Hitching the Cowboy

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Hitching the Cowboy Page 17

by Kennedy Fox

  “What happened?” he finally asks, breaking the silence. “I saw her with the dickhead in the Mercedes. I almost took a crowbar to it and then kicked his teeth in.”

  “You should have.” Just the thought of her being with that asshole who treated her with zero respect has me seething all over again. He looked old as hell too, at least in his mid-thirties.

  “I saw them kissing,” Diesel says, the dagger driving deeper into my heart.

  “That’s her fiancé,” I say, swallowing down the words that taste like poison.

  He looks just as confused as I feel. “How’s that even possible? She’s married. To you.”

  “Means nothing, apparently.” Saying it out loud makes it seem more real. More painful, too.

  Diesel looks at me and shakes his head. “I’m so sorry, man. I know how much you really cared for her. Never in my life did I think something like this would happen. Especially with Zoey.”

  “Thanks. I didn’t either. I do care about her; that’s why it hurts so goddamn much. Maybe my parents were right after all.” I think back to the conversation I had with them when they warned me to be careful. Falling fast has its consequences. “Maybe they knew something like this would happen. Maybe it was all fake for Zoey. Coming here was a last hoorah before she got married to a man who seems to be what her parents want for her.” Self-doubt is beginning to settle in, and I question if I really was good enough. I replay every conversation we’ve had since she arrived, and it all seems so obvious now.

  Diesel shakes his head. “No. Zoey cares about you, too. There’s no faking that. It was real. Trust me.”

  “I’d like to think it was,” I say, but I’m second-guessing everything right now. “Not so sure anymore.”

  “We should go out,” he says, standing. “Visit the bar and get shit-faced. Forget about it all.”

  I look at him, defeated. “I don’t feel like being around people. I wouldn’t be good company right now. I just need to figure all this clusterfuck out.”

  Diesel sucks in a breath and looks at me with pity in his eyes. I stand and walk to my room, grateful that he doesn’t follow me. He knows when I want to be alone, it’s best to just let me. I close the door and lie back on my bed. My pillow still smells like her, the sweetness a cruel reminder of our incredible night together. Squeezing my eyes tight, I try to forget the shitstorm that’s my reality, but it’s impossible.

  After an hour passes, I realize I’m starving. I didn’t eat lunch because it was interrupted. Opening the fridge, I decide to pull out some leftovers Mom sent home with me a few days ago. I pop a container in the microwave and sit at the table, reminiscing over the past few weeks, pissed I let her in so willingly. I keep wondering what the point of her coming here was? To run away from it all? Too bad it followed her.

  Once my food is warm, I take a few bites, and though my stomach is growling, I don’t have an appetite. As I push the plate away, I hear a few light knocks on the front door. I don’t have the strength to deal or talk to anyone right now. However, news travels fast around here, so I’m sure everyone knows what happened by now, and considering we were at the B&B when I slammed my fist into her fiancé's face, people were looking. I’m almost certain it’s my dad coming to bitch me out for not controlling my temper. Dread washes over me with each step, but when I open the door, Zoey stands there with swollen eyes and a red nose. She’s been crying, but I keep my emotions buried inside, protecting what little piece of my heart I have left.

  Though I’m tempted to slam the door in her face, I don’t.

  “What do you want?” My words come out harsh, but she just broke my fucking heart, so I don’t apologize.

  “Can we talk? Please?” She bites her lower lip, something I’ve come to adore, but now it pisses me off.

  “You should probably leave,” I snap, not wanting to hear the details of her and the asshole she’s engaged to.

  Zoey crosses her arms and takes a step forward. “I’m not leaving until we talk. I know I’m the last person on earth you want to see right now, but you deserve answers, and I want to give you at least that.”

  Though I want to push her away, I can’t find the strength to do so. Stepping aside, I let her in and suck in a deep breath as I shut the door. I need to gain my composure and not wear my emotions on my sleeve, but it’s so hard when she’s here in the flesh looking so goddamn beautiful.

