Quadruple Duty: All or Nothing - A Military Reverse Harem Romance

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Quadruple Duty: All or Nothing - A Military Reverse Harem Romance Page 2

by Krista Wolf

  “Take me.”

  I bounced onto the bed. My hair fell over my face as I looked up at them with my best, most sultry expression.

  “The four of you… I want you all,” I breathed. “Take your fiancé now.”

  Kyle smiled and started forward immediately. But Dakota’s hand on his shoulder stopped him.

  “Dinner first, bro. Remember?”

  My heart sank. My body was ready to scream in protest.

  “He’s right,” said Jason. “The other three of us are starving. It was a long flight. The food was inedible.”

  “And we’re already dressed!” said Ryan. He yanked uncomfortably at the tie around his neck. “I didn’t put this thing on for nothing, you know.”

  I couldn’t believe they were actually serious! I leaned back on the bed, spreading myself before them. Intentionally I let the towel wrapped around my waist fall away, displaying my bikini…

  “You sure you don’t want dessert first?” I winked. “Dinner afterward?”

  Dakota stood firm. But I could see Jason’s resolve slipping.

  “C’mon,” I purred. “I’m not really your fiancé until we all christen this bed together.” I patted the spots on either side of me. “Those are the rules.”

  Dakota shook his head in disbelief. Ryan just laughed and looked away.

  “Really? Those are the rules?”

  I smiled and hooked a finger sexily into one corner of my mouth. “Uh huh.”

  Kyle moved forward again, and this time Jason came with him. I could feel my skin going flush with excitement as they crawled up on either side of me.

  “You’re fighting dirty,” lamented Dakota. “You know that?”

  I blew him a kiss, giggling on the inside. “C’mon baby,” I pouted. “How often do you get to eat dessert before dinner?”

  He didn’t answer, so I stretched out, cat-like, across the bed. My blonde hair flowed down either side of my shoulders as I scissored my long legs.

  Ryan folded under the pressure, stepping forward. Jason and Kyle were already kissing either side of my neck, their hands reaching for my body.

  “I promise I’ll make it up to you,” I cooed at Jason, raising a hopeful eyebrow. I maintained eye contact with him even as Kyle began kissing me. Kept a steady gaze, as Jason’s fingertips traced their way up the insides of my thighs…


  Reaching down to my hip, I pulled on the tiny string tie of my bikini bottoms. Looking Dakota right in his crystal blue eyes, I bit my lip and offered it to him.

  “Fine,” he sighed finally, pulling at his collar. “But if we’re gonna do this right now?”

  I gulped, half with excitement, half with the breathless anticipation of what was coming next. I hadn’t been with the four of them at once in way too long.

  “You’re getting every last inch of what you’re asking for…”



  “So…. How’s engaged life?”

  Melissa grinned at me from her own treadmill, which she’d slowed down to what I called ‘gossip speed’. It enabled us to keep our conversation low and comfortable, but still be drowned out in every other direction by the constant whir of the machines’ motors.

  “It’s amazing,” I said proudly. “Just like the last time you asked.”

  She chuckled, her light-hearted laugh echoing through our little corner of the gym. “Should I stop asking?”

  “Hell no,” I grinned. “A girl never gets tired of such a question.”

  I glanced down at my ring, reflexively. Or rather, my rings. Gold for Kyle, my sexy soldier. Platinum for Dakota, my dirty-blond giant. Rose gold for Ryan, as emotionally complex as the alloy itself, and brushed palladium to represent Jason, so strong and beautiful.

  It had been six months since Bora Bora. Six months since the most amazing engagement any girl’s ever likely to have. An engagement filled with the most love, the most laughter, the most excitement…

  And of course, the most life-changing, mind-erasing, four-on-one sex.

  “You got a date all picked out yet?”

  “No,” I lamented. “That part’s tough. It’ll depend on them all being home at once, of course. And then there’s the other factor…”

  The other factor. The one part of the whole beautiful equation that nagged at me, more and more, as the weeks and months went by.

