Considerably Wicked: A Dark Romance

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Considerably Wicked: A Dark Romance Page 14

by Leigh Frankie

  “I’m not really sure about that.”

  Sinclair sighed with a definite hint of frustration, but his smile widened. “Una…I know what you must be thinking…and you may probably be right. I may look like I could have everything I want―”

  Una shook her head. “No, it’s not just that…”

  “Hey, Ms. Miller.” Una recognized the voice from behind and, almost immediately, she felt relieved and happy that her face instantly lit up.

  Una craned her neck and saw Will walking over to them. “Mr. Thomas, I have ordered for us.” She looked around as if expecting Annika walking to their table with the orders. “What’s taking them so long?”

  “Hi there, Will,” Sinclair spoke, his smile fading as he watched Will shuffled into the seat next to Una.

  “Mr. Godfrey, what a surprise to see you here,” Will greeted, looking clearly surprised to see him there with Una. “I’m guessing you two met, and presumably talked, at the Halloween party?”

  “Yes, Una and I had a great talk in my office that night,” Sinclair said admittingly. “I saw her walking while I was on my way to my car. I had to meet with the faculty heads at the university where Una actually happens to attend.”

  A brief smile to acknowledge what his boss just said graced Will’s lips. “Is that right? Cool. Will you be joining us for breakfast? Is Liezel with you?”

  Sinclair smiled at him, hardly trying to hide the slight annoyance in his voice. “No. Why should she be? It’s a weekend.” Will may be his top programmer, but he wasn’t feeling any obligation to play the nice boss all the time. They were outside of work and were having a conversation that didn’t involve work.

  “Oh, I just thought she was attending the meeting too…with you,” Will casually answered him and smiled to lighten up the conversation.

  He stood up, straightened his coat, and smiled at them. “I actually better get going. Their service is pretty slow here. I wonder what happened with my coffee.”

  “I’m sure it’s on its way,” Will offered.

  “Nah. I really better get going. See you on Monday, Will.” He turned to Una and smiled. “Una.” Then he left.

  Will sighed and looked outside the glass window, watching Sinclair walk to his car that was parked in the parking lot right across the café. “How long has he been here?”

  “Not too long.”

  “Okay. What did you guys talk about?”


  “Okay. Where are our orders?”

  Una looked around. “Where’s Annika?”


  “At long last, no more annoying vertical lines,” Will announced before plopping on the couch, pleased at the flat-screen TV in front.

  Una walked from the kitchen and joined him, carrying a bag of Thai takeout. She stared at the new TV that Will had just finished setting up; the only thing that’s brand new in the house. Slowly, she looked up then looked around and realized something. Although the house was built years ago, she had somehow failed to notice the changes until now. The walls were still notably white, and a couple of furniture presents were still the same, but she noticed that Will had started to add a few decorating touches here and there. The cashmere throw pillows now matched the beige couch and loveseat while the brown drapes that had always framed the windows had now been replaced with an ivory curtain panel, but what made her ponder was the fact that she always found the cupboard and fridge to be filled with stuff and her kitchen to be always sparkling clean.

  “Ms. Miller? Are you okay?”

  “The curtains, the pillow covers…” she trailed off, pointing at the ones she just mentioned.

  Will looked up to her and smiled. “Changed the curtains last week and bought those new covers two days ago.” He turned to the TV and his smile widened. “It’s a smart tv so we can just connect it to the internet.”

  “Liezel can finally shut about it,” she said as she set the containers on the table, ignoring Will’s question.

  “So, what are the movies she recommended?” Will asked.

  Una frowned. “I’m not really sure if you’d like them. I think all romance.”

  “That’s alright. We’ll watch those, and then, next time will watch another three from other genres.”

  She nodded. “Okay. Um…Shall we watch Shakespeare In Love first?”

  “I heard about that movie. Glen begged me to watch it last year. He couldn’t stop telling me how he cried in the end.”

