Pairing with the Protector

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Pairing with the Protector Page 23

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Yeah, Whitney—just one song,” Sophie begged. She had on a t-shirt with a large black P painted on it and had used makeup to give herself a black eye. “I’m a black-eyed P, get it?” she’d said when Whitney asked. “Please,” she said again. “Please—just one song?”

  “Well…” Whitney sighed. She was used to being asked to sing at parties and she usually didn’t mind. But tonight she just wasn’t feeling it. Still, she hated to disappoint her friends. “All right,” she relented, taking the microphone back at last. “One song.”

  “Goody! And I get to pick it! I’m coming up with you—but not to sing,” Kat said hastily. “I couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket.”

  “Works for me.” Whitney was glad to have some support. “Come on.”

  The two of them went up on the small karaoke stage and Kat began flipping through the selections.

  Whitney sighed and looked down at the assembled crowd…and that was when she saw him.

  Golden eyes looked up at hers through the holes in a black mask and she felt a surge of emotion coming through their bond. Her heart throbbed and she forced herself to look away as she grabbed Kat’s arm.

  “Change of plans,” she whispered, barely able to get the words out. “I’m picking the song.”

  Rafe knew she had seen him. He had felt the surge of recognition through their bond. He wanted to go to her at once and tell her how sorry he was, but she was up on the small stage with Kat and he couldn’t interrupt her. All around him people were having fun, laughing and joking—all dressed in outlandish outfits, most of which meant nothing to him. But he only had eyes for Whitney as she raised the microphone and began to sing.

  “If I…should stay…I would only be in your way. So I’ll go…but I know I’ll think of you, every step of the way…”

  Rafe’s heart clenched. Gods, she was singing to him. Singing a farewell that made him ache inside.

  “Bittersweet memories…that is all I’m taking with me. So goodbye…please don’t cry. We both know I’m not what you need…

  But I will always love you! Oh, I will always love you!”

  The words made his eyes hot and his heart burn in his chest. Gods, he didn’t deserve her! But unworthy as he was, he couldn’t help himself.

  “Whitney,” he said hoarsely, coming up to take her hand as she finally descended the stage. “Can we talk?”


  “All right—here we are. What do you want to talk about?” Whitney was on her guard—afraid to hope for too much as they finally entered her suite. Had Rafe somehow learned that she was pregnant and now he had come to talk about the babies? But surely not—only Kat and Liv and Sophie and Commander Sylvan knew and they had all been sworn to the strictest secrecy. So then why had he come?

  “I wanted to tell you…to try…to try and explain,” he began. “About how…why I acted the way I did.”

  Whitney pulled her hand away at once.

  “Save it,” she said flatly. “I already heard your ‘it’s not you it’s me’ speech— once was enough for me.”

  “No, damn it!” Rafe burst out. “I came to tell you that I love you!” He took a deep breath and ran a hand through his wild black hair. “I love you…even though I know I don’t deserve you,” he ended, almost in a whisper.

  “You…you do?” Whitney tried not to get her hopes up. After all, she had already known that he loved her—but she also knew he didn’t want to love her either.

  “I didn’t want to love you because I was afraid,” Rafe admitted in a low, harsh voice. “I was afraid of losing you…of losing the woman I loved for the second time.”

  Whitney shook her head. “I’m sorry, Rafe—I don’t understand.”

  “Which is why I must explain.”

  “Please do.” Whitney sat on the couch and watched as the big Kindred started pacing in front of the fireplace, running his long fingers through his hair and looking down at her carpet as he spoke.

  “Over ten years ago now, I was bonded to another,” he said, his voice still low and filled with pain. “Her name was Tenda and I loved her more than my own life. We lived on Rageron, the home planet of my people, just on the edge of the Deep Blue.”

  “The huge jungle you told me about,” Whitney said.

  He nodded. “The same. The Deep Blue is full of predators but I had cleared the field around the back of our home and I did not think any would dare to come within our boundaries.” He took a deep breath. “In that, I was wrong.”