  “Still nothing?” Melissa asked.


  “It’ll happen, Sammara,” she said reassuringly. “Don’t sweat it.”

  “I know,” I said, more out of reflex than anything. “I’m… I’m really not.”

  A long stretch of silence passed. It almost got awkward, but Melissa smiled and swooped in.

  “It’s probably just stress,” she said. “Stress about work, stress about the expansion. Your business is growing faster than you can keep up with it,” she went on. “That’s a good thing!”

  A good thing. Yes, it definitely was. Since starting Universal Designs almost three years ago, it had blossomed from a decorating and staging service into a full-blown renovations company. And then last year…

  Last year I’d brought things to a whole different level.

  My ultimate goal — my dream, really — was to not only renovate, but actually build too. As much as I loved restoring old, historic properties, I wanted to somehow be involved in their creation as well.

  And then it hit me… or rather, Kyle had suggested it one night. We were curled up on the couch together, after a particularly long marathon of old, scary movies.

  “You really love renovating these old places,” he’d said, “but you hate destroying them with new construction.”


  “So why don’t you build all new construction… of historic old floor-plans?”

  By the time he’d finished saying it, my mind had already been blown.

  “Think about it, Sammara. You could create one-hundred percent accurate, vintage homes, modeled exactly as they would’ve been built two-hundred years ago. Only with central air-conditioning and high-speed internet,” he winked.

  It made so much sense I was almost sick with excitement. I could create masterpieces of architecture that no longer existed, using modern engineering and upgraded materials. CNC machines to model even the most complicated trims and finishes.

  I could build antebellum mansions! Georgian manors. Beautiful old Victorians, like the one we lived in now…

  “Is Cindy still handling the other end of things for you?”


  “How’s she doing?”

  I smiled, pumping my arms as the treadmill’s program randomly selected a new hill to climb. “She’s kicking ass, actually.”

  Cindy had started as my assistant. Now she was my second-in-command. She was smart, capable, energetic — everything I needed her to be. But she’d never be my partner. Not after what happened with Dawn…

  “Oh, I meant to tell you…” Melissa said hesitantly. “I uh… I ran into Dawn.”

  It was uncanny, how things like that could happen during conversation. Yet they always did.

  “Yeah? And what’d she say?”

  Melissa laughed. “You think I’d actually talk to her? After what she pulled?”

  “No,” I smiled. “You’re a loyal friend.”

  “Damn straight!”

  “I just figured… maybe she might talk to you?”

  My friend shook her head as she wiped her brow. “She knows better than that. Besides, she looked like shit warmed over. I heard she finally got back into the business. After… well, you know…”

  Yeah, I knew. Dawn had actually been the catalyst for Universal Designs. If she hadn’t robbed me — and our interior design business — of every last piece I owned? I wouldn’t be anywhere near where I was now.

  That, plus the help I received from Jason and Ryan, of course. The two of them had shown me how to fight back. In the dead of night. With a couple of box trucks, an
d a crew of movers, and—

  “So where are we having the wedding?” Melissa asked, changing the subject. “Do we know that yet?”

  I smiled inwardly at her enthusiasm. “No.”

  “Destination wedding!”



  I laughed. “We’ll see.”

  “I’m still the maid of honor, right?”

  “Last time I checked, yeah.” I let my expression suddenly go very serious. “Unless you cross me, of course.” I scrunched my face at her, making my eyes very narrow. “Do that, and I’d have to bring the pain!”

  Melissa made a muscle and pointed to it mid-stride. “I’ve got the pain right here, bitch!”

  We laughed some more, then kicked up the speed for the last twenty minutes and finished our workout. I watched my friend as she snagged some paper towels and dutifully sprayed and wiped down our machines.

  Melissa was the one true friend I had, and the only one who accepted my lifestyle without judgment. Of course she’d be my maid of honor. She was everything to me.

