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Hitching the Cowboy

Page 1

by Kennedy Fox

  Copyright © 2019 Kennedy Fox

  Hitching the Cowboy

  Circle B Ranch Series

  Cover design by Outlined with Love Designs

  Copy Editor: Jenny Sims | Editing 4 Indies

  All rights reserved. No parts of the book may be used or reproduced in any matter without written permission from the author, except for inclusion of brief quotations in a review. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, establishments, organizations, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously to give a sense of authenticity. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  Bishop Family Tree


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22


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  Coming Next

  Hitching the Cowboy Playlist

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  And we'll build this love

  From the ground up

  For worse or for better

  * * *

  And I will be all you need

  Beside you I'll stand

  “From the Ground Up”

  -Dan + Shay

  Bishop Family Tree


  Organized in the order the series released.

  Kids are also organized by oldest in each family.

  Alex & River Bishop (from Taming Him)

  Riley Bishop

  Rowan Bishop

  Evan & Emily Bishop (from Needing Him)

  Elizabeth Bishop

  Ethan Bishop

  John & Mila Bishop (from Chasing Him)

  Maize Bishop

  McKenzie Bishop

  Jackson & Kiera Bishop (from Keeping Him)

  Kane & Knox Bishop

  Kaitlyn Bishop

  For reference: Riley (the oldest of the kids) is 6.5 years older than Kaitlyn Bishop (the youngest of the kids).



  My entire body feels as if I’ve been plowed down by a heavy ass tractor. Even trying to roll over makes me ache, and when I blink my eyes open, I realize I’m in my hotel room at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. The wide-open curtains allow the unforgiving sun to shine through the windows, blaring in my face.

  “Fuuuuuck,” I mutter as my head throbs, and I curse myself for how much I drank last night. Diesel, my best friend since grade school, turned twenty-one two days ago, and a weekend trip to Vegas was my gift to him. I’m fourteen months older and felt it was my duty to get him shit-faced in Sin City. Getting away was the only way to properly celebrate his birthday, considering we bust our asses working on the ranch six days a week. If he’s feeling the same way I am, then mission accomplished.

  Chuckling to myself, then groaning at how badly it hurts to laugh, I attempt to slide out of bed, but my arm is stuck under a body. Blinking, I realize a woman is lying against me.

  With dirty blond hair and sun-kissed skin, she looks like a goddess sprawled out under the sheets that rest at her bare waist. Looking down, I see we’re both naked, and flashes of last night flood my mind.

  Zoey. Thinking for a moment, I’m almost positive that’s her name. At least I hope.

  I first saw her with a group of girls at a club when I dared Diesel to participate in an amateur stripper night. Miraculously, we ran into each other again, but now, she’s here with me. My head pounds, but I try to ignore the pain as I recall all the details.

  Oh God.

  Glancing around, I check to make sure Diesel’s not on the other bed nor on the floor. We’re alone, thankfully. As carefully as I can, I pull my arm from underneath Zoey, but before I successfully slide from under the sheets, she rolls over and wraps an arm around me and snuggles in closer.

  Holy fucking hell.

  Her tits are on full display as she hikes a leg over my waist, brushing over my dick. Which is now hard, thanks to her.

  “Good morning,” she says in the sexiest sleepy voice I’ve ever heard. Without opening her eyes, she smiles and rubs her head against my chest, causing my heart to rapidly beat.

  “Uh, mornin’,” I reply, swallowing hard. Within a second, Zoey’s eyes pop open, and her grin falls as she takes in the room and then me.

  “Oh my God!” She looks down at our naked bodies and groans. “Oh shit.” She gives me a small smile and shakes her head. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.”

  Chuckling, I rest a hand behind my head, and she removes herself from me. “It’s okay. I didn’t have the best first reaction, either. Zoey, right?” I feel like an ass for having to ask, but my memory is foggy as fuck. I know I drank a shit ton last night, but I’ll never forget the way she squeezed her tight pussy around my dick.

  She looks up at me, then grabs the sheet and pulls it to her neck, covering that sexy body I could stare at all morning. “Yeah,” she confirms. “R-something?” She winces, then blushes, looking flustered as hell, which I find adorable. “I feel like a two-dollar whore. I’m so sorry. My damn head feels like someone pounded a hundred nails into it.”

  “Riley,” I supply. “Don’t be sorry, darlin’. Though, I would’ve happily paid more than a couple of bucks.” I flash her a wink when she glances at me and chuckles at the reality of our situation. Sitting up, she wraps the sheet around her, and I can’t help but admire how gorgeous she is. I might’ve woken up fuzzy, but the moment we fell into bed together will forever be burned into my memory.

  And the…wait. I hold up my left hand and stare at the gold band around my ring finger. Memories flash through my head like photographs, nearly leaving me speechless.

  “Uh, Zoey,” I say slowly, repositioning myself.