  “Oh,” Whitney murmured, but was afraid to say more. Clearly it was hard for Rafe to tell her this—he had a look on his face like a man choking up nails—but just as clearly he was determined to get through it.

  “One day when Tenda was heavy with our first born son, she strayed to the edge of our boundaries, gathering jinja blossoms. A xenox saw her—they are big feral felines with deep blue fur and fangs as long as my finger.”

  He demonstrated by hooking two fingers in the air and Whitney shuddered.

  “It carried her away,” Rafe said. “Before she could even scream—though I heard her screams well enough as I followed her.” He bowed his head, his broad shoulders hunched with the unbearable pain of loss. “I chased the beast and fought it—those are where the scars on my chest and abdomen came from. It nearly disemboweled me.”

  Whitney put a hand to her mouth.

  “Oh Rafe no—I’m so sorry.”

  He shrugged, obviously trying to rein in his emotions, though she still felt them loud and clear through their bond.

  “I lived. Tenda did not. She and our unborn child died in the attack.” His hands clenched into fists. “The attack I was too slow to prevent. I couldn’t save them, Whitney. And I vowed to myself never to love a female again.”

  “I understand,” she whispered and she did. His feelings of love and longing for her, mixed up with feelings of regret were clear now. “You were afraid to love me because you didn’t want to lose me the way you lost her,” she murmured.

  Rafe nodded. “As I said, I was a coward not to tell you before. But somehow the words…would not come.”

  “I can understand why. Some things are too awful to talk about,” Whitney told him gently. “And if you don’t want to be together because that memory is too painful, well, I understand that too.”

  “No!” he said fiercely, looking up at her. “No, I want you, Whitney. And I love you. I just don’t deserve you.”

  “Yes, you do.” Whitney got up and went to him. Reaching up, she put her arms around his neck and pulled him down. “You protected me, Rafe—that whole time we were on that awful planet. You were willing to be killed if it would save my life—you stood by me the whole time. You do deserve me and both of us deserve happiness. So we deserve each other.”

  “Truly?” His golden eyes were hopeful. “Do you really feel that way, mon’dalla?”

  His use of the tender nickname which he hadn’t called her in so long seemed to melt Whitney’s heart…and heat up her blood at the same time.

  “Come over here on the couch with me and I’ll show you how I feel,” she murmured through their link.

  Rafe’s golden eyes grew half-lidded and he allowed her to lead him over to the broad, black leather couch which was warm from the heat of the fire burning in the grate. But when she would have sat beside him, he shook his head and drew her down into his lap, straddling him.

  “No, sit here with me, mon’dalla,” he murmured, reaching up to cup her cheek and bring her down for a kiss. “Let me show you how grateful I am that you have forgiven me.”

  Whitney could feel the hard bulge of his shaft through the tight black leather trousers he wore and she wiggled against it eagerly. Her hormones were surging and she suddenly felt almost as needy as she had after eating the special food or sniffing the tweedle weed.

  “Mmm…you have too many clothes on,” she accused him breathlessly as he kissed her and ran his big, warm hands up and down her sides.

  “I could say th
e same for you, you know,” he murmured. “What if we disrobe together?”

  Whitney nodded, grinning a little.

  “You know, after spending days in that cage butt-naked, I swore I would never be nude again. But I think I could make an exception right now.”

  “Good.” Rafe got up and stripped off his trousers and shirt and boots until he was as bare as he had been their whole time on the giant planet.

  Whitney was about to get undressed too but then she remembered her baby bump and felt suddenly shy.

  “What is it, Whitney? I feel your uncertainty through our bond.” Rafe settled on the couch again and patted his lap. “Come sit with me again and tell me what is wrong.”

  Whitney straddled him again—very aware of the long, hard shaft poking up between his thighs—and looked into his golden eyes, trying to think how to explain.