  We grabbed our water bottles and headed out, parting ways at the parking lot. Before we did, Melissa laid a comforting hand on my shoulder.

  “Hey honey,” she said. “I want you to listen, and listen good.”

  I tried to smile as I looked up at her. But it was hard.

  “You’re over-extended. That’s all it is.”

  “I know. Thanks.”

  She looked me up and down and grinned. “And with all four of the guys home right now?” She rolled her eyes. “I’m sure you’re overextended in more ways than one.”

  I stuck my tongue out at her as she laughed. “Ha ha.”

  She leaned forward quickly and pecked me sweetly on the cheek. “Bye bitch,” she said, dropping her sunglasses over her eyes. Then she turned, whipped out her car keys, and began walking away.

  Damn, I loved her. She really was the best.

  “Until the next torture session!” she called over her shoulder.



  We’d skipped our mid-week date, but it was one of those rainy nights where you really just wanted to be inside. One of those really cool storms that made you feel snug and cozy and safe under your own roof.

  Besides, Sammara and I were alone in the house for once. And while I loved sharing my beautiful fiancé with my three best brothers-in-arms, having her to myself now and then felt like a forbidden treat.

  “Mmmmm…” she moaned, squirming into the bed. “Right there…”

  I twisted down with the heel of my palm, giving the small of her back just the right amount of pressure. Sammara was sprawled face-down across her own bed, breathtakingly naked. She squirmed beneath the touch of my oiled hands as they glided over the warm surface of her well-oiled body.

  “You’re the absolute best at this,” she groaned into her pillow. “You know that?”

  I laughed, making tight circles with my thumbs. “I’ll bet you say that to all the boys.”

  She turned her head sideways, her golden hair falling over her perfect face. “It would definitely be in my best interests to lie,” she agreed. “But right now I’m telling—” She sucked in a sharp breath. “Ooohhh.. Yes!”

  I listened to her moan a few moments longer before clearing her throat. “Right now I’m telling the truth…”

  It was always hot, admiring her body. Especially prone like this, every last curve laid out at my fingertips. My gaze dropped again, back to her magnificent ass. She had a magnificent everything really, but I was gradually learning I was an ass man before anything else.


  I applied more oil, then more pressure. She jumped at both.

  “Oh my God, Kyle…”

  It was truly amazing, finding her the way we did. Plucking her from a seemingly endless sea of imperfect candidates, for our over-the-top, borderline crazy arrangement.

  And yet the arrangement wasn’t actually so crazy. The four us shared a long string of failed relationships. Duties, extended tours, sudden deployments; these things were a way of life for anyone in the armed forces. They put a strain on even the best relationships, even the strongest of marriages.

  But for Army Rangers like us? It was an even tougher thing to deal with.

  Sharing a single partner — rather than the four of us trying to keep four women happy — seemed just crazy enough to work. But it would have to be a special kind of woman. Someone who could put aside the taboos associated with being shared without jealousy, someone who could grow to love four people equally, and receive their love too.

  “My ass again?” Sammara giggled. “You’re back there already?”

  I smiled guiltily. “Gotta make sure I got all the knots out.”

  I just couldn’t help it, her ass looked too good. The oil felt too slippery. Too hot.

  She moaned appreciatively as I kneaded her two warm, symmetrical globes. My fingers dipped dangerously lower. As always, they began to explore.

  “You know,” I said nonchalantly, “every time we swap massages, it starts and ends the same way.”

  “It does?”


  “Okay, let’s hear it.”

  My hands glided into her thigh gap as I kneaded even lower.

  “Well it always starts with you asking to go first… and promising to do me afterward.”

  Sammara let out something that was half laughter, half sigh. “Well…” she purred. “Don’t I do you afterward?”

  Shit. She had me there.

  “Yes… but—”

  “Then our arrangement is fulfilled.”