  “You have five minutes.” Just being around her is driving me absolutely crazy, and when she sits on the couch, I sit as far away from her as possible. She notices but doesn’t say anything.

  “I’m sorry, Riley. I’m so fucking sorry. I never wanted to hurt you, and I never imagined he’d show up here like this,” she begins, not denying the fact that she’s engaged to another man.

  “You never thought you’d get busted, is what you mean, right?” I glare at her as I sit stiff as a board.

  She shifts in her seat, frowning. “No, it’s not like that at all.”

  “So please enlighten me. Please tell me what it’s like because, right now, none of it is adding up, Zoey. None of it. The past three weeks have been the best time of my life, and for it to end like this? It’s completely fucked up.”

  “Riley, I know. I should’ve told you as soon as I got here, but I was scared you wouldn’t give us a chance. I never meant for it to get to this level. Benjamin proposed to me after Vegas.”

  “So you were dating someone during Vegas? Just wondering if you’re a cheater or a liar, or both.” I’m growing more frustrated with every passing second.

  Shaking her head, she opens her mouth, then closes it, trying to find her words. I don’t rush her, giving her all the time she needs for now, but the clock is ticking.

  “Kinda. No. We weren’t official. We had gone out on a couple of dates, but we weren’t together. I only went to amuse my mom and dad because they’re friends with Benjamin’s parents. Each date was worse than the one before, and I hadn’t planned on going out with him again. But then he shocked the shit outta me when he proposed at Summer’s wedding. Everyone in the family and our social circles were there, smiling at me, and I was expected to accept. It all happened too fast, and I said yes. Even though I had doubts, I was terrified of disappointing my parents in front of so many people.”

  At the mention of her folks, everything she’s told me about them makes sense. Always living in her sister’s shadow and wanting to impress them, though I can’t understand why. They all sound horrible.

  “So you said yes and filed for an annulment soon after…” I clarify.

  Zoey nods. “I had my lawyer send the papers for you to sign, and when you sent them back, it didn’t feel right. So a couple of weeks later, I came here to find out if you’d felt the same or not.”

  I let her words soak in, understanding the situation she was put in, but that doesn’t explain why she felt like lying to me was her only option.

  “We talked about honesty. At any point over the past three weeks, you could’ve told me the whole story. We could’ve figured it out together, as husband and wife. You talked about your parents and their expectations, but somehow, you forgot to mention Benjamin was what they wanted for you too. You lied to my face and hurt me. You betrayed my trust and my family’s trust too. I feel used, like you came here to take advantage of me, like an excuse you needed to get out of your proposal, and it’s a dirty feeling. I thought I knew you, but I’m not so sure anymore.” My heart pounds rapidly while I’m harsh and to the point. I look up at the clock, and though she opens her mouth to more than likely refute everything I’ve pointed out, I interrupt her. “Your time is up, Zoey.”

  She stands, wiping tears from her cheeks. “I’m leaving with Benjamin first thing in the morning. My car will be picked up before the end of the month.”

  I stand, frowning. “So that’s it? You’re going back to Phoenix with him?” I search her face, knowing it’s not what she wants.

  “I have to,” she says, shrugging. I want to tell her
it’s bullshit, that she doesn’t have to leave, and remind her that she can stay here with me forever. I’m tempted to mention that we can get through this because even though I’m hurt, I’d be willing to fight if she is. She’s my wife, married to me, but I don’t say any of that. Instead, I stare at the wall, replaying everything that’s happened. The question of if she plans on returning lingers in the room. Though I want to ask, I don’t think I’ll be able to take the truth if her answer is no.

  At my silence, she walks toward the door, and I follow. She turns and looks at me before opening it. “I know I hurt you, but please know I never intended to, Riley. I really am sorry.”