  Snuggled in her sofa blanket with the Thai food on the armrest of the couch, Una waited as Will turned the TV and subscribed to Netflix, and searched for the three movies, but when he couldn’t find any of the three, he tuned in to YouTube and searched for Shakespeare In Love.

  “$4.99?” Una said loudly, surprised as she read the price to rent the movie.

  “That’s okay. Let’s use my credit card.”

  As soon as Will made the payment, he stretched back on the left side of the couch. “Let’s watch movies that are on Netflix next time.”

  “We can now.”

  “Don’t worry about it, Ms. Miller. Let’s find out why Liezel loved these movies.” He smiled.

  “And why your friend cried at the end.”

  Will grinned, nodding at her. “Right.”

  Over the next couple of hours, they sat there and watched the movies, making slight side commentaries every now and then, learning more bits about each other in the process, with Will dropping a few funny remarks whenever he saw a chance. It didn’t really earn him a chuckle but a small, amused smile from Una―which he was more than okay with.

  Una was almost surprised at his witty sense of humor. He seemed like more of a serious type on the outside. But here he was, revealing her this other side to him; the one that most people only saw bits of. Thinking back on their dinner on the rooftop, she had also discovered he had a bit of a nerdy side, which made him even more surprisingly adorable.

  When they were finally on the third movie, Match Point, the sun was already setting outside. Will quickly turned the lights on in Una’s rooms as well as the ones outside. When he was sure that all the necessary lights were on, he walked back into the living from the kitchen with two bowls of ice cream.

  “Here you go.” He offered one to Una.

  “Thank you.” Una’s face twitched as she watched Scarlett Johansson and Jonathan Rhys Meyers’ rain-soaked steamy make-out session that inevitably led them to have sex in a wheat field.

  “Why do all the characters in these movies always end up having sex as soon as they kiss?” she asked, frowning at what the characters were doing on screen.

  “Not really every time though,” Will said, licking his spoon.

  “Yes, but the kisses they all shared, somehow and if not at the beginning of the movie at least towards the end, end up in sex,” she said out matter-of-factly.

  “Okay, not all movies, but I see your point,” Will agreed.

  “Do people instantly feel sexual desire as soon as they open their mouths and suck on each other’s tongue?”

  “Depends on the kind of kiss, I guess. People wouldn’t end up in bed with a little peck. There are so many different ways to kiss a person and lots of other things to consider, you know.”

  Una’s eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean? There are lots of kinds? And the ones in these movies are the ones that usually lead them to sex?” she asked, her tone exposing her sudden curiosity. She then looked down at her empty food container. “I wouldn’t really know. I’ve never experienced doing it with anyone.”

  “Oh, I see,” he said, acting nervous around her all of a sudden as they continued to sit there and watch Scarlett Johansson kiss Jonathan Rhys Meyers on screen.

  Damn, movie! He thought.

  “So, tell me, what is then that kind, that specific kiss that usually ends in sex? The kind that involves tongues?” Perhaps some people may find her interest in the matter a little odd and, in some way, misplaced since she was already twenty-one years old and shou
ldn’t be asking about these things anymore. But when she told him she never watched that many movies, what she really meant were that she had only seen a couple since her release from Aishcliff six years ago. And even before then, she had not seen any.

  “I’m not really sure. It also depends on the location, the setting, the position, and the person you’re sharing the kiss with.” Will turned to her. “Do you want to experiment?”

  Una thought he was only teasing her with his offhanded question, but judging by how his eyes trailed down her lips, he did indeed ask to kiss her. She drew her lips into a line, neither smiling nor frowning.

  “That’s alright, I guess.” She could tell he was deliberately keeping his eyes on hers instead on her lips as she replied.

  “Cool. Now before we go to the kissing part, let me set the mood first.” Will’s heart was pounding so hard. He set their bowls on the table and concentrated on the task at hand. “Just take whatever I give you and do as I say.”

