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Considerably Wicked: A Dark Romance

Page 24

by Leigh Frankie

  “How can you so sure he’d actually talk to you?” Una tugged the blanket up under her chin. “And I told you, Liezel kind of exaggerated what happened. What Sinclair did while surely surprising, he didn’t actually force him—”

  Will climbed into bed and settled on his side next to her. He leaned over and his hand was quickly on the back of Una’s head, pulling her to him. He didn’t waste a second to connect his lips with hers for an intense kiss. Shyly at first, Una returned the kiss. Deepening the kiss, Will threaded his fingers through Una’s hair as he hovered over her.

  “It doesn’t matter…” Will whispered, running his hands down the hem of Una’s shirt and slipped his fingers under the fabric. “The thought alone that he kissed you still messes with my head.”

  “He told me about his—” Una gasped when she felt him started kissing his neck and throat.

  “Shhh…” Will softly bit her collarbone and ran his hands up her sides, slightly pushing her shirt up.

  Heated up by his sudden hunger for Una, it seemed that Will had something else other than sleep in his mind, but his desire and the incredibly intense moment his kisses were slowly building was suddenly interrupted by the sound of a glass breaking.

  Una and Will instantly lay still, waiting. All of a sudden, silence fell in the entire house and everything seemed to stand still.

  “Did you hear…” Una wanted to ask, but Will immediately clamped his hand over her mouth because what followed was something that instantly had her heart pumping at fast.

  Not a moment later, heavy footsteps were already winding up the staircase and two muffled voices could be distinctly heard from outside Una’s room. Quickly, they both climbed down from the bed.

  “Someone’s in my house…” Una started to shake her head, her eyes wide in disbelief and an impending panic attack. No one had broken in her house ever before and to be in that situation right now was something her mind couldn’t quickly wrap around, disabling her to think straight.

  “I have to go to my room. You must hide here,” Will said, shaking Una a little bit to pull her from her momentary of paralysis as terror overcame all rational thoughts.

  When Una didn’t move, and before he could think whether it would be a good place for her to hide, he dragged Una down and forcefully rolled her under the bed.

  “Will,” a shaky, terrified voice finally came out of Una’s trembling lips. In her chest, her heart was hammering in its cage.

  “I’ll be right back,” Will assured her. “Stay there.”

  Una nodded as Will push himself up and approached the door. But before his hand could ever reach for the doorknob, Una saw the door broke open so hard that the force knocked Will to floor.

  Two men masked in bonnets immediately entered the room. The taller guy wasted no time and booted Will in the face. Biting her knuckles to keep her from screaming, Una watched as both men started beating and kicking Will. She could see how Will tried to fight back, but the two men were quick and were too overly cautiously not to give spare him an opportunity to even defend himself from the beating.

  “Come on, pretty boy, give up already.” The taller guy’s deep and hoarse voice made Una’s stomach churn.

  Another commotion followed, then Will moaned again in pain. And then another horrid sound of a resounding thud that earned another low moan from him.

  Una continued to watch as they rolled Will onto his front. As they bind his wrists to his ankles with a cable, Will’s eyes locked on her. The bloody sight of his bruised face made Una’s stomach flip and her entire being shook with fear as well as anger. Una sank her teeth deeper into her knuckles, drawing blood in the process, but then she suddenly stopped when she saw Will’s lips curve into a smile that she knew was supposed to at least provide her even an inkling of comfort and assurance.

  But was his smile enough to assure her that both of them were going to get out of the situation alive? Will was already looking pretty bad and she still had no clue what those men were after. And whatever it was, were they not supposed to kill them off once they got what they came in for?

  But what was it they want?

  When the men stoop down to pick up Will’s body, Una hurriedly pushed herself all the way in the back near the headboard.

  “You look after him while I go find the girl,” a voice, different from the one she first heard, shouted from downstairs.

  Una’s blood ran cold. How could they know that there was someone else aside from Will? As she heard the same heavy footstep approaching her room, she froze in her stop with terror. She looked up and cast a glance at the window. Giving it a quick thought, she no longer cared if the fall would earn her a few broken bones, as long as she would come out of the house alive. Blinded by panic and desperation, she crawled out from under the bed and went for it, and before she had time to push the window far up, she was tackled to the floor.

  “Get off me!” She struggled underneath the hooded man’s weight.

  “Stop fighting,” the man ordered her repeatedly, and it took Una a moment to realize that her efforts to push him away were futile against his strength. His hands were tight around her wrists, and his legs were pinning her lower body in place.

  “What do you want from us?” Una’s breathing was ragged as she stopped struggling. “I don’t have any money. I don’t own any jewelries or—”

  “We didn’t come here for any of those, sweetheart.”

  “Then why are you here?”

  The man seemed like he was about to open his mouth to answer Una’s question—or perhaps to just tell her that whatever she was planning wasn’t going to work—when the other masked man barged into the room.

  “Hey—Woah! So you’ve been hiding in here all along,” the second man told Una by the door.

  “Why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to keep an eye on the guy?” the shorter guy asked, sounding a little annoyed at the bigger guy.