  “I have to believe you didn’t, or I’ll drive myself crazy. However, you need to figure out what you want in life, Zoey. I love you, but is it enough for you? Will living on the ranch make you happy? Small towns aren’t for everyone, and I understand that, so you need to decide,” I tell her, the look on her face tempting me to kiss the fuck out of her. “Decide so we can both move on with our lives—either together or apart. The ball’s in your court. You already have the papers with my signature on it, so make your decision and let me know when you have it.”

  Zoey stays silent as we stare at each other. Her expression’s unreadable. I want her to respond, to say something, to tell me that she’s coming back and not marrying that asshole, but she doesn’t say anything. She doesn’t reinforce the way she feels about me or how the past three weeks were amazing, and it destroys me.

  Instead, she walks out without muttering anything.

  I refuse to beg her to stay because, at the end of the day, I only care about her happiness, unlike her fucking family. And if he makes her happy, though I don’t think he does or ever could, then that’s who she needs to be with. I’ll always cherish the time we spent together. It will be a time in my life that I’ll never forget, not even if I wanted to.

  I stand at the door and watch until I can no longer see the taillights of her car, and that’s when reality hits that she’s really gone. Closing it, I let out a deep breath, then turn around and see Diesel standing there.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” He nearly scares the shit out of me because I thought I was alone.

  “I fell asleep in my room.” He brushes his fingers through his hair. “I really miss my bed.”

  “Yeah, sorry about kicking your ass to the curb,” I say, going back to the kitchen and cleaning up my mess. I just need to keep my mind busy.

  “I know it’s gonna happen eventually, so it’s not a big deal.” He continues to watch me. “Why the hell did you let her leave?”

  I look at him like he’s lost his mind. “Why wouldn’t I?”

  “I dunno, because you’re supposed to fight for the woman you love? That’s the Bishop way, isn’t it?” He smirks.

  Shaking my head, I roll my eyes and finish wiping off the counter. “If she wants to be with me, she knows where I live. The last thing I want to do is beg her to stay when she doesn’t want to. She’s an adult. She can make her own choices without me influencing her decision. Her family does that for her enough.”

  “You’re stubborn as fuck,” he quips.

  “Now that’s the Bishop way,” I retort.

  Diesel opens the fridge and grabs a beer. “We’re going out tonight. Honky Tonk has ladies’ night, or we can go to the Circle B Saloon and play a round of pool.”

  “You’re relentless as hell,” I tell him, shaking my head.

  “You need to get out of here. You need to get your mind on something else, or you’re going to drive yourself mad. Whiskey makes everything better, and I’ll even volunteer to be your designated driver so you can get trashed.” I hesitate, not feeling right about going out, but fuck, I need a drink. Before I can answer, he continues, “Dare ya.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “You would, you bastard.”

  Chapter Twenty


  “Good morning,” Benjamin says as he takes my suitcase from my hand and pops the trunk.

  “Fuck off,” I mutter, walking past him to the passenger’s side.

  “Now, now. Don’t be upset, Zoey. You’ll get back into your routine at home and forget all about this place,” he tells me before we both get into the car.

  “How about we just don’t talk until we land in Phoenix?” I glower, narrowing my eyes at him, daring him to push me. I’m exhausted and cranky, and I’m not in the mood for his shit. I hardly slept last night, wishing I was in Riley’s arms again, but instead, I slept alone.

  “Whatever you want, darling,” he says as he drives away from the B&B. Glancing over my shoulder, I watch until the large house is out of sight. Sadness washes over me.

  After leaving Riley’s house last night, I went back to my room and started packing. Shamelessly, I had to let John know that I’d be checking out in the morning, and he stayed professional, giving me my invoice and wishing me a safe trip home. I’m not sure how long it’ll take before his whole family finds out what happened between us, but I know it’ll disappoint them all. I’m disappointed in myself.

  I didn’t even get the chance to say goodbye to Rowan or their parents. Or Aunt Mila and his cousins.

  All the memories we made, all the laughing we did, and the stories we shared. They’ll be in my heart forever, and no one can take those from me. I know Riley is heartbroken right now, so am I, but I hope one day he’ll understand why I didn’t tell him right away and will eventually forgive me.