  Una swallowed, not sure now what she had gotten herself into. “Okay,” she politely said.

  “Close your eyes.”

  She obeyed silently, reluctantly closing her eyes, nervous breaths escaping her mouth.

  For a moment, Will just sat there looking at her. He then moved a little closer to her. His face was inches away. His expression softened. “I think you have very kissable lips.”

  “Mr. Thomas…”

  “Put one of your hands around my waist...” Una did as she was told. “Okay, now put the other hand on my neck,” he whispered, putting his own hand on Una’s neck, caressing the skin with his thumb. “I am going to start being more intimate now.”

  He breathed, trailing his nose along her neck. He felt her flinch when she felt his lips against her jawline.

  “Relax, I got you,” Will told her gently. His lips danced along her jawline and a little at the back to her blushing ear.

  The sensation this was giving Una was unbelievable. She couldn’t keep up with all of these unfamiliar feelings. Will’s lips worked all the way down to her neck, causing her to finally rip a soft, shy moan from her throat to his extreme surprise.

  “And now, I’m going to kiss you,” he told her.

  “Without telling me what to do first?” Una asked. Her eyes fluttered, nervously waiting for what was to come.

  “Just keep your eyes closed.”

  She nodded and did as she was told. If there was one thing she learned from her past, it was obedience. Without warning, she felt Will’s lips lightly brushed against hers. She was caught by surprise and, by instinct, moved back an inch.

  “It’s okay, Ms. Miller. Now open your mouth,” Will muttered softly.

  And she just did.

  Will went for her soft lips again. His warm lips brushed against hers for a brief moment before his tongue prodded at her lips. Shyly, she opened her mouth for him as he’d instructed. He slipped the tip of his tongue past her lips. An unanticipated sensation converged in her all at once. Her heart was pounding wildly.

  Will moved his hand to the back of her head. “Don’t hide your tongue from me,” he whispered.

  He hardened the kiss, pressing his body against her. His other hand supporting her back as he gently pushed her down on the couch. He stroked his tongue inside her mouth, hungry for more of her. To his extreme surprise, he felt her sucking on his tongue, tugging his lips between her teeth. He pressed tighter against her frame. Her body felt right against his.

  All of a sudden, the tension Will had been keeping at bay came surging back as she pressed her body closer, her fingers digging into his back while her legs rubbed against his. With Una’s eagerness, Will soon realize the hardness that was threatening to expand his pants.

  “Ms. Miller, I…I think we better stop.” With a few more soft kisses and additional brushes against her lips, he ended the kiss. Slowly, he pulled away, steadying himself as he tried to catch his breath.

  “Why?” Una’s hazel eyes came open, her lips slightly opened.

  “Because that kiss,” he croaked, cleared his throat. “That kiss, no doubt, will end us both in bed.” He could still feel himself still. But it was something he knew was bound to happen. They were still so close that they could feel the warmth of their bodies. There was no question that he wanted nothing more but to kiss Una again and do more than that. But he knew how wrong it would be to tap into the situation especially when the fact that the kiss could lead them to either of the bedrooms upstairs.

  Una exhaled loudly and ran her fingers through her hair then rubbed her hands over her eyes. She then drew away from Will and stood up.

  “Okay, now we know,” she whispered, stood up, and hiked upstairs to her room.

  “Yup. Now we know,” Will echoed softly and stared blankly at the screen.

  Chapter 14


  A visible stream of light cascaded through the curtains, waking Una from her dreamless sleep. Her eyes fluttered open. Sprawled across her bed in her pajamas, she huffed at how her hip and shoulder felt stiff from lying in the same position. When the images from last night flooded into her mind, she gasped. She rolled over and heaved. Her hands pressed to her suddenly warm cheeks, and she sat up straight.

  Her chest started to throb soundly as she walked out of her room and down the stairs. When she reached the foot of the stairs, she was surprised to see that the living room had already been cleared of the takeout boxes and plates from their movie marathon last night. She turned and saw Will asleep in the armchair, his long legs stretched out. The pounding in her chest quickened when she paused to stare momentarily at him.