  “I’m just gonna find my clothes and do the walk of shame outta here. I’m sure you want your hotel room back,” she says as if I was about to kick her out.

  “Did we, uh…did we…?” I stutter as I remember the white chapel and Diesel’s revenge dare.

  “We both woke up naked in bed, so I’m quite sure we did…”

  “That’s not what I’m asking.” I blow out a sharp breath and brush a hand through my hair. “Do you have a ring on your finger?”

  Zoey immediately holds out her left hand and gasps. A simple but elegant gold band. She turns toward me and looks at my hand. “Oh God, I remember now.”

  “Was it really legal?”

  “We signed a license and said vows, so yeah, I’m pretty sure we’re legally married now.” She sucks in her lower lip, then chews on it.

  Before I can respond, the hotel door swings open, and Diesel walks in looking way too fucking chipper.

  “Hey, lovebirds!” The door slams behind him, and Zoey and I both wince at the noise. “How are the newlyweds feelin’ this morning?”

  “Fucker,” I grumble. “Did you seriously dare me to get married last night?” I grab the comforter off the bed and wrap it around my waist so I’m somewhat decent.

  Diesel’s booming laughter is all the confirm
ation I need. I’m gonna murder him in his sleep.

  “Your mama’s gonna kill you,” he says, still chuckling. “And your grandma.”

  “Try both at the same time.” I huff.

  “Sorry to break up the honeymoon, but we gotta go. Pack your shit,” Diesel says, rushing around the room and shoving his things into his suitcase.

  “Now?” I gape, turning and looking at Zoey, who’s grabbing her little panties off the floor. She seems embarrassed as hell, but I wish she wasn’t. So adventurous and spontaneous, she brought out the best in me, and we had a blast together.

  “Flight’s in an hour, and we still gotta get there and through security. We’ll be lucky to make it on time at this point,” Diesel says, glancing at this phone. The time constraint is ruining my ability to talk to her about this, about us. I don’t want to go, but fuck, I have to.

  As Zoey picks up her bra, I round the bed and tilt her chin up so I can look into her eyes. “I’m sorry, I wish I could stay. But they’re expecting us at work tomorrow, and it’s a long drive from the airport to the ranch. Can we exchange numbers, at least?”

  “Yeah, of course.” She smiles. “We’ll need to figure out what we’re going to do.” Her face drops, and I hate that I have to leave in such a damn rush.

  “Or you could come with me?” I ask, feeling hopeful. “Try to get to know each other better.” The words spill out before I can stop myself, but I don’t regret them. She’s unlike any other woman I’ve ever met.

  “I-I can’t. My sister’s getting married next weekend, and my life is in Phoenix.” She shrugs, holding the sheet against her body.

  “Alright, I understand. I’ll text you my address in case you change your mind.” I smile, knowing the chances of that are slim. I walk to the nightstand and grab my phone. After she gives me her number, I text her so she can reach out as soon as she’s home.

  “Riley, we really have to go,” Diesel urges.

  “I’m going to get dressed so I can head out too.” Zoey walks around me with her arms full and goes to the bathroom. Once the door clicks shut, I quickly slip on my boxers and dig in my suitcase for clean clothes.

  “So, was it awkward waking up and realizing you guys eloped?” Diesel asks with a shit-eating grin on his face.

  I glower, narrowing my eyes at him as I zip up my jeans. “You’re an asshole.”

  Before he can respond, Zoey walks out in the same outfit she wore last night. I catch her staring at my bare chest, then she shifts her eyes away as she walks toward the bed, grabbing her phone and clutch. I hate that I’m being forced to dart out of here, and we don’t have more than a couple of minutes together.

  “Listen, Zoey…” I go to her as I slip my shirt on.

  “It’s okay, Riley. We don’t have to do this.”

  Diesel opens the door with his bag in hand. “Riley, c’mon. We still gotta get a cab…”

  “I’m sorry. Call me soon so we can figure this out, okay?” I lean in, cup her face, then kiss her cheek. “For what it’s worth, I had a really fun night, wife.” I flash her a wink, which causes her to blush. She shakes her head at me and smirks.

  “Safe flight, hubby,” she mocks. I stare at her, remembering the taste of her lips, the way she moaned my name, and how perfectly her body fit against mine. Our connection was instant, and while I didn’t understand it, I couldn’t fight it either. From the moment our eyes locked, I knew she was special. Turns out, the universe had bigger plans, bigger than either of us could have imagined. Or maybe Diesel’s to blame.

  “Riley! You have two seconds, or I’m leaving your ass in Vegas, and you can explain why you aren’t at work in the morning to your family,” Diesel walks out frustrated as hell, and I know damn well he would really leave me.

  “Goodbye,” Zoey says as I move away from her and grab my suitcase.

