Considerably Wicked: A Dark Romance

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Considerably Wicked: A Dark Romance Page 5

by Leigh Frankie

  “No. I saw him without a shirt on in the kitchen the other night. I felt a little unhappy because he was being inappropriate, but I was far from stressed out.”


  Una nodded. “But I am happy that he’s an obedient guy. I just don’t trust him.”

  “And why is that?”

  Una shrugged. “Because he seems too nice.” She looked down at her fingers and softly added, “No person is that nice.”

  Chapter 5


  “…I’m going to conceptualize the whole story and try to make a storyboard. Maybe you can present House of Terror to Sean and you can convince him to approve it, Liezel Anne.” Glen adjusted his glasses. His big, red, curly hair pestered his round, plump face as usual.

  It was lunch time and he was rambling on about an idea over a massive meatloaf carver, spilling some of the filling as he waved it aimlessly as he spoke. Crowding a table in the corner of the breakroom, Will and Liezel listened to him with lesser appetite once he started devouring his meal.

  “Cool.” Will’s facial expression slightly tensed at a lettuce sliding off between the fat meat in Glen’s sandwich. “Don’t you ever consider getting a new haircut? Cutting your hair short?” It was needless to say that he couldn’t help but notice his friend’s hair that was disturbingly growing out in all directions. “I already told you, dude. Girls dig big guys with big hair,” Glen told Will. “It gives them the impression that everything about me is huge. Everything. As in everything. Get it?” He smirked, resembling a white guy trying to sound like a seductive philanderer.

  Glen was built slightly on the large side but had a soft heart who loved all kinds of animals; he was also obsessed over gummy bears and mermaids, at least according to his Facebook and Instagram posts. Apart from animals and some other mythical creatures, he also loved women and regularly hooked up with them on a weekly basis. His dad died when he was still in college, and he’d been living with his mom ever since. Comical yet tragic, that was how Will once described Glen’s life to Liezel on her first week.

  Liezel made a face and carefully forked a thin slice of chicken meat in her salad box. She looked disgusted and didn’t even try to hide it. She turned to Will. “Una told me you moved in a couple of days ago?”

  Will nodded and washed his throat with a cherry soda. “I have. She has a really nice house.”

  Liezel’s smile widened. “And what do you think of Una?”

  “Wait,” Glen interrupted her. “Is your friend Una hot? Does she have big guns? You know what I mean? Is she single? Can you tell her about me? Put on some good words for me?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Glen, why can’t you be like Will and be decent? For real.”

  Will nodded in agreement. “Liz makes a valid suggestion, buddy. A little proper decorum will get you a long way―and perhaps a good woman, for a change.”

  “You don’t say.” Glen scowled. “Dude, what the fuck is this? A fucking intervention?” he complained before his mouth slaughtered the sandwich in his hand again.

  “Ms. Miller’s third house rule is no swearing. You’d fail getting on her good side with your mouth alone, dude.” Will took a red apple from his brown bag. “You have a very filthy one.” He bit on the fruit.

  Liezel opened her mouth and then closed it again, not sure if there was something else she could add. But hearing that Will had pretty much summed it up, she didn’t say anything.

  “I know you’re still hung up on Kate, Will. Your bitterness won’t rub off on me just because we’re best buddies,” Glen spat.

  Liezel turned to Will. “Didn’t you say you broke up with her?”

  Feeling suddenly uneasy to be the on spotlight in the conversation, Will just shook his head. “No. It was mutual.”

  She narrowed her eyes on him. “Mutual how?”

  “She broke up with me and I agreed. It wasn’t just working for either of us.”

  “How did she—”

  “Ms. Blanco.” Before Liezel could finish her question, her little chitchat with them was cut off by Sinclair himself who approached their table.

  All four of them straightened in their chairs and paid their undivided attention to him though he clearly came for his assistant. Liezel stood up and casually pulled the back of her leather pencil skirt, accentuating the shape of her round butt.

  She turned to face her boss. “Yes, Mr. Godfrey?” Her red plump lips pulled into a sexy smile.