  “We’ve got company. It’s a girl.”

  The shorter guy turned to Una. “Were you expecting someone at this hour?”


  Chapter 23

  Home Video

  Will woke up on a couch in a corner with a mild headache, his hands shackled together while his feet were chained to the floor by his left ankle. He blinked and realized where he was―a concrete room that smelled of bleach, which was too familiar for him.

  What the fuck is going on? He closed his eyes as he could barely keep it open. He had to figure out what was happening and how he ended up inside his own lair right after everything went black. His breath hitched at the sight of Una, seated in a chair in the middle of the room where he usually tied his victims from the ceiling. Wrists shackled to the armrests and head hanging down, his girlfriend looked unconscious.

  “Una.” Will’s weak voice broke the silence in the room. His throat ached. “Una,” he called again when Una didn’t move an inch. He tried to move, but he lost his balance as soon as he was on his feet. He was still too weak to stand.

  All of a sudden, he heard the door open, the sound of light footsteps approaching, which were immediately followed by a light source flooding the room. Will hissed and squinted his eyes at the sudden burst of bright light.

  “Hi, Una.”

  He forced his eyes to open when he heard the sound of a voice that only belonged to Sinclair.

  “I’m sorry I had to drug you, sweetheart. I didn’t have a choice. You wouldn’t have cooperated,” Sinclair said, crouching in front of Una who remained unresponsive.

  “You bastard!”

  Another female voice that sounded so familiar boomed from the opposite corner of the room. Will looked around and saw Liezel standing on her bare feet in the opposite corner, her wrists shackled to the wall over her head. Aside from the purple around her left eye, she didn’t look like she suffered much compared to him.

  But what is she doing here? Will thought hard to himself.

  Sinclair stood up and walked over to her. “Ms. Blanco.” He
shook his head as he let out a dry laugh.

  “Why are you doing this?” Liezel asked him between her gritted teeth.

  He took a deep breath and swallowed. It was apparent to Will how he was pushing down the anger that was threatening to overwhelm him. Before Sinclair could answer her, two more men entered the room whom Will immediately recognized as the same men who came to Una’s house. They stood stiffly by the door, each pair of eyes surveying Liezel.

  Clad in her usual pencil skirt with two of the buttons of her satin blouse undone, Liezel glowered at the two men who were shamelessly lusting at the sight of her heaving cleavage. “Pigs!”

  Sinclair turned to the men behind him and smirked. “You can’t blame them now, Liezel, can you?” He turned back to Liezel. “You are a very attractive woman.”

  “Why are you doing this?” Liezel asked again between gritted teeth.

  “Look, I didn’t plan on this. I mean, I did, but the plan didn’t include you. You showed up and almost ruined the plan. Now you’re here. Now you’ve put me in a tough place. Now I think you just have to die.”

  Will saw how Sinclair’s candidness about what he just said earned a shaky breath from Liezel. He had met terrible people in his life, most of which died horribly in his hands, but he had never encountered someone like Sinclair, and this came as a shock. He never thought of his boss as an evil man. He saw Sinclair as the typical rich guy who loved to win and be in control over things all the time; that’s why he was able to turn things around when he took over the company. But as someone would actually kill for his obsession was something Will had never seen coming.

  Obsession. Will couldn’t think of other reasons why Sinclair had Una kidnapped. There had been telltale signs that his boss was obsessed with his girlfriend, his sudden change in demeanor could already have been a dead giveaway, but he refused to deal with it, and now they’re here.

  “Hmmm…” The moan immediately broke into Will’s thoughts, and he instantly turned his attention to Una who making slow movements in her chair.

  “She’s finally awake.” Sinclair quickly walked back to Una before turning his head to his men. “Go get it.”

  The men promptly left the room, closing the door behind them.

  “Una…” Sinclair lovingly ran his fingers down the side of her face. “Wake up, Una. There’s something I’d like you to see―”

  “―Like what? How your men murder Will and me?” Liezel cut in.

  Una finally looked up only for her eyelashes to flutter as her eyelids felt too heavy. She clenched her teeth and took a deep breath before she forced herself to fully open her eyes and look around.

  Consciousness started to kick in, and her brain slowly took in her surroundings and the familiar faces in the room. Looking up, she saw Liezel’s wrists were bound with shackles and chains that ran up to a pulley overhead.

  “Where are we?” Her question was directed at her friend.

  “Una…” Will’s weak voice immediately made her look around.

  “Will’s in a corner” —Liezel flinched— “behind you.”

  “Will, are you okay?” Una called, twisting her head from side to side. There was so much concern in Una’s voice that it instantly drew a scowl on Sinclair’s face. “Where are we?”

  “I’m okay, Una. Don’t wo―”

  “Shut up, Will,” Sinclair interrupted as he stood up.

  Una glared at him. “You! Where have you taken us?” Her voice was tight and infused with anger and scorn.

  Sinclair’s eyes briefly shot at Will before a tight smile formed on his lips. “I believe Will over there knows the answer to that.”

