People of Fae

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People of Fae Page 38

by M.M. Gavillet

“Lyssa, you can’t stay here. You have to fight your way out. You still have the Everspell in you and all you have to do is use it.” Zoey held up hand to show her mark to her.

  Lyssa slowly put her mark to Zoeys and a rush of light surrounded her as the familiar pull she had felt with Eli and Merlin. When everything settled she could see the red curving rocks of fire that had been weathered by wind and water.

  Lyssa tried to move, but found she couldn’t when suddenly a shadow appeared in front of her. Slowly the figure removed his hood. Dane’s dark eyes flashed at her and he gave her a small smile.

  “Dane, I never got to say goodbye.” Lyssa blurted out suddenly and just as quick felt embarrassed.

  Dane smiled at her and let his dark eyes soften for only a moment. The kindles of his face almost startled her.

  “Keyes to enter dark places. Never are they in expected places. Hearts separate with no faces. They run forever chases.” Dane’s gentle voice recited her poem. Lyssa could only stand with open mouth.

  “My poem.” Lyssa meekly replied.

  “You are the key and the lock Lyssa. Only you can open the Everspell.” Dane slowly reached for her hand making her ears vibrate and his image ripple for only a moment. “Hearts separate with no faces. I never knew you existed and you never knew I existed, but our lives will one day entangle.”

  Dane’s warm hand gently held hers. He turned her hand palm upward, running his fingers over her mark. His gentle caress tickled as he then barely touched his fingertips to her. He stopped and lifted his eyes to hers.

  “The wand,” he said.

  “What?” Lyssa shook her head and then remembered the wand Lizzi had given her.

  Lyssa pulled the silver wand from its holster and gave it to Dane. He said a quick word she didn’t understand and suddenly from the wand’s side tiny jagged blades that looked like the fins of fish ran up and down the now weapon like wand.

  “The Razor Wand of Nerabeth.” Dane announced as he slid one of the blades across her finger.

  She gasped as Dane held her finger tight and let her blood trickle into the open end of the wand. Dane then held the open end to his lips and blew over the top. A clear stone red as fire formed over the top.

  “They run forever chases. The wand is yours, the Everspell is yours, but only chance will unite us again.” Dane placed the wand in her hand and Lyssa was thrust backwards. Dane’s image faded from her sight as she tried to reach for his unmoving arms.

  Lights flashed around her and her body felt light as a leaf blowing mercifully at the wind.


  “Izett… the Muses’ sister?’ Megan asked stepping forward.

  Izett gave her a bothered look. “Yes.” She finally said. “Time is short and all of you are important to our plan.” Her pale lips curled into a smile as the door opened and closed.

  Toby could see it was Deravon.

  “I need all of you in the Glass Room.” Deravon looked at everyone. “I can’t explain everything right now as I do like to tell about how brave and cunning I am, but time unfortunately won’t allow.” Deavon turned as Izett motioned for them to leave.

  Toby walked beside Lizzi through the dark hallway and then through a series of tunnels that soon opened to a magnificent room made entirely of glass.

  “It’s beautiful,” Lizzi said as Izett turned to her.

  “No it isn’t.” Her voice had a dark undertone to it.

  Toby could see Eli and Lyssa’s dad tied together along the wall and when he went over to free them, Deravon stopped him.

  “No, my chivalrous boy, they are part of the plan. You need to just follow my dear prince charming,” Deravon said as they stopped in front of a glass statue.

  Deavon looked at the statue then at him.

  “Is that—Lyssa?’ Toby felt he should have saved her.

  He looked at her. Even though he couldn’t see her expression well, he could see enough that she was frightened at whoever did this to her.

  “She’s fine. It was her decision and if you really don’t want her to die, then listen to me.” Deravon reassured him with a smile.

  Deravon had everyone hide behind the veil of the black mirror as they waited in silence.

  “It is almost Forthdawn.” Lizzi whispered and closed her eyes tightly.

  “What?” Craig asked.

  “A time of changes. Orzan will try to take the Everspell at that time.”

  Just then the door opened and heavy footsteps broke the silence.

  “I found this one lingering outside.” Toby could hear someone being thrown to the ground.

  “That is one of the rebels, Wes, I believe. Well it doesn’t matter—all the more power for you right?”

  “Wes,” Toby said as Lizzi covered his mouth with her hand.

  Everything hung in a quiet suspicion as Toby held his breath.

  “It’s almost Forthdawn…” Deravon’s voice broke the impending silence. “We should proceed.”


  “That slimy bastard.” Wes hissed as he sat with his hands bound beside Eli.

  “It isn’t what you think, Deravon has a plan.”

  Wes looked at him. “He told me. And you believe him?”

  Eli didn’t answer at first and looked at Deravon who placed a black robe on Orzan that covered his two dead brother’s faces. Deravon could never associate with a Fae like Orzan, not with Zoey’s blood running through him.

  “Yes.” Eli finally answered.

  The light grew in hues of orange, yellow and blues. Orzan began to chant words that blended together as one until suddenly the glass sculpture of Lyssa exploded into shards of glass that stopped and hung in a frozen state of explosion.

  Orzan smiled up at Lyssa who glowed like silver, glittering ghost. She looked down at Orzan.

  “Come to me daughter and be my glory.” Orzan slowly closed his eyes as the sun grew in the horizon intensifying the flickering colors.

  Lyssa moved closer to him with an expressionless face. Eli began to wonder what exactly Deravon’s plan was when suddenly Wes freed himself and ran over pushed Lyssa to the ground.

  Orzan opened his eyes which were blackened voids. He growled and lunged towards Wes. Eli frantically tried to loosen his hands, but couldn’t.

  Wes extended his palm scepter, stabbing Orzan several times with no reaction. Even with many throwing disks embedded into Orzan, he gave no hesitation in his action. Wes seemed to amuse Orzan and with a flick of his crooked fingers, Orzan knocked Wes to the ground bound by an invisible force.

  Toby ran over to Lyssa turning her over.

  “What is this?” Orzan growled.

  With a flick of his hand and one by one everyone was held with invisible ties. Orzan had no one to stop him now.

  “No!” Eli yelled at Orzan as he lifted Lyssa into the air. The glow from Lyssa began to shift to him. Orzan was taking the Everspell.

  Eli struggled, but couldn’t loosen the ropes that now cut into his skin making his wrists bleed.

  Lyssa opened her eyes and looked down at her right hand. Eli could see something in it, like a dagger. Slowly with great effort she lifted it over Orzan who smiled contently with his eyes shut. Lyssa’s hand began to tremble.

  Eli twisted and tried to free himself from the tightening ropes. Then, he saw Wes slowly prying himself from the ground. He staggered and tried to keep his balance.

  “Wes!” Eli cried out.

  Wes struggled to reach Lyssa. Orzan had nearly drained all the light from her when Wes had finally reached her. He put his hand on Lyssa’s, gripped it tightly and together they plunged the dagger into Orzan.

  Sparks flew from Orzan until he was engulfed in the spewing embers. The room shook and shards of glass flew around until everything faded into silence.

  Eli opened his eyes to find he could move his arms. He jumped up to see the Etherling man cradling Lyssa. He brushed back her hair as. she slo
wly opened her eyes.

  “Dad,” her weak voice said as she smiled up at him.

  Eli watched them for a moment before he turned and staggered a few steps until the hard ground met his body.


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