  “Finish up. We’re leaving in ten minutes,” Sinclair said, his eyes surveying the little mess on Glen’s lunch box; his face scrunched up in slight disgust.

  “Where are we going?” Liezel asked him.

  Sinclair looked at her this time and sighed before he said, “I’m meeting a client. I need you to come with me.”

  Glen’s face lit up. “Is it Pascal?”

  Sinclair shook his head. “No, he’s still in Belize with his second wife. It’s Royce.” He looked at Will and gave him a nod. “He’s very impressed with you, Will. We will have a separate talk about it next week. Ms. Blanco, ten minutes.” And with that he left.

  Liezel quickly finished her water and pushed the salad box to Glen. “Do me a favor and finish this up. It’s a shame to throw a $50 salad.”

  Glen grinned. “I know you secretly care for me, Liezel Anne.”

  “Shush it, Glen. That’s a $50 salad and with all the unhealthy stuff that goes into your mouth, you need something healthy,” Liezel said and left. Both Will and Glen looked at her as she sashayed out of the breakroom.

  “Good job on Royce, Will,” Glen spoke and gave off an extremely enthusiastic smile.

  “Thanks, buddy.”

  Glen picked up the plastic fork that Liezel was using and sniffed it. “Smells like Liezel’s mouth.”

  Will stood up, unaffected by his friend’s embarrassing behavior. “I’m going back.”

  Will gathered his tray, stood up, and casually told Glen, “You seriously need help, dude.”

  “And you seriously need to stop acting like a virgin, Will,” Glen snapped back.

  Will only smiled and left.


  The drive to Laurent Royce’s building was silent. Sinclair kept his eyes on the road and his hands tight on the steering wheel. Liezel crossed her legs and stared out the passenger window, watching the dark clouds building up in the sky. She let out a silent curse when she remembered she forgot to bring an umbrella.

  As they reached the freeway, Liezel shifted in her seat. The silence was slowly making her uncomfortable. She inhaled soundly, taking in the pleasant smell of leather and wood in the car.

  “Did my sister bring you in to observe in any of her meetings before?” Sinclair asked, breaking the silence.

  Liezel turned to him and slowly shook her head. “No, Belinda never asked me to observe. She always brought with her a pen and notepad. She never needed me to be there. This would be my first.”

  Sinclair scoffed. “You were on a first-name basis with her the entire time you were working for her?”

  “No. I did address her as Mrs. Maxwell. But she asked me to call her by her first name on my second week of working for her.”

  “Well, Jeffrey has made a lot of changes in her life. Probably including that.”

  Liezel smiled, remembering the man. “Mr. Maxwell is a very nice and jolly man. I saw how your sister lit up whenever he dropped by her office.”

  Sinclair was silent after that until they reached their destination.

  They met with Royce’s assistant and were led into the building.

  Clutching her notepad and pen, Liezel walked into the conference room before everyone else. Her eyes raked over the view in front of her. She inhaled at the entirety of the city spanned before her. Looking around, she noticed how almost every wall in the entire floor were made of glass. No windows were needed since people could easily just see the city outside.

  The moment she heard someone approach, she quickly took her seat at th
e back of the room. Not a second later, Sinclair stepped through the door with a man who looked fresh off from college.

  Laurent Royce was born into a wealthy family. Although a couple of inches shorter than Sinclair, he was a very attractive young man who was respected amongst his peers despite his gray sweatpants and polo shirt combo, a weird sight next to Sinclair who was wearing a beautiful navy suit while looking tall and important.

  As Sinclair started talking to Royce and two of his company’s decision makers around the conference table, Liezel couldn’t help the breath that got caught in her throat. She saw her boss glance briefly at her before he continued to focus on the meeting at hand.

  “I must say, I love your guy’s eye for details,” Laurent Royce spoke from his comfortable seat. “The game may be a downright gunplay, but overall, it’s more than just blasting your way through crazy zombies, nasty goons, and hard-to-kill bosses.”

  Sinclair’s smiled broadly. “Will is my best guy. His meticulousness and attentiveness to details are, first and foremost, the reason why we have him.”

