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Alpha's Temptation

Page 4

by Lillian Sable

  Aura slunk forward to inspect the bundle that had come partially unwrapped when it landed on the dusty wooden floor. A large piece of cured meat was nestled in the cloth folds.

  He said something that she didn’t understand, more grunt than speech. When she only stared blankly, he snapped something different that was still unintelligible. He cocked his head to the side and regarded with curiosity before speaking again.


  Aura started with the surprise as he finally said something she could understand. She hadn’t been sure until that point if he could speak. It was the first word he had uttered in her presence. His voice was even deeper and more intimidating than she had imagined.

  “Eat. Now.” His tone grew harsher at her lack of response, which he must have perceived as defiance, rather than the result of shock. There was a gravelly note to his speech, as if from prolonged disuse.

  She picked up the meat, unable to ignore the command. As she bit into it, the tang of salt hit her tongue, and she nearly spat it back out. Bile rose in the back of her throat. Nothing was wrong with the meat itself, but the very thought of eating triggered another wave of nausea.

  The Alpha rose again and paced back and forth in front of her, remaining just out of arm’s reach.

  Desperate hunger washed over her, but it wasn’t for food.

  The fever had receded, leaving in its place a deep restlessness that twitched along her muscles and made her desperate to move. She rolled her shoulders, as previously tight joints cracked and loosened. The tension that had sung through her body morphed into a slack relaxation that felt wholly unfamiliar.

  The Alpha pushed a metal canteen across the floor.

  “Drink,” he commanded. “All.”

  Aura found herself inexplicably angry as she watched this man who sat so close and yet so far away. He should be doing something more than he was, even if she didn’t have words to describe what she wanted. Her foot kicked out at the canteen, sending it skidding across the floor where it struck the Alpha’s bent knee.

  A sneer twisted his lips. He didn’t move so much as a muscle, but a low growl escaped his lips as he glared at her across the small space that seemed to shrink further with every passing moment.

  That sound awakened something inside of her, shooting through her belly and lower to the swollen flesh between her legs. In a response she couldn’t control, Aura pushed her hands between her thighs. Her fingers caught the gush of more fluid that had already saturated the fabric of her jumpsuit, unable to stop it from soaking the furs underneath her.

  Nostrils flaring, the Alpha rose and smoothly removed his tunic, letting it fall to the floor behind him. His pants followed and Aura’s gaze was immediately drawn to the massive cock that hung heavy between his thighs. She distantly noticed the drops of pre-cum leaking from the tip, just before the smell of him slammed into her.

  Aura groaned and collapsed back to the furs, her fingers working frantically between her legs in search of relief that seemed impossible to find.

  “Please…” The voice that spilled from her lips was so plaintive that she barely recognized it as her own. She didn't know what it was she begged for but somehow recognized that he did. “It hurts.”

  She did not see the movement as her face pressed into the furs, but the Alpha practically launched himself at her. The moment of impact came as a surprise and Aura let out a startled shriek as a much larger body slammed into hers.

  Just the smell of her would have sent a lesser male into a rut long before that moment. Aura could not have known it at that moment, but this Alpha’s control of himself was extraordinary.

  He flipped her body, so she laid on her back and his face filled her vision. And he glared down at her as if he somehow blamed her for the situation they found themselves in. She barely noticed his expression as his scent filled her nostrils and completely enveloped her.

  The scent was intoxicating, delicious like a hot meal and as enticing as the perfume of flowers. She couldn’t get enough. Aura pressed her nose again into the crook of the Alpha’s neck, inhaling deeply.

  But he would not allow her to simply enjoy his scent in peace. His hands tore at the jumpsuit that was already so ripped it came away from her body by practically shredding in his hands.

  He held her down with little effort as she writhed, surveying his conquest with narrowed eyes. Her slim form was smaller than it should be, malnutrition written into the concave dip of her hips, days of starvation easily counted like the visible notches of each rib. This did not please him and he released another low growl.

  She responded with a buck of her hips, pushing at him as more liquid leaked out of her to soak the furs underneath them. But he saw the fear that widened the already huge set of her eyes.

  The thrumming sound that resonated from deep within his chest immediately changed in tone, growing lighter and more soothing. His purr rolled over her like a wave, momentarily overwhelming her senses.

  Aura could not know it but her pupils were completely blown. All the color was eaten up by pupils that were black and round as saucers.

  Her legs shifted wide to accommodate him, the stretch almost too much to bear as his hips came to rest between her spread thighs. The hard length of him pressed against her thigh, having grown large enough that she would have wondered at the possibility of fit if she wasn’t already too far gone for coherent thought.

  One of his hands pushed into the small space between their bodies and found the pool of liquid at her center. A finger slipped inside the slick channel, immediately followed by a second and third as he realized the extent of her readiness. The Omega female was untried but her body had prepared itself for him as well as it possibly could.

  Aura hissed, eyes drifting closed at the feeling of fullness inside her. It was so close to what she had been waiting for and yet not quite enough. The Alpha growled low until she snapped her eyes open again and focused on the face above hers. He pressed so close that a sharp breath would bring them together.