  I heard her giggle, so I slapped her ass playfully with one hand. At the same time, my other hand slid slowly upward… until my fingers grazed the warmth and wetness of her sex.

  “One day,” I said, letting my voice go low and seductive, “I’ll get my massage.”

  Her breathing was heavier now, silent in anticipation of what came next. I decided to tease her. Ever so slowly, the tip of my first finger parted her tender folds. She was absolutely drenched.

  “This what you want?”

  She nodded into the pillow, eyes closed, her lips full and kissable. I leaned forward to cover her mouth with mine. To breathe her in, kissing her softly, our tongues exploring each other in slow, tentative circles.


  She squirmed downward, but I moved my hand in the same direction. Just the tip of my finger was still inside her. Nothing more.

  “Kyle… come on!”

  “What?” I asked innocently, moaning the word into her mouth.

  “You— You have to…”

  She screwed her hips, and this time I let her have her way. Two thick fingers entered her, all slick and wet. I pushed upward, burying them deep.


  I was a sucker when it came to teasing her, and I could never last long. I wanted it just as much as she did. She knew it too.

  It played out slowly, to the sounds of the rain. Sammara screwed herself into my hand while I chewed her shoulder, both of us listening to the big droplets as they pattered loudly off the old, lead-paned glass.


  She breathed my name more than said it, which was always music to my ears. I loved the way she spoke my name. I loved her voice, soft and feminine. Her moans, her whimpers, so sultry. So sexy…

  “I—I’m close, Kyle… I—”

  My fingers had been sawing in and out of her, more rapidly as her excitement grew. Just before she came however, I pushed forward and made my hand rigid. I held it there and let her screw downward, rubbing the underside of my knuckles against her pelvic bone. She cried out in orgasmic release, while clawing the pillow with both hands in some sort of adorable death-grip.

  By now, I knew what my girl liked.

  I slid up alongside her as she came floating down, all grins and smiles. Her body was slippery against mine. There was oil practically everywhere.

  “Okay. Your turn.”

  She began with her hand, stroking me up and down. Helping me out of my boxers, until I was naked on my back. I closed my eyes for a moment, focusing on the feel of her warm, oil-soaked fingers wrapped tightly around my manhood. Dragging them slowly up and down. Squeezing gently, just beneath the head.

  I wasn’t at all surprised when she threw a leg over me. Sammara sank all the way down on my cock in a single, lubricated thrust. We both groaned simultaneously, then smiled.

  “You’re right about me not wanting to give up control,” she breathed, placing a hand on my chest.

  “Are you referring to our conversation from earlier?”

  Her eyes closed, but she nodded. We’d been talking about work. About how she needed to hire someone else, but she was too much of a control freak to take on another assistant.

  “Let me show you how much I like control…”

  She reached back, and I felt her warm, slender fingers travel over my balls. I hissed through clenched teeth as she closed her palm over them.

  “Shoot it in me, Kyle.”

  It felt incredible, the way she was rolling her hips. The gentle squeeze of her hand on my balls, coaxing me… urging me to come with my cock buried so deeply inside her.

  “Put it deep, baby. Please…”

  I could’ve held off, but there wasn’t a point. Instead I let go, digging my hands into her hips as I came. Sliding them up to her breasts in order to feel the full weight of them in my hands…

  “Awwww, yes! That’s it…”

  I climaxed with a guttural groan, shooting so hard and so deep inside her I almost blacked out. And through it all she stayed there, rocking her body. Holding my eyes prisoner in her own sapphire blue orbs, while she smiled and grunted and rode me past the point of completion.

  She collapsed forward when she was done, leaving us chest to chest, face to face. Her blonde hair crashed downward, enveloping our heads in a waterfall of golden curls that surrounded us on all sides.

  “I love you,” she smiled, and kissed me.


  Yes, our fiancé definitely had a problem giving up control. But it’s one of the things we loved most about her, too. Sammara was headstrong. Motivated. Totally unstoppable, once she set her mind on something.


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