  Her eyes raked the length of his body. Strangely, she felt like she was actually looking at him for the first time. Needless to say, Will looked charming, and although his features were endearingly boyish, there was something exquisite about him that Una couldn’t seem to fathom. His dark, disheveled hair, differed attractively against his skin.

  Admittedly, there were other rules that she failed to mention that he mistakenly committed, like walking around the house topless. But, generally, Will was a good housemate, and for the first time, she felt calm and unperturbed. The nightmares had disappeared too.

  Will groaned suddenly and mumbled something with his eyes still closed. She stared a few seconds more, studying his jaw, his lips―she sighed deeply from within her chest, their kiss automatically crossing her mind. When Will muttered something obscure and shifted in the seat, she took a step back and hurried to the kitchen.

  A small smile formed on her lips when she found the kitchen sparkling clean too. The sink was cleared and cleaned while the dishes were neatly arranged in the drying rack.

  “I couldn’t sleep last night so I tidied up the place a little bit,” a shy, deep voice came from the doorway.

  Una spun around and saw Will, his clothes rumpled from sleep. “Okay.” She nodded. “I’m gonna go prepare for school.” She walked out of the kitchen and did what she told Will.

  Half an hour later, she was walking out of the house and towards her car outside. She felt cold despite the layers of clothing she had put on that day. Before opening the door to her car, she looked up at the sky that looked whipped and glum, but she was used to it. She opened the car door and climbed in the driver seat, shutting the door behind her. She rubbed her hands together, then turned her key in the ignition.


  She tried again but to no avail. Sighing, she rested her against the steering wheel. She was already running late for school after spending an extra fifteen minutes in the shower. She loved long baths whenever it started to get really cold outside. It wasn’t her first time having some issues with the battery, but the last time it happened, she had Liezel helped her. As expected, Liezel used her charm, and the man at the auto shop attended to her car right away, and they were back on the road in no time. As grateful as she was that the man fixed her car as soon as Liezel batted her lashes, she was not reasonably happy knowing that she had, in a way, al
lowed her friend to use her sexuality to get things done quickly.

  Suddenly, she heard a tap on the window. She quickly looked up and saw Will.

  “Are you okay, Ms. Miller?” Will asked as soon as she rolled the window down.

  “My car is not starting,” she huffed in frustration. “And I’m late for school.”

  Will smiled. “Come on.” He motioned her to step outside. “I’ll drive you to school, and I’ll have a look at it later when I get home from work,” he offered.

  Una hesitated for a second before she finally decided to suck it up and step out of her car and got into the front passenger seat of Will’s car.

  “Cold morning, isn’t it?” Will’s grey Saab drove down the street, leaving the peaceful neighborhood behind before wounding their way through the busy downtown street. A quick stolen glance told him that Una couldn’t be that bothered with the crappy cold weather nearly as much as him.

  Una chose to answer him by nodding. She gathered her coat closer around herself and stared out of the side window, thinking of things to help her ignore the freezing weather and the pounding in her chest.

  “Ms. Miller, are you okay?” Will asked.

  She chose not to face him when she replied a simple, “Of course.”

  “Hmmm…” Will hummed in a tone that suggested he wasn’t convinced. “Are we okay?”


  “Ms. Miller?” Will stopped at a red signal and looked at her sideways.

  Una turned to him this time. She never had any problem in openly staring at someone. However, sitting there, looking back into Will’s blue eyes, she was feeling self-conscious. She used to always be in control and always knew what to do and say, but with the way he was looking at her, she couldn’t decide or figure out what she should do next. Should they just walk out and act like nothing happened?

  “This kiss, it’s bothering you, isn’t it?” Will’s question broke into her thoughts.

  She sighed loudly and pursed her lips. “A bit. That was my first time.” The last part almost came out as a whisper.


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