Lucas: A MM Mpreg Shifter Romance

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Lucas: A MM Mpreg Shifter Romance Page 6

by Fel Fern

  “It’s part and parcel of the job. This is our land, mine, and my brothers. We defend it.”

  Milo bit on his bottom lip. Lucas kissed his mouth, gently and tenderly this time. He closed his eyes, enjoying the heat of Lucas’ lips on his. Who knew his Alpha could do both rough and gentle?

  This man was a keeper but what about Milo?

  “I’m new to this whole dating and relationship thing, too,” Lucas said. “But we’ll somehow make it work. We’ll do this on our terms.”

  Lucas said that before. How could this Alpha be so understanding? It didn’t even seem to faze or bother Lucas that Milo was only here for a week. Would long distance work out between them? Milo could drive out here on the weekends.

  It wouldn’t be a hassle, especially if it meant seeing his Alpha.

  “It’s just I came here to get away from my ex. I didn’t expect to run into you,” Milo said. “And sometimes, I wonder if you’re too good to be true.”

  “Don’t think that. You overanalyze things too much. Just enjoy the moment. Enjoy us.”

  That sounded like a good idea. “You’re right. So when is this next date happening?” He asked.

  “Tomorrow night,” Lucas said with a smile. “You hungry?”

  “The restaurant’s already closed,” he said. “You slept through the afternoon and most of the early evening according to Eli.”

  “And you went looking for me? Is that why you hunted Eli down?” Lucas looked so damn smug, Milo nudged him sharply in the shoulder.

  There was no use hiding it. “I was worried. You didn’t answer any of my texts. I found your brother Logan and he told me he hasn’t seen you since morning.”

  Lucas blinked. “You’ve met Logan?”

  “Yeah. He’s grumpy. I can see why he and Billy are a match made in heaven.” That prickly Omega was bossy. At least Logan seemed curious about him.

  “Heh. Logan’s a pushover when it comes to his mate.”

  “I find that a little hard to believe.”

  “Logan’s a real softie, once you get to know him. So back to food, you’re forgetting who you’re banging.”

  “Banging?” He rolled his eyes.

  Lucas could sometimes be so immature but he liked this playful side of the Alpha. Why did Milo have a feeling Lucas was about to propose a ridiculous plan that would get both of them in trouble?

  “We’ll sneak into the kitchen. Billy always has some leftovers. He mentioned he was serving roast beef. Let’s make some sandwiches.”

  “I also had this nice raspberry tart earlier,” he said thoughtfully.

  “And you didn’t save me some?” Lucas asked in a mocking voice.

  “Hey, I was stress eating when I thought something bad happened to you.”

  Lucas left the bed and entered the bathroom. He returned with towels, which he used to clean them both off. Milo watched Lucas putting on his jeans with silent admiration. The Alpha’s ass certainly looked great in them. Lucas knew he was watching him. The Alpha winked at him, before pulling on a shirt. Milo hastily dressed as well.

  “Won’t Billy get mad at us?” He finally asked.

  They left Lucas’ room and headed back upstairs. A quick glance at the old clock hanging on the wall behind the reception desk told him it was midnight.

  “Nah. Billy won’t mind. He loves to feed hungry guests.”

  “Yeah but right now, we’re the equivalent of thieves,” he murmured.

  Excitement shot down his spine. This was silly and exciting. Milo hadn’t done anything like this before. He’d been a rule-follower all his life. He’d been the kid who was all work and no play. Milo had never broken any laws. He had no criminal record, not even a parking ticket. He always envied the kids in school who were up to no good.

  They weren’t exactly committing a crime but—

  Lucas grabbed his arm, interrupting his train of thoughts. They were halfway across the dark and silent restaurant. All the staff he noticed, had probably gone back home. They had the entire place to themselves. Lucas put a finger to his lips. Wide-eyed, he nodded and listened.

  There it was. The sound of footsteps. Something big and furry loomed ahead of them, blocking the entrance to the kitchen. For a second, his heart kick-started, then Milo recognized those ears and that lolling tongue.

  “Chubby, what are you doing there?” Lucas said in a low voice.

  The dog took that as an invitation to play because Chubby ran straight at his daddy. Chubby rammed his big body against Lucas’ legs and started barking excitedly.

