It’s not that easy. I don’t live with my mom anymore,” I told him.

  “Well, what do we do?” he asked.

  “I don’t think we can seek him out. I think he is truly using my mom to get to me. Now that I have seen him here, he will likely try to find and terrorize me. We may have to wait for him to come to us,” I told him.

  My phone rang on my nightstand, and I could see it was the nursing home calling. Meaning it could only be one of two things…


  “Good Morning Ms. Brown, this is Tiffany from your grandmother’s senior citizen home. You asked us to call when your grandmother is having a good day.”

  “Yes I did, is today a good day?” I asked.

  “Yes ma’am, it is,” she answered.

  “Great, I am heading there now. I will be there in less than two hours.”

  “I’ll see you then,” she said and ended the call.

  “Axel, today you are going to meet Grandmother, and we are bringing her to Morthsoul.”

  I saw his eyes get huge, and he knew there was no stopping me.

  Two hours later, we were pulling into the nursing home. I had brought Axel up to date on what was happening with my grandmother and my family situation.

  At first, the look of pity bothered me, but I suppressed the urge to act on it. He was only trying to react in a way he thought would make me feel better. He was just as inexperienced with these situations as I was.

  We walked into the nursing home and signed in.

  Axel and I navigated our way to her room. The door was open, and I could see Grandmother sitting in a chair reading. I knocked on the door so that I wouldn’t scare her. She looked up from her book with a big smile on her face. I knew she knew who I was.


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