  “It might be better if I show you rather than telling you,” she said at last. “It’s…hard for me to say out loud.”

  He nodded. “All right—show me then.”

  Taking a deep breath, Whitney untied the top of the loose Cleopatra gown and let it slip from her shoulders and pool around her hips. Her full breasts—which had gotten considerably bigger and more tender—were exposed, but so was her gently rounded abdomen with its baby bump.

  “Gods, mon’dalla—so beautiful,” Rafe groaned, taking her in. “But…” he stopped, his eyes lingering on the way her abdomen was rounded outward. “Goddess,” he murmured. “Are you…?”

  “Pregnant,” Whitney finished for him. Lifting her chin, she added, “It must have happened at the Tweedle Beautiful show, when we bonded. Liv thinks the special food Mama Tusker gave me accelerated the growth—that’s why I’m showing so much already.”

  “Gods,” he murmured again and placed his big, warm hands carefully on her belly. “I had no idea.” He looked up at her suddenly. “This is what you were hiding! This is why you wanted so desperately to come home.”

  “I wanted to get a test done and find out for sure if what I suspected was true,” Whitney admitted.

  “But…why not tell me?” He shook his head in apparent confusion. “Why hide it from me?”

  “I didn’t want you to feel obligated to stay with me just because I was carrying your baby. Well, actually babies,” she corrected herself.

  “Babies? Plural?” His golden eyes grew wide. “You’re having twins?”

  Whitney shook her head.

  “Triplets—all three boys,” she confessed. “Again, probably because of the special food. But they’re all perfectly healthy,” she added.

  “Gods—sons! Three sons.” Rafe’s face was filled with wonder. “This is amazing, Whitney! I don’t know how you concealed it from me.”

  “Well, I won’t be able to conceal it from anyone for very much longer,” Whitney told him. “Because of the special food accelerating the pregnancy, I’m due to give birth in six months.”

  “Only six months!” Rafe exclaimed. “But we have so much to do! We must get a nursery ready, think of names, call all of your kin and invite them to the birth celebration, and so much more!”

  Whitney bit her lip.

  “Then…you’re not upset? Because I’m not going to lie, most guys who found out they were on the hook for three babies after only one night of sex would not be happy.”

  “I am not ‘most guys’,” Rafe growled indignantly. “I am your mate. And I will be your husband too, if you want to have a Joining Ceremony before our boys are born. We are going to raise these children together, Whitney, as a family the way the Goddess intended.”

  “Oh, Rafe!” Tears of joy filled her eyes and she threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tight. Her last fear—the worry that he wouldn’t want the babies—finally evaporated and now she felt completely happy and comfortable with him.

  Rafe put his arms around her and pulled her close, the tender tips of her breasts pressing against the hard wall of his chest as he ran his big, warm hands up and down her back. His gentle touch sent shivers down her spine and Whitney moaned and pressed against him.

  “Mmm, that feels so good!” she murmured, lowering herself more into his lap to feel the broad head of his shaft brushing between her legs. “I love being close to you.”

  “I love being close to you too, mon’dalla,” Rafe murmured in her ear. “But I suppose this is as close as we can get for a little while—at least until the babies are born.”

  “What? Why?” Whitney pulled back to look at him, laughing. His face was completely serious. “You’re afraid you’ll hurt the babies if we make love?” she guessed.

  “Well…won’t we?” Rafe asked, frowning. “I mean, they are still so small and vulnerable…” He put a hand on her stomach again, caressingly.

  “They’ll be fine,” Whitney told him firmly. “Liv said as much the last time she examined me. Though of course at that time I didn’t think there was any way I’d be having sex while I was pregnant.”

  “How can it be safe?” Rafe argued. “They are tiny and I am…not small, though I do not like to brag.” He nodded down between his legs, where his shaft rose long and thick between them.

  “You certainly are not small, but you still won’t hurt them,” Whitney premised him. “Look, what if we did it very gently and very slowly and I stayed on top of you like this the whole time, just to make sure? Would that make you feel better?”