  “Hush, boy. This is mission is of paramount importance. We got to keep quiet,” Lucas told his dog in a serious voice.

  A giggle escaped him. Lucas threw him a warning look. Now all three of them made their way to Billy’s kitchen. Milo had only caught glimpses of this area. Guests were not allowed in here but everything was neat and shiny. Billy was a clean freak.

  “Fridge’s this way,” Lucas said. The Alpha opened the fridge door and licked his lips.

  “Let me see.” Milo peered over Lucas’ broad shoulder and sucked in a breath. “Oh wow. Check out that impressive five-layer chocolate cake.”

  “Roast beef. Score,” Lucas said. The container he was eying lay right under the cake. The Alpha tried to pry out.

  “Lucas, wait. We need to take the cake out first,” he said, alarmed.

  “Nah, I’m good. Watch me.”

  Red lights began to blink in the kitchen. He looked around, panicked. A shrill noise went off. Chubby looked from him to Lucas, his brown eyes were worried.

  “What the hell?” Lucas muttered. “Did Billy just set up a security system in the kitchen?”

  Milo grabbed his arm. “We should go.”

  “Not without my food. Besides, it’ll take him a couple of minutes to run out of the cabin he shares with my brother. We have time. Take this.”

  Lucas pushed the plate of chocolate cake in his arms. He glared at the Alpha. Lucas licked his lips as the grabbed the container.

  “Come on. Let’s take that cake, too. I’m the mood for dessert.” Lucas added.

  “Lucas, Billy will get mad.”

  “But I want to eat that cake off that sexy body of yours.”

  If the Alpha put it that way, it was hard to resist. Milo imagined Lucas spreading chocolate frosting all over his chest, before proceeding to lick it off him. He shuddered, already imagining them both naked and in Lucas’ bed.

  “Who’s there?” demanded a voice from outside. They both ducked as Billy shone a flashlight through the windows.

  “Come on, Chubby,” he whispered to the dog.

  They left the kitchen in a hurry. He didn’t think they’d make it to Lucas’ room without getting caught. Somehow, they managed.

  He watched Lucas sharing a slice of roast beef with Chubby. He sat in the armchair next to the bed to recover his breathing. Then he remembered he was still holding onto his stolen cake.

  He groaned. Why did he let Lucas convince him to do this? If Billy found out he was involved, the other Omega would not allow him to eat at his restaurant again. What a horrifying thought.

  Milo was beginning to look forward to his meals there. Billy was a fantastic cook. The other Omega had also nodded him to curtly a couple of times when he spotted Milo at his table. He was beginning to think Billy was warming up to him.

  “Oh come on. It’s not so bad,” Lucas said.

  The Alpha licked at his fingers. The container was empty. How did they eat that fast? Lucas didn’t even have time to assemble the sandwiches he mentioned.

  “Are you going to share that cake?” Lucas asked.

  “I don’t want Billy to get mad at me. He already doesn’t like me,” he said.

  What did it matter? It wasn’t like Milo was going to be part of Lucas’ warm and big family soon. It would only matter if he was going to be Lucas’ official mate. He wasn’t moving into this lodge permanently.

  Shit. It hurt too much to think about the future. Did he se
cretly want that to happen?

  This was all Lucas’ fault. The Alpha had somehow managed to worm past all the defenses he erected. Lucas had made a home in his heart. It wasn’t just Lucas he was falling for either, but he was coming to love this lodge. Heck, he was even starting to like Eli, Billy, and Lucas’ two brothers.

  “Hey, you’re thinking about stuff again, aren’t you?” Lucas asked.

  The Alpha was suddenly standing front of him. Lucas gently pried the cake from his hands. He set it down on the the table next to the arm chair.

  “Just being silly, that’s all,” Milo whispered.

  “Come here.”

  Milo accepted his offered hand. The Alpha led him to the bed. They cuddled. He relaxed against Lucas’ warm arms.

  “I’m sorry for stressing you out. We shouldn’t have snuck into the kitchen,” Lucas began.

  “It’s not that,” Milo said. “I’m just being…me. I worry about stuff all the time .”