  “What? Are you―” Una’s question was suddenly interrupted by Sinclair’s men pushing a surgical cart with the TV on top as they entered the room.

  “Brace yourself, Una. You’re about to watch a horror movie,” Sinclair said before he walked over to his men and instructed something.

  For the life of Will, he had no idea what Sinclair was up to, but he was certain he wouldn’t like it one bit. The fact alone that his boss had brought them to this place had already set his insides rolling and heart pumping like it was going to jump out of his chest anytime soon. Whatever was going through Sinclair’s mind could only be bad news for him. He had to think of what to do now or else it’d all be too late for him.

  He looked around and examined the edges of the room, hurriedly assessing the layout while trying to come up with some plan. However, no matter how he tried to come up with something, the only way for them to get out was through the door. No windows. And why should there be? The basement was made of thick concrete walls with no windows for a reason, and never in his life had he imagined he would one day be held captive and had to escape out of it, out of his little fortress.

  “If you wanted us to watch your damn movie, why didn’t you just invite us?” Liezel mocked.

  Sinclair shot at her. “You’re starting to irritate me with your mouth and nonsense, Liezel.”

  “It’s ready, boss,” the man who caught Una in her bedroom spoke.

  “Movie time!” Sinclair excitedly announced. “And if the TV looks familiar to you, Una, it’s because it’s the one in your living room. Don’t worry. I’ll have it returned after.”

  “You’re a very sick person, Sinclair. Do you really think this would change the way I see you now?” Una muttered angrily.

  Sinclair shrugged. “Maybe not right away, but I can assure you that this” ―he pointed at the TV in front of them― “would change the way you see your perfect boyfriend.” He turned to one of his men. “Press play.”

  “What are you trying to do, Sinclair? Just fucking tell us what you want!” Will shouted and yelled for the first time.

  Una gasped. She had never heard Will sound this mad and desperate.

  “Oh, this right here, is what I want, buddy,” Sinclair answered playfully.

  Without a choice, they all stared at the blank screen in front of them, including Will. The black and white dots of static raced about the flat screen before an image finally appeared, and then Will thought his world just turned upside down in an instant.

  “Does the room look familiar to you, Una?” Sinclair’s voice tore through the silence that suddenly fell around them. “Look closely and tell me…does the naked man in front of that poor guy in the middle look familiar to you?”

  “Just fucking kill me, Sinclair,” Will warned despite not really knowing what it was they were about to watch. “Do it!”

  Ignoring Will, Sinclair turned the volume on and Queen’s Crazy Little Thing Called Love from the TV speaker filled the air before they finally listened to the men on screen.

  “This can’t be…” Una’s voice trailed off as she listened and watched the things on the screen unfold.

  “Do you know why you’re here, Toby?” the naked man standing asked.

  “You tell me, bro. Wait, is it because we can make good partners in crime?” The man who was hanging from his wrists giggled and coughed. “We can make an incredible duo, bro. Think of what we can achieve. You don’t even have to resort to settling down and getting yourself a girlfriend just to cover your true self. I will have your back. Your girl can’t protect you from the world. You need better backup. A filthy rich backup. You need me.”

  “Lust, Toby, is the reason why you’re here—your wanton craving to ram your dick into women regardless if they’re into it or not. Obviously, your lack of control over your dick is the reason why you are here.”

  “Is that you, Will?” Liezel finally asked in utter disbelief.

  The guy named Toby laughed. “Are you kidding me, bro? Is that really why I’m here? Because I don’t control where I stick my cock in? Don’t even try and tell me you’re better than me, bro, because you’re not,” he hissed. “And don’t even try and tell that you haven’t fucked that girl you spoke on the phone. I know you have, and I know you’re thinking of fucking her again once you go home.”

  “Listen, you—�

  “—No, no, you listen, bro. I know how much you love the feeling of your girl’s flesh, clenching around that cock of yours…that powerful feeling of filling her and moving inside her tight hole; that intense feeling of dominance as you listen to her cry and beg for you; that extreme and violently overwhelming whirlwind of emotions streaming in every single vein in your body never really leaves you even after you’re done screwing her, bro. And once you reached the peak, you just want to go for it again, and you should, we all should. Why should we restrain ourselves? Why should we control our desires when we know for certain that it’d only make us fucking lose our mind until we let it go? It’s human nature to feed, bro, because that uncontrollable hunger you feel in the pit of your stomach won’t go away until you do. That sensation you feel as you thrust in and out of her again and again; her juicy flesh against your—”

  “Stop it! Turn that thing off!” Una yelled, tossing wildly in her seat.

  “You haven’t seen the good part yet, Una,” Sinclair told her.

  “This is sick! Will…” Liezel was starting to cry.

  “You fucking shut it down, Sinclair!” Will joined in and shouted from his corner in the room.

  Sinclair’s men started to laugh maniacally as they increased the volume to drown out Una and Liezel’s plea.

  “Listen, you little fuck, unlike you, I have complete control over my desire. And if I’m going to fuck her, again and again, it’s because I love her.”

  “I don’t want to watch it! Turn it off!” Una shouted again as she heard Will talk about her on the screen.


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