  Liezel continued to sit quietly, her notepad balanced on her lap while she kept documenting important points of the meeting, something she learned while working for Belinda Maxwell, Sinclair’s older sister. When Laurent Royce began talking about his company’s expectations and reading through the service level agreements, something he insisted to do, Liezel caught Sinclair surveying the room, looking at the faces of the men who would decide whether MaxxTech was the perfect choice or not. His eyes soon fell on hers, and she gave him a quick encouraging smile.

  As Liezel listened to Sinclair address every question thrown at him, her smile broadened, and a surge of admiration for Sinclair slipped into her belly. He may not be a tech god like Will, but he was an outstanding salesman and she knew he would wrap the deal at the end of the meeting.

  When the meeting slowly turned more technical, Liezel zoned out and her mind raced to the morning when she and Sinclair shared an intimate moment. Her mind had been replaying the scene over and over again since it happened, and she felt a little flutter in the pit of her stomach every time.

  When the meeting was finally over, Liezel straightened in her chair. When Sinclair shook Royce’s hand, she knew her boss got what he came for.

  They won the Royce deal.

  Laurent Royce and Sinclair Godfrey wrapped up the meeting and agreed to kickstart the project as soon as they finalized the minor changes to the service level agreements based on what they had agreed on. Soon enough, Sinclair said his formal goodbye to Laurent Royce, and Liezel briefly smiled at the young CEO.

  “Well, that went pretty well,” Liezel said. Sinclair opened the car door for her. She quickly slid next to the driver’s seat with a grin on her face.

  “The deal was already sealed when Royce called Will last week. He’s a very busy man. He only talks to you when he wants something from you, and he obviously wanted to make sure Will will champion his project.” Sinclair put the car in gear, drove out of the basement, and pulled onto an empty street.

  He slightly loosened his tie as they headed for the freeway. He expected Liezel to continue with their conversation, but when his assistant remained silent, he decided to do the same and focus on the road.

  As the first raindrops spattered on the windshield, Sinclair groaned and flicked on the wipers. Rapidly, the rain increased to a deafening roar on the roof of his black BMW. With the dead silence surrounding them, he audibly heard his assistant relax back in her seat, showing off too little skin with her knee-length skirt. But he couldn’t really help his imagination from taking its course, especially with her breathing audibly next to him. At times, it almost sounded like a sexy moan.

  “Are you okay, Ms. Blanco?” he asked when he stopped at a red sign.

  Liezel sighed. “Of course, Mr. Godfrey.” She smiled. “I can’t wait to tell Will the good news.”

  “You guys are close?”

  “Not really. Will is a just a really nice guy to be friends with.” Her eyes landed on the clock on the dashboard. “Wow. It’s nearly six.”

  “Where do you live?” Sinclair asked.

  “Well, if you’re not going back to the office, you could just drop me off at―”

  “Tell me where you live and I’ll drop you off there,” he cut off. “You don’t have to go back to the office. It’s fine.”

  With a slight hesitation, Liezel drew in some air before she gave Una’s address.

  It wasn’t because she didn’t want to give him her address, but it was because she wasn’t keen to the idea of her boss finding out what type of neighborhood she lived in. When Una first offered the room that Will was now occupying, her pride had gotten the best of her and she turned the offer down. Now, she wished more than anything that she had accepted the offer.

  “One of my close friends from college used to live in Chestnut Hill,” Sinclair said. The light turned green and his car accelerated again. He turned on his signal to exit the freeway and en route to Chestnut Hill, that was unbeknownst to Sinclair, was actually Una’s affluent neighborhood and not Liezel’s.

  “You were really amazing today. You were talking there like you owned them,” Liezel spoke.

  Sinclair only smiled. When they finally arrived at the address that she had given him, he pulled up to the curb outside a brick colonial house. He looked out the window. “You have a really nice house. Do you live there alone?”

  Liezel shook her head, blushing for lying. “No. A friend of mine lives with me. She’s renting one of the rooms.”

  Sinclair turned to face her and, suddenly, the feel inside the car changed. Liezel looked flushed, which was not entirely from her boss’ intense gaze, but from the lie that just came out of her mouth. She had no choice. She lived in a shitty neighborhood and she couldn’t let anyone from work know that.