  “What the future would bring. I know I told you I was cool with seeing where this goes, but I can’t help but wonder.”

  “Well, I worry as well. You’ll leave soon, and I don’t know how to fill the gap of your absence.”

  Milo turned on his side so he could look Lucas in the eye. “That’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me.”

  “Oh good. For a second there, I thought you were going to accuse me of being corny.”

  “I like it when you’re corny,” he admitted.

  He reached out, touching Lucas’ cheek. The Alpha placed his big and callused hand over his smaller one.

  “I feel stupid for ruining the moment. We just had sex and now, I’m acting all jittery and nervous,” he said.

  “That’s okay. I don’t mind and you didn’t ruin anything. As for sex? We’ll have plenty of those.” Lucas flashed him a cocky grin.

  “You think you’re going to get lucky again?” He asked, pretending to sound skeptical. Lucas probably knew he wouldn’t be able to resist.

  “I don’t think. I know.”

  Lucas kissed him senseless again. The Alpha ran his hand down his chest, about to reach for the button of his jeans. Someone furiously knocked on the door. Lucas groaned.

  “Lucas, I know you’re in there. Milo, are you hiding in there, too? I saw the two of you along with that furry menace on video,” Billy said. “You better come out or I’m calling Logan. He’ll break this door open.”

  “I’m banging Milo’s brains out. You sure you want to interrupt us?” Lucas dared to yell.

  Milo could feel his entire face heating up. Lucas didn’t look the least bit embarrassed.

  “Never mind. I’ll yell at you both tomorrow,” Billy said. Hearing his retreating footsteps, he let out a sigh of relief.

  Lucas beamed at him. “Now where were we? Is it time for cake?”



  “I swear, Billy. That’ll be the last time,” Lucas solemnly told his brother-in-law.

  Chubby barked impatiently by his side. The Omega had caught the two of them before they set out for their morning jog.

  Logan had already chewed him out earlier that morning. Apparently, Billy had been so prickly, he kicked his brother out of bed. Poor Logan. Milo was right. Logan was a saint for being able to tame his mate.

  Billy crossed his arms. The Omega didn’t look like he believed Lucas for a second. “The roast beef slices I can forgive because they were leftovers. It doesn’t matter if I was planning to serve them on my salad but the cake?”

  “I was hungry,” he explained.

  It was best, he decided, not to explain that Milo and he ended up eating that entire cake. Off their bodies. They truly had great sex last night.

  To his surprise, Billy’s expression softened. “That’s right. You hunted down that Rogue. Eli said you were all tuckered out afterward.”

  “Well. Yeah.” Sure. Lucas just had a nap after his hunt. No biggie but he let Billy think he was so exhausted he woke up hungry.

  “I’ll forgive you this once,” Billy said, awkwardly patting his shoulder. “And Milo? What’s going to happen between the two of you? Isn’t he going home in a couple of days?”

  His stomach dropped at that reminder. Sure, Lucas sounded relaxed and calm when he told the Omega he was fine with the state of things. Deep down, he wasn’t too sure it would work out.

  Some long-distance relationships supposedly worked out but shifters needed the physical touch of their mates. Milo’s presence alone, anchored his grizzly, his soul in a way no one else did.

  “We’re working something out,” he said. “Promise me you won’t get mad at Milo? I was the one who pushed him into stealing food from the kitchen last night.”

  Lucas purposely changed the topic because this was a discussion he should be having with Milo, not Billy. Billy regarded him for a few seconds, then threw up his hands.

  “Oh fine. I need to get back to the kitchen. Oh, before I forget. Why don’t you ask Milo to come to our family dinner tomorrow night?” Billy asked.

  That, Lucas decided was a big deal. Would Milo even agree to it? Well, he supposed it wouldn’t hurt to try. “Will do.”

  Lucas looked at Chubby. The German Shepard thumped his tail. “Let’s get back to exercising buddy.”

  He’d been only working with Chubby for a few days and already, he was seeing visible changes with the dog. Chubby had also lost a few pounds thanks to healthy eating and their morning jogs.

  Lucas put on his wireless earphones. Chubby and he went on their usual route around the property. He was supposed to be making repairs on the roof but Logan said he’d take over that job.