  His fingers stroked inside of her, twisting in small circles and thrusting forward and back until she was driven past the point of insanity. But she wanted more. Unconsciously, her hips rose and fell in concert with his movements, trying in vain to force him deeper.

  But it was not the Omega’s place to direct his movement. His other hand rose to splay across the sharp bones of her pelvis and still the frantic thrust of her hips.

  Filth spilled from the lips of the heat-caught Omega, alternately cursing the man whose name she still didn’t know and begging him to fill her completely.

  A large thumb pressed against the little nub of her clit which had fully descended from the folds normally concealing it. A few small circles over the bit of flesh and she clenched around his fingers, milking them in rhythmic pulses with enough force to pull his entire hand within her if he allowed it.

  Aura arched her back and shrieked, grinding herself against his hand as the pleasure peaked, nearly overwhelming her in its intensity. Muscles spasmed discordantly as she lay beneath the great mass of a man and went over the edge into orgasm.

  Stars burst from behind her closed eyelids as all the fight drained from her limbs. Her body remained limp as the Alpha rose over her, impossibly large. She clenched in response as the fingers slid from her body, acutely aware of the loss and pining for it. He had sent her flying so high and yet she still remained unsatisfied.

  Aura wanted more.

  But the rutting Alpha had moved past soothing, now focused on taking the pleasure he was owed in return for the consideration of allowing her satisfaction before his own.

  She cried from need, the hot tears tracking down her cheeks felt almost cool against the raging inferno of her skin. Begging words slipped from her lips as she thrashed back and forth against the restraining hand that still rested on her hips.

  The man paid her no attention, his gaze focused on where the bulbous head of his cock rested against her small slit. Even after the strength of
her orgasm, the pouting lips barely seemed capable of spreading wide enough to manage his girth.

  He entered her unhurriedly, unmoved by the frantic sounds she made underneath him or the desperate flailing of her small body. Whether she fought to push him away or pull him closer was a question with no answer.

  Every inch was gained excruciatingly slowly as Aura howled at the pleasurable pain. She had never felt filled like this before and looked down to where their bodies connected, astonished to see his massive organ half gone inside of her. Her eyes drifted closed just in time to miss the look of amusement that briefly flashed across his face.

  When he bottomed out inside of her in one swift stroke, Aura screamed, scratching at his arms and chest as her desperate need turned to violence. In response, his slow and measured pace turned savage. He pounded at the fragile girl beneath him, each thrust wringing a new sound from deep in the Omega’s throat.

  His cock burned as it scoured her inner walls, even with the copious amounts of lubricant generated by her slick channel. The pain of it should have been enough to dull the pleasure. But if anything, the sharp edge only honed the piercing delight that built up to a crescendo along every nerve ending.

  Even with everything else that had happened, it still came as a shock to her when her lower muscles began to spasm as a prelude to another mind-bending orgasm. Except this time, she was not empty and wanting but so full she could practically feel him in the back of her throat with each stroke.

  A single finger tripped over her clit and that was enough to send Aura completely over the edge.

  Her cunt gripped him tight as a fist, but his cock swelled to more than twice as wide as it had been before. Aura thrashed beneath him, but the Alpha tightened his punishing grip on her hips and thrust forward one last time.

  He grew impossibly large inside her, filling her so completely that she felt as if she could burst from it. His cock was the perfect size to reach her womb, and the end swelled into a large knot that hooked behind the large bone of her pelvis and locked them together. She had not thought it possible for human bodies to unite in this way, but that realization paled in the face of overwhelming pleasure that consumed her mind. Foaming hot cum splashed against her uterus, searing hot and burning. Wave after wave shot inside of her as her spasming cunt milked the knot of every last drop.

  The Alpha collapsed on top of her, his swollen flesh still binding them tightly together.

  Aura moaned, more out of shock than pain, and shifted uncomfortably under the mass of muscle trapping her. Even the slightest movement of her hips pulled at the still engorged knot, prompting the Alpha to forcibly still her movements.


  He carefully rolled them so that he lay back against the furs and she straddled him from above as he forced her lay down against him. Her head rested on the broad chest, rising and falling with each great inhalation of air as he breathed. His heart beat directly under her cheek, a sharp counterpoint to the purring rumble emanating from his chest.

  Even locked to him by the knot that pulsed within her and sent an answering wave of tingling sensation down her spine, the purr was still enough to temporarily lull the overwrought Omega to sleep.

  Chapter Four

  Castor regarded the dazed girl with consternation as her small form nestled against him. It had taken all of his self-control not to mount the clearly untried Omega before reaching the relative safety of the cabin. The challenge of other feral males that had to be quelled only further stoked his need to possess her. He could not wait for the hormonal delirium to take over before he had to have her.

  Isolation had kept him enough out of his own mind, despite his best efforts to fight off the haze, that he maintained only the smallest amount of control over his urges. He should have left her the moment that he had disposed of that pack of mindlessly aggressive Alphas.