  Her boss looked down at her, his fingers grazing her bare arm. “It’s still raining. Do you have an umbrella with you?”

  Liezel bit her lower lip and slowly shook her head, fully aware of the familiar tension building up between them. “I don’t have an umbrella with me.”

  “How lucky of me then.” Sinclair’s hand reached the back of her head and pulled her to him in one swift motion. As soon as their faces where only a breath apart, he crashed his lips with hers.

  Liezel, as if she had been waiting for this moment to happen, parted her lips and let him sneak his tongue into her mouth. She grasped his shirt and pulled him closer like she couldn’t get close enough.

  “Pull this damn thing off,” Sinclair ordered, his hands tugging at Liezel’s skirt.

  Liezel slightly pulled away and her hands reached for the zipper on the back of her skirt which she managed to unzip in seconds. She pulled it down. Closing the gap between them, she trailed her lips along Sinclair’s perfect jawline and down his neck while inhaling his scent.

  Sinclair’s hands reached for the waistband of her red, seamless panties, pulled it down, and tossed it on the dashboard.

  A flash of lightning lit the interior of Sinclair’s car, illuminating the intimate activity: Liezel sitting on him, straddling him, sucking on his earlobe, and moaning loudly against the drumming sound of the rain.

  “I tried to stay the fuck away from you―” Sinclair let out a groan when Liezel moved her hand onto his erection underneath the soft fabric of his pants.

  She unzipped his pants and pulled it down. Her fingers fiddled with his tie and then the buttons of his shirt. As if both of them were very much hungry for each other, they removed their remaining clothes until they were finally naked and panting in immense desire. Liezel arched her back, her perky, round breasts brushing softly against Sinclair’s lips. When she felt his warm mouth sucking on her left breast, she cupped his hard, thick length and gently massaged it up and down.

  “I want you inside me now, boss.” Liezel moaned, gasping as she felt Sinclair’s fingers stroking her.

  “You’re so fucking wet, Liezel.”
br />   “I know,” she murmured, eyes closed. She was ready to ride her boss until her knees buckled and they ran out of breath. She pushed Sinclair’s hand away and slammed herself down.

  “Fuck, Liezel. Ride me now.” Sinclair growled and dipped his head between her breasts.

  But Liezel didn’t move for seconds as she allowed herself to get used to his size inside her warm flesh. She moaned when he started sucking on her breasts.

  “You drive me crazy, Liezel.” His raw, raspy voice was driving her crazy even more. “Do you like my dick moving inside you?”

  “Fuckin’ hell, yes.” She panted, her breathless voice earning a loud groan from him.

  “Do you want to continue this in your bedroom?”

  “No. I’ve always wondered what fucking inside a car would feel like.”

  Sinclair chuckled. His free hand skimmed along her sides and came to rest on her breasts. She pushed back harder onto his hardness and picked up the speed, grinding the shit out of her boss. She was so close and could feel herself pounding on top of Sinclair. She thrust deep into him and gasped when she hit her sweet spot with Sinclair’s hard rod.

  At this point, they both had to thank the rain that had concealed them from anyone who could see and hear them curse loudly at each other for release. As the rain poured hard outside, so did their fucking inside the car.

  Sinclair gripped at her tight ass. She tried to stifle her moans but when she was about to have her release, it just became too loud.

  “Shit! I’m… I’m so close. I’m gonna come.”

  “No… no… not yet. Let’s come together,” Sinclair ordered in between groans.

  “Fuck… hurry fucking up… I can’t…”

  “I’m right behind you, darl… I’m right…I’m coming…” Quickly, Sinclair pushed Liezel away, sliding out of her. He grabbed her hand and wrapped it around his large member. He motioned her to stroke him. His hand slipped two fingers into Liezel’s opening, then slid it out, repeating the motion at a steady pace.

  “Oh fuck…Sinclair. Faster!” Sinclair obliged, rubbing her faster. “I’m coming!” She let out a cry, feeling her orgasm ripping through her. She didn’t make any movement as she continued to grind against his hand and stroking him in return.


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