  His brother seemed to think he should take things easy given he was injured from his fight yesterday. Maybe his family knew Milo’s stay was coming to an end. They probably assumed he wanted to spend whatever time that was left with his Omega. Whatever the reason was, Lucas was grateful.

  He jogged towards where he knew Milo would be. The Omega usually grabbed a croissant and a coffee from the restaurant for breakfast, before walking to his favorite spot. An old apple tree on a small hill facing the lodge. Sometimes, Lucas would catch him knitting or crocheting.

  Lucas spotted the Omega biting into his croissant. Chubby barked at Milo in greeting. The Omega nearly dropped his pastry.

  “Fancy seeing you here,” he said, taking out his earphones.

  Lucas stored them back in their case and grinned at his Omega. He didn’t miss the fact Milo checked him out.

  “Do you always go jogging shirtless?” Milo asked him.

  “Nah. I purposely didn’t wear a shirt so I can watch you ogle me.”

  “I don’t ogle,” Milo quickly said.

  The Omega sucked in a breath. Chubby nudged his furry head at Milo, panting. The dog eyed his food. Milo gave the rest of his breakfast to Chubby, then got to his feet. Milo hesitantly approached him, then touched the healing scars on his chest.

  “Told you I’m fine,” he said.

  Milo didn’t stop touching him, which was fine by him. Most of the time, Milo acted skittishly and shy around him. Last night, Lucas discovered a side of the Omega he didn’t know existed and found he liked it. Brave little Milo lowered his hand from Lucas’ chest and rested them on his abs.

  “You haven’t given me a good morning kiss,” the Omega said.

  “Demanding little thing, aren’t you?”

  He took Milo’s mouth before the Omega could frown at him. Heat rammed down his throat and went straight to his dick. It occurred to Lucas that it would be easy for him to take out his dick from his shorts.

  Milo probably wouldn’t resist if Lucas bent him over and took him right on this hill. He never thought he’d ever resort to fucking in public but he was that needy for his Omega.

  Don’t think about sex, he told himself, at least not yet. He came here to pick Milo up for their run. Lucas pulled back, panting. Milo stared at him, wide-eyed and eager.

sp; Chubby seemed to sense they needed privacy because he padded back to the lodge. The German Shepard knew his way around the property by now, so Lucas wasn’t worried he’d get lost.

  “So you ready for our run?” He asked Milo.

  “What? Oh right. Yes, of course,” Milo said. The Omega paused. “Then sex afterward?”

  He laughed, unable to help himself. “Oh yeah. Definitely.”

  “You promised me we’d have loads of sex,” Milo blurted, face turning red.

  “I remember. We’ll go exploring first.” Lucas decided. Because if they didn’t, he’d probably end up tossing Milo over his shoulder. He’d carry the Omega back to his room and they’d never leave it.

  “Okay, but promise me one thing first.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Don’t make fun of my animal.”

  “Why would I do that?” He asked.

  Milo shook his head. The Omega began to take off his clothes. It was Lucas’ turn to admire Milo’s smooth and slender body. He licked his lips. Lucas’ dick was definitely awake now. Keep it in your shorts, he reminded himself.

  The Omega shrank in size. Brown fur covered his body. Lucas blinked at the now tiny but fierce chipmunk staring back at him. He hunkered down and gently ran his finger on top of Milo’s head.

  “You’re wonderful and unique. Why were you afraid of showing me your animal form? Wait for me.” Lucas took off his shorts.

  He shifted forms. Fur covered his chest and shoulders. Lucas increased in mass. Claws and fangs emerged. He fell on all fours. Once he completed his shift, he looked out for Milo.

  The Omega scuttled up a tree and was watching him. Lucas started for the woods. He could hear the pitter-patter of Milo’s paws in the trees above him. His Omega looked like he was having fun. Good.

  Half an hour into their exploration, Milo jumped from the tree and clung to his back. His Omega wanted a free ride, huh? Well, that was fine with him. In no time at all, Milo was back climbing trees. Lucas took him to the nearby lake.

  They encountered a family who was staying at the lodge. Two shifter kids in fox form were playing tag. Their Alpha and Omega dads spotted them. The Alpha looked alarmed for a second but he must’ve recognized Lucas because he waved at them.


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