  The flight back home is short, and I’m relieved when Benjamin takes me home because I want distance from him. I’m pissed I don’t have my car and will have to rely on the bus or someone to drive me around. I know he said it’s being delivered, but I would’ve preferred to have driven it back myself. Of course, I didn’t get an option, though.

  The moment Benjamin hands me my luggage, the front door flies open, and my mother rushes toward me.

  “Zoey Marie! Oh my God, you’re finally home!” She wraps her arms around me. “I was so worried about you,” she scolds, pulling back to frown at me. “You didn’t answer any of my phone calls.”

  I immediately feel guilty for making her worry. It wasn’t my intention, but I knew she’d ask too many questions. “Sorry, Mom. The reception wasn’t great where I was,” I tell her, which is mostly true.

  “Well, come in. We can talk inside.”


  Benjamin follows, and I groan, feeling like an adolescent who’s about to get disciplined.

  “I told you I’d get her back safely,” he says, gloating, as if I’m his bounty, and he’s waiting for his reward. “Even if it ended up a bit difficult.”

  My mom pats his cheek with a concerning grin. His eye bruised more overnight, and I know she’s wondering what happened. “Thank you, dear. I know you’ll always protect my little Zoey.”

  “Can you stop talking about me as if I’m not here?” I sit on a stool at the breakfast bar. “I didn’t need his protection.”

  Benjamin crosses his arms, giving me a pointed look. “Maybe when you’re done acting like a child, we’ll have a proper discussion about what the hell you were doing in Texas.”

  I narrow my eyes at him, wishing I had the power to blow him up with my fury. If my mother wasn’t present, I’d give him a piece of my mind with a side of junk punch.

  “Dinner is at six,” my mother tells him, ignoring the silent exchange between us, and thankfully, she doesn’t ask any questions.

  “I’ll be back then,” he says sweetly, kissing her cheek.

  Benjamin walks to me and places his lips on my forehead. “Take a nap, darling. You’ll feel better.”

  Breaking his nose would make me feel better.

  Once he’s gone, my mother smiles at me. “I’m so glad you’re back so we can really start planning the wedding. Everyone’s still gushing about your proposal, and we’re so excited about your big day.”

  Though I force a smile to appease her, I remain silent at her words.

“Where’s your ring, sweetie?” she asks, glancing down at my hand.

  “I left it in my jewelry box so I wouldn’t lose it on my trip,” I tell her honestly.

  “Oh, okay. Well, when you freshen up for dinner, make sure to put it on.” She pats my hand.

  I hop off the stool and grab my bag. “I’m going to my room for a bit.”

  “Alrighty. Get some rest. Lots to do!” she singsongs as I make my way upstairs.

  I wish Summer still lived at home so I could crawl into her bed, and we could talk like before. She’d pet my hair and help me talk through my issues, but I know I need to figure this out on my own. Though I do decide to text her so she knows I’m back.

  Zoey: Back in Phoenix. Mom’s having dinner at 6 and Benjamin’s coming.

  Summer: Thank God! I was so worried about you.

  Zoey: Why? You knew where I was. Speaking of which, thanks for telling them where I was…

  Summer: Babe, I’m sorry. You know how Mom gets when she worries, and she was calling me twice a day, then Benjamin came over, and he knew I was lying when I told him I didn’t know.

  Zoey: He’s such an ass.

  Summer: He’s your fiancé.

  I roll my eyes. That doesn’t excuse his behavior.

  Zoey: Can we plan a sister date tomorrow?

  Summer: Of course! Let’s meet for lunch.

  Zoey: Okay, see you then.

  Before unpacking my bag, I decide to text Riley.

  Zoey: Just letting you know I made it back to Phoenix.

  I watch as the dots bounce on the screen a moment later.

  Riley: Okay. Good to know.

  My heart sinks. I don’t know what I expected, but I don’t have anyone to blame but myself.


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