  I give her an apologetic smile, then spin around to catch the door before it closes, leaving her behind and feeling like complete shit about it.

  Chapter One



  “Rise ’n’ shine, motherfucker.” Cold water to my face accompanies Diesel’s loud voice, making me jump out of bed with fists swinging. Considering I’m barely awake, I miss, and he starts laughing.

  Scrubbing my hands over my face, I see the faint hint of the sun shining through my curtains, then rush toward him as he walks toward the door.

  “The fuck?” I push his back, forcing him forward into the hallway. “Gonna kick your ass for that.”

  “Yeah, right.” Diesel chuckles, knowing damn well he has sixty pounds and five inches on me. He didn’t get his nickname for being small. Built like a fucking house and loud as a diesel truck, he’s had that nickname since middle school. “Besides the fact that you couldn’t, you wouldn’t hurt the birthday boy.”

  I snort, following him into the kitchen. “Your birthday was yesterday.”

  “But we’re celebrating this weekend!” he shouts, and he’s way too damn excited. “So technically, it’s my birthday till we get our drunken asses back here on Sunday. Till then, it’s fuckin’ party time!”

  “We still have a workday to get through,” I remind him while pouring a mug of coffee. At least he managed to start a pot before waking me up by dumping water on my face. We’ve been roommates since he graduated from high school three years ago. Our house is on the Circle B Ranch that my family owns, and most of the Bishops live and work here in some capacity too. Diesel’s originally a townie, meaning his family isn’t in the business, and though he had no real experience, he applied to be a ranch hand like me. For some reason, my dad hired his ass, and we’ve gotten into more trouble than ever. Having been raised on the ranch, I live and breathe this lifestyle and don’t plan on leaving anytime soon. Just like the generations of Bishops before me, I was born for this.

  “Yeah, yeah,” he grumbles, grabbing his to-go cup and taking a sip. “It’ll go by fast since we have to leave by two. Are you even packed yet?”

  “Almost. Not really sure what to bring, though. All I own are Wranglers, and I’m pretty sure cowboy boots won’t be in style.” I chuckle, remembering the story my mom told me about when she first met my dad. He showed up in Key West looking like something out of the Wild West, and my mother hasn’t let him live it down ever since. Granted, I was conceived on that trip, which means the boots didn’t throw her off that badly. Maybe I’ll take them after all. Perhaps they’ll be good luck.

  “What’s wrong with Corrals?” he asks, tapping the heel of his boot against the floor. “They go with my hat. My Stetson is a total chick magnet.”

  I snort and shake my head, grabbing my coffee as I walk back to my room to get ready for the day. Once I’m dressed and caffeinated, Diesel and I head to my truck. The sprawling ranch covers thousands of acres, so we still have to drive a good ten minutes to get to the workshop where we start and end each day.

  By the time we arrive, my cousin Fisher is already there. His real name is Anderson, but we’ve called him by his last name since he was in junior high.

  We always meet in the office to prioritize what needs to be done or fixed and make a game plan. The fridge is always stocked with drinks, and it’s become a hangout for us between tasks or when it’s hot as hell outside.

  My dad manages the ranch’s day-to-day routines and organizes most of the schedules. Uncle John has run the Circle B Ranch Bed & Breakfast since before I was born, but ever since he and my uncle Evan bought a run-down bar in town ten years ago, he’s juggled both. After his oldest daughter, Maize, graduated high school three years ago, she’s been helping out more and learning how to manage the B&B so John doesn’t have to do it all on his own.

  “’Bout time,” Fisher smarts off the minute we walk into the shop. He grew up in California but has spent every summer here since he was a teenager. His mom, Courtney, is my dad’s only sister. I was excited when she and my uncle Drew agreed to let Fisher help out on the ranch. He’s an ass, but he works har
d, which is helpful.

  He gives me a pointed look. “I was about to call and chew your asses out.”

  “And I would’ve told you to kiss my white ass, Fisher,” Diesel snaps, walking toward him. “We’re thirty seconds late.”

  I chuckle because it’s the same song and dance every morning. Fisher has a brother and sister back in Cali, and the three of them are triplets. When my aunt and uncle had been unsuccessful in getting pregnant, they tried IVF, then found out they were having three babies instead of just one. Fisher pretends he’s years older and in charge, but Diesel relentlessly puts him in his place. We work year-round, and even though Fisher graduated from college last year, he hasn’t found a permanent job yet, so he still helps during the summer. Grandma Bishop has told him he’s hired to work on the ranch year-round, but he hasn’t agreed to it. I think Diesel would lose his shit, though.

  “The pig fence needs to be fixed today. After the storm a couple of nights ago, I noticed it got bent to hell and back. Think you two can manage getting it done?”

  “Your fancy business degree doesn’t make you my boss,” Diesel reminds him. Opening the fridge, he grabs two bottles of water, then tosses one to me.


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