  They were a dark vision of his own future if he spent much more time away from civilization. He had no choice but to try to protect her from being torn apart by men who no longer possessed conscious awareness of their actions.

  But fucking her had been an impossible impulse to ignore.

  By the fourth or fifth mating, the Omega’s hormonal impulses had completely overwhelmed her ability to fear, or even question, what was happening to her.

  She had begged for his seed, screaming in pleasure when he buried deep within her and bathed her womb in cum, then cried in desperation at the loss when his knot inevitably subsided. Their combined fluids dripped from her sheath to soak into the furs beneath her arching hips.

  He had caught some of it with the tip of his fingers and wetly traced the curved outline of her lips. She had stared up at him, pupils blown, as her mouth eagerly suckled the offered digits. Once again, the softening cock still deep inside her had jumped to life at the hungry display.

  And that memory was enough to stoke his own desire once again.

  His hand pushed between them to lightly stroke the pale folds of flesh fluttering around his swollen member.

  “Please…” The word caught in her throat, becoming a low moan as he began to gently thrust within her.

  “More.” Her voice was plaintive.

  The language she spoke was an old Galactic dialect, no longer taught in most schools and nearly forgotten. Even with his exemplary education, communication between them remained rudimentary. But he understood the language of her body perfectly well.

  She wanted him to move faster, pulling at his back and rolling her hips as frantic sounds escaped her lips.

  But he needed her submission, communicating with the movements of his body and deliberate stroke of his hands, that it was not her place to determine the pace of their mating. He would own her body, with or without her permission.

  The girl collapsed back to furs with a desperate cry, no longer fighting him. As a reward, he pressed his teeth into the fragile skin of her neck, nipping and licking a path down to her chest.

  With an effort, he resisted the urge to bite down harder. He wasn’t immune to the maniacal force of the rut. It nearly robbed him of any ability to reason or process any part of the world that existed outside of her pulsing cunt and the tantalizing smell of her skin. He wouldn’t claim her, no matter how great the temptation. It violated everything that he had once stood for.

  He questioned with each day that passed in the Forbidden Zone if he were any different from the feral Alphas stalking the forest just outside the bolted door.

  But he could still resist the urge to claim the Omega.

  Aura came partially to her senses during their mating, when the hormonal rush of estrous slowly began to abate.

  It was in that moment that it finally dawned on her that she was bare as the day she’d been birthed, straddled atop a strange man whose flesh was still rigid inside of her.

  She rode him, legs splayed wide around his hips. The move would have been impossible save for the hormonal rush of estrous that loosened her joints and dimmed her response to pain.

  Sensing the hesitation in her movements, he gripped her hips. His hands lifted her up and then slammed her back down on him with significantly more force than she could have managed on her own.

  Aura tried to fight the rising pleasure, but her mind was no longer in control of her body. She squirmed beneath his hands as he effortlessly held her still above him.

  Hot tears spilled down her cheeks, tracking down to gather at her chin before falling to the bare chest directly beneath her. The sight of her crying, far from stilling his movement, appeared to galvanize the Alpha. He did not soften the harsh grip on her hips but thrust up into her, battering her walls in a way that only an Omega could survive without permanent harm.

  The knot that was just another of so many swelled within her, seeming impossibly large from this angle. He gripped her hair in his fist as they remained locked together, forcing her eyes to meet his as he searched her face.

  If whatever he saw pleased him, Castor withheld any evidence of it from
his expression. She instinctively dropped her eyes after only the first moment, the intensity of his gaze too much for her fragile mental state. Again and again, he exploded inside her until dollops of his spending leaked out to run down her thighs.

  When the knot finally subsided, Aura slipped off of his broad body and scurried on her back to the edge of the furs. It was obvious she couldn’t quite comprehend what was happening to her but felt an overwhelming urge to be as far from him as possible.

  He made no move to stop her, but Castor watched her closely. When she hit the edge of the furs, he growled with a tone that was low and threatening, nothing like the low hum that had caused abundant fluid to spill from her channel.

  The windows of the small cabin were small, but the door was closer to her than him by several feet. Without stopping to think through the consequences, she lunged for the only exit.


  The harsh roar froze her in her tracks. Aura collapsed to the ground, shivering uncontrollably as every nerve ending jangled out of tune. Shaking, she tried to control the frantic quivering of her limbs. But in less than a moment, he was on her and dragging her back to the furs.

  Aura landed hard on her back as he rose over her, face furious. Her heart beat an angry tattoo as she flinched away from him. With nowhere to run, she waited for the first blow to fall.

  And waited.

  Several excruciating seconds passed before she could bear to squeeze open her eyes and look back up at him. The Alpha only stared down at her, his rage hidden behind the carefully blank mask that he had fixed on his features.

  Aura looked away, unable to meet his gaze for long.

  “Is not safe.” He said finally, enunciating each word with a cadence that seemed strange to her as if they were difficult to recall. “You stay.”


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