  Rafe still looked uncertain but when Whitney threatened to call Liv on the Think-me and ask her to repeat that everything would be okay, he finally consented.

  “All right,” he said at last. “But very slowly and very gently. You can take me into you but I won’t move unless you tell me to.”

  Whitney thought privately that he had more self-control than any man she’d ever been with—and certainly more control than she had herself. Her hormones were surging and now that they were finally back together, she wanted to feel her man inside her, bonding the two of them together all over again.

  “I want that too, mon’dalla,” Rafe sent through their link. “More than I can say. Come down on me now—take me deep into your sweet, wet pussy.”

  Whitney was more than happy to comply. As he filled her all the way until his mating fist swelled in her pussy and tied them together, she knew she was in for a long night of bonding.

  “You’re right about that,” Rafe informed her. “Come, mon’dalla—let me suck your sweet nipples while you ride my cock.”

  His hot words excited her and Whitney thrust out her breasts, giving him access to her tender nipples, now so sensitive that even the brush of his tongue over them sent sparks of pleasure down between her thighs.

  “So full, so sweet,” Rafe sent through their link, as he lapped and sucked her tender buds. “Gods, I love filling you with my shaft and my seed. Love knowing that I made you pregnant.”

  “I…I love it too,” Whitney admitted breathlessly. “God, Rafe, I’m getting so close…But I need…need something more.”

  “I know what you need.”

  Still sucking her nipples, he reached down to where they were joined and the broad pad of his thumb found the swollen bud of her clit.

  Whitney moaned and threw back her head as he stroked gently inside her and slowly rubbed her to orgasm. It was the sweetest, most tender love-making session she had ever had—and the most intense. It was made even better this time knowing that they were alone and she wasn’t out of her head on drugged alien food, too.

  “I agree—this time is better,” Rafe murmured through their link. And as her orgasm swelled to overtake her, he added, “Gods, mon’dalla—can’t hold out any longer now that I feel your sweet pussy clenching around me. I need to come inside you—are you ready for my seed?”

  “Yes!” Whitney moaned. “Oh God, yes, Rafe—take me—fill me up!”

  He pulled her even closer and she felt his shaft swell to stretch her inner walls to the limit as something hot and wet spurted inside her.

  Coming…he’s com
ing inside me and we’re never going to be apart again, she thought deliriously.

  “No, never again!” Rafe echoed her thought. “I’ll love and protect you and our sons forever, mon’dalla. And we’ll never be parted again.”

  And as she was held in the arms of her mate and Rafe bonded her to him again and again, Whitney knew her whole life had changed and she would never regret…Pairing with the Protector.

  Leave a Review

  Want more Kindred? Of course you do! Never fear, there are always more Kindred Tales on the way. In the meantime, if you have enjoyed Pairing with the Protector, please take a moment to leave a short review. The e-book market has become incredibly crowded so good reviews are like gold for an author—they let new readers know it's okay to take a chance on a new series. Plus they give me the warm fuzzies.

  Thanks for being such an awesome reader and happy Weeny-Howls, as Rafe would say!

  ; ) Hugs and Happy Reading,


  And now read on for a sneak peek of TANDEM UNIT, available November 9, 2019.

  Available November 9, 2019

  From strange alien encounters to futuristic science to wild sex, it’s all in there. Blakely and Holt are heroes to die for, alpha males with a sensitive side.

  Bound together by the tandem chips implanted in their skulls–they feel each other’s emotions, share each other’s memories, and share the same desires.

  Yet that’s not all they share, the chip makes it impossible for them not to share the same woman.

  Still there’s only a one in a million chance that they’re ever going to find one who can handle the intense pleasure their bond creates when they share her. Enter Sadie, a spunky heroine with a repressive upbringing, who wants what they offer but is afraid to reach for happiness.

  Note: This books has previously been published as Take Two.


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